Curriculum & Instruction Faculty Publications
This list of faculty publications does not represent a complete body of scholarship for the faculty members from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. This collection contains only open access publications or publications that have been granted specific permission to be posted to UNI ScholarWorks, UNI's institutional repository. For a complete listing of a faculty member's publications see their profile in the SelectedWorks Profile Gallery. The SelectedWorks Faculty Profile has a more complete list of publications and includes links to publications deposited in UNI ScholarWorks and links out to publications on publisher's websites.
Submissions from 1999
A Discourse on Literacy and Community: Research Relationships for Preservice Teachers, Karen Broaddus and David Landis
Implications Of Piaget's Constructivist Theory For Character Education, Rheta Devries
Individualizing Literacy Instruction For Young Children With Moderate To Severe Disabilities, Christopher Kliewer and David Landis
Modernism, Postmodernism, and Poststructuralism and Their Impact on Literacy, Shuaib J. Meacham and Edward Buendia
Submissions from 1998
Talking Teaching And Learning: Using Practical Argument To Make Reflective Thinking Audible, Robert Boody, Katheryn East, Linda M. Fitzgerald, Melissa L. Heston, and Annette M. Iverson
Book Design Clements: Integrating The Whole, Jeanne Mc Lain Harms and Lucille J. Lettow
Transgressions: Teaching According to "Bell Hooks.", Susan E. Hill, Linda May Fitzgerald, Joel Haack, and Scharron Clayton
Threads of a New Language: A Response to Eisenhart’s ‘On the Subject of Interpretive Review’, Shuaib J. Meacham
Teaching Students With Disabilities In Inclusive Science Classrooms: Survey Results, Katherine Norman, Dana Caseau, and Greg P. Stefanich
Integration In Teacher Education: Building Units Around Ordinary, Everyday Objects, Bonnie von Hoff Johnson and Dale D. Johnson
Submissions from 1997
Teachers' Training in Distance Education and Their Willingness to Use the Technology After the Completion of Inservice Training, Sanaa Abou-Dagga and Mary C. Herring
Piaget's Social Theory, Rheta DeVries
Development of Design Guiding Principles For Constructivist-Based Distance Learning Environments, Mary C. Herring
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
The Last Rational Men: Citizenship, Morality, and the Pursuit of Human Perfection, Shuaib Meacham, Cameron McCarthy, Ed Buendia, Carol Mills, Heriberto Godina, Carrie Wilson-Brown, Maria Seferian, and Theresa Souchet
Danger in the Safety Zone: Notes on Race, Resentment, and the Discourse of Crime, Violence and Suburban Security, Shuaib Meacham, Cameron McCarthy, Alicia P. Rodriguez, and Ed Buendia
Reflections on Designing and Producing an Internet-Based Course, Robert Muffoletto
The Educational Media Experience in Teacher Education, Sharon E. Smaldino and Robert Muffoletto
The Curriculum – Iowa Star Schools project, Sharon E. Smaldino, Michael Simonson, and Sandra Wigdahl
Submissions from 1996
Assessing Interpersonal Understanding In The Classroom Context, Rheta Devries and Betty Zan
Active, Cooperative, and Experiential Learning, Joan Duea and Marc Yoder
Interacting With Inner Audiences To Extend Reading Experiences, Jeanne Mc Lain Harms and Lucille J. Lettow
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
President's Message, Peggy Ishler
Integrating World Wide Web searching skills into world geography information skills curriculum, Karla Steege Krueger Open Access Graduate Research Paper
A Discourse Of Benefit: Technology And School Reform In The USA, Robert Muffoletto
Effective Techniques For Distance Education Instruction, Sharon E. Smaldino
Large-Scale Assessment Of Skills In A Whole Language Curriculum: Two Districts' Experiences, Rick Traw
Interpersonal Understanding Among Friends: A Case-Study Of Two Young Boys Playing Checkers, Betty Zan
Submissions from 1995
Moral Activity And Domain Theory: An Alternative Interpretation Of Research With Young Children, Michael Glassman and Betty Zan
Preservice Teacher Education - Innovative Applications Of Interactive Television, Mary Herring, Sharon Smaldino, and Ann Thompson
Submissions from 1994
