Faculty Publications
Idealizing Nativeness vs. Embracing Nonnativeness: A Case Study on L2 Pronunciation Teachers’ Identity
Document Type
case study, EFL teachers, L2 pronunciation, non-native teachers, teacher identity
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Language Teaching Research
One aspect in second language (L2) pronunciation that has not been explored in depth in contexts of English as a foreign language (EFL) is language teacher identity of pronunciation teachers, particularly of nonnative-speaking (NNS) teachers. Examining the factors that underlie their professional identity is of particular relevance to pronunciation instruction. Using a case study design that included semi-structured individual interviews, reflexive personal documents, and a focus-group interview, this study identifies and analyses factors that underlie a group of NNS pronunciation teachers’ professional identity. The participants in this study were NNS pronunciation teachers at a higher-education institution in Costa Rica (Central America), an EFL context. The findings indicate a lack of formal pronunciation-teaching training at all levels in their careers for these teachers. However, while these teachers made a clear distinction between being native speakers (NSs) and NNS through a clear idealization of nativeness, they gained linguistic and professional legitimacy for teaching pronunciation because of their knowledge of English phonetics/phonology, and general language teaching pedagogy. The results are discussed in terms of implications for teacher training in pronunciation pedagogy.
Department of Languages and Literatures
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Gordon, Joshua and Barrantes-Elizondo, Lena, "Idealizing Nativeness vs. Embracing Nonnativeness: A Case Study on L2 Pronunciation Teachers’ Identity" (2024). Faculty Publications. 5661.