Top 150 Downloads in UNI ScholarWorks
This is a collection of the top 150 downloaded items located in UNI ScholarWorks, which was created as part of the celebration for the 150th anniversary of the University of Northern Iowa in 2025-2026.
Top 5 downloaded works located in UNI ScholarWorks (as of 11/7/2024):
- Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Developing Countries (journal article - 85,073 downloads)
- The Effects of Blended Learning on K-12th Grade Students (graduate research paper - 70,651 downloads)
- Duality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and "Dionea" (essay - 53,816 downloads)
- Divorce and Its Effects on the Development of Children (graduate research paper - 51,213 downloads)
- The Impact of Student Organizations on the Development of Core Competencies (thesis - 49,585 downloads)
Arrangement of Works
To browse all of the items, see the entries listed below, which are arranged by year, author, title.OR
Click on the Top 150 Downloaded Items in UNI ScholarWorks link to view a list of titles sorted by the number of downloads.
Submissions from 2022
Stock Market Analysis Using Linear Regression, Taran Rishi
Submissions from 2021
Mental illness representation in young adult literature, Ashley Aberle Open Access Graduate Research Paper
On beauty: Ancient perceptions of beauty from classical Greece to Imperial Rome, Maya Jess Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Meme marketing: How viral marketing adapts to the internet culture, Triet Minh Ngo Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
How quality management has been impacted in the face of COVID-19, Eldina Siljkovic Open Access Thesis
Submissions from 2019
The determination of gender roles and power dynamics within female same-sex couples, Sydney Faith Atwood Open Access Honors Program Thesis
How evangelical ministries create social identity on college campuses: An analysis of The Salt Company, Hannah Gregor Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The effect of digital game-based learning on student learning: A literature review, Katrina Serrano Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2018
Can God Know Tomorrow?, Jacob Kristian Bergman Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Genetics unit lesson plan for the Next Generation Science Standards, Erin Hogan Open Access Graduate Research Paper 2020 Award
Perceived Causes and Methods of Examination Malpractice in the Malawian Education System: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in South East Education Division (SEED), Fiddelis B. Makaula Open Access Oral Presentation 2018 Award
Perceived causes and methods of examination malpractice in the Malawian education system: A case study of secondary schools in South East Education Division (SEED), Fiddelis Blessings Makaula Open Access Dissertation
How Did Those Get There? Exploring Structures and Pyramids on Mars, Abby Rau and Brooke Becker
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Ecocritical post-colonial studies on humans, land, and animals, Alia Afzal Open Access Thesis
Vocabulary matters : why vocabulary instruction is important and how to implement quality instruction in preschool, Melanie Blocker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Gender and music: Can we hear a difference between female and male composers and performers?, Arianna Edvenson Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The power of team in IEP meetings, Caroline Elser Open Access Dissertation
Lead content of lip balms: A cross sectional convenience sample with exposure assessment estimating an average daily intake for young children, Julie Grunklee Open Access Thesis
The effects of blended learning on K-12th grade students, Laura Hesse Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Dungeons and Dragons and literacy: The role tabletop role-playing games can play in developing teenagers' literacy skills and reading interests, Stefanie L. B. Kaylor Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Play-based early childhood classrooms and the effect on pre-kindergarten social and academic achievement, Amy McGinn Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Strategies for integrating literacy into a science classroom, Michelle Seddon Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2016
Tessellations: An artistic and mathematical look at the work of Maurits Cornelis Escher, Emily E. Bachmeier Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Factors Influencing College Choice: A Study of Enrollment Decisions at a Regional Comprehensive University, Trevor Draisey
Shadow Puppet Plays in Elementary Science Methods Class Help Preservice Teachers Learn about Minority Scientists, Phyllis Gray, Audrey C. Rule, Anneliese Gentzsch, and Denise Tallakson
Fourth Graders Make Inventions using SCAMPER and Animal Adaptation Ideas, Mahjabeen Hussain and Anastasia Carignan
Robotics in the classroom: The effectiveness of robotics based curriculum in STEM education, Mark Nall Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Gender stereotypes in children's literature, Christine C. Nebbia Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Online Only Classes and Critical Dialogue: Toward a Faustian Bargain Ideal for Virtual Education, C. Kyle Rudick
