UNI Department of Biology Faculty Publications | Faculty Work | University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Publications


This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff in the Department of Biology at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection.

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Submissions from 2003


Transberingia, A New Generic Name Replacing The Illegitimate Beringia (Brassicaceae), Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz and Steve L. O'Kane


Molecular Systematics of North American Phoxinin Genera (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) Inferred from Mitochondrial 12S and 16S Ribosomal RNA Sequences, Peter B. Berendzen, Andrew M. Simons, and Richard L. Mayden


Phylogeography of the Northern Hogsucker, Hypentelium Nigricans (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Genetic Evidence for the Existence of the Ancient Teays River, Peter B. Berendzen, Andrew M. Simons, and Robert M. Wood


Paraheliotropism In Two Phaseolus Species: Combined Effects Of Photon Flux Density And Pulvinus Temperature, And Consequences For Leaf Gas Exchange, Douglas G. Bielenberg, Jennifer D. Miller, and Virginia S. Berg


Developmental Morphology of the Axial Skeleton of the Zebrafish, Danio rerio (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae), Nathan C. Bird and Paula M. Mabee


Systematics Of A Rare Species Of Pocket Gopher, Pappogeomys Alcorni, James W. Demastes, Andrea L. Butt, Mark S. Hafner, and Jessica E. Light


Effects of the Pesticides Atrazine, Metoachlor and Diazinon and Binary Mixtures on Proliferation of Human Fibroblasts, Kavita R. Dhanwada, Yijun Deng, and Maureen E. Clayton


Vein Pattern Development in Adult Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana, Julie Kang and Nancy Dengler


The Development of Enantiostyly, Julie Kang, Linley K. Jesson, Sara L. Wagner, Spencer C.H. Barrett, and Nancy G. Dengler


Primary Vascular Pattern and Expression of ATHB-8 in Shoots of Arabidopsis, Julie Kang, John Tang, Petra Donnelly, and Nancy Dengler


A Learning Cycle Inquiry Into Plant Nutrition, Cherin A. Lee


Biting Rates And Developmental Substrates For Biting Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) In Iquitos, Peru, David R. Mercer, Gustavo R. Spinelli, Douglas M. Watts, and Robert B. Tesh


Phylogenetic Position And Generic Limits Of Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae) Based On Sequences Of Nuclear Ribosomal Dna, Steve L. O'Kane and Ihsan Al-Shehbaz


The Power Of Practice: What Students Learn From How We Teach, Amy J. Phelps and Cherin Lee


Activation of TGF-β by Leishmania chagasi: Importance for Parasite Survival in Macrophages, Nilda Rodriguez, Kira R. Gantt, Stacey Schultz-Cherry, Selma M.B. Jeronimo, Eliana T. Nascimento, Todd L. Goldman, Thomas J. Recker, Melissa A. Miller, and Mary E. Wilson


Blood Viscosity and Hematology American Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) at Low Temperature, David Saunders and Nicole M. Palenske


Intentions And Beliefs In Students' Understanding And Acceptance Of Biological Evolution, Gale M. Sinatra, Sherry A. Southerland, Frances McConaughy, and James W. Demastes


Osmoregulation In Fiddler Crabs (Uca) From Temperate Atlantic And Gulf Of Mexico Coasts Of North America, C. Thurman


Osmoregulation By Six Species Of Fiddler Crabs (Uca) From The Mississippi Delta Area In The Northern Gulf Of Mexico, Carl Thurman

Efficacy And Durability Of Bacillus Anthracis Bacteriophages Used Against Spores, Michael H. Walter


Three Bacillus Anthracis Bacteriophages From Topsoil, Michael H. Walter and Dylan D. Baker


Ectoparasites Of Terrestrial Vertebrates Inhabiting The Georgia Barrier Islands, USA: An Inventory And Preliminary Biogeographical Analysis, Nixon Wilson and Lance A. Durden

Submissions from 2002


Cloning of the Promoter for a Novel Barley Gene, Lem1, and its Organ-Specific Promotion of GFP Expression in Lemma and Palea, Tilahun Abebe, Ronald W. Skadsen, Puthigae Sathish, Maria L. Federico, Jianming Fu, and Heidi F. Kaeppler


The 'Other' Telomerase Inhibitors: Non-G-Quadruplex Interactive Agent, Non-Antisense, Non-Reverse Transcriptase Telomerase Inhibitors, L. A. Beltz


