Faculty Publications

Exploring Chinese Early Childhood Teachers’ Mathematical Belief Profiles and Associated Teacher Characteristics

Document Type


Journal/Book/Conference Title

Early Education and Development


Research Findings: This study explored the mathematical belief profiles of Chinese early childhood teachers and examined the associations with teacher characteristics. A total of 391 teachers completed the Early Childhood Teacher Mathematical Belief Scale, of which 36 teachers were interviewed to provide further information. The latent profile analysis identified three distinct mathematical belief profiles: (1) Constructivist profile, (2) Mixed high constructivist and traditional profile, and (3) Mixed low constructivist and traditional profile. Teachers with bianzhi, more than 15 years of teaching experience, and having received professional development in early math were more likely to adopt a Constructivist profile. Practice or Policy: The results showed there are intra-cultural variations in Chinese teachers’ beliefs about early math teaching and learning. This study highlights the need for early childhood teacher educators and policymakers to consider how to help teachers find an appropriate balance between western pedagogies and Chinese traditions.


Department of Special Education

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