Biomechanical differences in the weightlifting snatch between successful and unsuccessful lifts, Jack Rummells Open Access Thesis
"Rock Against Reagan": The punk movement, cultural hegemony, and Reaganism in the eighties, Johnathan Kyle Williams Open Access Thesis 2017 Award
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Rethinking the Conquest : an exploration of the similarities between pre-contact Spanish and Mexica society, culture, and royalty, Samantha Billing Open Access Thesis
The impact of student organizations on the development of core competencies, Stanley Somtochukwu Ebede Open Access Thesis
The inclusion of engineering design into the high school biology curriculum, Cody D. LaKose Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Understanding by Design unit lesson plans for the next generation science standards: life science, Arie Schiller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Development of a hydraulic component leakage detecting system using pressure decay signal, Xuanju Shang Open Access Thesis
Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Parash Upreti
How inclusion is defined and implemented in elementary classrooms, Bailey Jo Wright Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
An enhanced pulse position modulation (PPM) in ultra-wideband (UWB) systems, Lingxiu Chen Open Access Thesis
Digital storytelling : the impact on student engagement, motivation and academic learning, Mindy Foelske Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Violent video games and aggressive behavior: mortality salience and the hostile attribution bias, Paden R. Goldsmith Open Access Thesis
The effectiveness of the Boys Town Educational Model as a school wide intervention, Natalie Hahn-Mauck Open Access Thesis
Depression in children and adolescents: The role of school professionals, Emily Dawn Hoerman Open Access Thesis
Barriers to accessing augmentative and alternative communication (AAC): Pogo Boards as a potential solution, Amanda Jo Huisman Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Management information systems: an information portal for a major with limitless interpretations, Benjamin Richard Lahue Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Effects of a short term mental skills training program on mental toughness, Mitchell Edward Mleziva Open Access Thesis
The effect of game-based learning on middle school students' academic achievement, Marija-Lisa Musselman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Graphic communications industry trends and their impact on the required competencies of personnel, Sara B. Smith Open Access Dissertation
The economic impacts of annual community festivals: A case of the Sturgis Falls Celebration, 2013, Chelsea Mae Tolle Open Access Thesis
A study of college student attitudes and behaviors related to recycling, Mark Allen Wilcox Open Access Dissertation
Submissions from 2013
Improving multiplication fact recall; Interventions that lead to proficiency with mathematical facts, Brandon J. Bauer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using TPACK to promote effective language teaching in an ESL/EFL classroom, Wilson M. R. Bugueño Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Analysis of wind power generation with application of wind tunnel attachment, Ulan Dakeev Open Access Dissertation
Aquatic strategies and techniques and their benefit on children with autism, James G. Hall Open Access Dissertation
Language as a social reality: The effects of the infantilization of women, Chelsae R. Huot Open Access Thesis
A comparison of Brazil and the United States: How higher education can shape and be shaped by history, politics, culture, and economy, Cassandra Mae Oliveira Open Access Honors Program Thesis
101 books for youth that feature hunters & hunting, Leann Seddon Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Behind the mask: An analysis of women's perceptions and rationale toward the purchase and use of anti-aging products, Clair Maureen Williams Open Access Thesis
Submissions from 2012
Understanding and meeting the needs of the millennials in the classroom: A literature review, Amanda Alexander Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Traditional Musical Instruments, Natasha Cooper
Incorporating effective grammar instruction into the classroom, Erin Mary Harrity Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Assistive technology for students with disabilities: Resources and challenges encountered by teachers, Dawn LaRae Jacobsen Open Access Dissertation
The Most Influential Factors in Determining the Happiness of Nations, Julie Lang
The impact of pretend play on cognitive and academic development of kindergarten students, April Marie Thelen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Observation as a formal assessment tool in early childhood classrooms: A professional development module, Kathleen M. Thornton-Lang Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2011
Misconceptions in middle school life science and strategies teachers can use to change them, Jody L. Fairbanks Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Homework : burden or benefit?, Mandy Glawe Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Life of chaos, life of hope: Dystopian literature for young adults, Lisa Newgard Open Access Graduate Research Paper