Phylogenetic Relationships of Pleuronectiformes Based on Molecular Evidence, Peter B. Berendzen and Walter Wheaton Dimmick


Evolution of Median Fin Modules in the Axial Skeleton of Fishes, Nathan C. Bird, Paula M. Mabee, Patricia L. Crotwell, and Ann C. Burke


The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Scale on Analysis of Cophylogeny, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, and Mark S. Hafner


Systematics And Phylogeography Of Pocket Gophers In The Genera Cratogeomys And Pappogeomys, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, and David L. Reed


Cophylogeny Between Pocket Gophers and Chewing Lice, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, Mark S. Hafner, and David L. Reed


Neural Crest Cell Motility In Valproic Acid, Leah C. Fuller, Shannon K. Cornelius, Charles W. Murphy, and Darrell J. Wiens


Occurrence Of Phi Thickenings Is Correlated With Gymnosperm Systematics, Jean M. Gerrath, Lori Covington, Jennifer Doubt, and Douglas W. Larson


Isolation And Characterization Of Microsatellite Loci From Galápagos Lava Lizards (Microlophus Spp.), M. A. Jordan, R. L. Hammond, H. L. Snell, H. M. Snell, and W. C. Jordan

A Genetic Map Of Gibberella Zeae (Fusarium Graminearum), J. E. Jurgenson, R. L. Bowden, K. A. Zeller, J. F. Leslie, N. J. Alexander, and R. D. Plattner


Cell Cycling Frequency and Expression of the Homeobox Gene ATHB-8 During Leaf Vein Development in Arabidopsis, Julie Kang and Nancy Dengler


Teaching As You Would Have Them Teach: An Effective Elementary Science Teacher Preparation Program, Cherin Lee and Lisa Krapfl


Paysonia, A New Genus Segregated From Lesquerella (Brassicaceae), Steve L. O'Kane and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz


Inflorescence Development In A High-Altitude Annual Mexican Teosinte (Poaceae), Alan R. Orr, Kevin Mullen, Darcey Klaahsen, and Marshall D. Sundberg


Phytostabilization Of Metal Mine Tailings Using Tall Fescue, G. M. Pierzynski, M. Lambert, B. A.D. Hetrick, D. W. Sweeney, and L. E. Erickson


The TGF‐β Response to Leishmania chagasi in the Absence of IL‐12, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Mary E. Wilson, Thomas J. Recker, Betty M. Young, Kindra K. Burnell, Judy A. Streit, and Joel N. Kline


Comparisons of Blood Viscosity Between Amphibians and Mammals at 3°C and 38°C, David K. Saunders and Nicole M. Palenske


Osmoregulation In Six Sympatric Fiddler Crabs (Genus Uca) From The Northwestern Gulf Of Mexico, Carl L. Thurman


The Development Of Coordinated Singing In Cooperatively Displaying Long-Tailed Manakins, Jill M. Trainer, David B. McDonald, and William A. Learn


Delayed Vocal Maturation In Polygynous Yellow-Rumped Caciques, Jill M. Trainer and Ryan J. Parsons

Nitrates/Nitrites Alter Human Lymphocyte Proliferation And Cytokine Production, I. V. Ustyugova, C. Zeman, K. Dhanwada, and L. A. Beltz


Changing Views Of Work And Family Roles: A Symbiotic Perspective, James Werbel and Michael H. Walter

Submissions from 2001


Immunotoxicity Of Explosives-Contaminated Soil Before And After Bioremediation, L. A. Beltz, D. R. Neira, C. A. Axtell, S. Iverson, W. Deaton, T. J. Waldschmidt, J. A. Bumpus, and C. G. Johnston


Primary Vascular Patterns In The Vitaceae, J. M. Gerrath, U. Posluszny, and N. Dengler


Vascular Patterning and Leaf Shape, Julie Kang and Nancy Dengler


Analysis Of Inflorescence Organogenesis In Eastern Gamagrass, Tripsacum Dactyloides (Poaceae): The Wild Type And The Gynomonoecious Gsf1 Mutant, Alan R. Orr, Rahkee Kaparthi, Chester L. Dewald, and Marshall D. Sundberg


Can Computer Animations Affect College Biology Students' Conceptions About Diffusion & Osmosis?, Michael J. Sanger, Dorothy M. Brecheisen, and Brian M. Hynek


