Faculty Publications

IoT In The Air: Thread-Enabled Flying IoT Network For Indoor Environments

Document Type



CrazyFlie, Flying Mesh Networks, IoT, OpenThread

Journal/Book/Conference Title

2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2023

First Page


Last Page



In this work, we address the problem of connecting an Internet of Flying Things (IoFT) network in a robust, reliable, and resilient manner. Such a network is apt for the indoor use cases where not only we need fast network establishment but, the network should also be able to seamlessly adapt to frequent topology changes and power-efficient as well. We build an indoor IoFT prototype with CrazyFlie 2.1 drones that are specially equipped with NRF52840 chips capable of operating with the latest IoT standard- Thread. We evaluate the prototype for networking metrics such as, latency and throughput. Our initial evaluation reveals that this novel flying multihop mesh architecture can support up to 50 Kbps of throughput with the average latency30 ms. We quantify network resilience with the time taken for a new route to take effect in the event of losing the previous connection. Our experiments reveal that the network restores within a minimum of 5 seconds in case of a partial node failure to a maximum of 30 seconds in case of a complete failure.


Department of Computer Science

Original Publication Date


DOI of published version