School uniforms, Nicole Waytenick Reuter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Scholarship management system, Eric Irvin Sauser Open Access Honors Program Thesis
An Analysis of QuickBooks Internal Control Utilization, Andrew J. Steckel Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2010
Playing like a girl: An analysis of the role of gender in trumpet performance, Leslie Ellen Aboud Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Divorce and its effects on the development of children, Lisa Barron Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of parental alcoholism on child development, Randi Burns Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Obscenity and pornography: A historical look at the American Library Association, the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, and the Supreme Court, Gretchen Brooke Gould Open Access Thesis
Mediation as an effective method to transform relationships and resolve conflict, Julie R. Kneip Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Cyberbullying : a literature review, Natalie Nesbitt Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Women's labor force participation in Spain: An analysis from dictatorship to democracy, Kristi Philips Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Struggling learners of mathematics: An investigation of their learning through reform-based instruction, Jennifer Pothast Open Access Dissertation
Integrating art and literacy in the elementary classroom, Megan Kristine Sorensen Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2009
The impact of homework on academic achievement of diverse learners, Jed Batterson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Factors related to the unemployment rate: A statistical analysis, Reanna Collins Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The purpose of Facebook: The value of Facebook friends in increasing self-perceived popularity, Michael J. Cronin Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The use of productive questions in the early childhood classroom, Rachel Alice Dengler Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The impact of differentiation strategies on student achievement, Angela Naomi Hileman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Princesses persevere: Seeking representations of gender equity in modern fairy tales, Erin Becker McConnell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Factors that influence student motivation, Abbie Petsche Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The Validity of Karl Marx’s Theory of Historical Materialism, Kaleb Shimp
Powerful and powerless speech styles in employment mock interviews, Amanda M. Wilson Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2008
Female hysteria across cultures and periods in American literature, Jessica Daine Droogsma Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The role of writing: Increasing higher level thinking for all students, Caroline Elser Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Play therapy with adults, Lisa E. Heiden Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How poverty affects social development, behavior, and academics of children : how can school personnel help?, Jessica Holm-Blackburn Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Duality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The picture of Dorian Gray, and "Dionea", Lauren McDonald
My philosophy of educational leadership : a reflective essay, Lincoln James Rasche Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2007
Introversion : relationship with mental well-being, Elizabeth A. Balder Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of parental involvement on student achievement, Meghan J. Budke Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using a balanced literacy approach in elementary schools, Jennifer Lynn Freeman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Inclusion of special needs students into the regular education classroom, Jennifer S. Hemann Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The impact of nutrition on academic achievement, Julie A. Long Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Swift's shifting satiric strategy in Gulliver's Travels, Josh Mahoney
Sources of Stress and Its Impact on Health Behaviors and Academic Performance of International Students at a Comprehensive Midwestern University, Israel Gabriel Msengi
Readers' workshop: Giving students time, choice, and flexibility in the classroom, Jennifer Lynn Shaffer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Drawing Isobars, STORM Project
Submissions from 2006
The effects of divorce in a society with ever-changing family structures, Rebecca L. Ahlstrom Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The effects of emotional intelligence in everyday life : what counselors can do to reinforce E.I. in couples counselings, Bridget M. Bencke Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Harry Potter: A comparison of the characters, themes, setting and plot with the Arthurian legend, Diane L. Engbretson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A textual analysis of the role of women in historical fiction for young people, Jennifer Youngblut Gassman Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Exploring intersectionality in education: The intersection of gender, race, disability, and class, Amy J. Petersen Open Access Dissertation 2008 Award
