Faculty Publications
This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff in the Department of Biology at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection.
To view lists of publications by individual biology faculty and staff, see their SelectedWorks profiles.
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Submissions from 1997
Arabidopsis Gamosepala And A. Tuemurnica Belong To Neotorularia (Brassicaceae), Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz and Steve L. O'Kane
Nesting Status of the Cooper's Hawk in Iowa: 1988-1996, David. J. Conrads
Heteroblastic Sequence And Leaf Development In Leea Guineensis, J. M. Gerrath and C. R. Lacroix
Opening Doors With Informal Science: Exposure And Access For Our Underserved Students, Leslie S. Jones
Organogenesis Of Fascicled Ear Mutant Inflorescences In Maize (Poaceae), Alan R. Orr, Gretchen Haas, and Marshall D. Sundberg
Book Review - Lost Landscapes and Failed Economies, Tom Vetter
Submissions from 1996
Isolate Specific Detection Of Mycorrhizal Fungi Using Genome Specific Primer Pairs, Jason D. Abbas, B. A.D. Hetrick, and J. E. Jurgenson
Letters To The Editor, Mark L. Bennett, Christopher D. Penrose, Henry M. Bartholomew, and Laura L. Jackson
Phylogeographic Variation in Two Central American Pocket Gophers (Orthogeomys), James W. Demastes, Mark S. Hafner, and David J. Hafner
Interspecific Nutrient Transfer In A Tallgrass Prairie Plant Community, Laura E. Fischer Walter, David C. Hartnett, Barbara A.D. Hetrick, and A. Paul Schwab
Mycorrhizal Response In Wheat Cultivars: Relationship To Phosphorus, B. A.D. Hetrick, G. W.T. Wilson, and T. C. Todd
Nitrogen: It Doesn't Just Go Away, Laura L. Jackson
The Origins Of Arabidopsis Suecica (Brassicaceae) As Indicated By Nuclear RDNA Sequences, Steve L. O'Kane, Barbara A. Schaal, and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
Molecular Phylogeny of the Neotoma Floridana Species Group, Theresa Spradling, John V. Planz, Earl G. Zimmerman, and Darrin R. Akins
Limited Morphological Differences Between Genetically Identified Cryptic Species within the Leptasterias Species Complex (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Jeffrey W. Tamplin, D. W. Foltz, J. P. Breaux, E. L. Campagnaro, S. W. Herke, A. E. Himel, A. W. Hrincevich, and W. B. Stickle
Song Repertoire Of The Bobolink: A Reassessment, Jill M. Trainer and Brenda S. Peltz
An Alternative Model For Cell Sheet Migration On Fibronectin During Heart Formation, Darrell J. Wiens
Submissions from 1995
Distribution Of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microorganisms In Sediments From Prince William Sound, Alaska, Following The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Joan F. Braddock, Jon E. Lindstrom, and Edward J. Brown
Ecological Restoration: A Definition And Comments, Laura L. Jackson, Nikita Lopoukhine, and Deborah Hillyard
Harness Television Power To Improve Problem Solving & Conceptual Understanding In Your Biology Classroom, Derrick R. Lavoie
Acclimation And Adaptive Behavior Of Drosophila Robusta And D. Tripunctata Adults In Response To Combined Temperature And Desiccation Stress, R. McDaniel, E. E. Hostert, and R. D. Seager
Resting Membrane Potentials: A Student Test Of Alternate Hypotheses., C. L. Thurman
Singing Performance, Frequency Matching And Courtship Success Of Long-Tailed Manakins (Chiroxiphia Linearis), Jill M. Trainer and David B. McDonald
Developmental Expression Of Connexins In The Chick Embryo Myocardium And Other Tissues, Darrell Wiens, Lisa Jensen, Jill Jasper, and Jennifer Becker
Submissions from 1994
Domestic Calves (Bos Taurus) Recognize Their Own Mothers By Auditory Cues, Christine H. Barfield, Zuleyma Tang‐Martinez, and Jill M. Trainer
Stream Microcosm Toxicity Tests: Predicting The Effects Of Fenvalerate On Riffle Insect Communities, Dan H. Breneman and Kurt W. Pontasch
Systematics and Zoogeography of the Mer Rouge Pocket Gopher (Geomys breviceps breviceps) Based on mtDNA Cytochrome-B Sequences, James W. Demastes
Disparate Rates of Molecular Evolution in Cospeciating Hosts and Parasites, James W. Demastes, Mark S. Hafner, Philip D. Sudman, Francis X. Villablanca, Theresa A. Spradling, and Steven A. Nadler
Phosphate Uptake By The Yeast, Rhodotorula Rubra, And The Green Alga, Selenastrum Capricornutum Printz, After Phosphate Additions To Steady-State Continuous Cultures, Joan Forshaug Braddock and Edward J. Brown
Predicting Evolutionary Consequences of Greater Reproductive Effort in Tripsacum Dactyloides, a Perennial Grass, Laura L. Jackson and Chester L. Dewald
Inflorescence Development In A Perennial Teosinte: Zea Perennis (Poaceae), A. R. Orr and M. D. Sundberg
Exercise Performance of Birds, David K. Saunders and M. Roger Fedde
Stress Protein Induction in Skeletal Muscle: Comparison of Laboratory Models to Naturally Occurring Hypertrophy, David K. Saunders, J. L. Kilgore, B. F. Timson, R. R. Kraemer, R. D. Klemm, and C. R. Ross
