Faculty Publications
This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff in the Department of Biology at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection.
To view lists of publications by individual biology faculty and staff, see their SelectedWorks profiles.
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Submissions from 2025
Fiddler Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) From Coastal Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands: Species Descriptions and DNA Barcodes, Carl L. Thurman, John C. McNamara, Hsi-Te Shih, and Mariana V. Capparelli
Submissions from 2024
The Genetic Structure of Founding Bumblebee Populations in Reconstructed Prairie Habitat 3 Years After Planting, Clarissa E. Bruns, James W. Demastes, Peter B. Berendzen, and Ai Wen
Synergistic Effects of Microplastic and Lead Trigger Physiological and Biochemical Impairment in a Mangrove Crab, Mariana V. Capparelli, Ricardo Dzul-Caamal, Erick M. Rodríguez-Cab, Merle M. Borges-Ramírez, Jaime Rendón von Osten, Karen Beltran, Brian Pichardo-Casales, Alethia I. Ramírez-Olivares, Jorge Arturo Vargas-Abúndez, Carl L. Thurman, Gabriel M. Moulatlet, and Carlos Rosas
Conservation Reserve Program Vegetation Affects Occupancy of an Invasive Grass and Invasive Forb, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Destiny Magee, and Ai Wen
Sortase-Encoding Genes, srtA and srtC, Mediate Enterococcus Faecalis OG1RF Persistence in the Helicoverpa Zea Gastrointestinal Tract, Jerreme J. Jackson, Samantha Heyer, and Geneva Bell
The Overlooked First Intercostal Ligament: Does it Help to Stabilize the Weberian Apparatus?, Jake Leyhr, Tatjana Haitina, and Nathan C. Bird
Widening Global Variability in Grassland Biomass Since the 1980s, Andrew S. MacDougall, Ellen Esch, Qingqing Chen, Oliver Carroll, Colin Bonner, Timothy Ohlert, Matthias Siewert, John Sulik, Anna Schweiger, Elizabeth T. Borer, Dilip Naidu, Sumanta Bagchi, and Kenneth Elgersma
Correction: Widening Global Variability in Grassland Biomass Since the 1980s, Andrew S. MacDougall, Ellen Esch, Qingqing Chen, Oliver Carroll, Colin Bonner, Timothy Ohlert, Matthias Siewert, John Sulik, Anna K. Schweiger, Elizabeth T. Borer, Dilip Naidu, Sumanta Bagchi, and Kenneth Elgersma
Water Depth Used by Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in Iowa during Seasonal Activity Periods, Jeff Tamplin, Jessica Haugen, Tyler Anderson, Samuel Berg, Jordan Burtch, Alexandra Hayes, and Gavin Hobbs
Building Bridges: An Exploratory Study of Carver Bridge to STEM Success Students' Experiences and Sense of Belonging, Jesse Wilcox, Heidi Berger, Sara Lawson, and Molly Ella Ramker
Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Decision-Making During Lesson Study, Jesse Wilcox and Nadia Stoyanova Kennedy
Why Do Effective Science Teachers Persist?: Exploring Post-induction Effective Science Teachers’ Experiences through a Collective Case Study, Jesse Wilcox, Molly Ella Ramker, William Raymond Lange, Pranav Kota, Carolyn Kress, Lily Fettkether, Dori Clausen, and Kiran Willis
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Through Extracurricular Practitioner Inquiry: Exploring the Experiences of Preservice Elementary Teachers, Jesse Wilcox, Sarah Voss, Jerrid Kruse, Shelby Miller, and Lily Fettkether
Establishment and Characterization of Turtle Liver Organoids Provides a Potential Model to Decode Their Unique Adaptations, Christopher Zdyrski, Vojtech Gabriel, Thea B. Gessler, Abigail Ralston, Itzel Sifuentes-Romero, Debosmita Kundu, Sydney Honold, Hannah Wickham, Nicholas E. Topping, Dipak Kumar Sahoo, Basanta Bista, Jeffrey Tamplin, Oscar Ospina, Pablo Piñeyro, Marco Arriaga, Jacob A. Galan, David K. Meyerholz, Karin Allenspach, Jonathan P. Mochel, and Nicole Valenzuela
