Specialist in Education | Student Work | University of Northern Iowa

Specialist in Education


This is a collection of Specialist in Education works written by graduate students at the University of Northern Iowa.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Principals’ Knowledge of Trauma-Informed School Practices, Elsa Leyhe Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Training for challenging behaviors in the school setting, Kenzie Heusinkvelt Open Access Thesis 2023 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


The zones of regulation in schools, Kyle Andrew-Kelly Wiebers Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


An investigation of pre-service teacher and faculty knowledge on RTI, Nichole M. Beckman Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Adolescents' self-disclosure and risk-taking online, Rachel Ellingson Thesis (UNI Access Only)


An investigation of prosocial and health risk behaviors as predictors of academic motivation, Tess Garceau Open Access Thesis


Promoting bullying prevention and intervention through forgiveness education, Amy Gregory Open Access Thesis


The effectiveness of a Sunshine Circle in a kindergarten classroom as a classroom based interactive play group, Emerald Kissinger Thesis (UNI Access Only)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Factors supporting teacher resilience in a charter school serving high-risk students: A research proposal, Molly M. Hackett Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Positive behavior supports in high schools, Molly Nicole Johansen Thesis (UNI Access Only)


A preliminary investigation of the relationship between direct behavior rating and the Conners 3 teacher rating scale - short form, Jessica Stodden Stumme Open Access Thesis


Special education evaluations: appropriate methods and measures for use with English language learners, Jennifer Waterman Thesis (UNI Access Only)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


SWPBIS, behavior patterns, and the discipline gap, Sean Christopher Austin Open Access Thesis


Effective nutrition interventions, Kathryn C. Gerber Thesis (UNI Access Only)


The effectiveness of the Boys Town Educational Model as a school wide intervention, Natalie Hahn-Mauck Open Access Thesis


Depression in children and adolescents: The role of school professionals, Emily Dawn Hoerman Open Access Thesis


Pre-service teachers' attitudes towards gays and lesbians, Rachel Jones Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Educator preparedness for teaching children on the autism spectrum, Katherine Lynn Lawrenz Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Video self-modeling as a school based intervention for childhood anxiety, Suzanne Esther Maas Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Child Find in early childhood education, Lauren (Burgers) Vanderhorst Thesis (UNI Access Only)


The use of school-based forgiveness education and interventions in an RTI framework, Elizabeth Watson Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Unregulated, untrained, and unaware: restraint and seclusion practices in educational settings, Daniel E. Zaccaro Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


A survey of literacy instruction in public preschool programs in Iowa, Anne Marie Berthelsen Open Access Thesis


School wide positive behavioral and intervention supports : the effectiveness of Tier 1 strategies, Gregory James Halsor Open Access Thesis


A review of a school psychologist's roles in the implementation of an RTI system, Leigh Ann Thul Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


Best practices of Individual Family Service Plans and analyses regarding quality outcomes, Ashley M. Andrew Open Access Thesis


Bullying Policies in Iowa Schools, Terri A. Buettell Open Access Thesis


Literacy, Autism, and Inclusion, Bridgett L. Hodges Open Access Thesis


Asking school psychologists how job satisfaction can be increased, Justin S. Janssen Open Access Thesis


Teachers’ Efficacy and Perceived Role in Dropout Prevention, Brent O'Rourke Open Access Thesis


Building sustainable schoolwide positive behavior supports in high schools, Jessica M. Overturf Open Access Thesis


A consideration of positive behavior supports through a preschool lens, Theresa J. Stevenson Open Access Thesis


The role of animal-assisted therapy in initial psychotherapy sessions with adolescents, Erin B. Stromberg Open Access Thesis


Special issues in engaging and collaborating with families of English language learners, Stephanie Allison Strouse Open Access Thesis


Feedback : best practices for effectiveness, Hanne Elizabeth Wuertz Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


The link between functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plans, Megan Kathleen Seamans Anderson Open Access Thesis


The impact of attachment disorder on the family and child, Stephanie DuRocher Open Access Thesis


Effects of environmental variables on food consumption, Denise Eslinger Open Access Thesis


The Efficacy of an Intuitive Eating Education Program in a School Nutrition Education Curriculum, Nicole Healy Open Access Thesis


Enrollment of students with disabilities in career and technical education, Cory C. Johnson Open Access Thesis


Parent Involvement and Academic Achievement, Patrick Andrew Lussenhop Open Access Thesis


Functional behavior assessment: Procedures, components, and personnel, Hannah Louise Robson Open Access Thesis


Increasing teacher diversity: Contributions of a college of education recruitment and retention program, Kate Elise Schmuck Open Access Thesis


