"Characteristics of Iowa public school superintendents" by James R. Woltz

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


School superintendents and principals -- Iowa;


The purpose of this study was to examine the personal characteristics and experience profile of the Iowa public school superintendent that could be used to describe that individual. The method used was a survey instrument mailed to the totality, four hundred forty-seven, of the Iowa public school superintendents during the 1978-1979 school year. Four hundred twenty-six completed replies were received for a response of 95.1 percent. Data was compiled by computer and then analyzed. The findings for the 1978-1979 school year were: 1) The average age of the public school superintendent was forty-seven years; 2) Ninety-eight point two percent were married; 3} The mean number of children was 2.9; 4} Classroom teaching was reported as a background by 94.4 percent of the respondents; 5} Social studies, physical education, mathematics, and science were the predominant teaching fields; 6} That 70.2 percent had spent an average of 5.1 years in the secondary principalship prior to entering the superintendency; 7) By the age of forty, 82.8 percent had entered into their first superintendency; 8) The mean number of years spent in the first superintendency was 5.2; and 9) The ii iii reporting superintendents had been in their current superintendency an average of 7.2 years. The major conclusions were: 1. The average age of the public school superintendent has increased from thirty-four in 1924-1925 to forty during the 1978-1979 school year. 2. Social science remains the predominant teaching background, however, science, mathematics, and business education are on the rise. 3. The superintendency has become a less transient and more stable position from 1924-1925 to 1978-1979. 4. The secondary principalship is the most frequent administrative background of the 1978-1979 superintendents.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Administration and Counseling

First Advisor

Donald L. Hanson

Second Advisor

Norman McCumsey

Third Advisor

Elton Green


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