Submissions from 2023
Mid-contract Management Alters Conservation Reserve Program Vegetation in the Central and Western United States, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark Vandever, and Ai Wen
A 33 Year Old Native Seed System In The Upper Midwest: Public Policy And Investment Contribute To A Diverse Commercial Native Seed Market [Slideshow], Laura L. Jackson, Kristine Nemec, and Laura Fischer Walter
Minuca Panema (Coelho, 1972): Resurrection of a Fiddler Crab Species from Brazil Closely Related to Minuca Burgersi (Holthuis, 1967) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae), Carl L. Thurman, Hsi Te Shih, and John C. McNamara
Persistence And Quality Of Vegetation Cover In Expired Conservation Reserve Program Fields, Mark W. Vandever, Kenneth Elgersma, Sarah K. Carter, Ai Wen, Justin L. Welty, Robert S. Arkle, Timothy J. Assal, David S. Pilliod, David M. Mushet, and Rich Iovanna
A 33 Year Old Native Seed System In The Upper Midwest: The Evolving Role Of Stock Seed Production And Stakeholder Communication [Poster], Laura Fischer Walter and Laura L. Jackson
Submissions from 2022
Can Tolerances Of Multiple Stressors And Calculated Safety Margins In Fiddler Crabs Predict Responses To Extreme Environmental Conditions Resulting From Climate Change?, Mariana V. Capparelli, John C. McNamara, Carl L. Thurman, Rosela Pérez-Ceballos, Mario A. Gómez-Ponce, José Gilberto Cardoso-Mohedanoa, and Gabriel M. Moulatlet
Investigating Elementary Teachers’ Views, Implementation, And Longitudinal Enactment Of Nature Of Science Instruction, Hallie Edgerly, Jerrid Kruse, and Jesse Wilcox
Planting Time, First-Year Mowing, And Seed Mix Design Influence Ecological Outcomes In Agroecosystem Revegetation Projects, Alec J. Glidden, Mark E. Sherrard, Justin C. Meissen, Mark C. Myers, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and Laura L. Jackson
Size-Dependent Analyses Provide Insights Into The Reproductive Allocation And Plasticity Of Invasive And Native Typha, Emily E. Jameson, Kenneth Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, William S. Currie, and Deborah E. Goldberg
Specializations in Leaf Structure and Function, Julie Kang
Transectional Symmetry of Leaves, Julie Kang
Learning to Learn: Drawing Students’ Attention to Ideas about Learning, Jesse Wilcox, Jerrid Kruse, and Jaclyn Easter
Quantitatively Investigating Inservice Elementary Teachers’ Nature of Science Views, Jesse L. Wilcox, Hallie S. Edgerly, and Jerrid W. Kruse
Distribution Models Combined With Standardized Surveys Reveal Widespread Habitat Loss In A Threatened Turtle Species, Lisabeth L. Willey, Michael T. Jones, Paul R. Sievert, Thomas S.B. Akre, Michael Marchand, Phillip deMaynadier, Derek Yorks, Jonathan Mays, Jeffrey Dragon, Lori Erb, Brian Zarate, John D. Kleopfer, Katharine D. Gipe, Steve Parren, James Andrews, H. Patrick Roberts, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Christopher Raithel, Lori Johnson, Angelena M. Ross, Alvin Breisch, Glenn Johnson, Scott Angus, James Drasher, and Barry Wicklow
Submissions from 2021
Morphological Diversity Within The Ozark Minnow (Notropis Nubilus: Leuciscidae), Peter B. Berendzen, Sam R. Holmes, Jeremy R. Abels, and Corinthia R. Black
Survival Strategies On A Semi-Arid Island: Submersion And Desiccation Tolerances Of Fiddler Crabs From The Galapagos Archipelago, Mariana V. Capparelli, Carl L. Thurman, Paloma Gusso Choueri, Denis Moledo de Souza Abessa, Mayana Fontes, Caio Rodrigues Nobre, and John Campbell McNamara
