"Best practices of Individual Family Service Plans and analyses regardi" by Ashley M. Andrew

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Children with disabilities -- Education (Early childhood) -- Iowa -- Evaluation; Family services -- Iowa -- Evaluation; Human services; Exceptional children; People with disabilities; Academic theses;


This quantitative research study provides information regarding best practices of Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs). Research on the content, family-centeredness, and outcomes in IFSPs will be discussed. Evidence suggests that although expected content within IFSPs are clearly defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), professionals have a lack of consensus on what IFSPs should include, lack family­ centeredness, and have minimal understanding of a clearly defined outcome according to IDEA. In addition, this study provides additional data regarding quality outcomes. The researcher rated 120 outcomes in IFSPs against a state rubric. Data indicated that although empirical research states there is room for professionals to grow in their practice when constructing IFSP outcomes, an area education agency in Iowa writes outcomes with quality. The data elicited information pertaining to areas needing improvement including writing outcomes that target behaviors needed to complete all or most daily activities and a class of responses.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Barry Wilson


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1 PDF file (v, 37 pages)



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