Faculty Publications
This is a collection of publications by faculty and staff in the Department of Biology at the University of Northern Iowa. Due to copyright restrictions, not all faculty and staff publications are available through our institutional repository. Only publications for which we have rights to deposit in our institutional repository are included in the collection.
To view lists of publications by individual biology faculty and staff, see their SelectedWorks profiles.
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Submissions from 2010
Conservation Genetics Of A Peripherally Isolated Population Of The Wood Turtle (Glyptemys Insculpta) In Iowa, Theresa A. Spradling, Jeffrey W. Tamplin, Samantha S. Dow, and K. J. Meyer
Ecophenotypic Physiology: Osmoregulation By Fiddler Crabs (Uca Spp.) From The Northern Caribbean In Relation To Ecological Distribution, Carl Thurman, Joshua Hanna, and Chad Bennett
Submissions from 2009
Comparative Transcriptional Profiling Established the Awn as the Major Photosynthetic Organ of the Barley Spike While the Lemma and the Palea Primarily Protect the Seed, Tilahun Abebe, Roger P. Wise, and Ronald W. Skadsen
The Utility Of Molecular Hypotheses For Uncovering Morphological Diversity In The Notropis Rubellus Species Complex (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), Peter B. Berendzen, Wendy M. Olson, and Scott M. Barron
Building an Evolutionary Innovation: Differential Growth in the Modified Vertebral Elements of the Zebrafish Weberian Apparatus, Nathan C. Bird and L. Patricia Hernandez
Duration And Consistency Of Historical Selection Are Correlated With Adaptive Trait Evolution In The Streamside Salamander, Ambystoma Barbouri, Jonathan M. Eastman, John H. Niedzwiecki, B. Paul Nadler, and Andrew Storfer
Evolutionary Relationships Of Pocket Gophers Of The Genus Pappogeomys (Rodentia: Geomyidae), Mark S. Hafner, David J. Hafner, James W. Demastes, Gerald L. Hasty, Jessica E. Light, and Theresa A. Spradling
Auxin Patterns Solanum lycopersicum Leaf Morphogenesis, Julie Kang, Daniel Koenig, Emmanuelle Bayer, Cris Kuhlemeier, and Neelima Sinha
Multivariate Process Capability Via Löwner Ordering, S. N.U.A. Kirmani and Alan M. Polansky
Enhancing Iowa High School Students' Transition to College, K. E. Lassila, L. C. Rule, C. Lee, R. J. Driggs, G. Fulton, M. Skarda, and J. Torres y Torres
Differences in Human Macrophage Receptor Usage, Lysosomal Fusion Kinetics and Survival Between Logarithmic and Metacyclic Leishmania Infantum Chagasi Promastigotes, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Norikiyo Ueno, Carol L. Bratt, and Mary E. Wilson
A Temporary Immersion System For The Effective Shoot Regeneration Of Hop, A. Schwekendiek, S. T. Hanson, and M. Crain
The Escrt-Related Chmp1A And B Proteins Mediate Multivesicular Body Sorting Of Auxin Carriers In Arabidopsis And Are Required For Plant Development, Christoph Spitzer, Francisca C. Reyes, Rafael Buono, Marek K. Sliwinski, Thomas J. Haas, and Marisa S. Otegui
Effect Of Age And Body Size On Selected Temperature By Juvenile Wood Turtles (Glyptemys Insculpta), Jeff Tamplin
Effect Of Refuge Distance On Escape Behavior Of Side-Blotched Lizards (Uta Stansburiana), P. A. Zani, T. D. Jones, R. Neuhaus, and J. E. Milgrom
Submissions from 2008
Phylogeography Of The Bigeye Chub Hybopsis Amblops (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): Early Pleistocene Diversification And Post-Glacial Range Expansion, P. B. Berendzen, T. Gamble, and A. M. Simons