Complement Receptor 3 Mediates Ruffle-Like, Actin-Rich Aggregates During Phagocytosis Of Leishmania Infantum Metacyclics, Upasna Gaur Dixit, Nilda E. Rodríguez, Rachel Polando, Mary Ann McDowell, and Mary E. Wilson
The Case For Gnmt As A Biomarker And A Therapeutic Target In Pancreatic Cancer, Zachary Heinzman, Connor Schmidt, Marek K. Sliwinski, and Nalin C.W. Goonesekere
Review: Iowa State Parks: A Century of Stewardship 1920-2020 by Rebecca Conard, Laura Jackson
The Power Of Practicum Support: A Quasi-Experimental Investigation Of Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Science Instruction In A Highly Supported Field Experience, Jerrid Kruse, Jesse Wilcox, Neal Patel, Sarah Borzo, Colin Seebach, and Joleen Henning
Correction To: Self-Reported Race/Ethnicity In The Age Of Genomic Research: Its Potential Impact On Understanding Health Disparities (Human Genomics, (2015), 9, 1, (1), 10.1186/S40246-014-0023-X), Tesfaye B. Mersha and Tilahun Abebe
Leaf Form Diversification In An Ornamental Heirloom Tomato Results From Alterations In Two Different Homeobox Genes, Hokuto Nakayama, Steven D. Rowland, Zizhang Cheng, Kristina Zumstein, Julie Kang, Yohei Kondo, and Neelima R. Sinha
Home Range, Site Fidelity, And Movement Patterns Of The Wood Turtle (Glyptemys Insculpta) At The Southwestern Edge Of Its Range, Joshua G. Otten, Austin C. Hulbert, Samuel W. Berg, and Jeffrey W. Tamplin
Hydrologic Flushing Rates Drive Nitrogen Cycling And Plant Invasion In A Freshwater Coastal Wetland Model, Sean J. Sharp, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, and William S. Currie
Mitochondrial Genome Of Geomydoecus Aurei, A Pocket-Gopher Louse, Theresa A. Spradling, Alexandra C. Place, Ashley L. Campbell, and James W. Demastes
Evolution of the Wood Turtle, Jeff W. Tamplin, M T. Jones, T. S.B. Akre, G. E. Phillips, L. L. Willey, and R. A. Saumure
Distribution of the Wood Turtle, Jeff W. Tamplin, M. T. Jones, L. L. Willey, J. Crowley, T. S.B. Akre, P. DeMaynadier, D. T. Yorks, B. Zarate, R. A. Saumure, A. Badje, K. D. Gipe, J. D. Kleopfer, M. Marchand, S. Parren, and M. Toner
Habitat of the Wood Turtle, Jeff W. Tamplin, M. T. Jones, L. L. Willey, J. D. Mays, T. S.B. Akre, K. D. Gipe, M. R. Burne, J. D. Kleopfer, and A. Badje
Spatial Ecology and Seasonal Behavior of the Wood Turtle, Jeff W. Tamplin, L. L. Willey, T. S.B. Akre, M. T. Jones, and D. J. Brown
Morphological And Genetic Variation Among Populations Of The Fiddler Crab Minuca Burgersi (Holthuis, 1967) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) From Shores Of The Caribbean Basin And Western South Atlantic Ocean, C. L. Thurman, R. E. Alber, M. J. Hopkins, and Hsi Te Shih
Evaluating Establishment Of Conservation Practices In The Conservation Reserve Program Across The Central And Western United States, Mark W. Vandever, Sarah K. Carter, Timothy J. Assal, Kenneth Elgersma, Ai Wen, Justin L. Welty, Robert S. Arkle, and Rich Iovanna
Wild Bee Visitors And Their Association With Sown And Unsown Floral Resources In Reconstructed Pollinator Habitats Within An Agriculture Landscape, Ai Wen, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Mark E. Sherrard, Laura L. Jackson, Justin Meissen, and Mark C. Myers
Presence of Erosional Features and Cover of Grasses, Forbs, and Bare Ground on Fields Enrolled in Grassland, Wetland, and Wildlife Practices of the Conservation Reserve Program in the Central and Western United States from 2016 to 2018, Ai Wen, Mark Vandever, Sarah K. Carter, Timothy J. Assal, Kenneth Elgersma, Justin Welty, Rich Iovanna, and Robert Arkle