Seasonal Changes in the Metabolic Properties of Muscle in Blue-Winged Teal, Anas discors, David K. Saunders and R. D. Klemm
Control Of Paraheliotropism In Two Phaseolus Species, Fei Yu and Virginia S. Berg
Submissions from 1993
Tips For Teaching Plant Water Relations, Virginia Berg
Cospeciation in Pocket Gophers (Geomys) and Their Chewing Lice (Geomydoecus), James W. Demastes and M. S. Hafner
Modified Water Regimes Affect Photosynthesis, Xylem Water Potential, Cambial Growth, And Resistance Of Juvenile Pinus Taeda L To Dendroctonus Frontalis (Coleoptera, Scolytidae), J. P. Dunn and P. L. Lorio
Patterns Of Effective Permeability Of Leaf Cuticles To Acids, Hugh D. Hauser, Katherine D. Walters, and Virginia S. Berg
Periodicity And The Influence Of Temperature And Cellular Size In Contractile Vacuole Contraction Intervals, S. Nematbakhsh and B. L. Bergquist
Effect Of Cations On Effective Permeability Of Leaf Cuticles To Sulfuric Acid, Stephen J. Smalley, Hugh D. Hauser, and Virginia S. Berg
Phylogenetic Relationships of Pocket Gophers (Cratogeomys and Pappogeomys) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Sequences, Theresa Spradling, Philip D. Sudman, Mark S. Hafner, and Scott K. Davis
Mitochondrial-DNA Phylogeny of Species of the Boylii and Truei Groups of the Genus Peromyscus, Theresa Spradling, Earl G. Zimmerman, and John V. Planz
Vocal Repertoire Of The Long-Tailed Manakin And Its Relation To Male-Male Cooperation, J. M. Trainer and D. B. McDonald
Submissions from 1992
Association Between Tobacco Streak Ilarvirus Seed Transmission and Anther Tissue Infection in Bean, Michael H. Walter, W. J. Kaiser, R. E. Klein, and S. D. Wyatt
Early Heart Development In The Chick Embryo: Effects Of Isotretinoin On Cell Proliferation, Α-Actin Synthesis, And Development Of Contractions, Darrell J. Wiens, Tamara K. Mann, Dan E. Fedderson, W. Kimryn Rathmell, and Barbara H. Franck
Submissions from 1991
Vascular Flora of Arend's Kettle, Freda Haffner Kettlehole State Preserve, Dickinson County, Iowa, Edwin L. Freese and William J. Platt
Hybridization And Introgression In White And Yellow Ladyslipper Orchids (Cypripedium Candidum And C. Pubescens), K. Klier, M. J. Leoschke, and J. F. Wendel
Cellular Uptake And Toxicity Study Of Cis-Bis(6-Aminoquinoline) Dichloroplatinum(II), Meiqing Lu, Barton L. Bergquist, and James C. Chang
An Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plant Flora of Guthrie County, Iowa, Dean M. Roosa, Lawrence J. Eilers, and Scott Zager
Physical Conditioning: Effect on the Myoglobin Concentration in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle of Bar-Headed Geese, David K. Saunders and M. R. Fedde
Double-Stranded RNA Isolated From Grapevines Affected by Rupestris Stem Pitting Disease, Michael H. Walter and H. R. Cameron
Ectoparasites Of A Population Of Urban Gray Squirrels In Northern Florida., N. A. Wilson, S. R. Telford, and D. J. Forrester
Submissions from 1990
Changes in a Prairie Bird Population From 1940 to 1989, Neil P. Bernstein, Kristine K. Baker, and Sherry R. Wilmot
Assessment Of The Potential Of The Blue Light Gradient In Soybean Pulvini As A Leaf Orientation Signal, Raymon A. Donahue, Virginia Seymour Berg, and Thomas C. Vogelmann
Source Distances for Coarse Woody Debris Entering Small Streams in Western Oregon and Washington, Mary H. McDade, F. J. Swanson, W. A. McKee, J. F. Franklin, and J. Van Sickle
‘Eve’ In Africa: Human Evolution Meets Molecular Biology, Robert D. Seager
'Eve' in Africa: Human Evolution Meets Molecular Biology, Robert D. Seager
Adaptive Coloration in Texas Fiddler Crabs (Uca), Carl L. Thurman
Norepinephrine Stimulation of Sodium Transport in Necturus Urinary Bladder Epithelium, Carl L. Thurman and J. T. Higgin
Submissions from 1989
Employment Prospects In Biotechnology, Jerry D. Davis, Ann J. Korschgen, and Barbara W. Saigo
Ecology of Iowa Drosophila II. Lowland Forest and Sand Prairie, Neil J. Jennings and Robert D. Seager
Reversal of the Epinephrine Stimulation of Cl- Transport in Bullfrog Cornea by Phorbol Esters, Carl Thurman, Peter S. Reinach, Haydee E.P. Bazan, and Nicolas G. Bazan
The Vascular Flora of Pilot Knob State Preserve, William C. Watson
Ectoparasitic Acari Found On Golden Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus Rosalia Rosalia) From Brazil., N. Wilson, J. M. Dietz, and J. O. Whitaker
Submissions from 1988
Local Ecology and Multiple Mating in a Natural Population of Drosophila melanogaster, R. W. Marks, Robert D. Seager, and L. G. Barr
Assay Of Plant Proteins With Bicinchoninic Acid For High Resolution Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, Alan R. Orr, Brett A. Wagner, Catherine T. Howard, and Orlando A. Schwartz
Rhythmic Physiological Color Change in Crustacea: A Review, Carl L. Thurman
Catecholamine Stimulation of Ion Transport in the Toad Urinary Bladder, Carl L. Thurman and J T. Higgins Jr.