Recovering Cryptic Diversity And Ancient Drainage Patterns In Eastern North America: Historical Biogeography Of The Notropis Rubellus Species Group (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), Peter B. Berendzen, Andrew M. Simons, Robert M. Wood, Thomas E. Dowling, and Carol L. Secor
Species Limits And Phylogeography Of North American Cricket Frogs (Acris: Hylidae), Tony Gamble, Peter B. Berendzen, H. Bradley Shaffer, David E. Starkey, and Andrew M. Simons
Development Of The Axillary Bud Complex In Echinocystis Lobata (Cucurbitaceae): Interpreting The Cucurbitaceous Tendril, Jean M. Gerrath, Theodore B. Guthrie, Tim A. Zitnak, and Usher Posluszny
Evolutionary Relationships Of Pocket Gophers (Cratogeomys Castanops Species Group) Of The Mexican Altiplano, David J. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner, Gerald L. Hasty, Theresa A. Spradling, and James W. Demastes
Habitat As A Source Of Intrapopulational Variation Of Ornament Size In Galápagos Lava Lizards (Microlophus Albemarlensis Complex), Mark A. Jordan, Jennifer L. Hollis, Paul A. Stone, and Howard L. Snell
Natural Variation in Leaf Morphology Results from Mutation of a Novel KNOX Gene, Julie Kang, Seisuke Kimura, Daniel Koenig, Fei Yian Yoong, and Neelima Sinha
Alignment of Genetic and Physical Maps of Gibberella zeae, Jungkwan Lee, James E. Jurgenson, John F. Leslie, and Robert L. Bowden
Alignment Of Genetic And Physical Maps Of Gibberella Zeae, Jungkwan Lee, James E. Jurgenson, John F. Leslie, and Robert L. Bowden
Why Do Captive Tufted Capuchins (Cebus Apella) Urine Wash?, Kimran E. Miller Buckholz, Katalin Laszlo, and Stephen J. Suomi
Migration, Gene Flow, And Genetic Diversity Within And Among Iowa Populations Of Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene Ornata Ornata), Rebecca J. Richtsmeier, Neil P. Bernstein, James W. Demastes, and Robert W. Black
Phyllotactic Pattern Is Altered In The Transition To Flowering In The Early Ears Of Zea Mays Landrace Chapalote (Poaceae), Marshall D. Sundberg, Alan R. Orr, and Thompson D. Pizzolato
The Effects of Hypergravity on the Morphology of Xenopus Embryos, Darrell Wiens and Rochelle Remus
Submissions from 2007
Further Insights Into The Phylogeny Of Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae) From Nuclear Atmyb2 Flanking Sequence, James B. Beck, Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz, Steve L. O'Kane, and Barbara A. Schaal
Morphological Variation in the Weberian Apparatus of Cypriniformes, Nathan C. Bird and L. Patricia Hernandez
Using Zebrafish to Investigate Cypriniform Evolutionary Novelties: Functional Development and Evolutionary Diversification of the Kinethmoid, Nathan Craig Bird, L. Patricia Hernandez, and Katie Lynn Staab
Spatiotemporal Investigation Of Adult Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations In An Eastern Iowa County, USA, John DeGroote, David R. Mercer, Jeffrey Fisher, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Phylogeography Of The Blue-Spotted Salamander, Ambystoma Laterale (Caudata: Ambystomatidae), James W. Demastes, Jonathan M. Eastman, Jade S. East, and Christina Spolsky
Conservation Genetic Assessment Of The Blue-Spotted Salamander In Iowa, Jonathan M. Eastman, Theresa A. Spradling, James W. Demastes, and Harlo Hadow
Effect Of Substrate On Selected Temperature In Juvenile Spiny Softshell Turtles (Apalone Spinifera), Jeremiah Feltz and Jeff Tamplin
