"Industrial Arts at the University of Northern Iowa 1957 Through 1968" by Allen Harvey Rodemeyer

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


University of Northern Iowa--Department of Industrial Arts;


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM It was the purpose of this study to record the developments in the Department of Industrial Arts and Technology at the University of Northern Iowa during the years from January 1957 through December 1968. The areas of research included: (1) faculty, (2) physical facilities, (3) academic offerings, (4) degree programs, (5) student enrollment and degrees granted, and (6) related services provided by the department.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE The historical method of research was used exclusively for this study. Primary sources were utilized to the fullest possible extent. Documents of the department and university were used as sources of information. Most of the information obtained from the faculty was by personal interview; some information was gathered by correspondence and telephone communication.

MAJOR FINDINGS The faculty of the department was composed of seven members in 1957. This number decreased to five for a period of five years until 1962, when the departmental staff was increased to six. During the next six years two vacancies occurred: one because of a death, the other a resignation. Between January 1965 through 1968, six new faculty members were employed to bring the departmental staff total to ten. This was the largest number on the staff at one time during the history of the department.

The department occupied the same building facilities during this twelve-year period. Major alterations in the existing classrooms and the construction of an additional classroom-laboratory area provided more floor space for student activities and additional equipment.

Each major area within the department increased the educational opportunities by equipment additions. Some equipment was purchased outright by the university, some constructed in the shops, and other obtained as gifts or on a loan basis.

In 1957, twenty-nine courses that totaled eighty-two semester hours made up the departmental listing. Changes and additions during the period resulted in fifty-four courses representing 159 semester hours being offered in 1968.

Degrees offered in 1957 included a Bachelor of Arts with a major or minor in industrial arts (teaching), and a Master of Arts in Education. During the period of this study, alterations and additions culminated in 1968 with five industrial arts major programs leading to the baccalaureate degree, two industrial arts minor programs, and an industrial arts subject-field program. At the graduate level there were programs leading to the Master of Arts degree and the Specialist in Education degree.

The number of declared majors for the department decreased during the middle portion of this period, but in 1968 was 21 percent larger than it had been in 1957. The number of student credit hours, and full-time equivalent student data evidenced nearly a 100 percent increase during this period. Although the number of Bachelor of Arts degrees granted to departmental candidates changed little, the percentage to total male university degrees granted dropped during the last seven years. The number of Master of Arts degrees did not vary as much in percentage, but the years 1964-65 and 1965-66 had the largest number of graduates by comparison on an annual basis. The Specialist in Education degree has not yet been granted to an industrial arts departmental candidate.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Applied Engineering and Technical Management


Department of Industrial Arts and Technology

First Advisor

Howard O. Reed


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