Curriculum & Instruction Faculty Publications
This list of faculty publications does not represent a complete body of scholarship for the faculty members from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. This collection contains only open access publications or publications that have been granted specific permission to be posted to UNI ScholarWorks, UNI's institutional repository. For a complete listing of a faculty member's publications see their profile in the SelectedWorks Profile Gallery. The SelectedWorks Faculty Profile has a more complete list of publications and includes links to publications deposited in UNI ScholarWorks and links out to publications on publisher's websites.
Submissions from 2017
Mobile Gaming And Student Interactions In A Science Center: The Future Of Gaming In Science Education, Dana Atwood-Blaine and Douglas Huffman
Kindergarten Scores, Storytelling, Executive Function, And Motivation Improved Through Literacy-Rich Guided Play, Dena M. Cavanaugh, Kimberly J. Clemence, Mikaila M. Teale, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Stem For All Children: Preschool Teachers Supporting Engagement Of Children With Special Needs In Physical Science Learning Centers, Mary Donegan-Ritter
Impact of a Less Restrictive Circulation Policy in an Elementary Library, Kristen Reinhardt Downes, Karla Steege Krueger, and Joan Bessman Taylor
Middle School Students' Mathematics Knowledge Retention: Online Or Face-To-Face Environments, Clayton M. Edwards, Audrey C. Rule, and Robert M. Boody
A Tpack Diagnostic Tool For Teacher Education Leaders, Kevin J. Graziano, Mary C. Herring, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Sharon Smaldino, and Elizabeth S. Finsness
Cinematherapy in Gifted Education Identity Development: Integrating the Arts Through STEM-themed Movies, Timothy C. Kangas, Michelle Cook, and Audrey C. Rule
Fifth Graders’ Creativity in Inventions with and without Creative Articulation Instruction, Darcie K. Kress and Audrey C. Rule
Utilizing Nonfiction Texts To Enhance Reading Comprehension And Vocabulary In Primary Grades, Karen E. Kuhn, Casey M. Rausch, Tiffany G. McCarty, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Audrey C. Rule
Using Argument-Based Inquiry Strategies for STEM Infused Science Teaching, Mason Kuhn and Mark McDermott
Introducing the ASSIST Approach to Preservice STEM Teachers, Mason Kuhn and Mark A. McDermott
Reading Nonfiction Science Literature with and without Arts Integration Activities, Elizabeth McCartney, Catherine Mochal, Victoria Boyd, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Challenging Elementary Learners with Programmable Robots during Free Play and Direct Instruction, Kimberly S. McCoy-Parker, Lindsey N. Paull, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Breakbeat Breakthroughs: Hip-Hop Problem Solving Within The Context Of Community Engagement Nihilism And The Need For “Space”, Shuaib Meacham
Preschoolers’ Author-Illustrator Study Of Donald Crews, Sohyun Meacham, Shuaib Meacham, Gloria Kirkland-Holmes, and Myae Han
Banners For Books: “Mighty-Hearted” Kindergartners Take Action Through Arts-Based Service Learning, Sarah E. Montgomery, Wendy Miller, Page Foss, Denise Tallakson, and Maria Howard
The Model Of Domain Learning: A Good Science-Based Theory, Ralph E. Reynolds and Dessy S. Stoycheva
Exploring Writing Circles as Innovative, Collaborative Writing Structures with Teacher Candidates, Sherron Killingsworth Roberts, Norine Blanch, and Nandita Gurjar
The Collaborative Process in Educators’ Self-Study of Practice, Amy Staples and Deborah Tidwell
