Graduate Student Research

Graduate Student Research


A collection of Graduate Student Research by students in the College of Education.


Theses/Dissertations from 2014


The use of school-based forgiveness education and interventions in an RTI framework, Elizabeth Watson Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Finna get locked up: The school experiences of five men labeled BD, Jill Renae Mollison Weigel Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


Effectiveness of blended learning on student engagement, Tyler Youngers Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Unregulated, untrained, and unaware: restraint and seclusion practices in educational settings, Daniel E. Zaccaro Open Access Thesis

Submissions from 2013


Reader's workshop: A new approach to integrating literacy, Ashlea M. Ahrenholtz Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


An Examination of Opposing Theoretical Perspectives: Are the Current Assessment and Instructional Practices for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Mental Health Issues Effective and Sufficient?, Karen Aldrich-Duden Open Access Dissertation


Prevalence of obesity and culturally appropriate prevention among young adolescents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Wardah Almahdi Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Immediate Heart Rate Feedback, Self-Efficacy, and Feeling States in a Vigorous Exercise Setting, Kelsey Lynn Arganbright Open Access Thesis


Improving multiplication fact recall; Interventions that lead to proficiency with mathematical facts, Brandon J. Bauer Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Self-study of my secondary reading workshop teaching practice: Struggling learners, literate identities and school absenteeism, Kayla Lynn Becker Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Cold Shoulder: An Alaskan adventure, Christine C. Berlin Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A survey of literacy instruction in public preschool programs in Iowa, Anne Marie Berthelsen Open Access Thesis


What are the effects of integrating technology into student literacy?, Lauren A. Bitetto Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Teacher perceptions of graphic novels, Katherine Block Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Getting graphic: Exploring the inferential thinking skills that are required to comprehend graphic novels, Angela Brauns Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Vocabulary instruction : becoming word conscious to support reading comprehension, Amy Evelyn Bries Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Building empathy through literacy: A review of classroom literacy practices, Alyssa J. Bruecken Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Using TPACK to promote effective language teaching in an ESL/EFL classroom, Wilson M. R. Bugueño Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Using readers theaters to help students develop reading fluency, Adrianna D. Cavanaugh Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Longitudinal analysis of perceived body image, sport commitment, burnout, and athletic injury, Erik Chaouch Open Access Thesis


The effects of explicit writing instruction, Christine M. Clark Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Comparison of student achievement, understanding, enjoyment, and motivation in mathematics units for high-achieving fifth graders with and without creative problem solving games, Kalyn Jon Cody Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of Latinos in young adult fiction, Jennifer Cole Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A training guide and reference handbook for elementary school library secretaries in the Iowa City Community School District, Lisa Collier Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Library instruction designed to support core curriculum, Julie Courter Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Artist residency programs: The present and future, Emily Coussens Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The effects of one-to-one computing for students with disabilities in an inclusive language arts class, Billie Jo Cowley Open Access Dissertation


Technology, toddlers and vocabulary development, Gwendolyn Dayton Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Perceptions of dimensions of service quality and recreational benefits in collegiate recreational sports programs, Christopher Berne Denison Open Access Dissertation


Effective comprehension strategies in the elementary classroom, Melissa Ann Determan Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The uniqueness of the English language learner : Research based strategies for English language learners, Carolyn Lindgren Dietz Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Using the instructional coaching model to implement positive behavior supports in early childhood special education programs, Heather Donoho Open Access Graduate Research Paper


College freshmen dispositional readiness: Examining the perceptions, Jennifer Dovre Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


College freshmen dispositional readiness: Examining the perceptions, Jennifer Dovre Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Literature circles and technology : a study of students' attitudes, Laura Ann Edwards Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Effect of student choice on acquisition of alphabet knowledge, Lindsey L. Fonkert Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Providing academic access to individuals with significant disabilties [sic], Lindsey Jill Frandsen Open Access Thesis


The effects of STEM inquiry practices on English language acquisition in a first grade classroom in Thailand, Rebecca J. Fuhrman-Petersen Open Access Graduate Research Paper


What are the mechanisms of action of stereotype threat and how does it contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease in African Americans, Anthony Gage Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Are students experiencing the intended outcomes of Quality Matters standards?, Maryam Ghayoorrad Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Transition to kindergarten : a project for the Grinnell-Newburg School District, Donna Godar Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The effects of peer-conferencing on writing revisions in a second grade classroom, Emily C. Guetzlaff Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Aquatic strategies and techniques and their benefit on children with autism, James G. Hall Open Access Dissertation


School wide positive behavioral and intervention supports : the effectiveness of Tier 1 strategies, Gregory James Halsor Open Access Thesis


Leading through change: A study of the role of central office leadership in the process of secondary change, Dirk A. Halupnik Open Access Dissertation


Acute effect of postactivation potentiation versus dynamic stretching plus postactivation potentiation on countermovement vertical jump performance, Daniel John Hammes Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Outside is in: Women, special education, and the superintendency, John Lawrence Hanson Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


A WebQuest for the Instruction of Appropriate Online Behavior, Susan Heilig Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Nurturing resiliency among adolescents with emotional and behavioral disturbances (EBD) in a special education setting, Rimaz Herz Open Access Dissertation


Books, blogging, and boredom : the impact of one-to-one computing on student engagement and literacy, Amanda M. Hudson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Iowa core technology integration: A resource for kindergarten through second grade teachers, Shalyn Huerter Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Investigating the use of an interactive whiteboard to teach literacy in the early childhood classroom, Laci A. Hummel Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