Introduction To "Biology Of The Vitaceae - A Global Perspective" By Jean M. Gerrath And Usher Posluszny, Jean M. Gerrath and Usher Poluszny
Shoot Architecture In The Vitaceae, Jean M. Gerrath and Usher Posluszny
New Species And Combinations In Physaria (Brassicaceae) From Western North America, Ben R. Grady and Steve L. O'Kane
Modification of Cell Proliferation Patterns Alters Leaf Vein Architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana, Julie Kang, Yukiko Mizukami, Hong Wang, Larry Fowke, and Nancy G. Dengler
Physaria Scrotiformis (Brassicaceae), A New High-Elevation Species From Southwestern Colorado And New Combinations In Physaria, Steve L. O'Kane
Inflorescence Development In The Teosinte Zea Luxurians (Poaceae) And Implication For The Origin Of Maize Inflorescences, A. R. Orr and M. D. Sundberg
Constitutive Expression Of A Grapevine Stilbene Synthase Gene In Transgenic Hop (Humulus Lupulus L.) Yields Resveratrol And Its Derivatives In Substantial Quantities, Axel Schwekendiek, Otmar Spring, Arne Heyerick, Benjamin Pickel, Nicola T. Pitsch, Florian Peschke, Denis De Keukeleire, and Gerd Weber
Monitoring Intra-Annual Water Quality Variations Using Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data In Iowa Lakes, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Nathan Green, and Maureen Clayton
Morphological And Anatomical Development In The Vitaceae. Ix. Comparative Ontogeny And Phylogenetic Implications Of Vitis Rotundifolia Michx., Susan A. Timmons, Usher Posluszny, and Jean M. Gerrath
Morphological And Anatomical Development In The Vitaceae. X. Comparative Ontogeny And Phylogenetic Implications Of Cissus Quadrangularis L., Susan A. Timmons, Usher Posluszny, and Jean M. Gerrath
A Faculty Interdisciplinary Institute As Liberator From Stifling Disciplinary Mythology, Jeffrey Weld and Jill Trainer
Effects Of Frequent Mowing On Survival And Persistence Of Forbs Seeded Into A Species-Poor Grassland, Dave W. Williams, Laura L. Jackson, and Daryl D. Smith
The effects of seeding rate of prairie grasses and forbs on native plant establishment in a prairie reconstruction. Iowa Department of Transportation final report., Dave W, Williams and Daryl D. Smith
The Effects of Seeding Time on Native Plant Establishment in a Prairie Reconstruction, Dave W. Williams and Daryl D. Smith
Submissions from 2006
The Lem2 Gene Promoter Of Barley Directs Cell- And Development-Specific Expression Of GFP In Transgenic Plants, Tilahun Abebe, Ron Skadsen, Minesh Patel, and Heidi Kaeppler
Toward A Global Phylogeny Of The Brassicaceae, C. Donovan Bailey, Marcus A. Koch, Michael Mayer, Klaus Mummenhoff, Steve L. O'Kane, Suzanne I. Warwick, Michael D. Windham, and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
Mechanisms Of Cancer Prevention By Green And Black Tea Polyphenols, Lisa Ann Beltz, Diana Kay Bayer, Amber Lynn Moss, and Ira Mitchell Simet
Phosphorus Sorption by Sediments from Wetlands in the Cedar River Watershed, Maureen Clayton, Renee Pasker, Ann Schwemm, and Ed Brown
New Distribution Records For Stenoponia Americana (Baker) And Stenoponia Ponera Traub And Johnson (Siphonaptera: Ctenophthalmidae) With A Review Of Records From The Southwestern United States, Michael W. Hastriter, Glenn E. Haas, and Nixon Wilson
Distribution Of Phosphorus In A Biologically Restricted Lake In Iowa, USA, M. Z. Iqbal, E. J. Brown, and M. E. Clayton
A Review Of The Ceratophyllid Subfamily Dactylopsyllinae. Part 2. Dactylopsylla Jordan, 1929, And Foxella Wagner, 1929 (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), Robert E. Lewis and Nixon Wilson
