"A Survey of Reading Programs in Selected Junior High Schools in Six Io" by Daniel Charles Manning

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Reading (Secondary)--Iowa; Junior high schools--Iowa; Junior high schools; Reading (Secondary); Iowa;


The purpose of this survey was to assess the current status of junior high reading programs. Fifteen schools were randomly selected from the schools within the counties surrounding Blackhawk County. Criteria which indicated aspects of successful reading programs were selected and were subsequently used in the assessments. Particular emphasis was placed upon individualization, diagnosis, language arts integration, reading in the content areas, and on organizational structure. Visitation requests were sent, and acceptances were received from thirteen schools. During the spring term of the 1971- 1972 academic year, visitations were made. Data was obtained through teacher interview and classroom observation.

The significant results are as follows: Four of the schools had curricular provisions for reading; none of the schools provided for the coordination of reading across content area lines; three of the schools had reading programs that provided for individualization; a complete or partial diagnosis of student reading ability was evident in seven of the schools; six of the programs had remedial reading; and two teachers had received more than three hours of instruction in teaching reading.

It is concluded that the organization of many of the programs surveyed needs considerable improvement because of planning and structural deficiencies. Although there was some evidence of language arts integration, it was at a minimum. Programs are not providing for reading coordination across subject areas. Finally, it is concluded that the extent of diagnosis and individualization was quite limited. Programs must become strengthened in these factors if they are to provide quality education.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Ned Ratekin


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