Effective professional development for teachers of students with autism, Erin Marie Torruella Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Helping adolescents forgive : the use of forgiveness education at an inpatient mental health facility, Tiffany R. Everding Open Access Thesis


Performance-based assessment of school psychology interns : analysis of problem-solving skills as demonstrated in comprehensive case examinations, Kimberly Suzanne Hansen Open Access Thesis


Functional behavioral assessment : school based practice and perception, Clint Henning Open Access Thesis


Educational applications of achievement goal theory, Michelle Hinzman Open Access Thesis


Do pull-out programs create a mirage of long-term results for at-risk youth?, Varotta Mi'Chele Johnson Open Access Thesis


Applying cognitively guided instruction through word problem probes, James Jackson Ploen Open Access Thesis


The Role of Stereotype Threat in the Underrepresentation of Minority Students in Gifted Education, M. Erin Potter Open Access Thesis


A Study of Published Journal Articles on Brain-Based Learning From 1985 to 2009, Janece Shaffer Open Access Thesis


The impact of Reading First on reading achievement scores in a midwestern elementary school, Julie Thomas Open Access Thesis


Middle school teachers' implementation of differentiated instruction : the complexity, Tonya Rae Vitense Keefer Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Functional Behavioral Assessment For Students With Emotional Behavioral Disabilities, Megan Kale Brose Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Sexual Minority Students and Issues in Schools With and Without Gay Straight Alliances, Kelli Ranae Otis Brus Open Access Thesis


Investigating The Relationship Between Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs In Mathematics And Teacher Reflection: Do Teacher Thinking Dispositions Play A Moderating Role?, Shawna Hufendick Open Access Thesis


Using Community Resource Mapping to Improve Systems of Positive Behavioral Support and Wraparound, Daniel Innes Open Access Thesis


Methods for fostering success in the transition to high school, Debora E. Hanna Porter Open Access Thesis


An exploration of the relationship between student experiences in the school environment and school belonging, Erin E. Welsh Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Effects of Problem Solving Team Processes on Student Outcomes, Brooke A. Dahl Open Access Thesis


Upper elementary teachers' perception of the pre-referral process, Lyndi Meyer Open Access Thesis


Home-school collaboration : strategies for improvement, Kelly O'Bryan Open Access Thesis


Supporting school persistence : an examination of student experiences in an alternative high school, Molly O'Connor Open Access Thesis


The Effects of Parental Involvement on Early Reading Acquisition Among Kindergarten Students, Erin Vander Velde Open Access Thesis


School counselors' perceptions of the needs of children of incarcerated parents, Sarah Wakefield Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


A case study using guided reading and teacher read-alouds while monitoring English language learners' and native English speakers' reading achievement, Kelsey M. Baker Open Access Thesis


Sexual Minority Youth In The Research Literature: The Invisible Students, Kelly J. Beck Open Access Thesis


The Views Of Students With Disabilities Regarding Dropout And School Belonging, Rebecca L. Brandau Open Access Thesis


Mental Health Services In Schools: School Psychologists' Current Practices And Perspectives, Nicole Carlson Open Access Thesis


Child in Need of Assistance and a Lack of Rural Mental Health Care, Katie L. Fisher Open Access Thesis


School Psychology Shortage And Urban/Rural Differences, Melissa Marie Hickman Open Access Thesis


Addressing the school psychologist shortage : past trends and implications for the future, Erin Delaine McCoy Open Access Thesis


Examination of the major factors contributing to the school psychology shortage, Sara Ann Recker Open Access Thesis


High school dropout : educators' knowledge of and perceived role in dropout prevention, Dustin Reese Open Access Thesis


Sexual minority youth in the research literature : what kind of coverage is the field of school psychology providing?, Jill Hayes White Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


Trends in family-centered early intervention, Jody Lee Albertson Open Access Thesis


School-wide positive behavior supports : an evaluation of an elementary school program, Lisa Andreasen Open Access Thesis


A Qualitative Study: Does Anger Elicit Gender Normative Aggressive Reactions?, Austin Beer Open Access Thesis


Managing and Analyzing Data : A Case Study Demonstrating the Use of Computer Software to Improve a School’s Management and Analysis of Intervention Data, John R. Bethke Open Access Thesis


Twins in the Kindergarten Classroom : What Factors Do Parents Consider When Deciding Whether to Place Their Same-Gendered Twins in Separate or Joint Classrooms?, Tammy Marie Gehling Open Access Thesis


Need, qualifications, training, responsibilities, and supervision of paraprofessionals in special education : a qualitative case study approach, Heather L. Marolf Open Access Thesis


Separation Anxiety Within the School Context: A Qualitative Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Parents and Teachers, Lauryn C. Muller Open Access Thesis


