Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The goal of my Non Thesis Masters Project is the development of three instructional units that emphasize the Scientific and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and give students the opportunity to show growth in those SEPs. The three instructional units were implemented in a 9th grade Earth Science classroom over the course of the semester. In all three units students focused on the following SEPs: Asking questions, Analyzing and Interpreting Data, and Engaging in an Argument from Evidence. The content and Next Generation Science Standards that were addressed included: Unit One- Earths Changes addressing NGSS (HS-ESS2-1), Unit Two- Earths History addressing NGSS (HS-ESS1-5), and Unit Three- Natural Resources addressing (HS-ESS3-1). Throughout these units many opportunities were available for students to practice the SEPs and assess formatively and summatively. The units were designed using backwards design and the 5E learning cycle. Standards Based Grading in place of Traditional Grading was also used when calculating students progress and grades.

The scale used for Standards based grading was Exceeding, Proficient, Developing, Insufficient Evidence, and No Evidence. In order for my students to show growth and support my hypothesis, I needed to see an increase in Exceeding and Proficient scores and a decrease in Developing, Insufficient Evidence, and No Evidence over the three units. My results showed that overall my students did show growth in the SEPs over the course of the three units.

The development and implementation of these three units has changed how I approach curriculum in the future. As a whole when the focus was changed to put more emphasis on the Science and Engineering Practices students were able to improve over the course of the semester in those skills. Students were able to engage in the content in a way that was more authentic for them and as a result responded more positively.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Science Education Program

First Advisor

Lawrence Escalada

Date Original

Spring 2024

Object Description

1 PDF (90 pages)


