Faculty Publications
This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff in the Department of Biology at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection.
To view lists of publications by individual biology faculty and staff, see their SelectedWorks profiles.
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Submissions from 2016
Constraints On Geographic Variation In Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae: Uca) From The Western Atlantic, M. J. Hopkins, A. Haber, and C. L. Thurman
Biochar amendment of grassland soil may promote woody encroachment by Eastern Red Cedar, Ramesh Laungani, Kenneth Elgersma, Maria Juarez, Kristin McElligott, and Tyler Kuhfahl
Range Expansion Of The Invasive Rusty Crayfish Orconectes Rusticus (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda: Astacoidea) In Northeastern Iowa (USA) Rivers, Mauricio Leon, Megan J. Merner, Allison A. Dreyer, Audrey Cooper, Leander Scott, Peter B. Berendzen, David A. McCullough, and Eric C. Merten
Nitrogen loading leads to increased carbon accretion in both invaded and uninvaded coastal wetlands, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, and Kenneth J. Elgersma
Nitrogen Loading Leads To Increased Carbon Accretion In Both Invaded And Uninvaded Coastal Wetlands, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, and Kenneth J. Elgersma
The Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Gene Occurs on a Minichromosome with Extensive Heteroplasmy in Two Species of Chewing Lice, Geomydoecus aurei and Thomomydoecus minor, Lucas L. Pietan, Theresa A. Spradling, and James W. Demastes
Systematic Revision Of The Pocket Gopher Genus Orthogeomys, Theresa A. Spradling, James W. Demastes, David J. Hafner, Paige L. Milbach, Fernando A. Cervantes, and Mark S. Hafner
Could Folic Acid Influence Growth Cone Motility During the Development of Neural Connectivity?, Darrell Wiens
Submissions from 2015
The Effect Of Inbreeding Constraints And Offspring Distribution On Time To The Most Recent Common Ancestor, R. B. Campbell
Special Speciation, Lyn L. Countryman and Jill D. Maroo
Special Speciation, Lyn L. Countryman and Jill D. Maroo
The Influence Of Historical And Contemporary Landscape Variables On The Spatial Genetic Structure Of The Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma Caeruleum) In Tributaries Of The Upper Mississippi River, Dane J. Davis, Anna C. Wieman, and Peter B. Berendzen
Does Clonal Resource Translocation Relate to Invasiveness of Typha Taxa? Results from a Common Garden Experiment, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Radka Wildová, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, and Deborah E. Goldberg
Host Behaviour Drives Parasite Genetics At Multiple Geographic Scales: Population Genetics Of The Chewing Louse, Thomomydoecus Minor, Sheree E. Harper, Theresa A. Spradling, James W. Demastes, and Courtney S. Calhoun
Development Of Leaf Lobing And Vein Pattern Architecture In The Genus Ipomoea (Morning Glory), Austin Jones and Julie Kang
Self-Reported Race/Ethnicity In The Age Of Genomic Research: Its Potential Impact On Understanding Health Disparities, Tesfaye B. Mersha and Tilahun Abebe
Self-reported race/ethnicity in the age of genomic research: its potential impact on understanding health disparities, Tesfaye B. Mersha and Tilahun Abebe
Birds And Butterflies Respond To Soil-Induced Habitat Heterogeneity In Experimental Plantings Of Tallgrass Prairie Species Managed As Agroenergy Crops In Iowa, USA, Mark C. Myers, James T. Mason, Benjamin J. Hoksch, Cynthia A. Cambardella, and Jarrett D. Pfrimmer
Soil Type And Species Diversity Influence Selection On Physiology In Panicum Virgatum, Mark E. Sherrard, Lucas C. Joers, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Shifting Elasmobranch Community Assemblage At Cocos Island-An Isolated Marine Protected Area, Easton R. White, Mark C. Myers, Joanna Mills Flemming, and Julia K. Baum
