Faculty Publications
Taking a Rhetorical Perspective on Emerging Communication Practice: Pedagogy as Theory-Building Scholarship
Document Type
complex adaptive systems, rhetorical norms, rhetorical theory
Journal/Book/Conference Title
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
Despite management theorists’ decades-long attention to the robust sustainability of complex organizations, adaptive management practices remain undertheorized. Management is evolving from a hierarchically organized effort in pursuit of strategically determined goals into a facilitation of layered, distributed, autonomous agents able to learn from their errors and ensure the entire system’s long-term survivability. A rhetorical perspective on pedagogy allows us to better prepare our students for success in the 21st century’s adaptive organization as well as contribute to theoretical scholarship of effective organizations.
Department of Management
Original Publication Date
DOI of published version
Recommended Citation
Cyphert, Dale, "Taking a Rhetorical Perspective on Emerging Communication Practice: Pedagogy as Theory-Building Scholarship" (2023). Faculty Publications. 5490.