Investigating the Correlation Between Preservice Elementary Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Science Teaching Practices, Jesse Wilcox, Jerrid Kruse, Joleen Henning, Katherine Carmen, Neal Patel, and Colin Seebach
Sustained-Flux Global Warming Potential Driven By Nitrogen Inflow And Hydroperiod In A Model Of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands, Y. Yuan, S. J. Sharp, J. P. Martina, K. J. Elgersma, and W. S. Currie
Submissions from 2020
Gadidae (Gadinae and Lotinae): Codfishes and Cuskfishes, Peter B. Z. Berendzen
Histology And Structural Integration Of The Major Morphologies Of The Cypriniform Weberian Apparatus, Nathan C. Bird, Jeremy R. Abels, and Selena S. Richardson
Shared Ecological Traits Influence Shape Of The Skeleton In Flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes), Corinthia R. Black and Peter B. Berendzen
Evaluating vegetation response subsequent to CRP mid-contract management across the western United States: Draft Project Report, Kenneth J. Elgersma
Stratification and Perigynia Removal Improve Total Germination and Germination Speed in Three Upland Prairie Sedge Species, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Christina M. Boeck Crew, Mark C. Myers, Mark E. Sherrard, Greg A. Houseal, and Daryl D. Smith
Allocation To Clonal Growth: Critical Questions And Protocols To Answer Them, Deborah E. Goldberg, Evan Batzer, Kenneth Elgersma, Jason Martina, and Jitka Klimešová
Seed Mix Design And First Year Management Influence Multifunctionality And Cost-Effectiveness In Prairie Reconstruction, Justin C. Meissen, Alec J. Glidden, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and Laura L. Jackson
Effect Of Acclimation Temperature And Substrate Type On Selected Temperature, Movement And Activity Of Juvenile Spiny Softshell Turtles (Apalone Spinifera) In An Aquatic Thermal Gradient, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Kaitlin J. Anderson, Elizabeth A. Turcotte, and Mark C. Myers
Changes in Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions About Matter, Jesse Wilcox, Jerrid W. Kruse, and Lucas Menke
Submissions from 2019
Typha (Cattail) Invasion In North American Wetlands: Biology, Regional Problems, Impacts, Ecosystem Services, And Management, Sheel Bansal, Shane C. Lishawa, Sue Newman, Brian A. Tangen, Douglas Wilcox, Dennis Albert, Michael J. Anteau, Michael J. Chimney, Ryann L. Cressey, Edward DeKeyser, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Sarah A. Finkelstein, Joanna Freeland, Richard Grosshans, Page E. Klug, Daniel J. Larkin, Beth A. Lawrence, George Linz, Joy Marburger, Gregory Noe, Clint Otto, Nicholas Reo, Jennifer Richards, Curtis Richardson, Le Roy Rodgers, Amy J. Schrank, Dan Svedarsky, Steven Travis, Nancy Tuchman, and Lisamarie Windham-Myers
Loss Of Genetic Diversity, Recovery And Allele Surfing In A Colonizing Parasite, Geomydoecus Aurei, James W. Demastes, David J. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner, Jessica E. Light, and Theresa A. Spradling
Genome-Wide Analysis Revealed Sex-Specific Gene Expression In Asthmatics, Yadu Gautam, Yashira Afanador, Tilahun Abebe, Javier E. López, and Tesfaye B. Mersha
Temporal and spatial dynamics of competitive parapatry in chewing lice, David J. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Jessica E. Light, and James W. Demastes
Temporal And Spatial Dynamics Of Competitive Parapatry In Chewing Lice, David J. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Jessica E. Light, and James W. Demastes
A Regional Analysis Of Glyptemys Insculpta (Wood Turtle) Survival In The Upper Midwest Of The USA, Carly N. Lapin, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Madaline M. Cochrane, James E. Woodford, Donald J. Brown, and Ron A. Moen