Creativity Of Third Graders’ Leadership Cartoons: Comparison Of Mood-Enhanced To Neutral Conditions, Jolene Teske, Courtney K. Clausen, Phyllis Gray, Latisha L. Smith, Sukainah Al Subia, Maryam Rod Szabo, Mason Kuhn, Mindy Gordon, and Audrey C. Rule
University of Northern Iowa Youth Arts Summit: Mentoring and Empowering Youth Voice Through the Arts, Angela Waseskuk, Alyssa Bruecken, Heidi Fuchtman, Shauib Meacham, Emmett Phillips, Courtney Clausen, and Wendy Miller
Middle Level Preservice Teachers Experience a Natural History Arts-Integrated Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit, Carolyn A. Weber and Audrey C. Rule
Submissions from 2016
Third Graders Explore Sound Concepts through Online Research Compared to Making Musical Instruments, Kyrie D. Borsay and Page Foss
Rubrics As A Tool In Writing Instruction: Effects On The Opinion Essays Of First And Second Graders, Kendall Bradford, Amanda C. Newland, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah E. Montgomery
Designing an Earthquake-Proof Art Museum: An Arts-and Engineering-Integrated Science Lesson, Anastasia Carignan and Mahjabeen Hussain
Shadow Puppet Plays in Elementary Science Methods Class Help Preservice Teachers Learn about Minority Scientists, Phyllis Gray, Audrey C. Rule, Anneliese Gentzsch, and Denise Tallakson
Learning Form and Function by Dance-Dramatizing Cultural Legends to Drum Rhythms Wearing Student-Made Animal Masks, Phyllis Gray, Audrey C. Rule, Gloria Kirkland Holmes, Stephanie R. Logan, Andrea L. Alert, and Cynthia A. Mason
Reading Promotion Events Recommended for Elementary Students, Nicole N. Guldager, Karla Steege Krueger, and Joan Bessman Taylor
The Character in the Mask: An Analysis of Mask in Art Spiegelman’s Maus, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar
TPACK Development In Higher Education, Mary C. Herring, Sohyun Meacham, and Daniel Mourlam
Sharon And Mary’s Voices: Sisterhood-The Journey, Mary C. Herring and Sharon E. Smaldino
Meta-Sticks: Having Children Consider the Source of Knowledge Promotes Scientific Thinking, Mason Kuhn
Second Reaction: A Good Deed Is Never a Waste, Stephanie R. Logan
Pedagogical Voyeurism: Dialogic Critique of Documentation and Assessment of Learning, Eugene Matusov, Ana Marjanovic-Shane, and Sohyun Meacham
Peer Relationships And Internally Persuasive Discourse, Sohyun Meacham
Teachers’ Responsiveness To Preschoolers’ Utterances In Sociodramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell
Education In Transition: Trends In Central And Eastern Europe, Kurtis S. Meredith and Jeannie L. Steele
Exploring The Intel Teach Elements In Teacher Education: Integration And Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge Development, Daniel Mourlam and Mary Herring
Preschoolers Explore Greenhouses by Visiting a Greenhouse, Making a Model, and Growing Plants, Leann M. Perkins and Dessy Stoycheva
Editorial: Welcome to the Journal of STEM Arts, Crafts, and Constructions, Audrey C. Rule
Literacy and Arts-Integrated Science Lessons Engage Urban Elementary Students in Exploring Environmental Issues, Audrey C. Rule, Phyllis Gray, Caroline Elser, and Julie Leigh Klein
Prairie Restoration Project: Alternatives For Identifying Gifted Students, Katie E. Salisbury, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Zebras and Jaguars, Oh My! Integrating Science and Engineering Standards with Art during Prekindergarten Block Time, Brandy A. Smith and Jane E. Cline
A Cello, A Plane, And A Garden: Reclaiming The Context Of Play With Young Children To Promote Literacy, Sarah Vander Zanden, Sohyun Meacham, Jane Frost, and Jennifer Strange
Submissions from 2015
Mathematical Game Creation and Play Assists Students in Practicing Newly-Learned Challenging Concepts, Kalyn Jon Cody, Audrey C. Rule, and Benjamin R. Forsyth