Submissions from 2014
Role Of Prostaglandin F2Α Production In Lipid Bodies From Leishmania Infantum Chagasi: Insights On Virulence, Théo Araújo-Santos, Nilda E. Rodríguez, Sara Moura-Pontes, Upasna Gaur Dixt, Daniel R. Abánades, Patrícia T. Bozza, Mary E. Wilson, and Valéria Matos Borges
Heterochrony, Modularity, and the Functional Evolution of the Mechanosensory Lateral Line Canal System of Fishes, Nathan C. Bird and Jacqueline F. Webb
Comparative Development and Evolution of Two Lateral Line Phenotypes in Lake Malawi Cichlids, Nathan C. Bird, Jacqueline F. Webb, Lauren Carter, and Juleen Dickson
Soils Suppressing and Promoting Non-Native Plant Invasions, Kenneth J. Elgersma
Emergence of Nutrient-Cycling Feedbacks Related to Plant Size and Invasion Success in a Wetland Community-Ecosystem Model, Kenneth J. Elgersma, William S. Currie, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason Martina, Radka Wildova, and Emily Farrer
Rediscovery Of The Pocket Gopher Orthogeomys Lanius (Rodentia: Geomyidae) In Veracruz, Mexico, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, Erick E. Gonzáles, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, and Fernando A. Cervantes
Intraspecific Variation in Carapace Morphology Among Fiddler Crabs (Genus Uca) From the Atlantic Coast of Brazil, Kelsey R. Hampton, Melanie J. Hopkins, John C. McNamara, and Carl L. Thurman
Intraspecific Variation In Carapace Morphology Among Fiddler Crabs (Genus Uca) From The Atlantic Coast Of Brazil, Kelsey R. Hampton, Melanie J. Hopkins, John C. Mcnamara, and Carl L. Thurman
Molecular Evolution Of Dmrt1 Accompanies Change Of Sex-Determining Mechanisms In Reptilia, Daniel E. Janes, Christopher L. Organ, Rami Stiglec, Denis O'Meally, Stephen D. Sarre, Arthur Georges, Jennifer A.M. Graves, Nicole Valenzuela, Robert A. Literman, Kim Rutherford, Neil Gemmell, John B. Iverson, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Scott V. Edwards, and Tariq Ezaz
Role Of Aquaporin Activity In Regulating Deep And Shallow Root Hydraulic Conductance During Extreme Drought, Daniel M. Johnson, Mark E. Sherrard, Jean Christophe Domec, and Robert Jackson
Eosinophils And Mast Cells In Leishmaniasis, Nilda E. Rodríguez and Mary E. Wilson
Genetic Dominance & Cellular Processes, Robert D. Seager
Genetic Dominance & Cellular Processes, Robert D. Seager
Mycoplasma, Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Bacteria BVAB3, Race and Risk of Preterm Birth in a High-Risk Cohort, Ai Wen, Betsy Foxman, Usha Srinivasan, Deborah Goldberg, Carl F. Marrs, John Owen, Deborah A. Wing, and Dawn Misra
Exploring the Effect of Dentition, Dental Decay and Familiality on Oral Health using Metabolomics, Ai Wen, Betsy Foxman, Usha Srinivasan, Lixin Zhang, Carl F. Marrs, Deborah Goldberg, Robert Weyant, Daniel McNeil, Richard Crout, and Mary Marazita
A Panmictic Fiddler Crab From The Coast Of Brazil? Impact Of Divergent Ocean Currents And Larval Dispersal Potential On Genetic And Morphological Variation In Uca Maracoani, A. C. Wieman, P. B. Berendzen, K. R. Hampton, J. Jang, M. J. Hopkins, J. Jurgenson, J. C. McNamara, and C. L. Thurman
Submissions from 2013
Rank-Based Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals The Association Of Ryanodine Receptor-2 Gene Variants With Childhood Asthma Among Human Populations, Lili Ding, Tilahun Abebe, Joseph Beyene, Russell A. Wilke, Arnon Goldberg, Jessica G. Woo, Lisa J. Martin, Marc E. Rothenberg, Marepalli Rao, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakraborty, and Tesfaye B. Mersha
Effect Of TRIF On Permeability And Apoptosis In Bovine Microvascular Endothelial Cells Exposed To Lipopolysaccharide, Jason Dubbert, Amy Bowers, Yutao Su, and David McClenahan
Cellular Effects Of Metolachlor Exposure On Human Liver (Hepg2) Cells, Sean Hartnett, Sadiatu Musah, and Kavita R. Dhanwada
