Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Incentive marketing is becoming increasingly popular among many brands, companies, and even sports teams. Incentive marketing uses motivational campaigns to promote the consumption or sale of merchandise or services. It encourages consumers to become repeat buyers and/or to become more loyal toward a specific product, brand, or company. An aspect of incentive marketing that is emerging within the sports industry is reward programs; specifically with students of universities or colleges. The goals of student reward programs include increasing awareness and attendance of all athletic events on campus, as well as the possibility of students remaining loyal and purchasing season tickets after graduation.

This project seeks to determine if college students would be more involved in attending college athletic events if there was a reward program available to students. The main goal of this project is to prove that having extra benefits and motivations for attending an athletic event (not just a winning record by a team or a popular game), does have a direct influence on attendance by students. Surveys were collected using the online software through Survey Monkey. A random selection of students was chosen as participants for the study. The purpose of the surveys is to better understand why students do or do not attend athletic events, whether that is because of other aspects such as interest level, other time commitments or entertainment. The results of this project may be useful for many universities and colleges across the nation with respect to incentive marketing because it allows athletic departments to better target students to attend athletic events.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Samuel Lankford


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1 PDF file (74 pages)


