"Iowa High School Principals’ Perceptions of the Effect of Collective B" by Dennis L. Webner

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Collective bargaining--Teachers--Iowa; Collective bargaining--Teachers; Teachers--Attitudes; Iowa;


The primary purpose of this study was to determine if Iowa high school principals, in the early months of the 1976-1977 contract implementation and after the negotiations of the preceding year, believed that the collective bargaining process or results affected teacher behavior. The responses of 73 randomly selected principals in Iowa indicated that, in fact, they believed collective bargaining had affected the behavior of teachers in at least nine areas. Although individual differences existed, the following behaviors, affected in the indicated manner, were generally regarded as having a positive influence on the operation of the school: 1. Aids in planning or expresses views on in-service programs: an increase. 2. Observes established lines of communication relative to school matters: an increase.

Three of the nine behaviors regarded as having been affected by collective bargaining were found to exert a negative influence on the operation of the school: 1. Willingly accepts out-of-class assignments and responsibilities such as supervision of extra-curricular activities and hallway supervision: a decrease. 2. Demonstrates a positive and cooperative attitude toward cocurricular activities such as athletics, speech and music in which the teacher is not directly involved: a decrease. 3. Attends school functions when attendance is not required: a decrease. iii Iowa principals did not agree on what influence the remaining four affected behaviors had on the operation of the school. 1. Actively participates in education association or union activities: an increase. 2. Expresses views on or participates in development of school policy relating to such matters as curriculum and materials, services to teachers, class load, academic freedom, and teacher evaluation: an increase. 3. Participates in political activity in order to have some influence on educational legislation: an increase. 4. Recognizes the role and responsibilities of the principal as an instructional leader: widespread disagreement concerning increase or decrease.

The patterns established by the principals' responses provided a certain predictability on the basis of school district enrollment. Principals from larger school districts tended to identify fewer teacher behaviors as having been affected by collective bargaining and generally regarded those effects as having a more negative influence on the operation of the school than did their counterparts from smaller school districts.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Leadership and Postsecondary Education


Department of School Administration and Personnel Services

First Advisor

Donald L. Hanson


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