"A study of the predictive validity of kindergarten screening tests for" by Rodney Dan Everding

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Prediction of scholastic success -- Evaluation; Kindergarten;


This research attempted to study the predictive validity of three kindergarten readiness skill areas on second grade achievement. The kindergarten readiness measures were Visual Motor Readiness, Speech Readiness, and the score from the Cognitive Abilities Test. The measure of achievement was the Iowa Test-of Basic Skills Composite score. Predictive validity studies have the potential of identifying early - those students who will fail or experience academic difficulties. Accurate predictions of later academic achievement are of paramount importance to determine what areas in kindergarten are necessary to successfully achieve academically. Several researchers were reviewed and cited regarding their findings in the area of predictive validity when considering kindergarten screening on subsequent elementary school achievement. The bulk of the literature- advocates some kind of kindergarten screening, but these researchers do not agree either on what areas of screening are most or least important at what the magnitude of the predictive validity ought to be. Other researchers discourage kindergarten screening all together for various reasons·. The results of the present study indicated that the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) scores was the best predictor of the composite score on second grade administered Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), that the Visual-Motor Readiness Screen was better than chance at predicting the ITBS composite score but was less good .than the CAT, and that the Speech Readiness measure was not sufficiently predictive of the ITBS composite to warrant its use as an achievement score predictor . Discovering those variables that are most important and under which circumstances they operate could provide the desired information about students' future needs while they are still in kindergarten. With this information early, educators can provide either direct or supplemental instruction, as necessary, to enhance future academic progress.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Donald W. Schmits

Second Advisor

Charles R. May

Third Advisor

Barry J. Wilson


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