Development Of Leaf Shape In Two North American Native Species Of Ampelopsis (Vitaceae), A. W. Jones, B. G. Doughan, J. M. Gerrath, and Julie Kang
Change Of Eye Shape During Metamorphosis In Two Flatfishes, Paralichthys Olivaceus And Solea Senegalensis, With Comparison Of Eye Shape Within The Pleuronectiformes, Lekang Li, Jiayi Zheng, Baolong Bao, and Peter B. Berendzen
The Plant Vascular System: Evolution, Development And Functions, William J. Lucas, Andrew Groover, Raffael Lichtenberger, Kaori Furuta, Shri Ram Yadav, Ykä Helariutta, Xin Qiang He, Hiroo Fukuda, Julie Kang, Siobhan M. Brady, John W. Patrick, John Sperry, Akiko Yoshida, Ana Flor López-Millán, Michael A. Grusak, and Pradeep Kachroo
Resurrection And Redescription Of The Pocket Gopher Thomomys Sheldoni From The Sierra Madre Occidental Of Mexico, Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and James W. Demastes
Thomomys Nayarensis, A New Species Of Pocket Gopher From The Sierra Del Nayar, Nayarit, Mexico, Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and James W. Demastes
Brassicaceae, Molecular Systematics And Evolution Of, S. L. O'Kane
One-Dimensional Trflp-Sscp Is An Effective Dna Fingerprinting Strategy For Soil Archaea That Is Able To Simultaneously Differentiate Broad Taxonomic Clades Based On Terminal Fragment Length Polymorphisms And Closely Related Sequences Based On Single Stranded Conformation Polymorphisms, Colby A. Swanson and Marek Sliwinski
Archaeal Assemblages Inhabiting Temperate Mixed Forest Soil Fluctuate in Taxon Composition and Spatial Distribution over Time, Colby A. Swanson and Marek K. Sliwinski
Archaeal Assemblages Inhabiting Temperate Mixed Forest Soil Fluctuate In Taxon Composition And Spatial Distribution Over Time, Colby A. Swanson and Marek K. Sliwinski
Response Of Juvenile Diamond-Backed Terrapins (Malaclemys Terrapin) To An Aquatic Thermal Gradient, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Victoria F. Moran, and Emily J. Riesberg
The Distribution Of Fiddler Crabs (Uca) Along The Coast Of Brazil: Implications For Biogeography Of The Western Atlantic Ocean, Carl L. Thurman, Samuel C. Faria, and John C. McNamara
Knox1 Genes Regulate Lignin Deposition And Composition In Monocots And Dicot, Brad T. Townsley, Neelima R. Sinha, and Julie Kang
KNOX1 genes regulate lignin deposition and composition in monocots and dicots, Brad T. Townsley, Neelima R. Sinha, and Julie Kang
Selected Vaginal Bacteria and Risk of Preterm Birth: An Ecological Perspective, Ai Wen, Usha Srinivasan, Deborah Goldberg, John Owen, Carl F. Marrs, Dawn Misra, Deborah A. Wing, Sreelatha Ponnaluri, Arianna Miles-Jay, Brigette Bucholz, Khadija Abbas, and Betsy Foxman
Transcriptome Sequences Resolve Deep Relationships Of The Grape Family, Jun Wen, Zhiqiang Xiong, Ze Long Nie, Likai Mao, Yabing Zhu, Xian Zhao Kan, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Jean Gerrath, Elizabeth A. Zimmer, and Xiao Dong Fang
Transcriptome Sequences Resolve Deep Relationships of the Grape Family, Jun Wen, Zhiqiang Xiong, Ze-Long Nie, Likai Mao, Yabing Zhu, Xian-Zhao Kan, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Jean Gerrath, Elizabeth A. Zimmer, and Xiao-Dong Fang
Conservation Genetics Of The Central Newt (Notophthalmus Viridescens) In Iowa: The Importance Of A Biogeographic Framework, S. Scott Whitmore, Selena Losee, Laurel Meyer, and Theresa A. Spradling
Engaging Students with the Nature of Science and Nature of Technology by Modeling the Work of Scientists., Jesse Wilcox and Jerrid Kruse
Submissions from 2012
Interspecific RNA Interference Of Shoot Meristemless-Like Disrupts Cuscuta Pentagona Plant Parasitism, Amos Alakonya, Ravi Kumar, Daniel Koenig, Seisuke Kimura, Brad Townsley, Steven Runo, Helena M. Garces, Julie Kang, Andrea Yanez, Rakefet David-Schwartz, Jesse Machuka, and Neelima Sinha