Comparison of Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility Among Ectotherms and Endotherms at Three Temperatures, David K. Saunders and Kevin Aldrich


Differences In Rate Of Cytochrome-B Evolution Among Species Of Rodents, T. A. Spradling, M. S. Hafner, and J. W. Demastes


Locomotor Activity Of The Fiddler Crab, Uca Subcylindrica (Stimpson), Under Artificial Illumination, C. L. Thurman and A. M. Broghammer


Uniformity Of Long-Tailed Manakin Songs From Three Localities In Costa Rica, Jill M. Trainer and Ryan J. Parsons


An Undergraduate Science Laboratory Field Experience For Pre-Service Science Teachers, Jeffrey D. Weld and Donald P. French

Submissions from 2000


Social Enhancement Of Fitness In Yellow-Bellied Marmots, Kenneth B. Armitage and Orlando A. Schwartz


Ectoparasitic Insects Of Bats In British Columbia, Canada, Glen Chilton, Maarten J. Vonhof, B. V. Peterson, and Nixon Wilson


Different Expression Patterns of Heat Shock Proteins hsp 60 and hsp 70 in Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) Exposed to Copper and Tributlytin, Maureen E. Clayton, Roland Steinmann, and Karl Fent


Systematic Relationships of the Endangered Qeretero Pocket Gopher (Cratogeomys neglectus), James W. Demastes, T. Monterrubio, L. Leon-Paniagua, and M. S. Hafner


Coevolution and Subterranean Rodents, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, and Mark S. Hafner


Source-Identified Seed: The Iowa Roadside Experience, Greg Houseal and Daryl D. Smith


Swine Manure Management Plans in North-Central Iowa: Nutrient Loading and Policy Implication, Laura L. Jackson, Dennis R. Keeney, and Elizabeth M. Gilbert


Evidence For The Widespread Occurrence Of Ancient Forests On Cliffs, D. W. Larson, U. Matthes, J. A. Gerrath, N. W.K. Larson, J. M. Gerrath, J. C. Nekola, G. L. Walker, S. Porembski Dand, and A. Charlton


Simulate Microgravity And Hypergravity Attenuate Heart Tissue Development In Explant Culture, Peter Y. Lwigale, Joel E. Thurmond, William N. Norton, Brian S. Spooner, and Darrell J. Wiens


Mutations in Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoprotein D Distinguish Entry of Free Virus from Cell-Cell Spread, Nilda Rodriguez, D. A. Rauch, and R. J. Roller

The Biodegradation Potential Of Vegetable-Based Hydraulic Fluids Using A Miniaturized Test Method, Lionel J. Rouzic, Terumi Mascarenhas, and Edward J. Brown


The Effects of Estradiol Treatment on the Blood Viscosity of the Bullfrog Rana Catesbeiana, David K. Saunders, Olivia Fowler, and Katherine N. Smalley


Blood Viscosity and Hematological Changes During Prolonged Submergence in Normoxic Water of Northern and Southern Musk Turtles (Sternotherus odoratus), David K. Saunders, Adam C. Roberts, and Gordon R. Ultsch


Identifying The Ca++ Signalling Sources Activating Chloride Currents In Xenopus Oocytes Using Ionomycin And Thapsigargin, Carl L. Thurman, Jon S. Burns, and Roger G. O'Neil


Isozyme And Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms From Cephalosporium Maydis In Egypt, Kurt A. Zeller, James E. Jurgenson, Elhamy M. El-Assiuty, and John F. Leslie

Submissions from 1999


Ianhedgea (Brassicaceae), A New Generic Name Replacing The Illegitimate Microsisymbrium, I. A. Al-Shehbaz and S. L. O'Kane


Generic Placement Of Species Excluded From Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae), Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz, Steve L. O'Kane, and Robert A. Price


Thymic Involution And HIV Progression, L. Beltz

The Effects Of Telomerase Inhibitors On Lymphocyte Function, Lisa A. Beltz, Robert Moran, Osama Elsawy, Jeffrey Sadler, and James Jurgenson


Morphological Evidence for the Occurrence of Two Electric Catfish (Malapterurus) Species in the White Nile and Omo-Turkana Systems, Peter B. Berendzen and A. S. Golubtsov


Morphological Variation and Taxonomic Status of Altai osmans, Oreoleuciscus, from the Upper Reaches of the Ob River System., Peter B. Berendzen, A. S. Golubtsov, and C. A. Annett