No Child Left Behind (2001) and high stakes tests : how they affect teachers' experiences in the classroom, Emily N. Olson Open Access Thesis


Functional behavioral assessment : a new model for interviewing, Shelley K. Schafer Open Access Thesis


Self-Perceptions and Peer Influence on Bullying Behavior, Jaime Strickler Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Achievement Goal Theory: A Preliminary Study Examining Educators' Motivational Beliefs And Practices, Marc Groen Open Access Thesis


The use of direct observation in functional behavior assessment, Lori O'Rourke Open Access Thesis


Using Office Referral Data to Help Understand School-Wide Discipline, Sarah Remakel-Henkels Open Access Thesis


Examining the role of empathy training in anger management programs for young children, Amy L. Zirkelbach Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Manifestation Determinations: How Do Iowa's AEA Adopted Procedures Compare To Federal And State Requirements And Expert Guidelines?, Keely J. Beam Open Access Thesis


The Relationship Between Giftedness And Resiliency Among Head Start Children, Angela R. Fry Open Access Thesis


School Climate, Culture, and Educators’ Beliefs and Practices in Motivation: An Exploratory Study, Sarah Galloway Open Access Thesis


Early Literacy And Making Sense In An Inclusive Preschool Classroom, Patresa A. Hartman Open Access Thesis


The influence of spelling strategy use on student achievement and attributions, Lisa Lynn Ludwig Open Access Thesis


Identifying School-Aged Children At-Risk to Develop an Eating Disorder, Natalie Jean Muth Open Access Thesis


The relationship between social skills and resiliency among preschool children, Kathleen M. Twohig Open Access Thesis


A case study of a child presenting reading/writing and behavioral difficulties, John Daniel Warrington Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Childhood depression and resiliency : an evaluation of the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment Program, Sarah Carroll Jones Open Access Thesis


Resource consultation : a study of the relationship between an elementary mathematics teacher and the talented and gifted coordinator, Janine Kane Open Access Thesis


An analysis of progress toward safe and drug-free schools, Kristina A. Lorenzen Open Access Thesis


A qualitative study of relational aggression in sixth grade girls, Catherine Tinsley McLallen Open Access Thesis


Reading Recovery, Wendy C. Williams Open Access Thesis


The effects of aerobic activity on the self-stimulating behaviors of children diagnosed with autism, Jason Lee Witte Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Academic Attribution Style Of Tenth Grade Students With Attachment Problems, Kimberly Conrad Open Access Thesis


Student perceptions of a peer mediation program in a middle school setting, Amy Junkermeier Open Access Thesis


Acculturative stress experienced by international students at the University of Northern Iowa and their coping options, Mmamiki Gaolatlhe Kamanakao Open Access Thesis


Impact of family involvement on student academic achievement, Jennifer L. Meyer Open Access Thesis


A descriptive analysis of sexuality education in the state of Iowa : what content is being delivered to secondary students?, Brian Poncy Open Access Thesis


Forgiveness intervention for an incest survivor : a case study, Joyce Skinner Open Access Thesis


A case study of a child presenting academic and on task difficulties, Eric Stephen Weichers Open Access Thesis


General educator training for the instruction of English language learners : is it sufficient?, Jane E. Zirkelbach Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2001


The Effectiveness Of Group Play And Group Counseling For Children With Aggressive Behaviors, Jennifer Marie Brehm Open Access Thesis


Using Bibliotherapy To Increase Sharing In A Kindergarten Classroom, Carla Marie Eich Open Access Thesis


Two Instructional Approaches - The Electric Maze And The Direct Instructional Model-For Teaching At- Risk Kindergarten Students Alphabet Letter Names, Sherry Marie Jack Open Access Thesis


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : diagnostic criteria using the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.) and Russell Barkley's 1990 model of ADHD, Justin Matthew Larson Open Access Thesis


Multidisciplinary team decision-making practices in Iowa schools, Debra S. Meyer Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 2000


An Exploration Of Social Withdrawal In Adolescence, Ryan Lee Channel Open Access Thesis


Home-School Collaboration: A Case Study, Sarah C. Ferguson Open Access Thesis


Intervention Selection For Students With Asperger'S Disorder, Tracy Lynn Gappa Open Access Thesis


Eating Disorders: Personal Perspectives, Suzanne D. Holmes-Bunde Open Access Thesis


Effects of external rewards on elementary students' intrinsic motivation to read and reading achievement : an examination of a reading incentive program, Jennifer Deann Jacobson Open Access Thesis


The effectiveness of self-monitoring for a preschooler with aggressive behaviors, Nicole Fay Kimball Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


An Evaluation Of ADHD Assessment, Intervention, And Progress Monitoring Practices In One School According To Best Practice Recommendations, Kristin M. Briggs Open Access Thesis