Submissions from 1987
Plant Cuticle As A Barrier To Acid Rain Penetration., V. S. Berg
Assimilated Energy of Seeds Consumed by Scaled Quail in Kansas, David K. Saunders and John W. Parrish
A 12-Year Study Of Vegetation And Mammal Succession On A Reconstructed Tallgrass Prairie In Iowa., O. A. Schwartz and P. D. Whitson
Fiddler Crabs (Genus UCA) Of Eastern Mexico (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae), Carl L. Thurman
Basolateral Membrane K Permselectivity and Regulation in Bullfrog Cornea Epithelium, Carl Thurman, Peter S. Reinach, and Gil Klemperer
Milk Protein Expression and Ductal Morphogenesis in the Mammary Gland In Vitro: Hormone Dependent and Independent Phases of Adipocyte-mammary Epithelial Cell Interaction, Darrell Wiens, Chung S. Park, and Frank E. Stockdale
Adipocyte, Preadipocyte and Mammary Epithelial Cell Interaction, Darrell Wiens and Frank E. Stockdale
Submissions from 1986
Quantifying Intracellular Water Regulation In A Single-Celled Organism, Barton L. Bergquist
The Interaction Of Cadmium With Calcium And Cisplatin With Chloride - Effect On The Locomotor Rate Of Tetrahymena Pyriformis, Barton L. Bergquist, Ellen Wyttenbach, and Eugene C. Bovee
“Visualization” Of Biochemical Pathways With Enzyme Markers, Alan R. Orr
Genetics And The Conservation Of Mountain Sheep Ovis Canadensis Nelsoni, Orlando A. Schwartz, Vernon C. Bleich, and Stephen A. Holl
Submissions from 1985
Ecology of Iowa Drosophila I. Lowland Forest, Neil J. Jennings, Edward Pilkington, and Robert D. Seager
Catalog of Brown-headed Cowbird Hosts from Iowa, Peter E. Lowther
Learning How To Observe The Behavior Of Animals A Laboratory Exercise, E. Russell TePaske
Reproductive Biology and Population Structure of the Fiddler Crab Uca subcylindrica (Stimpson), Carl L. Thurman
Submissions from 1984
Status of Four Orchid Species at Silver Lake Fen Complex, Sara Carroll, Robert L. Miller, and Paul D. Whitson
The Vegetation of the Paleozoic Plateau, Northeastern Iowa, David C. Glenn-Lewin, Roger H. Laushman, and Paul D. Whitson
Repeat of a 1916 Bird Census in Northwestern Iowa, Peter E. Lowther
Iowa's Driftless Area: Symposium, Daryl D. Smith
Ecological Notes on Fiddler Crabs of South Texas, with Special Reference to Uca subcylindrica, Carl Thurman
Taxonomy and Biogeography of the Fiddler Crabs (Ocypodidae: Genus Uca) of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of Eastern North America, Carl L. Thurman and F. H. Barnwell
Precardiac Mesoderm Differentiation In Vitro: Actin-isotype Synthetic Transitions, Myofibrillogenesis, Initiation of Heartbeat, and the Possible Involvement of Collagen, Darrell Wiens, Mark Sullins, and Brian S. Spooner
Submissions from 1982
Writing In Biology: One Way To Improve Analytical Thinking, E. Russell TePaske
Amiloride Stimulation of Sodium Transport in the Presence of Calcium and Divalent Cation Chelator, Carl L. Thurman and J. T. Higgins
Submissions from 1981
Dandelion Floral Stems: A Model For Teaching Cellular Tonicity, Barton L. Bergquist
A Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Lee County, Iowa, James H. Peck, Thomas G. Lammers, Burton W. Haglan, Dean M. Roosa, and Lawrence J. Eilers
Iowa Prairie - An Endangered Ecosystem, Daryl D. Smith
Teaching About Survival: Some Hidden Assumptions, E. Russell TePaske
Submissions from 1980
Creationism In Iowa, Jack A. Gerlovich, Karl E. Goellner, Stanley C. Grant, Robert W. Hanson, Donald M. Huffman, Clifford G. McCollum, Lois H. Tiffany, and Stanley L. Weinberg
The Vascular Flora of Starr's Cave State Preserve, Thomas G. Lammers