"Comparison of WISC-R and WAIS-R scores for mentally disabled 16-year-o" by Susan K. Gerken

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


People with mental disabilities -- Education; Children with mental disabilities -- Education; Adaptability (Psychology);


The present study examined the comparability of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised (WISC-R) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised (WAIS-R) Verbal Intelligence Quotients (VIQ), Performance Intelligence Quotients (PIQ), and Full Scale Intelligence Quotients (FSIQ) for a sample of mentally disabled 16-year-old students. In addition, the study examined the relationship of the WISC-Rand WAIS-R to adaptive behavior as measured by the Street Survival Skills Questionnaire (SSSQ). Twenty-eight students, 12 males and 16 females, from 10 schools in Iowa Area Education Agencies 6 and 7 participated in the study. The WAIS-Rand the SSSQ were administered to each student in testing rooms at respective schools by the investigator who had been trained 1n individualized testing procedures and adaptive behavior assessment. WISC-R scores were obtained from the students' school files and compared to the WAIS-Rand SSSQ scores obtained in testing. WISC-R VIQ, PIQ, and FSIQ and WAIS-R VIQ, PIQ, and FSIQ scores for boys, girls, and the total sample were tested for significant differences using correlated means t-tests. The .Q. < .05 significance level was set for the test of significance. Relationships between adaptive behavior and intelligence were examined by Pearson's product moment correlations between WISC-R, WAIS-R, and SSSQ scores. Significance of the correlation coefficients was tested at the .2. < .05 level. In order to determine whether the WISC-R or the WAIS-R was most highly associated with adaptive behavior, the difference between correlation coefficients was tested for significance also at the .2. < .05 level. Results of the study indicated significant differences were obtained between the WISC-Rand WAIS-R scores. WAIS-R VIQ, PIQ, and FSIQ scores were all significantly higher than WISC-R scores for boys, while only WAIS-R VIQ scores were significantly higher for girls. When boys and girls were combined, WAIS-R VIQ, PIQ, and FSIQ scores were significantly higher than corresponding WISC-R scores. In addition, the WISC-Rand WAIS-R FSIQ scores both correlated significantly with the SSQ obtained from the SSSQ. Correlations obtained did not differ significantly from each other. The major conclusions reached were as follow: 1. The WISC-Rand WAIS-R differed significantly when obtained from the assessment of 16-year-old mentally disabled students. 2. The WISC-Rand SSSQ are significantly related. 3. The WAIS-Rand SSSQ are significantly related. 4. For the total sample, the WISC-Rand WAIS-R relate equally well to adaptive behavior as measured by the SSSQ.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Specialist in Education


Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations

First Advisor

Marlene I. Strathe

Second Advisor

Barry J. Wilson

Third Advisor

W. P. Callahan


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