The Relationship Between Phonemic Awareness and Preschool Children's Literacy Activities, Cheryl M. Geurts Open Access Thesis


Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: How Effective Is Cbc With Ethnic Minorities, Tina L. Hoffman Open Access Thesis


The efficiency and effectiveness of self-monitoring for increasing fourth graders' work completion, Stacy S. Jeffrey Open Access Thesis


Psychological maltreatment : the case of verbal abuse, Majedah Khalifah Open Access Thesis


Providing services for a culturally and linguistically diverse student in a small midwestern elementary school : a qualitative case study, Candace L. Kist-Tahmasian Open Access Thesis


Forgiveness Education as a Factor in Adolescent Adjustment to Parental Divorce, Amy L. Knupp Open Access Thesis


Circle of friends and attitudes toward children with ADHD and other disabilities, Joan E. McCrory Open Access Thesis


Adolescent depression : further examination of gender differences, Elizabeth Marie O'Neill Open Access Thesis


The Reasons for living inventory for adolescents (RFL-A) : validation in three adolescent populations, Joe S. Rich Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1998


The Effects Of Systematically Fading Reinforcement While Maintaining Skills, Jodi Suzanne Bronson Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1997


A study of the current practices of school psychologists in the states of Iowa and Nebraska in the area of social skills, Stephanie Lynn Schmitz Thesis (UNI Access Only)


The Relationship Between the Constructs of Locus of Control and Learner Self-Concept, Tina M. Schroeder Open Access Thesis


Perceptions of Problem Solving: Where's Waldo?, Darla Olk Stack Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1996


Teacher Efficacy: A Construct Validation with Alternative High School Teachers: A Replication, Lisa Marie Bries Open Access Thesis


Acceptability Across Disciplines of Attribution Retraining Alone and Combined With Learning Strategy Instruction, Melody A. Reeder Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1995


Children’s Interactions with Peers before and after Participating in a Positive and Negative Peer Nomination Technique, Elizabeth Ann Barton Open Access Thesis


Television violence: An American and Japanese comparison, Tanya I. Clausen Open Access Thesis


Cognitive rehabilitation in mild to moderate pediatric traumatic brain injury: Comparison of PQRST and think-aloud strategies, Kris Marie Franzen Open Access Thesis


Factor analysis of the WAIS-R and selected indices of the WMS-R, Kathy S. Hayward Open Access Thesis


Utility of the MMPI-A in predicting suicidal behavior in adolescent inpatients, Kimberly Juhl King Open Access Thesis


Code-Switching and Sentence Imitation by African-American Students, Aaron Richardson Open Access Thesis


Perceptions of Children, Parents, and Teachers Regarding Low Academic Progress During Pre-referral Intervention, Beth Ann Thompson Open Access Thesis


Childhood obesity, Denise Kay Volker Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1994


Factors Effecting Personal Responsibility and Pregnancy Prevention, Anne M. Brenneman Open Access Thesis


Concurrent validity of the multiple stressor attribution inventory, Heidi Minette Endelman Open Access Thesis


Perceptions of special education adolescent students toward mainstreamed classrooms, Linda L. Hansen Open Access Thesis


A study of the relationship between the Waetjen Self-concept as a Learner Scale, the Iowa Tests of Educational Development, and cumulative grade point average, Heather Williams Kaufman Open Access Thesis


An Evaluation of a Preschool Tutorial Program, Jody Lee Sunde Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1993


Elementary, Middle School, and Special Service Teachers’ Attitudes toward School Psychologists and the Psychological Services They Provide, Terese L. Alexander Open Access Thesis


There's no place to call home: Behaviorally disordered students' perceptions of special education and reintegration, Patricia Ann Gaines Open Access Thesis


Implications of Teacher In-Service Training on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Identification, Glenn Evan Haupt Open Access Thesis


The Relationship Between Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem Among African-American Adolescents, Arthur Hughes Jr. Open Access Thesis


Predicting adolescent AIDS-related risk behavior from psychosocial factors: A replication, Erika Lea Kumerow Open Access Thesis 1994 Award


Ethnic identity development among Black high school students, Adrienne Menette Lewis Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of WISC-R and WJ-R vs. CogatAT and ITBS in Defining Severe Discrepancy in the Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities, Martin Patrick McCarthy Open Access Thesis


Fourth grade regular education teachers' perceptions of Iowa's RSDS: A replication study, Sharon Kay Petersburg Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1992


WISC-R and WISC-III aptitude scores: How comparable are they?, Timothy John Fisher Open Access Thesis


The relationship between actual and perceived aerobic fitness and self-concept, Matthew Bruce Green Open Access Thesis


