Faculty Publications


Publications written by faculty and staff in the Department of Special Education at the University of Northern Iowa.


Submissions from 2005


Paraprofessional Services For Students With Disabilities: A Legal Analysis Of Issues, Susan Etscheidt


Vouchers And Students With Disabilities: A Multidimensional Analysis, Susan Etscheidt


There's No Way This Kid's Retarded': Teachers' Optimistic Constructions Of Students' Ability, Christi Kasa-Hendrickson


Response To "Scientifically Unsupported And Supported Interventions For Childhood Psychopathology: A Summary" [4], Chris Kliewer, Alicia Broderick, Celia Oyler, Donald N. Cardinal, Paula Kluth, John B. Moeschler, and Herbert Schneiderman


Rethinking The Technology Integration Challenge: Cases From Three Urban Elementary Schools, Amy Staples, Marleen C. Pugach, and Dj Himes

Submissions from 2004


The Impact Of Early Exposure To Uncontracted Braille Reading On Students With Visual Impairments, Sunggye Hong and Jane N. Erin


Supporting High School Students To Engage In Recreational Activities With Peers, Carolyn Hughes, Stephanie E. Fowler, Susan R. Copeland, Martin Agran, Michael L. Wehmeyer, and Penny P. Church-Pupke


Citizenship For All In The Literate Community: An Ethnography Of Young Children With Significant Disabilities In Inclusive Early Childhood Settings, Christopher Kliewer, Linda May Fitzgerald, Jodi Meyer-Mork, Patresa Hartman, Pat English-Sand, and Donna Raschke


Promoting Access To The General Curriculum By Teaching Self-Determination Skills, Susan B. Palmer, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Krista Gipson, and Martin Agran


Preparing Youths With Emotional Or Behavioral Disorders For Transition To Adult Life: Can It Be Done Within The Standards-Based Reform Movement?, Patricia L. Sitlington and Debra A. Neubert


The Impact Of Priest Sexual Abuse: Female Survivors' Narratives, Katherine Van Wormer and Lois Berns

Submissions from 2003


A Preliminary Survey Of Professional And Student Opinion Of Special Education Practice In Contemporary Russia, Martin Agran and Dmitriy Boykov


An Analysis Of Legal Hearings And Cases Related To Individualized Education Programs For Children With Autism, Susan Etscheidt


Ascertaining The Adequacy, Scope, And Utility Of District Evaluations, Susan Etscheidt


Developing Augmentative And Alternative Communication (AAC) And Literacy Interventions In A Supported Employment Setting, Beth E. Foley and Amy H. Staples


Literacy As Cultural Practice: Some Concluding Stories, Christopher Kliewer


Enhancing The Job Performance Of Youth With Moderate To Severe Cognitive Disabilities Using The Self-Determined Learning Model Of Instruction, Jennifer McGlashing-Johnson, Martin Agran, Patricia Sitlington, Michael Cavin, and Michael Wehmeyer


The Role Of Technology In The Transition To Postsecondary Education Of Students With Learning Disabilities: A Review Of The Literature, Charlotte A. Mull and Patricia L. Sitlington


Transition As A Vehicle: Moving From High School To An Adult Vocational Service Provider, Michelle L. Nuehring and Patricia L. Sitlington


Examining Parents’ Involvement In And Perceptions Of Special Education Services: An Interview With Families In A Parent Support Group, Sammy J. Spann, Frank W. Kohler, and Delann Soenksen


The Effects Of Self-Regulation Strategies On Goal Attainment For Students With Developmental Disabilities In General Education Classrooms, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Danna Yeager, Nancy Bolding, Martin Agran, and Carolyn Hughes

Submissions from 2002

Access To The General Curriculum For Students With Significant Disabilities: What It Means To Teachers, Martin Agran, Sandra Alper, and Michael Wehmeyer


Increasing The Problem-Solving Skills Of Students With Developmental Disabilities Participating In General Education, Martin Agran, Caryl Blanchard, Michael Wehmeyer, and Carolyn Hughes


Enhancing The Involvement Of Rehabilitation Counselors In The Transition Process, Martin Agran, Hal M. Cain, and Michael D. Cavin


Extended School Year Services: A Review Of Eligibility Criteria And Program Appropriateness, Susan Etscheidt

Using Self-Monitoring To Improve Performance In General Education High School Classes, Carolyn Hughes, Susan R. Copeland, Michael Wehmeyer, Martin Agran, Michael S. Rodi, and Judith A. Presley


Increasing Social Interaction Between General Education High School Students And Their Peers With Mental Retardation, Carolyn Hughes, Susan R. Copeland, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Martin Agran, Xinsheng Cai, and Bogseon Hwang


What Does The Future Hold? A Follow-Up Study Of Graduates Of A Residential School Program, Nancy S. Oddo and Patricia L. Sitlington


