"WISC-R and WISC-III aptitude scores: How comparable are they?" by Timothy John Fisher

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children;


This study examined the comparability of the WISC-Rand WISC-III subtest and scale scores. The Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and Freedom from Distractibility indices were also examined for comparability. The researcher administered the WISC-Rand WISC-III in a counterbalanced design to 20 rural, Caucasian, midwestern children ranging in age from 8 to 12 years old. On both the WISC-Rand WISC-III, means and standard deviations were computed for the subtest scaled scores, scaled index scores, and Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs. Correlation coefficients were obtained for the WISC-Rand WISC-III subtests, indices, and scales with two tailed dependent t tests computed to determine comparability. Results from t test analysis revealed significantly higher WISC-R subtest scores for the Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Block Design subtests and a significantly higher WISC-III Information subtest score. A significantly higher score was also found for the WISC-R Verbal Comprehension index and all three WISC-R IQ scales. The difference in IQ scale scores was similar to the results reported in the only published study comparing the two instruments. Correlation coefficients indicated a significant correlation for all subtests, indices, and scales with the exception of the Comprehension and Picture Arrangement subtests, and the Perceptual Organization index. Historically, various research comparing the differences in IQ scores of the same child on the older and newer versions of the same intelligence test have been conducted. This study appears to coincide with this research in that the group IQ scores of the subjects are lower on the newer, revised version of the test. It is of great importance that teachers, parents, and psychologists be aware that IQ scores on the WISC-Rand WISC-III appear to be somewhat discrepant. Because the WISC-III is still very new and psychologists will inevitably be changing from the WISC-R to the WISC-III, additional investigations are warranted for further study.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Ralph Scott

Second Advisor

Barry J. Wilson

Third Advisor

Augustine Osman


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