Parallel Form Test-Retest Reliability and Predictive Validity of a Curriculum-Based Measurement Academic Readiness Test, Stanley F. Hanus Open Access Thesis


An Analysis of the Basic Assumptions About Psychology of Teachers and School Psychologists, Timothy James Harmon Open Access Thesis


The use of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised on a population of diagnosed bulimic college women, Diane Ruth Haupt Open Access Thesis


Teacher classroom strategies for working with attention deficit students, Susan Lee Schulz Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of the Performance of African American Preschool Children on the WPPSI and WPPSI-R, Cynthia A. Vandervelde Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1991


Exploring the Incidence and Predictability Problem of Dyscalculia in a School-Based, Rural Population in a Rural State, Karen Kimberley Annis Open Access Thesis


The Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence and Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence-revised: How comparable are the IQ scores, Laura Christine Griggs Bealles Open Access Thesis


Teacher perceptions of RSDS, Laura Lynn Bone Open Access Thesis


Exploring the Incidence and Predictability Problem of Dyscalculia in a School-Based Urban Population in a Rural State, Andrew Robert Smith Open Access Thesis


Performance of the Chapter 1 preschool children in the Waterloo School District, Deanna M. Wagner Open Access Thesis


Teachers' sense of efficacy and their referral practices: An analysis of teacher preference for consultation versus referral support services, Robert C. Weires Open Access Thesis


An investigation of occupational stress as it applies to school band directors, Jane A. Whitehead Open Access Thesis


The Relationship Between Locus of Control and Self-Concept as a Learner: Does a Relationship Exist?, David B. Wood Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1990


The Relationship between Verbal-Performance IQ and Locus of Control among Students with either a Learning Disability or a Behavior Disorder, Rick J. Bagnall Open Access Thesis


Comparison of locus of control and WISC-R profiles of delinquent and pre-delinquent adolescent males, Barbara Lynn Brainard-Patterson Open Access Thesis


Role understanding between elementary counselors and school psychologists, Robert Lee Brookhart Open Access Thesis


Post-hoc Longitudinal Study of the Stability and Validity of Standardized Test Scores of Handicapped Children, Randal Dennis Brown Open Access Thesis


Incidence of adolescent depression in a parochial high school, Silvio R. Encinas Open Access Thesis


A Study to Identify Stress Factors of Early Childhood Special Education Teachers, Brenda Marie Hanken-Crawford Open Access Thesis


Assessment of the Process of Reading Through the Use of Think-Aloud Protocols With Elementary Students, Jacqueline F. Holdorf Open Access Thesis


Parent and Teacher Reactions to the Referral Question Consultative Decision Making (RQC) Model for Triennial Re-Evaluations in a School Serving Students With Mental Retardation, Marilyn Lindholm Kinne Open Access Thesis


Factors Associated With Student Success in a University Tutorial Program: Does High School GPA, Act Scores or Time Spent With a Tutor Make a Difference, Lea Lynnette Roseberry Open Access Thesis


The Relationship Between the Constructs of Locus of Control and Learner Self-Concept, Noel N. Schmidt Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1989


The parallel forms reliability of curriculum based written expression measurement for first and fifth grade students, Tamara J. Beener Open Access Thesis


Roles and role perceptions of the school psychologist and elementary school counselor, Thora Gene Fisko Open Access Thesis


The relationship between language development and self-concept in selected junior high school students, Iwona Gradzka Open Access Thesis


The Effectiveness of Response Interruption, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, and a Visual Cue, in the Treatment of Self-Injurious Stereotypic Behavior, Clark Gunnell Porter Open Access Thesis


An assessment of selected public school teachers and pre-service teachers knowledge and opinions about AIDS and AIDS education, Grace Louise Powell Open Access Thesis


The Relationship Between Locus of Control and Learner Self-Concept: A Construct Validity Study, Tracy A. Randall Open Access Thesis


Personality style and newly amplified hearing-impaired adults, Teresa A. Walker Open Access Thesis


Developmental Relationships Between Students’ Attitudes Toward Reading and Reading Achievement in Grades 1 Through 8, Nancy White Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1988


The evolution of Iowa's intermediate educational unit and its influence on the delivery of special education: A historical perspective, Christopher Anthony Kleve Open Access Thesis


The effects of study skills training on college academic performance, Konnie K. A. Lee Open Access Thesis


Teacher attitudes toward mainstreaming: Differences between regular education and special education teachers, Margaret Ellen Smith Open Access Thesis


The predictive validity of the Primary Mental Abilities test, Jerry Wilde Open Access Thesis


The incidence of visual anomalies in the Head Start preschool population and their relationship to achievement, Donna Lee Zilk Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1987


