"The effect of television viewing on children's attitudes about interpe" by Kathlean Hendricks Hill

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Aggressiveness in children; Television and children;


The present study examined the effect of television viewing on children's attitudes about submissive, assertive, and aggressive resolutions to interpersonal conflicts from the Children's Action Tendency Scale (CATS). Subjects rated resolutions on a six item Likert scale which consisted of the following semantics: kind, good, wise, successful, strong, and brave. The 84 subjects for this study were fourth, fifth, and sixth grade children (40 males and 44 females) attending Price Laboratory School, University of Northern Iowa. Data were analyzed by the multiple regression analysis procedure found in the Shazam statistical program (version 4.6, Oct. 1984). The predictor variables were gender, the violence content of five mostwatched television shows, and the frequency of viewing the five mostwatched shows. The dependent variables were the Likert semantic ratings on all three conflict resolution classes. Results of this study indicated that males rated aggressive resolutions to interpersonal conflicts on the CATS significantly more "kind, wise, successful, and strong" than did females. Also revealed in the present study was subjects who were high frequency television viewers rated aggressive resolutions to interpersonal conflicts on the CATS significantly more "kind, good, and wise" than did low frequency viewers. Results of this study failed to reveal an effect for violence content of most-watched television shows for any of the resolution classes of the CATS. No significant relationship was revealed for any of the predictor variables on assertive and submissive resolutions.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Donald W. Schmits

Second Advisor

Jack Yates

Third Advisor

Bill Kline


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