Games With Rules, Rheta Devries
Free Online Resources Not to Miss for Teaching Middle School Mathematics, Clayton M. Edwards
Marie Clay's Search for Effective Literacy Instruction: a Contribution to Reading Recovery and Small-Group Teaching, Salli Forbes and Linda J. Dorn
“How Would I Like to Read a Mawlawna EBook?”: Children’s Interests and Concerns When Reading EBooks, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar
Emerging Qualities Of Effective Teaching: Embracing New Literacies, Mary Herring, Christina Curran, Jody Stone, Nadene Davidson, Iradge Ahrabi-Fard, and Ksenia Zhbanova
Composing Film: Multimodality And Production In Elementary Classrooms, Nicholas E. Husbye and Sarah Vander Zanden
Upper Elementary Students Creatively Learn Scientific Features of Animal Skulls by Making Movable Books, Juile L. Klein, Phyllis Gray, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, and Audrey C. Rule
Ipads And Teacher Education: Exploring A 1:1 Initiative In A Professional Development School Partnership, Daniel J. Mourlam and Sarah E. Montgomery
Teacher Learning Of Subject Matter Knowledge Through An Educative Curriculum, Jihwa Noh and Matthew Webb
African Mask-Making Workshop: Professional Development Experiences Of Diverse Participants, Audrey C. Rule, Sarah E. Montgomery, Gloria Kirkland-Holmes, Dwight C. Watson, and Yvonne Ayesiga
Building Student Understanding Of The Cause Of Day And Night: A Study Of Literacy- And Spatial Thinking-Integrated Activities Compared To A Commercial Curriculum, Audrey C. Rule and Angela Naomi Webb
Productive Taboos: Cultivating Spatialized Literacy Practices, Sarah Vander Zanden
Identification Of Gifted African American Primary Grade Students Through Leadership, Creativity, And Academic Performance In Curriculum Material Making And Peer-Teaching: A Case Study, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, Audrey C. Rule, and Mary K. Stichter
Hands-On Russian Culture Lessons, Ksenia S. Zhbanova, Audrey C. Rule, and Michelle L. Tichy
Submissions from 2014
Reclaiming Our Children's Education: Building A Fortress Of Support For Children Of African Descent, Gevonee E. Ford, Dwight C. Watson, and Lesley Ford
Beating The Odds: A Longitudinal Investigation Of Low-Income Dual-Language And Monolingual Children's English Language And Literacy Performance, Myae Han, Carol Vukelich, Martha Buell, and Sohyun Meacham
Special Editorial: Technology Leadership For Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers To Use Technology, Mary Herring, Tommye Thomas, and Pamela Redmond
Fifth Graders' Enjoyment, Interest, And Comprehension Of Graphic Novels Compared To Heavily-Illustrated And Traditional Novels, Kimberly Ann Jennings, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Fifth Graders' Enjoyment, Interest, and Comprehension of Graphic Novels Compared to Heavily-Illustrated and Traditional Novels, Kimberly Ann Jennings, Audrey C. Rule, and Sarah M. Vander Zanden
Computer Technology-Integrated Projects Should Not Supplant Craft Projects In Science Education, Tabatha J. Klopp, Audrey Rule, Jean Suchsland Schneider, and Robert M. Boody
Divergent Opinions Of Proper Lyme Disease Diagnosis And Implications For Children Co-Morbid With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mason Kuhn and Robert Bransfield
Preschool Teachers' Questioning In Sociodramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell
Critical Democracy Through Digital Media Production In A Third-Grade Classroom, Sarah E. Montgomery
Re-envisioning Social Studies with the Community School Model of Elsie Ripley Clapp, Sarah E. Montgomery