A study of the predictive validity of kindergarten screening tests for second grade achievement scores, Rodney Dan Everding Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1986


The relationship between the WISC-R Digit Span and the K-ABC Sequential Processing Scale, and specific reading retardation, Joseph A. Bernard Open Access Thesis


The relationship between paternal characteristics and sons' achievement in reading, M. Christine Bruder Open Access Thesis


Beginning school age and academic achievement: Another look, Mary Bridget Cameron Open Access Thesis


The stability of WISC-R scores from students in learning disabilities and mental disabilities-educable programs, Richard Allen Heiniger Open Access Thesis


The effect of television viewing on children's attitudes about interpersonal conflict resolutions, Kathlean Hendricks Hill Open Access Thesis


The dance of the school psychologist, Steven John Iverson Open Access Thesis


The opinions of superintendents in small Iowa school districts toward the four-day school week, Sharon Kay Kersenbrock Open Access Thesis


Effects of learning strategy training on college students' attitude and academic performance, Lilia T. Magdamo Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1985


Parental perceptions of the availability and usefulness of nine school psychological roles, Lisa Ellen Ball Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of the Actual and Ideal Perceptions of the School Psychologist’s Role, David Arthur Curry Open Access Thesis


Differential diagnosis of learning disabled, behaviorally disabled, and mentally disabled preschool children using the Kaufman-assessment battery for children (K-ABC), Jackie Navara Loos Open Access Thesis


Parent perceptions of familiarity and satisfaction with placement staffings, Teri Lynn Mayer Open Access Thesis


The effects of a study strategies course on college students' academic performance, Melanie L. McCalley Open Access Thesis


Stability of WISC-R intelligence scores: Implications for 3-year reevaluations of learning disabled students, Susan Pagel Oakman Open Access Thesis


The Sex Variable and Reactions to a Peer With an Orthopedic Disability by First- And Second Graders, Virginia Lynn Ruark Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1984


A self-concept improvement plan for institutionalized, emotionally disturbed adolescents, David Curtis Canaday Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of Learning Disabled and Normal Children on a Selective Attention Task While Using a Verbal Rehearsal Strategy, Stephen A. Mullenberg Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1983


Attitudes of Secondary Teachers toward Mainstreaming Mildly Educationally Handicapped Students, Joan D. Barringer Open Access Thesis


A comparative study of selected behaviors of children from divorced/separated and intact families in the parochial school system, Elaine Delaney Open Access Thesis


The effect of beginning school age on academic achievement, Carol Holcomb Dietz Open Access Thesis


Comparison of WISC-R and WAIS-R scores for mentally disabled 16-year-olds and their correlation with adaptive behavior as measured by the SSSQ, Susan K. Gerken Open Access Thesis


Factors contributing to the preponderance of males in learning disabilities: A follow-up study, Julie Carol Olson Open Access Thesis


Evaluation of the predictive ability of four screening measures used in pre-kindergarten screening: A follow-up study, Monica Marie Reichmuth Open Access Thesis


A Survey of Custodial Manager’s Perceptions of Employee Problems and Related Implications for the Training of Mentally Retarded Workers, Patricia Jo Slobojan Open Access Thesis


A study of the relationship between intelligence and creativity, Jill L. Weig Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1982


The Rorschach inkblot test as an aid in the psychoeducational diagnoses of learning disabled latency-aged males, Kathryn Harder Lynch Open Access Thesis


An Investigation Into the Behaviors of Classroom Teachers During Scheduled Reading Instructional Periods, Judy Weseman Moser Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1981


Identification of learning disabled children and effects of resource room programs: A descriptive study, Michael Edwin Brown Open Access Thesis


A qualitative analysis of Bilalian children's error pattern on the PPVT-R, Carole Redfield Coffey Open Access Thesis


Intelligence, intelligence tests, and developmental characteristics of three to six year olds: A review and critique, Margreta Ellen Hartje Open Access Thesis


Selected Characteristics of the Iowa Elementary Principalship, 1980-81, Dennis A. Heth Open Access Thesis


Achievement, productivity, and participation as a function of task feedback among kindergarten students, Catherine M. Hill Open Access Thesis


The Staffing: A Naturalistic Study of the Educational Placement Process, Susan Laurene Law Open Access Thesis


Application of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Growth to the Development of an Interview Protocol and Validation of a Task to Assess Reasoning Abilities of College Students, Bruce Edward Perry Open Access Thesis


A post-hoc analysis of factors contributing to the preponderance of males in learning disabilities, Roger Joseph Piwowarski Open Access Thesis


Curriculum articulation in the Cedar Falls, Iowa, secondary schools, Elaine Linda Rasmussen Open Access Thesis