How elementary students can apply self-guided learning strategies in the classroom, Nicole Ivers Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Gifted student achievement and motivation levels related to participation in gifted programming, Stacey M. Jambura Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Effect of Perturbation on Interface and Intramuscular Temperatures During an Ice Water Immersion, Andrew Dean Jedlicka Open Access Thesis


A comparison of print and e-book texts with 4th grade students to evaluate comprehension and motivation, Sarah Johnson Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Misconceptions of the Teacher Librarian Role, Mary Junker Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Preferences Toward Gender of Coach and Perceptions of Roles of Basketball Coaches, Jacqueline Lee Kalin Open Access Thesis


Mental illness and schools: An examination of how schools are providing supports and services to students with mental health concerns, Nikki Leigh King Open Access Thesis


Collaboration of the Teacher Librarian and the Classroom Teacher to Incorporate Literature and Information Literacy Skills into a Sixth Grade Social Studies Unit, Susan A. Klett Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Library Paraeducators' Training: Assumptions or Facts?, Virginia H. Knapp Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of agriculture in children's literature: Contemporary stories in picture books, traditional tales, and nonfiction, Kathryn S. Koller Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Making Historical Fiction Appealing to Young Adults Through Book Trailers, Chelsey Kolpin Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Perceptions of coaching efficacy from the coaches', parents', and athletes' perspectives, Wade Previn Kooiman Dissertation (UNI Access Only) 2015 Award


Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Undergraduate Learning in a Multidimensional Wellness Course, Kristi Leonard Open Access Dissertation


PROMIS physical function item bank v. 1.0: Validity of physical function assessment for athletic training clientele, Leif Philip Madsen Thesis (UNI Access Only)


A professional development program for balanced literacy, Sheila Charlene McCullough Open Access Graduate Research Paper


How educators and parents can collaborate to improve student reading fluency, Jackie M. McDermott Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Comparison of immediate myofascial pressure release treatment effects among active and latent trigger points, Chelsea M. Morris Thesis (UNI Access Only)


A selective annotated bibliography of materials recommended for junior high classrooms regarding resistance during the Holocaust, Katharine Mulfinger Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The effects of heel elevation and fatigue on torso inclination during the barbell back squat, Michael James Neppel Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Lessons Learned From a Cognitively Guided Instruction Professional Development Project, Christina Nugent Open Access Dissertation


Uncovering the lived experiences of entry-level administrators in a school in need of assistance, Teresa Rayman Peterson Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


The Difference Connection Makes : Roles the Middle School Teacher Plays in Changing Adolescent Girls’ Lives, Denise M. Pralle Open Access Dissertation


A description of swing parameters and their relationship to in game batting performance in Division I softball players, Cassandra Reilly-Boccia Thesis (UNI Access Only) 2015 Award


Young Adult Memoir Dealing with Alcohol, Abuse, Infidelity, Violence and Poverty, Kelly Reinhold Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Using virtual worlds in medical and health education, Amy J. Renze Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Early Childhood Library Resources and Support, Lisa Catherine Riese Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Examining the benefits of technology in training, Nelson Rokke Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Portrayal of Characters with Disabilities within K-6 Fictional Literature, Katie Roling Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Vocabulary acquisition in kindergarten for English language learners: Ventriglia's Rule of 3, or Marzano's Six Steps to Effective Vocabulary Instruction?, Danielle Marie Rose Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Integrative and Holistic Global Higher Education : An Investigation of Camp Adventure Child and Youth Services as a Model Service Learning Program, Bin Ruan Open Access Dissertation


Factors That Influence Superintendents in Iowa to Implement a One-To-One Computer Initiative, Gerald Eugene Schnabel Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of the effect of a 21st-century-designed middle school on student achievement, Gary David Schwartz Open Access Dissertation


101 books for youth that feature hunters & hunting, Leann Seddon Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Integrated curriculum in the elementary classroom, Katherine Decker Simpson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Effect of limb circumference on intramuscular cooling during and following an ice bag application after exercise, Marcus A. Sojka Open Access Thesis


Scheduled library visits and reading achievement, David Stanfield Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Improving 21st century literacy skills and student engagement by integrating digital storytelling across the curriculum, Sandra J. Steinfadt Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Cross-cultural comparison and contrast of Americans' and Bulgarians' understanding of forgiveness, Desislava Sevdalinova Stoycheva Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Evaluating the effects of increasing mathematics graduation requirements: A survey of the effects of state policy change in Illinois, Corey Tafoya Open Access Dissertation


Student, Teacher and Parent Perceptions of the Role Accelerated Reader Plays in Elementary Students' Reading Motivation, Jannette Thrane Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A review of a school psychologist's roles in the implementation of an RTI system, Leigh Ann Thul Open Access Thesis


Designing Elementary Engineering Education From the Perspective of the Child, Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren Open Access Dissertation


A comparative analysis of leisure and tourism in China and in the USA, Xin Wang Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Comparing second grade students' creative and content knowledge performance on figural transformation activities introduced in a standard or enhanced manner with nutrition content knowledge taught through factual or fantasy reading, Angela Naomi Webb Open Access Thesis


Voice of the voiceless: The effects of labeling children in public schools, Mike T. Wells Dissertation (UNI Access Only)


A need for motivation : increasing engagement to bolster success, Libbie M. Willert Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Facilitating transfer for adult learners through cross-cultural e-learning, Min Zhang Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Comparing sixth grade students' creativity in word play to spatial construction with integrated academic content eliciting a distal or proximal perspective, Ksenia S. Zhbanova Open Access Thesis