Physaria Pulvinata (Brassicaceae), A New Species From Southwestern Colorado, Steve L. O'Kane and James L. Reveal
Role of Caveolae in Leishmania Chagasi Phagocytosis and Intracellular Survival in Macrophages, Nilda E. Rodriguez, Upasna Gaur, and Mary E. Wilson
Caching as a Strategy for Surviving Periods of Resource Scarcity: A Comparative Study of Two Species of Neotoma, David K. Saunders, D. M. Post, M. V. Snyder, and E. J. Finck
Response Of Hatchling Wood Turtles (Glyptemys Insculpta) To An Aquatic Thermal Gradient, Jeff Tamplin
Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Model the DC Electrical Behavior of Confined Layers, Carl Thurman, Nathan G. Beougher, Jason McIntosh, Jason A. Djuren, M. W. Roth, and Carlos Wexler
Distinct Memory Traces for Two Parameters of Visual Pattern Recognition in the Drosophila Brain, Ai Wen, Gang Liu, Holger Seiler, Troy Zars, Kei Ito, Reinhard Wolf, Martin Heisenberg, and Li Liu
Morphological And Anatomical Development In The Vitaceae. Viii. Comparative Development Of Three Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) Species Reveals Important Vegetative And Reproductive Differences Among The Species, Trevor Wilson, Jean M. Gerrath, and Usher Posluszny
Submissions from 2005
A Proximal Upstream Sequence Controls Tissue-Specific Expression of Lem2, a Salicylate-Inducible Barley Lectin-Like Gene, Tilahun Abebe, Ronald W. Skadsen, and Heidi F. Kaeppler
An Update On The Other Telomerase Inhibitors: Non-G-Quadruplex Interactive Agent, Non-Antisense, Non-Reverse Transcriptase Telomerase Inhibitors, L. A. Beltz and K. P. Manfredi
A Love Lost (and Found?), Kimberly Cline-Brown and Helen C. Harton
Investigating Major Depressive Disorders from an Evolutionary Theory Perspective: Fitness Hindrances and the Social Navigation Hypothesis, Kimberly Cline-Brown and Paul J. Watson
Feedback in the Plant-Soil System, Kenneth Elgersma, Joan G. Ehrenfeld, and Beth Ravit
Root Environmental Effects On Phi Thickening Production And Root Morphology In Three Gymnosperms, Jean M. Gerrath, Uta Matthes, Melissa Purich, and Douglas W. Larson
Cryptic Species In The Mexican Pocket Gopher Cratogeomys Merriami, Mark S. Hafner, Jessica E. Light, David J. Hafner, Sara V. Brant, Theresa A. Spradling, and James W. Demastes
Review of Empty Pastures: Confined Animals and the Transformation of the Rural Landscape By Terence J Centner, Laura L. Jackson
Leaf Architecture: Regulation of Leaf Position, Shape and Internal Structure, Julie Kang and Nancy G. Dengler
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Development Within Microhabitats Of An Iowa Wetland, David R. Mercer, Sara L. Sheeley, and Edward J. Brown
Effects Of Larval Density And Predation By Toxorhynchites Amboinensis On Aedes Polynesiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) Developing In Coconuts, David R. Mercer, George R. Wettach, and Julie L. Smith
Determining The Source Of Fecal Contamination In Recreational Waters, K. J. Meyer, C. M. Appletoft, A. K. Schwemm, J. C. Uzoigwe, and Edward J. Brown
Weather Influences On Demography Of The Yellow-Bellied Marmot (Marmota Flaviventris), Orlando A. Schwartz and Kenneth B. Armitage
Cultivation of Mesophilic Soil Crenarchaeotes in Enrichment Cultures from Plant Roots, Holly M. Simon, Courtney E. Jahn, Luke T. Bergerud, Marek K. Sliwinski, Paul J. Weimer, David K. Willis, and Robert M. Goodman