Building Learning Communities, Amy Staples and Joyce Pittman

Submissions from 2001


Teaching Students To Self-Regulate Their Behavior: The Differential Effects Of Student-Vs. Teacher-Delivered Reinforcement, Martin Agran, Caryl Blanchard, Michael Wehmeyer, and Carolyn Hughes


Neutrality As A Moral Standpoint, Conceptual Confusion And The Full Inclusion Debate, Deborah J. Gallagher


The Effects Of Peer Delivered Self-Monitoring Strategies On The Participation Of Students With Severe Disabilities In General Education Classrooms, Guy H. Gilberts, Martin Agran, Carolyn Hughes, and Michael Wehmeyer

"School's Not Really A Place For Reading": A Research Synthesis Of The Literate Lives Of Students With Severe Disabilities, Christopher Kliewer and Douglas Biklen


Disability, Schooling, And The Artifacts Of Colonialism, Christopher Kliewer and Linda May Fitzgerald


Teaching Social Interaction Skills In The Integrated Preschool: An Examination Of Naturalistic Tactics, Frank W. Kohler, Leslie J. Anthony, Stacie A. Steighner, and Marilyn Hoyson


Postsecondary Education For Students With Learning Disabilities: A Synthesis Of The Literature, Charlotte Mull, Patricia L. Sitlington, and Sandra Alper


Career/Vocational Assessment: A Critical Component Of Transition Planning, Patricia L. Sitlington and Gary M. Clark

Submissions from 2000


Curriculum And Instruction In General Education: Implications For Service Delivery And Teacher Preparation, Martin Agran and Sandra Alper

Promoting Transition Goals And Self-Determination Through Student Self-Directed Learning: The Self-Determined Learning Model Of Instruction, Martin Agran, Caryl Blanchard, and Michael L. Wehmeyer


Democratizing Disability Inquiry, Christopher Kliewer and Douglas Biklen


Effects Of Using A Photographic Cueing Package During Routine School Transitions With A Child Who Has Autism, Janet Schmit, Sandra Alper, Donna Raschke, and Diane Ryndak


Preparing Personnel With Expertise In Severe Disabilities In The Electronic Age: Innovative Programs And Technologies, Fred Spooner, Melba Spooner, Martin Agran, and Richard Kiefer-O'donnell


A National Survey Of Teachers' Promotion Of Self-Determination And Student-Directed Learning, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Martin Agran, and Carolyn Hughes


Promoting Causal Agency: The Self-Determined Learning Model Of Instruction, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Susan B. Palmer, Martin Agran, Dennis E. Mithaug, and James E. Martin

Submissions from 1999

Teacher Perceptions Of Self-Determination: Benefits, Characteristics, Strategies, Martin Agran, Kimberly Snow, and Jayne Swaner


The Idea Amendments: A Four-Step Approach For Determining Supplementary Aids And Services, Susan K. Etscheidt and Larry Bartlett


Seeking The Functional, Christopher Kliewer


Individualizing Literacy Instruction For Young Children With Moderate To Severe Disabilities, Christopher Kliewer and David Landis


Promoting Changes In Teachers' Conduct Of Student Pair Activities: An Examination Of Reciprocal Peer Coaching, Frank W. Kohler, Helen K. Ezell, and Maria Paluselli


Acquisition And Generalization Of Functional Words In Community Grocery Stores Using Videotaped Instruction, Rebecca Kyhl, Sandra Alper, and Thomas J. Sinclair

Submissions from 1998


The Scientific Knowledge Base Of Special Education: Do We Know What We Think We Know?, Deborah J. Gallagher


Transforming Teacher Preparation in Early Childhood Education: Moving to Inclusion, Melissa L. Heston, Donna Raschke, Chris Kliewer, Linda M. Fitzgerald, and Rebecca Edmiaston


Citizenship In The Literate Community: An Ethnography Of Children With Down Syndrome And The Written Word, Christopher Kliewer


The Meaning Of Inclusion, Christopher Kliewer


Disability, Eugenics And The Current Ideology Of Segregation: A Modern Moral Tale, Christopher Kliewer and Stephen Drake

Submissions from 1997


Teaching Meal Planning To Youth With Mental Retardation In Natural Settings, Gae S. Arnold-Reid, Patrick J. Schloss, and Sandra Alper


Young Adults With Behavioral Disorders - Before And After Idea, Alan R. Frank and Patricia L. Sitlington


Responses To Nietupski Et Al., Michael F. Giangreco, Martha E. Snell, Carolyn Hughes, Asha Jitendra, and Sandra Alper

Submissions from 1996


Transition Assessment-Where Have We Been And Where Should We Be Going?, Patricia L. Sitlington


Transition To Living: The Neglected Component Of Transition Programming For Individuals With Learning Disabilities, Patricia L. Sitlington

Submissions from 1995


Families Of Children With Disabilities In Elementary And Middle School: Advocacy Models And Strategies, Sandra Alper, Patrick J. Schloss, and Cynthia N. Schloss


