Graduate Student Work at UNI | University of Northern Iowa
Graduate Student Work

Graduate Student Work


A collection of Graduate Student Work at the University of Northern Iowa.


Submissions from 2025


Research Portfolio, Yuhi Sekine Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Submissions from 2024


Student Reading Motivation through Book Talks, Amy Abbott, Stephanie Stockton, Luvy Webb, and Jessica Werderman Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A 30-Year Time Series Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Corn Yield in Iowa Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model – 1992 to 2022, Tesleem Ajisafe Open Access Thesis


A Case Study of the Impact of Lateral Reading Instruction On Students’ Evaluation of Digital Information, Devon Allbee, Jenny Marburger, and Tiffany Ostrowski Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Draft Makerspace Optimization and Procedure for the University of Northern Iowa and Cedar Falls, Andrew Nii Anang Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Emma Andersen, Violin, Emma Andersen Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Components of Effective After School Programs in Under Resourced Communities, Hector Salamanca Arroyo Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Adverse Childhood Experiences and Cognitive Decline, Kallie Bakker Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher Librarian Book Promotion: Bringing Motivation to The Forefront: A Research Proposal, Christy Bartels, Bree Dickens, Chris Frimml, Jennifer George, and Kristel Groenewold Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Visual Impairment Sight Assistive Technology with Arduino, Samuel Bast, Nathaniel Addo, and Emmanuel Oseghale


Examining the Effectiveness of Rhythmic Sight Reading Strategies for Elementary Level Band Literature, Nick Behrends Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A Proposal for an Analysis of the Depiction of Prosocial Behaviors in High Quality Early Elementary Picture Books, Teresa Bettin Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

The Effect of High-Emotion Simulator Training on Students’ Reaction Time in Response to Infant Stress Cues During a Simulated Bottle Feeding, Claire Michelle Biermann Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)


The Impact of Book Self-Selection and Format on Student Motivation to Read, Josie Bishop, Mattie Carstens, and Molly Mitola Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults, Karlyn Bouska Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Gamification and Engagement in a 3rd Grade Classroom, Ellen Braet Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Physical Activity and Mental Health Symptoms in Adults, Olivia A. Brecht Open Access Graduate Research Paper


How Rural Identity, Self-Reliance, and Stoicism Relate to Attitudes Toward Mental Health Help-Seeking Among Iowans, Taylor Brown Open Access Thesis


How Rural Identity, Self-Reliance, and Stoicism Relate to Attitudes Toward Mental Health Help-Seeking Among Iowans, Taylor Brown


Impacts of Schools, Technology, and Covid-19 on Elementary Students’ Social Skills: Next Steps Post Covid-19, Paige Busick Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Adverse Childhood Experiences Increasing the Likelihood of Substance Use Disorder, Kelsey L. Cain Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Modeling Phosphorus Loading Dynamics in Milford Creek: Using Updated Hydrological Models for TMDL Comparison, Olivia Calvin


Modeling Phosphorus Loading Dynamics in Milford Creek Watershed: With Comparison to a Consent Decree TMDL, Olivia Calvin Open Access Thesis


Graduate Portfolio, Olivia Campbell Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Organic Agriculture in Sioux County, IA, A Multicriteria Land Suitability Analysis, Beatrice Chali


Desert or Mirage? An Examination of Food Deserts in Iowa Cities, Andrew Creasey Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Boxes With Curves: The Necessity for School Leaders to Empower and Engage Through Culturally Competent Lenses, Priscilla Culp Open Access Dissertation


Regulating Women’s Bodies is a Joke: Culture Jamming, Perspective by Incongruity, and their Effect on Abortion Rhetoric, Meghan Bailey Cutcher Thesis (UNI Access Only)


The Flute Music of Claude Arrieu: Jean-Pierre Rampal, Radio, and the French Flute School, Breanna Daley Open Access Thesis