Differential Effects Of Tea Extracts On Growth And Cytokine Production By Normal And Leukemic Human Leukocytes, Diana Bayer, Jonathon Jansen, and Lisa A. Beltz
Fss/Tbx6 is Required for Central Dermomyotome Cell Fate in Zebrafish, Nathan Craig Bird, Stefanie Elisabeth Windner, Sara Elizabeth Patterson, Rosemarie Anne Doris, and Stephen Henri Devoto
Adenosine-5'-Triphosphate Release By Mannheimia Haemolytica, Lipopolysaccharide, And Interleukin-1 Stimulated Bovine Pulmonary Epithelial Cells, Michael Craddick, Rakhi Patel, Amanda Lower, Sarah Highlander, Mark Ackermann, and David McClenahan
Cophylogeny On A Fine Scale: Geomydoecus Chewing Lice And Their Pocket Gopher Hosts, Pappogeomys Bulleri, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, Mark S. Hafner, Gretchen R. Spies, David J. Hafner, and Jessica E. Light
The Flea (Siphonaptera) Fauna Of Georgia, U.S.A: Hosts, Distribution And Medical-Veterinary Importance, Lance A. Durden, Nixon Wilson, Ralph P. Eckerlin, and W. Wilson Baker
Microbial-Mediated Feedbacks of Leaf Litter on Invasive Plant Growth and Interspecific Competition, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Shen Yu, Torsten Vor, and Joan G. Ehrenfeld
Expression of Cadherin-11 during Organogenesis in the Chick Embryo, Kacie D. Flaherty, Alicia F. Paulson, Ashley L. Adamson, and Darrell J. Wiens
Development Of New Microsatellite Markers (SSRS) For Humulus Lupulus, Jared Koelling, Mark C. Coles, Paul D. Matthews, and Axel Schwekendiek
Recent Developments in the Interactions Between Caveolin and Pathogens, Fabiana S. Machado, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Daniel Adesse, Luciana R. Garzoni, Lisia Esper, Michael P. Lisanti, Robert D. Burk, Chris Albanese, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, Louis M. Weiss, Fnu Nagajyothi, Joshua D. Nosanchuk, Mary E. Wilson, and Herbert B. Tanowitz
Ctenophthalmus Pseudagyrtes (Siphonaptera: Ctenopthalmidae): New To The Flea Fauna Of Texas, Chris T. McAllister and Nixon Wilson
Butterfly Response To Floral Resources During Early Establishment At A Heterogeneous Prairie Biomass Production Site In Iowa, USA, Mark C. Myers, Benjamin J. Hoksch, and James T. Mason
Local Adaptation Across A Fertility Gradient Is Influenced By Soil Biota In The Invasive Grass, Bromus Inermis, Mark E. Sherrard and Hafiz Maherali
Gram Stains: A Resource for Retrospective Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens in Clinical Studies, Usha Srinivasan, Sreelatha Ponnalurl, Lisa Villareal, Brenda Gillespie, Ai Wen, Arianna Miles, Brigette Bucholz, Carl F. Marrs, Ram K. Iyer, Dawn Misra, and Betsy Foxman
Caries Resistance as a Function of Age in an Initially Caries-Free Population, Ai Wen, D. Goldberg, C. F. Marrs, R. J. Weyant, M. L. Marazita, U. Srinivasan, L. Zhang, R. Crout, D. W. McNeil, and B. Foxman
The Effects of Hypergravity on Xenopus Embryo Growth and Cardiac Hypertrophy, Darrell Wiens and Bryce Joseph Duchman
Submissions from 2011
Genotype-Environment Interactions And Their Translational Implications, Tesfaye M. Baye, Tilahun Abebe, and Russell A. Wilke
Immunocytochemistry to Study Myogenesis in Zebrafish, Nathan C. Bird, Stefanie E. Windner, and Stephen H. Devoto
Comparison Of Measures Of Marker Informativeness For Ancestry And Admixture Mapping, Lili Ding, Howard Wiener, Tilahun Abebe, Mekbib Altaye, Rodney C.P. Go, Carolyn Kercsmar, Greg Grabowski, Lisa J. Martin, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakorborty, and Tesfaye M. Baye
Comparison of measures of marker informativeness for ancestry and admixture mapping, Lili Ding, Howard Wiener, Tilahun Abebe, Mekbib Altaye, Rodney CP Go, Carolyn Kercsmar, Greg Grabowski, Lisa J. Martin, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Ranajit Chakorborty, and Tesfaye M. Baye