The Effects of Natural Disasters on Long Run Growth, Aaron Popp
Reading comprehension strategies for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Susan Reese Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Sign to learn : sign language as a teaching tool in hearing classrooms, Angela M. Schneden Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The advantages and disadvantages of recess, Nicole Sullivan Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2005
Women and Family Health: The Role of Mothers in Promoting Family and Child Health, Paula Y. Goodwin, Dean A. Garrett, and Osman Galal
The impact of sexual abuse on student performance, Denelle M. McWherter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Using Technology in a Social Studies Classroom, Cari R. Teske Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2004
Rules-based vs. principles-based accounting standards: Analyzing the impact of amending APB No. 18 to a principles-based standard, Jodi E. Ferring Open Access Presidential Scholars Thesis
Spiritual calling, work, and family : a review of the literature, Jaymee Glenn-Burns Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Isaiah and the suffering servant: A look at Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (biblical references: English standard version), Laura Helmke Open Access Presidential Scholars Thesis
Socioeconomic Status and Domestic Violence, Disa K. V. Lubker
Books from 2003
Cutting Fluid Management: Small Machining Operations, Iowa Waste Reduction Center
The Role of Athletics in Higher Education, Ryan Miller
Submissions from 2002
How does childhood incest affect the interpersonal relationships of adult females, Lyle Potter Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers, Daniel J. Power
A reflective essay about my preparation for education administration, Stephen A. Reed Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2001
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence and the implications for gifted education, Cynthia Fell Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Divorce : a guide for counselors assisting children of divorce, Roxann R. Scheffert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage: Activities to Enhance the Cognitive Development of Infants and Toddlers, Candice York Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 2000
Curricular and instructional adaptations for special needs students in the general education setting, Kelly Bohning Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Play therapy for children with aggressive behavior, Jennifer M. Brehm Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning, Helga M. Gudenschwager Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The principal : a reflective essay, Mel F. Mysak Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 1999
Phonemic awareness : an action research study, Pamela Miller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Spelling: A Review of Literature, Tammy Uhlenhopp Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 1997
A vision of leadership : a reflective essay, Mary Elizabeth Bladt (Klein) Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Game theory and its practical applications, Angela M. Koos Open Access Presidential Scholars Thesis
Applications of rational emotive behavior therapy in the school setting, Joanne M. Nelson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 1994
Archaeology: puzzle of the past: an exhibit design, Kristine Eyheralde Open Access Presidential Scholars Thesis
Submissions from 1992
Dance as a cultural element in Spain and Spanish America, Amy Lynn Wall Open Access Presidential Scholars Thesis
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
An analysis of the abaca natural fiber in reinforcing concrete composites as a construction material in developing countries, Rolando V. Magdamo Open Access Dissertation
Submissions from 1986
A selected cross-cultural study of Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development, Jie-Qi Chen Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The wives of alcoholics: Three models, Amy Moeller Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Profile of the incestuous father, Cheryl Ann Walters Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 1984
Four major components of a behavioral objective and the advantage of using behavioral objectives, Jon Beringer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Submissions from 1967
Chemical Kinetics of KI Catalyzed H2O2 Decomposition, Ken Johnson
Submissions from 1964
The Effect of Wind on Transpiration and Evaporation Through Multiperforate Septa, Irwin P. Ting and Walter E. Loomis
Submissions from 1950
Mechanism of Salivary Amylase Action, John H. Pazur, Dexter French, and Doris W. Knapp
Submissions from 1949
The Concept of Attitude, Dale Ortmeyer
Submissions from 1928
The Use of the Words Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit, O. M. Norlie