"Participation of Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Elementary Schools i" by Marvin Brandt

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod; Education;


The issue of federal aid for nonpublic education is intensifying year after year with the ever increasing enrollments in nonpublic schools and with the increasing number of federal programs which provide various types of aid for children in public as well as nonpublic schools. Already in 1955 Dr. Arthur L. Miller, executive secretary for the Board of Parish Education of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod stated that the issue of federal aid to nonpublic schools was intensifying because of the growing financial needs of the schools and the growing demand for federal aid to education in the public schools.

A few years later Dr. Allan Hart Jahsmann, also an executive for the Board of Parish Education of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, stated that in every area of education there are problems with accompanying tensions that call for thoughtful concern on the part of educational philosophers and leaders, but the area of church-state relations has perhaps more currently critical issues than any other. At a conference

on educational problems in church-state relations, he identified the following matters of concern: (1) trends in public education which may affect the church's educational system; (2) religion in the state schools; (3) the use of tax money for nonpublic schools; (4) charges against church-sponsored schools; (5) discrimination in zoning regulations; (6) miscellaneous matters, such as tax exemptions, universal military training, federal research grants, and government surpluses.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology, Foundations, and Leadership Studies


Department of Education and Psychology

First Advisor

Frank Martindale


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