Reconsidering the American Dream and U.S. Latino Culture in a College Spanish Service-Learning Course, Sarah E. Montgomery, Zak K. Montgomery, Sarah Vander Zanden, Serena B. Ugoretz, Ashley Jorgensen, and Mirsa Rudic
Preservice Teachers Map Compassion: Connecting Social Studies And Literacy Through Nonfictional Animal Stories, Audrey C. Rule, Sarah E. Montgomery, and Sarah Vander Zanden
Guardians Of The Earth: Teaching Children To Care For All Living Things, Audrey C. Rule and Ksenia S. Zhbanova
Making Dioramas of Women Scientists Help Elementary Students Recognize Their Contributions, Jolene K. Teske, Phyllis Gray, Julie L. Klein, and Audrey C. Rule
Familial Reality Engendering Feminism: The Impact Of A Matriarchal Upbringing On Thinking About Teaching And Learning, Deborah L. Tidwell, Pamela T. Schwartz, and Janet T. Dunn
Effects Of Teacher Lesson Introduction On Second Graders' Creativity In A Science/Literacy Integrated Unit On Health And Nutrition, Angela Naomi Webb and Audrey C. Rule
Primary Grade Students Engage In Creative Word Play Through Traditional And Hands-On Methods, Angela Naomi Webb, Audrey C. Rule, Adrianna D. Cavanaugh, and Angel Munson
Revealing Relationships: First Graders Share Personal Literature, Timothy G. Weih
Student-Described Engagement With Text: Insights Are Discovered From Fourth Graders, Timothy G. Weih
Reflecting, Coaching And Mentoring To Enhance Teacher-Child Interactions In Head Start Classrooms, Betty Zan and Mary Donegan-Ritter
Constructivist Approaches To Moral Education In Early Childhood, Betty Zan and Carolyn Hildebrant
Construal Level Theory Applied To Sixth Graders' Creativity In Craft Constructions With Integrated Proximal Or Distal Academic Content, Ksenia S. Zhbanova and Audrey C. Rule
Submissions from 2013
Social Studies Content Reading about the American Revolution Enhanced with Graphic Novels, Kari Bosma, Audrey C. Rule, and Karla Steege Krueger
Does Same-Sex Preference Make 3-4-Year-Olds More Gullible?, Sunah Chung and Youngon Choi
Ramps And Pathways Early Physical Science Program: Preparing Educators As Science Mentors, Shelly L. Counsell, Jill M. Uhlenberg, and Betty Zan
Analyzing the Creative Problem-Solving Process: Inventing a Product from a Given Recyclable Item, Caralee K. Doak, Stacey M. Jambura, Jason A. Knittel, and Audrey C. Rule
Managing, J. Ana Donaldson, Sharon Smaldino, and Robert Pearson
Using Multimedia Conferencing to Connect Literacy Educators, Marilyn Drury, Rick Seeley, Salli Forbes, and Rick Traw
Different Voices, Many Journeys: Explorations Of The Transformative Nature Of The Self-Study Of Teacher Education Practices, Susan E. Elliott-Johns and Deborah L. Tidwell
Motivational Changes in Reading Recovery Children: A Pre and Post Analysis, Salli Forbes and Susan King Fullerton
Cultural Authenticity in Susan Fletcher's Shadow Spinner, Taraneh Matloob Haghanikar
Professional staffing levels and fourth-grade student research in rural schools with high-poverty levels, Karla Steege Krueger and Jean Donham
Negotiating the Way to Inquiry: Encouraging Negotiation Early in the Year Promotes Scientific Communication, Mason Kuhn and Mark McDermott
Coining Phrases for Dollars: Jay Z, Economic Literacy, and the Educational Implications of Hip-Hop’s Entrepreneurial Ethos, Shuaib J. Meacham, Michael Anthony Anderson, and Carolina Correa
Preschool Teachers’ Language Use During Dramatic Play, Sohyun Meacham, Carol Vukelich, Myae Han, and Martha Buell
Using Cartoons to Teach About Perfectionism: Supporting Gifted Students’ Social-Emotional Development, Sarah E. Montgomery and Audrey C. Rule
Response To Intervention: Following Three Reading Recovery Children On Their Individual Paths To Becoming Literate, Evelyn A. O'Connor, Connie Briggs, and Salli Forbes