A Comparison Of Osmoregulation Among Subtropical Fiddler Crabs (Uca) From Southern Florida And California, Carl L. Thurman
"I'm Not The Science Type": Effect Of An Inquiry Biology Content Course On Preservice Elementary Teachers' Intentions About Teaching Science, Jeffrey Weld and Lucas Funk
Submissions from 2004
Cloning and Identification of Highly Expressed Genes in Barley Lemma and Palea, Tilahun Abebe, Ronald W. Skadsen, and Heidi F. Kaeppler
Expression Of Tri15 In Fusarium Sporotrichiodides, Nancy J. Alexander, Susan P. McCormick, Troy M. Larson, and James E. Jurgenson
Phosphorus Sequestration In Lake Sediment With Iron Mine Tailings, Maureen E. Clayton, Sarah Liegeois, and Edward J. Brown
Genetic Mapping Of Pathogenicity And Aggressiveness Of Gibberella Zeae (Fusarium Graminearum) Toward Wheat, Christian Joseph R. Cumagun, Robert L. Bowden, James E. Jurgenson, John F. Leslie, and Thomas Miedaner
Patterns Of Trichothecene Production, Genetic Variability, And Virulence To Wheat Of Fusarium Graminearum From Smallholder Farms In Nepal, Anne E. Desjardins, Andrew M. Jarosz, Ronald D. Plattner, Nancy J. Alexander, Daren W. Brown, and James E. Jurgenson
Morphological And Anatomical Development In The Vitaceae. Vii. Floral Development In Rhoicissus Digitata With Respect To Other Genera In The Family, Jean M. Gerrath, T. Wilson, and Usher Posluszny
Fleas (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae, Ctenophthalmidae) From Rodents In Five Southwestern States, Glenn E. Haas, Nixon Wilson, and Chris T. McAllister
Systematic Revision Of Pocket Gophers Of The Cratogeomys Gymnurus Species Group, Mark S. Hafner, Theresa A. Spradling, Jessica E. Light, David J. Hafner, and John R. Demboski
Critical Period For Pupal Commitment In The Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes Aegypti, Que Lan and Christopher A. Grier
Low-Level Atrazine Exposure Decreases Cell Proliferation In Human Fibroblasts, Michelle K. Manske, Lisa A. Beltz, and Kavita R. Dhanwada
Movement and Behavior of Scarlet Macaws (Ara macao) During the Post-Fledging Dependence Period: Implications for In Situ Versus Ex Situ Management, Mark Myers and Christopher Vaughan
The Genus Physaria (Brassicaceae) In South America, Steve L. O'Kane and Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
Inflorescence Development In A New Teosinte: Zea Nicaraguensis (Poaceae), Alan R. Orr and Marshall D. Sundberg
Novel Program of Macrophage Gene Expression Induced by Phagocytosis of Leishmania chagasi, Nilda Rodriguez, Haeok K. Chang, and Mary E. Wilson
Spatial Heterogeneity of Crenarchaeal Assemblages Within Mesophilic Soil Ecosystems as Revealed by PCR-Single-Stranded Conformation Polymorphism Profiling, Marek K. Sliwinski
Comparison of Crenarchaeal Consortia Inhabiting the Rhizosphere of Diverse Terrestrial Plants with Those in Bulk Soil in Native Environments, Marek K. Sliwinski and Robert M. Goodman
DNA Data Support A Rapid Radiation Of Pocket Gopher Genera (Rodentia: Geomyidae), Theresa A. Spradling, Sara V. Brant, Mark S. Hafner, and Christopher J. Dickerson
Unravelling The Ecological Significance Of Endogenous Rhythms In Intertidal Crabs, Carl L. Thurman
Growth and Reproduction of Local Ecotype and Cultivated Varieties of Panicum virgatum and Coreopsis palmata Grown in Common Gardens, D. W. Williams, G. A. Houseal, and D. D. Smith
Submissions from 2003
Tolerance of Mannitol-Accumulating Transgenic Wheat to Water Stress and Salinity, Tilahun Abebe, Arron C. Guenzi, Bjorn Martin, and John C. Cushman