The Use Of A Daily Calendar To Increase Responsibilities Fulfilled By Secondary Students With Special Needs, Deborah Mae Flores, Patrick J. Schloss, and Sandra Alper


Young Adults With Behavioral Disorders: A Comparison With Peers With Mild Disabilities, Alan R. Frank, Patricia L. Sitlington, and Rori R. Carson


Determining The Collateral Effects Of Peer Tutor Training On A Student With Severe Disabilities, Ronald Martella, Nancy E. Marchand-Martella, K. Richard Young, and Christine A. Macfarlane


Acquisition Of Functional Sight Words In Community-Based Recreation Settings, Patrick J. Schloss, Heather Young, Gae Arnold-Reid, Michele Aylward, Stacie Dudenhoeffer, and Sandra Alper

Submissions from 1994


A Commentary On Inclusion And The Development Of A Positive Self-Identity By People With Disabilities, Susan Stainback, William Stainback, Katheryn East, and Mara Sapon-Shevin

Submissions from 1993


Success As An Adult—Does Gender Make A Difference For Graduates With Mental Disabilities?, Patricia L. Sitlington and Alan R. Frank

Submissions from 1992


Preservice Legal Training Concerning Issues And Rights Of People With Disabilities: A National Survey, Ronald J. Anderson and Lee E. Courtnage


Functional Life Skills, Academic Skills, And Friendship/Social Relationship Development: What Do Parents Of Students With Moderate/Severe/Profound Disabilities Value?, Susan Hamre-Nietupski, John Nietupski, and Marlene Strathe


Choosing Among Alternatives For Tracing Conceptual Change, Greta Morine-Dershimer, Shari Saunders, Alfredo J. Artiles, Mark P. Mostert, Melody Tankersley, Stanley C. Trent, and Deborah G. Nuttycombe


Adult Adjustment Among High School Graduates With Mild Disabilities, Patricia L. Sitlington, Alan R. Frank, and Rori Carson

Submissions from 1988


Cross-Age Tutorials And Attitudes Of Kindergarteners Toward Older Students, Donna Raschke, Charles Dedrick, Marlene Strathe, Marcus Yoder, and Gloria Kirkland

Submissions from 1987


Interdisciplinary Team Training: A National Survey Of Special Education Teacher Training Programs, Lee Courtnage and Judy Smith-Davis


Integration Versus Cooperation: A Commentary On “Educating Children With Learning Problems: A Shared Responsibility”, Susan Stainback and William Stainback

Submissions from 1985


Candid Camera: Catch 'Em In Action, Donna Raschke, Charles V.L. Dedrick, and Mary Takes


Facilitating Mainstreaming By Modifying The Mainstream, William Stainback, Susan Stainback, Lee Courtnage, and Twila Jaben

Submissions from 1984


Plaudits For Educators, Charles Dedrick and Donna Raschke


Broadening The Research Perspective In Special Education, Susan Stainback and William Stainback

Submissions from 1983


Dental Disease: A Continuing Education Problem For The Disabled Individual, William P. Callahan

The Effectiveness Of Instructional Programming On The Reduction Of Dental Disease In Mentally Retarded Individuals, W. P. Callahan


Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Integration Of Severely Handicapped Students Into Regular Schools, William C. Stainback, Susan B. Stainback, and Charles V.L. Dedrick

Submissions from 1982


A Survey Of State Policies On The Use Of Medication In Schools, L. Courtnage

Effects Of Strategy Training On The Free-Recall Performance Of Mildly And Moderately Mentally Retarded Adolescents, S. Hamre-Nietupski, J. Nietupski, L. Vincent, and C. Wambold

Teaching A Cooperative Leisure Skill To Severely Handicapped Adults, J. Nietupski and R. Svoboda

Influencing The Attitudes Of Regular Class Teachers About The Education Of Severely Retarded Students, S. Stainback and W. Stainback

Nonhandicapped Students' Perceptions Of Severely Handicapped Students, W. Stainback and S. Stainback

Preparing Regular Class Teachers For The Integration Of Severely Retarded Students, W. Stainback and S. Stainback

The Need For Research On Training Nonhandicapped Students To Interact With Severely Retarded Students, W. Stainback and S. Stainback

Submissions from 1981


Sex Education And Related Skills: A Series Of Programs Implemented With Severely Handicapped Students, Susan Hamre-Nietupski and Alison Ford

Performance Based Teacher Training--It Really Works, Donna Raschke

Three Methods For Encouraging Interactions Between Severely Retarded And Nonhandicapped Students, W. Stainback, S. Stainback, D. Raschke, and R. J. Anderson

Submissions from 1978

Rights Of Retarded People To Receive Regular Diplomas And Participate In High School Graduation Exercises, L. Courtnage and J. Struck

Submissions from 1975

A Defense Of The Concept Of The Special Class, S. B. Stainback and W. C. Stainback