Linear and Non-linear Impacts of a Non-native Plant Invasion on Soil Microbial Community Structure and Function, Kenneth J. Elgersma and Joan G. Ehrenfeld
Legacy Effects Overwhelm the Short-term Effects of Exotic Plant Invasion and Restoration on Soil Microbial Community Structure, Enzyme Activities, and Nitrogen Cycling, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Joan G. Ehrenfeld, Shen Yu, and Torsten Vor
The Mechanism Of DNA Ejection In The Bacillus Anthracis Spore-Binding Phage 8A Revealed By Cryo-Electron Tomography, Xiaofeng Fu, Michael H. Walter, Angel Paredes, Marc C. Morais, and Jun Liu
Redescription Of The Pocket Gopher Thomomys Atrovarius From The Pacific Coast Of Mainland Mexico, Mark S. Hafner, Amber R. Gates, Verity L. Mathis, James W. Demastes, and David J. Hafner
Reduced Levels of Membrane-Bound Alkaline Phosphatase Are Common to Lepidopteran Strains Resistant to Cry Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, Jerreme Jackson, Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes, Lohitash Karumbaiah, Siva Rama Krishna Jakka, Changming Ning, Chenxi Liu, Kongming Wu, Fred Gould, Carlos Blanco, Maribel Portilla, Omaththage Perera, and Michael Adang
Regulation of Leaf Shape, Julie Kang and Neelima R. Sinha
Homocysteine and Cardiac Neural Crest Cell Cytoskeletal Proteins in the Chick Embryo, Anthony R. Mwakikunga, Amanda L. Clubine, and Darrell J. Wiens
Long-Term Comparison Of The Fish Community In A Costa Rican Rocky Shore Marine Reserve, Mark C. Myers, Jonathan Wagner, and Christopher Vaughan
Atrazine Exposure Leads To Altered Growth Of Hepg2 Cells, Erin R. Powell, Noha Faldladdin, April D. Rand, Daniel Pelzer, Erin M. Schrunk, and Kavita R. Dhanwada
Stage-Specific Pathways of Leishmania infantum chagasi Entry and Phagosome Maturation in Macrophages, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Upasna Dixit, Lee Ann H. Allen, and Mary E. Wilson
Native Prairie Roadsides: The Iowa Example, Daryl D. Smith
Effects Of Acclimation And Egg-Incubation Temperature On Selected Temperature By Hatchling Western Painted Turtles (Chrysemys Picta Bellii), Jeffrey W. Tamplin and Andrew B. Cyr
Reply to Eells et al. (Daily Cranberry Prophylaxis to Prevent Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections May Be Beneficial in Some Populations of Women), Ai Wen, Betsy Foxman, Kenneth Elgersma, Miatta Buxton, Lixin Zhang, and Cibele Barbosa-Cesnik
Development Of A Host-Induced RNAI System In The Wheat Stripe Rust Fungus Puccinia Striiformis F. Sp. Tritici, Chuntao Yin, James Jurgenson, and Scot H. Hulbert
Submissions from 2010
Drought Response In The Spikes Of Barley: Gene Expression In The Lemma, Palea, Awn, And Seed, Tilahun Abebe, Kalpalatha Melmaiee, Virginia Berg, and Roger P. Wise
Post-Glacial Expansion Into The Paleozoic Plateau: Evidence Of An Ozarkian Refugium For The Ozark Minnow Notropis Nubilus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), P. B. Berendzen, J. F. Dugan, and T. Gamble
BMP Regulation of Myogenesis in Zebrafish, Nathan C. Bird, Sara E. Patterson, and Stephen H. Devoto
The Geographic Structure Of Morphological Variation In Eight Species Of Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae: Genus Uca) From The Eastern United States And Mexico, Melanie J. Hopkins and Carl L. Thurman
Perennial Farming Systems That Resist Flooding, Laura Jackson and Dennis Keeney
Leaflet Initiation is Temporally and Spatially Separated in Simple and Complex Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Leaf Mutants, Julie Kang and Neelima R. Sinha
Xenopus Development from Late Gastrulation to Feeding Tadpole in Simulated Microgravity, Wendy M. Olson, Darrell Wiens, Theresa L. Gaul, Manuela Rodriguez, and Cherie L. Hauptmeier
Xenopus Development From Late Gastrulation To Feeding Tadpole In Simulated Microgravity, Wendy M. Olson, Darrell J. Wiens, Theresa L. Gaul, Manuela Rodriguez, and Chérie L. Hauptmeier