Science Educators As Active Collaborators In Meeting The Educational Needs Of Students With Disabilities, Greg Stefanich
Submissions from 1993
Folks, Friends And Foes: Relationships Between Humans And Animals In Some Eastern And Western Folktales, Mingshui Cai
The Attitudes Of Family Physicians Toward The Peer Review Process, Ronald R. Roth, Paul J. Porter, Gerald R. Bisbey, and Charles R. May
A Pilot Study: Comparing the Use of Computer-Based Instruction Materials and Audio-Tape Materials in Practicing Chinese, Ka-Fai Shiu and Sharon E. Smaldino
A Districtwide Staff Development Program for Transitioning from a Basal to a Whole Language Literacy Program: The Teacher Educator's Role as a Partner in the Change Process, Jeannie L. Steele and Kurt Meredith
Submissions from 1992
Reflections On Elementary School Science, Greg P. Stefanich
Submissions from 1991
Stars and Stripes for Kids. An Instructional Unit for Elementary Grades, Joan Duea
The Thinking-Writing Connection: Using Clustering to Help Students Write Persuasively, Jeannie L. Steele and Patty Steele
Submissions from 1990
Standardized Measures Of Reading Achievement For Placement Of Students In Chapter 1 And Learning Disability Programs: A Nationwide Survey Of Assessment Practices, Jeannie L. Steele and Kurt Meredith
Submissions from 1989
Improving Science Attitudes Of Preservice Elementary Teachers, Greg P. Stefanich and Kenneth W. Kelsey
Submissions from 1987
Colonel Francis Parker And Beginning Reading Instruction, Elinor Kline, David W. Moore, and Sharon Arthur Moore
On The Search For A Characteristic Wisc‐R Subtest Profile Of Reading/Learning Disabled Children, David W. Moore and Barry J. Wilson
Submissions from 1986
The Stability Of Modified Miscue Analysis Profiles, Carolyn Orr Kuhns, David W. Moore, and Sharon Arthur Moore
Curse You, Cursive Writing, Sharon Arthur Moore
Instructional Design For Developing Computer-Based Learning Materials, John F. Wedman and Tillman J. Ragan
Changes In Teachers' Concerns About Educational Computing, John Wedman, Marvin Heller, and Marlene Strathe
Submissions from 1985
Mini-Replications: An Alternative To Term Papers, Sharon Arthur Moore and David W. Moore
Submissions from 1984
A Quantitative And Qualitative Review Of Graphic Organizer Research, David W. Moore and John E. Readence
An Investigation Of Current Attention To The Early Literature On Content Area Reading Instruction, John E. Readence and David W. Moore
Concerns Of Teachers About Educational Computing, John Wedman and Marvin Heller
Computer Literacy for Teacher Educators: A Prerequisite for the 21st Century, John Wedman and Marlene I. Strathe
Submissions from 1983
A Preliminary Investigation Of The Differences In Children's Retention Of “Inconsiderate” Text, Donna E. Alvermann and Paula R. Boothby
Submissions from 1982
Metacognitive Knowledge About Reading Proficiency: Its Relation To Study Strategies And Task Demands, Donna E. Alvermann and Ned H. Ratekin
Evaluation of a Title I Project: Beyond Federal Requirements, Catherine W. Hatcher and Marlene I. Strathe
Submissions from 1981
Practicum with Four Year Graduated Involvement: A Teacher Education Model, Mary Nan Aldridge
The Compensatory Effect Of Graphic Organizers On Descriptive Text, Donna E. Alvermann
The Possible Values Of Dissonance In Student Teaching Experiences, Donna E. Alvermann
Submissions from 1980
Field Dependence-Independence As A Variable In Cloze Test Performance, John E. Readence, R. Scott Baldwin, Thomas W. Bean, and Ernest K. Dishner
Submissions from 1979
Reading Achievement Of Disabled Learners, Ned Ratekin
Science For The Handicapped-Gifted Child, James O. Schnur
Teachers For The Gifted — Past, Present And Future, James O. Schnur
Submissions from 1978
The Teacher-Consultant Model— A Different Perspective: A Reaction To Symposium 13, Thomas L. Little
Submissions from 1977
Training Special Education Support Personnel, Thomas L. Little
Training Teachers For The Severely And Profoundly Retarded: An Accountability Model, S. Stainback, W. Stainback, R. Schmid, and L. Courtnage
Submissions from 1973
The Usefulness Of Linguistically-Based Word Generalizations, Robert Emans and Jeanne McLain Harms
Letters, Erika Landau, Carol A. Bossin, D. Gvirtzman, William H. Graves, Richard P. Slowitsky, Lee Courtnage, and Ann F. Isaacs