Examining the Impact Book Promotions Have on Student Book Selection, Chelsea Dearborn Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Impact of Alcohol Use on Dating Violence among Adolescents, Kaygen Kay Deitrick Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Teacher Librarians’ Influence on Information Literacy Skills: A Research Proposal, Amy Diewold, Diana Lord, and Sierra Johnson Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Addressing the "Why" Behind Student Behavior Through Tier 2 Behavioral Interventions, Meg Dredge Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Measurement: The Forgotten Unit: Introduction to Quantitative Data Acquisition in Ninth Grade Physical Science, James F. Duff Open Access Graduate Research Paper


An Exploration of the Relationship Between Burnout, Resilience, and Psychological Safety Within the Workplace, Riley Elenz Open Access Thesis


Teacher Use Of Rubrics To Assess Claim, Evidence And Reasonings In The High School Science Classroom, Brianna Finnegan Open Access Thesis


Adverse Childhood Experiences and Alcohol Use in Adulthood, Callie Franzen Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Achieving Cost-Effectiveness in the Production of High-Quality Plastic Tiles through Chemical Recycling, Emmanuel Ophel Gilbert Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Body Image in College Athletics, Tyrell Gordon Open Access Graduate Research Paper


What is Working and How Do We Know? Examining the Literacy Curriculum in an Elementary School After Years of Filling the Holes: A Qualitative Study in Improvement Science, Kimberly Graven Open Access Dissertation


Traumatic Brain Injury and Public Stigma: The Effect of Perceived Responsibility, MacKenzie Grenko Open Access Thesis


Traumatic Brain Injury and Public Stigma: The Effect of Perceived Responsibility, MacKenzie Grenko


Red vs. Blue: Identifying Demands Among Faculty and Graduate Students, MacKenzie Grenko, Kieran Luedke, Tenzin Kalsang, and Helen C. Harton


Dog-Training Programs for Incarcerated Women, Susan Grover Open Access Thesis


Fostering Multiliteracies and Engagement with Multimodal Texts in the Secondary English Language Arts Classroom, Amanda J. Hargis Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Music in Pioneer-era Southwestern Minnesota Norwegian Churches and Schools, Andrew S. Hasty Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Examining the Use of Personal Narrative on Students’ Understandings of Identity, Abigail Heggen Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Quality Inclusive Classrooms and Integrating the Project Approach with Children with Special Needs, Marie Elizabeth Helmrich Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Cognitive Decline, Ashley Highland Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A Process Evaluation of a Program Designed to Expand Access to the Iowa Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed), Justine R. Hoover Open Access Dissertation


Social Media News Consumption by College Students Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model, Colin Horning Open Access Thesis


Role of Gender in Digital Divide in Bangladesh, Maria Huq and Saif Bhuiyan

Examining the Associations Between Smoking Risk Perception, Knowledge, and Smoking Behavior among U.S Adult Smokers, Tenzin Kalsang


The Spatial and Temporal Impacts of Land Use and Climate on Avian Abundance in Iowa From 2001 to 2019, Lucas Kaufmann Open Access Thesis


Graduate Portfolio, Addy Kaune Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Government Spying and Abuse of Power Against Minority Groups, Addyson Kaune


The Effect of Gratitude Journaling on Counselor Stress, Emily Kause Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Haunting Euramerican Memories: Rhetorical Haunting and the Diffuse Memory of the Dakota 38+2, Noel Keil Open Access Thesis


Experiences of Women High School Band Directors in Iowa, Karina Kelso Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Retrospective Analysis on the Impact of Increased Set Volume on Back Squat and Bench Press One Repetition Maximums in Freshman NCAA DI FCS American Football Players, Colin T. Klatt Open Access Thesis


The Evidence Behind the Use of Mental Health and Social-Emotional Screenings in Schools, Makenna C. Klug Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Academic Health Department Partnerships: Impacts and Implications, Madeline Kraft Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Equity Focused PBIS as a Potential Solution to the Discipline Gap, Sydney Laures Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Evaluating the Impact of Model-Evidence-Link Charts in Seventh-Grade Student’s Ability to Engage in Scientific Argumentation over Plant Reproductive Structures, Josephine Libby Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Morgan List, Piano In a Graduate Recital, Morgan List Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)

