"Pre-service teachers' attitudes towards gays and lesbians" by Rachel Jones

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Gay teenagers; Teachers--Middle West--Attitudes; Teacher-student relationships--Middle West;


Gay and lesbian students are more likely to experience hardships in school including lower GPA’s, increased risk of assault and harassment, and an overall more hostile school climate. Having a supportive adult in the school environment can positively impact these students’ experiences. Teachers are in a unique position to provide support to gay and lesbian students both on an individual basis and at the systemic level. This study analyzed data on the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards lesbians and gay men as well as differences that exist between the ways men and women view gay and lesbian people. Overall differences were found with men exhibiting more negative attitudes towards lesbians and gay men than women did. Additionally, men displayed more negative attitudes towards gay men than towards lesbians, and women exhibited more negative attitudes towards lesbians than towards gay men. The relationship between cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes was studied, finding a correlation between these variables. Data collected from a previous survey conducted in 2006 was compared with data from a new administration of the survey in 2010, finding no significant results on attitudes towards lesbians and gay men based on time of survey completion.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations


LGBT Center

First Advisor

Kerri Clopton

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (iv, 60 pages)



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