The Phylogenetic Relationships of the Suborder Acanthuroidei (Teleostei: Perciformes) Based on Molecular and Morphological Evidence, Peter B. Z. Berendzen, Kevin L. Tang, E. O. Wiley, John F. Morrissey, Richard Winterbottom, and G. David Johnson


Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) Tendril-Surface Changes Are Correlated With Changes In Functional Development, Jean M. Gerrath, Richard Côté, and Melissa Farquhar


Establishing Tallgrass Prairie On Grazed Permanent Pasture In The Upper Midwest, Laura L. Jackson


Radiation Therapy And Patient Age In The Survival From Early-Stage Breast Cancer, Sue A. Joslyn


Activation Of A Delayed-Early Gene Encoding Mhr3 By The Ecdysone Receptor Heterodimer Ecr-B1-Usp-1 But Not By Ecr-B1-Usp-2, Que Lan, Kiyoshi Hiruma, Xiao Hu, Marek Jindra, and Lynn M. Riddiford


Effects Of Larval Density On The Size Of Aedes Polynesiensis Adults (Diptera: Culicidae), David R. Mercer


Molecular Evolution Of Cytochrome B Of Subterranean Mole Rats, Spalax Ehrenbergi Superspecies, In Israel, Eviatar Nevo, Avigdor Beiles, and Theresa Spradling


Carriers For Starter Cultures For The Production Of Garri, A Fermented Food Derived From Cassava, Nduka Okafor, Chibuzo Azubike, and Christopher Ibenegbu


Secretion Of Lysine In A Broth Medium By Lactic Bacteria And Yeasts Associated With Garri Production Using A Synthetic Gene, Nduka Okafor, B. C. Okeke, C. Umeh, and C. Ibenegbu


Ligand Regulation Of Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein Mrna In Mutant Manduca Sexta, Anthony P. Orth, Que Lan, and Walter G. Goodman


Isotretinoin Alters Morphology, Polarity, And Motility Of Neural Crest Cells In Culture, April Smith Orris, Leah C. Banicky, and Darrell J. Wiens


Effect of a Sports Bar on Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation During Prolonged Exercise, Carl L. Thurman, Fred W. Kqlkhorst, Catherine L. Brqshears, and Marie K. Hoeger

Submissions from 1998


Age and Movement of a Hybrid Zone: Implications for Dispersal Distance in Pocket Gophers and Their Chewing Lice, James W. Demastes, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Philip D. Sudman, and Steven A. Nadler


Pocket Gophers and Their Chewing Lice: A Test of the Maternal Transmission Hypothesis, James W. Demastes, M. S. Hafner, D. J. Hafner, and T. A. Spradling


Effects Of Below-Ground Herbivory By Diabrotica Virgifera Virgifera (Coleoptera) On Biomass Allocation And Carbohydrate Storage Of Maize, James P. Dunn and Keri Frommelt


Effects Of Below-Ground Herbivory By Diabrotica Virgifera Virgifera (Col., Chrysomelidea) And Soil Moisture On Leaf Gas Exchange Of Maize, J. P. Dunn and K. Frommelt


Polygenis Martinezbaezi (Siphonaptera: Rhopalopsyllidae) Reared From A Rodent Nest Found In The Peloncillo Mountains Of Southwestern New Mexico, Glenn E. Haas and Nixon Wilson


Phylogenetics Of Lopezia (Onagraceae): Evidence From Chloroplast DNA Restriction Sites, Steve L. O'Kane and Barbara A. Schaal


Regulated Changes in Body Mass and Muscle Mass in Molting Blue-Winged Teal for an Early Return to Flight, David K. Saunders and Richard E. Brown


Comparison of Blood Viscosity in Red-Eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta) Adapted to Cold and Room Temperatures, David K. Saunders and H. Patel


A 32-Year Demography Of Yellow-Bellied Marmots (Marmota Flaviventris), Orlando A. Schwartz, Kenneth B. Armitage, and Dirk Van Vuren


Iowa Prairie: Original Extent and Loss, Preservation and Recovery Attempts, Daryl D. Smith


Evaporative Water Loss, Corporal Temperature And The Distribution Of Sympatric Fiddler Crabs (Uca) From South Texas, Carl L. Thurman


Locomotor Rhythms In The Fiddler Crab, Uca Subcylindrica, Carl L. Thurman