Sex-Related Differences in Immune Response and Symptomatic Manifestations to Infection with Leishmania Species, Ryan D. Lockard, Mary E. Wilson, and Nilda E. Rodriguez
Sex-Related Differences In Immune Response And Symptomatic Manifestations To Infection With Leishmania Species, Ryan D. Lockard, Mary E. Wilson, and Nilda E. Rodríguez
Recalibrating The Molecular Clock For Arctic Marine Invertebrates Based On DNA Barcodes, Tzitziki Loeza-Quintana, Christina M. Carr, Tooba Khan, Yash A. Bhatt, Samantha P. Lyon, Paul D.N. Hebert, and Sarah J. Adamowicz
Digital Gene Expression Analysis Of The Hop (Humulus Lupulus L.) Transcriptome, N. Pitra, A. Schwekendiek, and P. Matthews
Host-Parasite Associations Of The Cratogeomys Fumosus Species Group And Their Chewing Lice, Geomydoecus, Alex Popinga, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, David J. Hafner, and Mark S. Hafner
Host-parasite associations of the Cratogeomys fumosus species group and their chewing lice, Geomydoecus, Alex Popinga, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, David J. Hafner, and Mark S. Hafner
Species Composition Influences Soil Nutrient Depletion And Plant Physiology In Prairie Agroenergy Feedstocks, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jordan M.A. Koos, Catherine M. Kokemuller, Hannah E. Dietz, Alec J. Glidden, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Species composition influences soil nutrient depletion and plantphysiology in prairie agroenergy feedstocks, Mark E. Sherrard, Kenneth Elgersma, Jordan M.A. Koos, Catherine M. Kokemuller, Hannah E. Dietz, Alec J. Glidden, Christina M. Carr, and Cynthia A. Cambardella
Submissions from 2018
Historical And Current Prairie Restoration In The Midwest, Steve Glass and Daryl Smith
Small Vertebrate Granivores Reduce Seedling Emergence In Native Tallgrass Prairie Restoration, Carmen A. Pellish, Mark E. Sherrard, Paige A. Leytem, and Laura L. Jackson
Supplemental Seed Increases Native Seedling Establishment In Roadside Prairie Restoration, Jessica L. Riebkes, Mark E. Sherrard, and Laura L. Jackson
Epidemiological And Experimental Evidence For Sex-Dependent Differences In The Outcome Of Leishmania Infantum Infection, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Iraci D. Lima, Upasna Gaur Dixit, Elizabeth A. Turcotte, Ryan D. Lockard, Hemali Batra-Sharma, Eliana L. Nascimento, Selma M.B. Jeronimo, and Mary E. Wilson
The Unusual Case Of The Widely Distributed Fiddler Crab Minuca Rapax (Smith, 1870) From The Western Atlantic: An Exemplary Polytypic Species, C. L. Thurman, M. J. Hopkins, A. L. Brase, and H. T. Shih
Submissions from 2017
Clonal Plant Allocation To Daughter Ramets Is A Simple Function Of Parent Size Across Species And Nutrient Levels, E. E. Batzer, J. P. Martina, K. J. Elgersma, and D. E. Goldberg
Predicting Genome Terminus Sequences Of Bacillus Cereus-Group Bacteriophage Using Next Generation Sequencing Data, Cheng Han Chung, Michael H. Walter, Luobin Yang, Shu Chuan Grace Chen, Vern Winston, and Michael A. Thomas
Predicting genome terminus sequences of Bacillus cereus-group bacteriophage using next generation sequencing data, Cheng-Han Chung, Michael H. Walter, Luobin Yang, Shu-Chuan (Grace) Chen, Vern Winston, and Michael A. Thomas
Effectiveness Of Cattail (Typha Spp.) Management Techniques Depends On Exogenous Nitrogen Inputs, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, Deborah E. Goldberg, and William S. Currie
