Faculty Publications

Viktor Frankl’s (Centripetal) Leisure: An Initial Exploration

Document Type



logothérapie, loisir centrifuge, loisir centripète, viktor frankl

Journal/Book/Conference Title

Leisure/ Loisir


Viktor Emil Frankl (1905–1997) was a Jewish-Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist who founded logotherapy and spent 2.5 years incarcerated in four Nazi concentration camps. Although Frankl is a distinguished researcher and pioneer in professional counseling and psychiatry, and his book Man’s Search for Meaning has sold over 16 million copies, few writers or scholars in leisure studies or professional counseling have highlighted Frankl’s writings on leisure. This paper, an initial historical exploration, aims to bring to light Frankl's writings on leisure by examining the concept of (centripetal) leisure from these five books: The Doctor and the Soul (Frankl, 1946/2019), Man’s Search For Meaning (Frankl, 1946/1984), The Will to Meaning (Frankl 1969/1988) Viktor Frankl recollections: An autobiography (Frankl, 2000), and Yes to Life in Spite of Everything (Frankl, 2019). Future direction are outlined.


Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

Original Publication Date


DOI of published version

