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Open Access Thesis


Elementary school principals--Iowa; Elementary school principals; Iowa


The purpose of this study was to provide current information and analyses of selected characteristics of Iowa elementary principals for the 1980-81 school year. Data concerning the current status of Iowa elementary principals was sought by the Iowa Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals.

The study reported data available from Iowa, other individual states and the nation. Comparisons were made of data provided from this study and those previously reported.

Data was collected by means of a questionnaire sent to 225 persons listed as elementary principals with the Iowa Department of Public Instruction. For comparative purposes, the data was tabulated separately for principals from each of three district sizes.

The prominent findings of this study were:

1. This study indicated elementary principals with one year contracts had a mean of 9.6 years of experience in the present position and those with two year contracts had a mean of 10 years of experience. AT test did not indicate significance at the .05 level with reference to the contract type as compared to years of experience in the present position.

2. The size of the student body supervised by the elementary principal in the Specialist-Doctorate degree group had a mean of 288 students and principals with a Master's degree had a mean of 360 students. AT test indicated significance at the .05 level relative to student body size and highest degree held.

3. Elementary principals whose final professional goal was the elementary principalship had a mean of 14.5 years in educationally related professions and those whose final professional goal was some profession other than the elementary principalship had a mean of 7 years in professions related to education. AT test indicated significance at the .05 level concerning the response to the elementary principalship as the final professional goal and the number of years in educationally related professions.

4. This study indicated elementary principals whose final professional goal was the elementary principalship had a mean salary of $27,477 and those whose final professional goal was some profession other than the elementary principalship had a mean of $27,179. A T test did not indicate significance at the .05 level with reference to salary and the elementary principalship as the final professional goal.

5. Elementary principals who responded either "probably would" or "certainly would" to becoming a principal again had a mean salary of $27,678 and $27,520 respectively while those responding "wouldn't" to becoming a principal again had a mean of $25,422. Analysis of variance indicated significance at the .05 level with the combined "probably would" and "certainly would" group, and the "wouldn't" group in reference to salary.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Leadership and Postsecondary Education


Department of School Administration and Personnel Services

First Advisor

Donald L. Hanson


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