Effectiveness of cattail (Typha spp.) management techniques depends on exogenous nitrogen inputs, Kenneth J. Elgersma, Jason P. Martina, Deborah E. Goldberg, and William S. Currie
Phylogenetic patterns and the adaptive evolution of osmoregulation in fiddler crabs (Brachyura, Uca), Samuel Coelho Faria, Diogo Borges Provete, Carl Leo Thurman, and John Campbell McNamara
Phylogenetic Patterns And The Adaptive Evolution Of Osmoregulation In Fiddler Crabs (Brachyura, Uca), Samuel Coelho Faria, Diogo Borges Provete, Carl Leo Thurman, and John Campbell McNamara
Inflorescence Morphology And Development In The Basal Rosid Lineage Vitales, Jean M. Gerrath, Usher Posluszny, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, and Jun Wen
Plant Size And Competitive Dynamics Along Nutrient Gradients, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason P. Martina, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and William S. Currie
Plant Size and Competitive Dynamics along Nutrient Gradients, Deborah E. Goldberg, Jason P. Martina, Kenneth J. Elgersma, and William S. Currie
Species Delimitation And Phylogeography Of The Studfish Fundulus Catenatus Species Group (Ovalentaria: Cyprinodontiformes), Peter J. Hundt, Peter B. Berendzen, and Andrew M. Simons
Alpha-arylphorin is a Mitogen in the Heliothis Virescens Midgut Cell Secretome Upon Cry1Ac Intoxication, Jerreme Jackson, Anais Castagnola, Omaththage P. Perera, Cris Oppert, Shigetoshi Eda, and Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes
Development Of Sexing Primers In Glyptemys Insculpta And Apalone Spinifera Turtles Uncovers An Xx/Xy Sex-Determining System In The Critically-Endangered Bog Turtle Glyptemys Muhlenbergii, Robert Literman, Srihari Radhakrishnan, Jeff Tamplin, Russell Burke, Cassie Dresser, and Nicole Valenzuela
Discovery Of The Youngest Sex Chromosomes Reveals First Case Of Convergent Co-Option Of Ancestral Autosomes In Turtles, E. E. Montiel, D. Badenhorst, J. Tamplin, R. L. Burke, and N. Valenzuela
Lipid Bodies Accumulation In Leishmania Infantum-Infected C57Bl/6 Macrophages, N. E. Rodríguez, R. D. Lockard, E. A. Turcotte, T. Araújo-Santos, P. T. Bozza, V. M. Borges, and M. E. Wilson
Geographical Variation In Osmoregulatory Abilities Among Populations Of Ten Species Of Fiddler Crabs From The Atlantic Coast Of Brazil: A Macrophysiological Analysis, Carl L. Thurman, Samuel C. Faria, and John C. McNamara
Is High Folic Acid Intake A Risk Factor For Autism?—A Review, Darrell Wiens and M. Catherine Desoto
Is High Folic Acid Intake a Risk Factor for Autism?—A Review, Darrell Wiens and M. Catherine DeSoto
Submissions from 2016
Productivity and resistance to weed invasion in four prairie biomass feedstocks with different diversity, Jessica E. Abernathy, Dustin R. J. Graham, Mark E. Sherrard, and Daryl D. Smith
Post-embryonic Development of Canal and Superficial Neuromasts and the Generation of Two Cranial Lateral Line Phenotypes, Nathan C. Bird, Emily A. Becker, and Jacqueline F. Webb
Climate And Developmental Plasticity: Interannual Plasticity In Grapevine Leaf Morphology, Daniel H. Chitwood, Susan M. Rundell, Darren Y. Li, Quaneisha L. Woodford, Tommy T. Yu, Jose R. Lopez, Daniel Greenblatt, Julie Kang, and Jason P. Londo
The Effects Of Family, Dentition, And Dental Caries On The Salivary Microbiome, Betsy Foxman, Ting Luo, Usha Srinivasan, Kirtana Ramadugu, Ai Wen, Deborah Goldberg, Kerby Shedden, Richard Crout, Daniel W. McNeil, Robert Weyant, and Mary L. Marazita
The fifth leaf and spike organs of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) display different physiological and metabolic responses to drought stress, Jordan A. Hein, Mark E. Sherrard, Kirk P. Manfredi, and Tilahun Abebe