UNI Science Education Program Graduate Research Papers | Graduate Program | University of Northern Iowa

Non-Thesis Project Papers


This collection contains graduate research papers by students in the Science Education Program.

The Graduate Research Paper is a non-thesis paper or project, which can be considered the capstone of the graduate program. For the paper, students synthesize information they have learned throughout the program and apply it to the field experience. To view the Award Winners, click here.

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Submissions from 2024


Measurement: The Forgotten Unit: Introduction to Quantitative Data Acquisition in Ninth Grade Physical Science, James F. Duff Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Evaluating the Impact of Model-Evidence-Link Charts in Seventh-Grade Student’s Ability to Engage in Scientific Argumentation over Plant Reproductive Structures, Josephine Libby Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Evaluating the Impact of an OpenSciEd Natural Selection Unit on Students’ Understanding of Disciplinary Core Ideas and Transfer of Scientific and Engineering Practices, Austin Read Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Evaluation of a Plate Tectonic NGSS-Designed Unit in Ninth-Grade Earth and Space Science Using an EQuIP Rubric, Amber Rose Heller Sherwood Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The Impact on Growth of the Scientific and Engineering Practices Throughout the Semester in 9th Grade Earth Science, Mallory Wills-Howe Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2023


A Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Aligned 3rd Grade Weather Unit, Jennifer Hageman Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Development and Implementation of a NGSS Curriculum Unit for Astronomy in Ninth-Grade Earth and Space Science, Jessica Hughes Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2022


Identifying misconceptions about evolution relative to science curriculum exposure at the secondary level, Rachel Carney Open Access Graduate Research Paper


High school earth science students evaluating agricultural solutions, Jaclyn Citlali Sanchez Erickson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Integrating the Next Generation Science Standards into a 9th grade physical science classroom using Newton's second law of motion, Chad Pietig Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2021


Analysis of assessments on secondary students' development and interpretation of models, Alaina L. Appley Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Impact of inquiry science courses on preservice elementary students' ideas on science, Lance Charles Baetsle Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Creation and implementation of an integrated climate change curriculum centered on earth and life science standards, Katherine Eastin Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Accuracy of self-assessment in a ninth grade earth science classroom, Alyssa Jacobson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Effects of stepwise guided inquiry on students' attitudes and depth of knowledge from written lab reflections in high school chemistry, Melissa Rae Campbell Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper 2022 Award


Enhancing scientific literacy through attention to argumentation as a disciplinary literacy practice, Whitney McWilliams Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Human impact on the environment: A middle school project based learning unit development, Shannon Power Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Development of a NGSS curriculum unit for periodic trends and properties in ninth-grade physical science, Amy L. Price Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Analysis of student perceptions on climate change in a rural Iowa school district, Tyler Scholl Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Immediate vs. deferred feedback during formative assessments in a 9th grade physical science course, Jordan Sonntag Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Autoethnography on teaching during a pandemic, Kelsey Ufford Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2020


Using adapted primary science literature to enhance argumentation and reasoning skills in middle school students, Betsy Wiederin Lemus Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The impact of confidence-based marking on unit exam achievement in a high school physical science course, Casey Clark Open Access Graduate Research Paper


An analysis of learning targets on summative assessments in a high school chemistry course, Mark R. Hennessy Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Utilizing pre-laboratory strategies in a high school chemistry classroom to improve performance on guided inquiry labs, Jacquelyn Schmitt Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Making the water cycle accessible and relevant for English language learners, Summer Teed Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Identification of trends in scientific communication by minority students in an integrated and advanced ninth grade science curriculum, Loren Thalacker Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2019


Using NGSS phenomena as a formative assessment to measure understanding of science concepts in a ninth grade physical science classroom, Keith Richard Kohl Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2018


Development of curriculum for Next Generation Science Standards in high school chemistry, Jennifer L. Brown Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teaching evolution and common ancestry with dissection, fossils and phylogeny, Nicolas A. Brown Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Genetics unit lesson plan for the Next Generation Science Standards, Erin Hogan Open Access Graduate Research Paper 2020 Award


Evaluation of a flipped classroom on student achievement in a low income school district, Michael Yeoman Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2017


Collaborative learning: Do two-stage quizzes positively affect students' perceptions of their understanding and achievement in high school physics?, Benjamin J. Arp Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Developing writing prompt assessments for the next generation science standards: Physical science, Kristen Ann Birchard Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Understanding by Design approach to a Next Generation Science Standard in high school chemistry: Chemical reactivity, Jill Christofferson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


First year professional learning community implementation within the Marion High School Science Department, Madilyn M. Ramaekers Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Energy, matter, and change: A high school chemistry unit development, Allison Schipper Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Strategies for integrating literacy into a science classroom, Michelle Seddon Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Development of a standards-based classroom for high school physics at Solon Community School District, Tim Sheeley Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Developing model identification skills in an advanced placement Physics 1 classroom, Ian Spangenberg Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Using the Next Generation Science Standards EQuIP Rubric: Evaluating a course in biomedical science, Brandon Yoder Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2016


Developing authentic summative assessments that correlate to the Next Generation Science Standards for a middle school science classroom, Nick Bushkofsky Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Robotics in the classroom: The effectiveness of robotics based curriculum in STEM education, Mark Nall Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Impact of problem based learning on teaching light to middle school science students, Stephanie Yager Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2015


Instruction and standards-referenced grading in a 9th grade conceptual physics classroom, John C. Chai Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Using a 5E learning cycle to adapt a college physics instructional unit for high school, Stacia Marie Kelly Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The inclusion of engineering design into the high school biology curriculum, Cody D. LaKose Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Understanding by Design unit lesson plans for the next generation science standards: life science, Arie Schiller Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Submissions from 2009


Spreadsheet Based Immediate Feedback Formative Assessments for Naïve Conception Recognition and Corrective Accommodation in the Physical Sciences, Jonnie R. Becker Open Access Graduate Research Paper