Parental Attitudes toward Birth-Assigned Male/Female Gay and Transgender Adolescents, Kieran Luedke

Perceived Parental Acceptance and Minority Stress as Predictors of Mental Health Outcomes Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Emerging Adults, Kieran Luedke

Perceived Parental Acceptance and Minority Stress as Predictors of Mental Health Outcomes Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Emerging Adults, Kieran R. Luedke Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Urugendo Rwo Kwibuka: A Journey to Remember, Gélase Magnificat Thesis (UNI Access Only)

If You Give a Reader a Depression Narrative: The Mental Health Memoir as a Vessel for Education and Representation, Riley McCall


How Pizza and Stickers Drove My Kids to Read and Kept Them Reading, Tiya Montaño Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Developing and Delivering New-Hire Training Curriculum, Lacey A. Montgomery Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Impact of Bullying on Depression in Sexual Minority Adolescents, Ian Neff Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The Effects of Sleep Quality on the Performance and Health of Athletes, Andy Niese Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Retention and Attrition of Teachers of Color: Why Teachers of Color Leave the Profession, Alexix Noring Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Racial Competence Among Human Resources Leaders: A QuantCrit Analysis, Steven D. Parker Open Access Dissertation


Increasing Reading Fluency in ELL learners, Jennifer N. Patton Open Access Graduate Research Paper


A Departure from Standards Focused Writing, Clement Peneueta Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


A Case Study of the Influence of the Teacher Librarian On Middle and High School Student Book Selection, Hilary Peyton, Lindsay Salinas, Josie Smock, and Meg Tisinger Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Choice Overload, Erin Powers and Jiuquing Cheng


Research Portfolio, Samuel Pregler Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The Cancellation Station Podcast: The Controversies of Canceling, Quinn Rauchenecker Open Access Thesis


Evaluating the Impact of an OpenSciEd Natural Selection Unit on Students’ Understanding of Disciplinary Core Ideas and Transfer of Scientific and Engineering Practices, Austin Read Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


The Impact of Sexual Assault and the Influence of Leadership within the Military, Holly Rigel Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Suspected vs. Diagnosed Mental Illness, Race, and the NGRI Plea, Alexa Roudabush Open Access Thesis


Suspected vs. Diagnosed Mental Illness, Race, and the NGRI Plea, Alexa Roudabush and Helen C. Harton

Effective Marketing Strategies to Increase Enrollment at Universities, Madelyn Sanda and Lesli Garcia Graduate Research Paper (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Joley Seitz, Soprano In a Graduate Recital, Joley Seitz Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Caleb Self, Composition in a Graduate Student Recital, Caleb Self Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Evaluation of a Plate Tectonic NGSS-Designed Unit in Ninth-Grade Earth and Space Science Using an EQuIP Rubric, Amber Rose Heller Sherwood Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Effects of Q-Collar on Cognitive and Physical Performance During Cycling Time Trial, Zacary Simon Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Predictors of Attitudes Towards Transgender People in India, Rishika Sheetal Singh Open Access Thesis


Culturally Responsive Practice and Reading Motivation: Action Research on Community Involvement in Literature Circles, Lindsey Sinnwell Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Narratives of Identity: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Biracial Identity Construction and Performance in Family, Education, and Media, Eboni Springfield Open Access Thesis


Implications of Educational Environments for Gender and Sexually Diverse Adolescents, Margaret J. Staff Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Effect of Student Discussion Groups on Music Preference, Abby Steffen Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Soviet Space Race: Predictable Failure?, Jordan Stiles


The Role of Parental Divorce in Childhood on Depression Among Adults, Amy Stoermer Open Access Graduate Research Paper

Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Smart Grids: A Comprehensive Literature Review, Steven Stroud Graduate Research Paper (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Indigenous Economic Institutions Building: A Case Study of the Yerv Reindeer Herding Cooperative, Polina Syadeyskaya Thesis (UNI Access Only)