Faculty Publications
What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas? Firsthand Experience And Edgar Search Activity In Las Vegas Casino Hotels
Document Type
firsthand experience, investment decisions, investor search activity
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Financial Management
What role does investors’ firsthand experience have in stock selection, and does this firsthand experience lead to better investment outcomes? Using a unique data set containing the stock research activities of patrons of Las Vegas casino hotels, we find evidence that investors’ firsthand experience motivates interest in Vegas-related travel industry stocks. Additionally, their interest in these stocks predicts strong performance; Vegas interest leads to positive abnormal returns of up to 3.7% (0.4%) over the following year (month), and abnormal returns are highest in industries that are related to Las Vegas.
Department of Finance
Original Publication Date
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Recommended Citation
Flugum, Ryan; Lee, Choonsik; and Souther, Matthew E., "What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas? Firsthand Experience And Edgar Search Activity In Las Vegas Casino Hotels" (2023). Faculty Publications. 5428.