The Correlation of SES and Children’s Performance on the WISC-R and R-CPM, Anne Carolyn Robb Open Access Thesis


The effects of a modified language experience cloze approach upon the comprehension scores of seventh grade developmental reading students, Nancy Dykstra Russell Open Access Thesis


A Study of the Administrative and Instructional Usage of Electronic Data Processing in the Iowa Public Schools During 1979-1980, Gary B. Shontz Open Access Thesis


Attitudes of non-disabled college students toward other successful college students with histories of psychiatric hospitalization through the attribution of locus of control, Robert Herman Stensrud Open Access Thesis


Evaluating the effect of a guided fantasy visualization on the figural and verbal originality of upper elementary students, David B. Windahl Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1980


Efficacy of Transition Rooms: A Quantitative and Quasi-Qualitative Look, Nancie Moyer Andreasen Open Access Thesis


Cognitive Patterns as a Basis for the Classification of Learning Disabled Children: A Follow-up Study, John Michael Carr Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of Formal Operational Thinking Ability With Reading Ability and Critical Thinking Ability for Tenth Grade Students, Theresa Jill Cecil Open Access Thesis


Exploring the Relationship Between Moral and Friendship Development in Male Educable Mentally Retarded Students and Regular Class Students, Shirley Phillips Gill Open Access Thesis


A case study of inflationary pressures upon a selected Iowa school district, Dean W. Meier Open Access Thesis


A Study of Principals’ Opinions About Minimum Competency Testing in Their Schools, Thomas J. Renze Open Access Thesis


Characteristics of Iowa public school superintendents, James R. Woltz Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1979


School Administrators’ and Regular Classroom Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions on In-Service Training Related to Mainstreaming Mildly Handicapped Pupils, James L. Blietz Open Access Thesis


Prediction of Reading Achievement Using Conservation Performance, Jann Moser Bowlus Open Access Thesis


Fixed versus Random Scheduling of Classroom Activities in a Resource Room Setting, Joanne Marie Fegley Broadston Open Access Thesis


The Effects of Language Variables on the Reading Comprehension of Hearing-Impaired Children, Nancy L. Robbins Open Access Thesis


Attitudes of Elementary Principals and Kindergarten Teachers Toward Mandatory Kindergarten and Optional Pre-kindergarten Programs in Iowa, Janice E. Woods Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1978


An Investigation of the Relationship between Seriation and Classification Skills in Young Children, R'Delle Marie Anderson Open Access Thesis


A Study of In-School Suspension Programs in Area 7 of Iowa, Stephen Darryl Glass Open Access Thesis


A Survey of the Selection Procedures and Practices Used in the Employment of Superintendents in Iowa Public Schools, Joseph Hrecz Open Access Thesis


Administrative Accountability in Special Education: A Survey of Area Middle-Management Personnel in Iowa, Arnold Ernie Lang Open Access Thesis


The Precision of Teacher Judgments in the Identification of Gifted Children, Ann Louise Neumann Open Access Thesis


Counselor Perception of the Need and Role of Guidance Consultants in Iowa’s Area Education Agencies, Lauren Simonson Open Access Thesis


A Survey of Selected Iowa Colleges and Universities and Their Elementary Teacher Education Programs for Ige Training of Preservice Teachers, Leotis D. Swopes Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1977


The Benziger Early Learning Assessment Test: A Study of Predictive Validity, Marian Carol Sensor Open Access Thesis


Iowa High School Principals’ Perceptions of the Effect of Collective Bargaining on Selected Teacher Behaviors, Dennis L. Webner Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1976


The Predictive Relationship of Tutorial Teaching Competencies on Group Instruction Performance for Prospective Special Education Teachers, Sarah Jane Frudden Open Access Thesis


An Investigation of Competencies Needed by Teachers of the Mildly Handicapped as Perceived by a Consortium of Iowa Special Educators, Harriet M. Healy Open Access Thesis


A Comparative Analysis of Actual and Desired Performance Dimensions of Selected Iowa Secondary School Principals, LeRoy C. Leidal Open Access Thesis


The Effects of Teacher Reinforcement on Student Attitudes and Achievement, Ray Douglas McCollum Open Access Thesis


Marital Adjustment and Self-Concept in Married College Students, James Russell Moneypenny Open Access Thesis


Counseling From the Use of Existential Principles, Otelia Kay Kraft Stensrud Open Access Thesis


An Analysis of the Major Functions of the Directors of Special Education in Iowa, Thomas E. Twait Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1975


Iowa Teacher Perceptions of K-6 Articulation in Large School Districts Employing K-6 or K-12 Curriculum Directors, Dorothy Kessler Engstrom Open Access Thesis


A Follow-up Study of Mason City High School Distributive Education Graduates From 1952 Through 1972, Paul B. Olson Open Access Thesis


The Effects of a Performance-Based Training Program on Subsequent Teacher Effectiveness as Rated by School Principals, Joel Christian Ortéga Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1974


Knowledge and Attitudes Pertaining to Sex Education Courses : A Survey of a Selected Group of High School Students, Rebecca Sue Barrionuevo Open Access Thesis


Evaluation of the Specific Learning Disabilities Program at the Floyd Elementary School, Thomas V. Daigle Open Access Thesis


A Survey of a Selected Public Group in the Vinton Community School District With Implications for the Improvement of Certain Educational Services in the Senior High School, Arnold H. Gaumnitz Open Access Thesis


Iowa High School Principals’ Perceptions of the Innovative Role of the Secondary School Counselor, Russell Newlin Open Access Thesis


The Development and Testing of Audio-Visual-Tutorial Materials as One Method to Assist in the Teaching of Basic Accounting Principles and Concepts at Marshalltown Community College, Lyle R. Niemeyer Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1973


Career Education: A Third Grade Mass Production Project, Jack Julian Hanson Open Access Thesis


A Survey of Career-Vocational Development Practices in the Junior High School Science Curriculum of Selected Iowa Schools, David Eugene Mitchel Open Access Thesis


Teacher Education in Elementary School Industrial Arts, James Earl O'Bannon Open Access Thesis


A Comparative Investigation of Certification Standards of Iowa Teacher Preparation Colleges, Al J. Sinek Open Access Thesis


The Island-Turtle Rock Community: A Model for Use in Simulation, James Wilson Walling Open Access Thesis


A Survey of Attitudes Toward a Public School System, Darwin A. Winke Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1972


The Educational Match, Daleanne Anderson Open Access Thesis


A Survey of Reading Programs in Selected Junior High Schools in Six Iowa Counties, Daniel Charles Manning Open Access Thesis


Family Size, Intelligence, and Patterns of Achievement in Preschool Children, H. Jane Reppas Open Access Thesis


The Role of the School Psychologist as Perceived by Elementary Principals and by School Psychologists, Joan Holliday Smith Open Access Thesis


The Effect of Preschool Experiences on the Achievement of Kindergarten Children Enrolled in the 1971-1972 Follow Through Program in Waterloo, Iowa, David Phillip Stetson Open Access Thesis


An Analysis of Data and Records of Two Selected Groups of Students in the Context of the Admissions Program at the University of Northern Iowa, Jack Lloyd Wielenga Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1971


A Survey of Post Student Teacher Appraisal of the Course, Elementary School Methods and Materials, at the University of Northern Iowa, Mary Nan K. Aldridge Open Access Thesis


Occupational Prestige Rankings and Future Occupational Expectations of Iowa High School Seniors, Jackson Neal Baty Open Access Thesis


Two Program Processors for the Preparation of Instructional Materials in Chemistry, Lloyd V. Gayman Open Access Thesis


The Role of the Science Supervisor as Perceived by Elementary and Secondary Science Teachers, Thomas Graika Open Access Thesis


Industrial Arts at the University of Northern Iowa 1957 Through 1968, Allen Harvey Rodemeyer Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1969


A Comparative Study of Three Different Approaches to Beginning Reading Comprehension: ITA, Programmed Reader, and Basal Reader, Helen Ferrier Ristau Open Access Thesis


A Comparison of Results of Two Methods of Teaching Reading in the First Grade, Melvin Wayne Thurston Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1968


Teaching Beginning Concepts in Mathematics, Mildred Dick Pierce Open Access Thesis


The Performance of Grade XI Students of Saskatchewan (Canada) and Iowa (U.S.A.) on Two of the Iowa Tests of Educational Development, Kamal Dev Verma Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1967


Participation of Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Elementary Schools in Federal Aid Programs, Marvin Brandt Open Access Thesis


An Investigation of the Relationship Between Reading Ability and Performance on the Red Glass Test, Ann Mary Dunbar Open Access Thesis


The Development of Criteria for the Evaluation of Student Teacher Programs, Ramon H. Green Open Access Thesis


Perceptions of the Iowa School Counselor Concerning the Value of His Counselor Education in Relation to the Role He Performs, Virginia Larson Hash Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1964


Differences in Class Rank Between Boys and Girls in Graduating Classes of Iowa Public Secondary Schools, Dave John Cook Open Access Thesis


A Study of the Public Relations Program of the Valley Park School, Cedar Falls, Iowa, Puran L. Rajpal Open Access Thesis

Theses/Dissertations from 1963


The Development of a Handbook for Use in the Selection of Materials on Communism for Secondary Social Studies Classes, Richard Raymond Olmsted Open Access Thesis