Faculty Publications
Publications written by faculty and staff in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Northern Iowa.
Submissions from 2009
Synthesis Of [RuIi(Bpy)2(Ncs)2] Derivatives And Their Use As Dye-Sensitizers In Nanocrystalline Solar Cells, Joel T. Kirner and Jeffrey E. Elbert
Photochemical Method Of Silver Deposition On A Quartz Surface Modified By Polybutoxytitanium, I. I. Roslov, D. Bartak, V. V. Gorbunova, and T. B. Boitsova
Submissions from 2008
An In Silico Analysis Of Cytochrome C From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium: Its Amino Acid Sequence And Characterization Of Gene Structural Elements, John A. Bumpus, Mark Trax, Ashley Reisdorph, Cindi Boyd, Damien Gilbert, Sara Techau, and Roy M. Ventullo
Context-Specific Amino Acid Substitution Matrices And Their Use In The Detection Of Protein Homologs, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere and Byungkook Lee
Surface Chemistry Of Benzene, Acetylene And Ethylene On Porous Glass, Matthew D. Graaf and Shoshanna R. Coon
Thermal Stability Of Hydrocarbon Monolayers On Porous Silicon, Andrew N. Simonson, Robert S. Cunningham, and Shoshanna R. Coon
Submissions from 2007
Characterization Of High Explosives And Other Energetic Compounds By Computational Chemistry And Molecular Modeling, John A. Bumpus, Anne Lewis, Corey Stotts, and Christopher J. Cramer
Malonato Complexes Of Chromium(III), J. C. Chang, R. Goddard, and J. H. Worrell
Coordination Polymerization With The Novel Η5-C20H17Ti(OIPr)3 Complex, Martin Chin and Jürgen Schellenberg
Analog Parallel Processing of Molecular Sensory Information, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, A. Prasanna de Silva, S. Sisira K. de Silva, H. Q. Nimal Gunaratne, P. L. Mark Lynch, Kemuel R. Nesbitt, Suram T. Patuwathavithana, and N. L.D. Sydney Ramyalal
Erratum: "Molecular Modeling Of Environmentally Important Processes: Reduction Potentials" (Journal Of Chemical Education (2004) Vol. 81 (596-603)), Anne Lewis, John A. Bumpus, Donald G. Truhlar, and Christopher J. Cramer
The Influence Of Core Teaching Conceptions On Teachers' Use Of Inquiry Teaching Practices, Christine Lotter, William S. Harwood, and J. José Bonner
Electrolytic Arsenic Removal For Recycling Of Washing Solutions In A Remediation Process Of CCA-Treated Wood, Charles Péguy Nanseu-Njiki, Véronique Alonzo, Duane Bartak, Emmanuel Ngameni, and André Darchen
Structure and Dynamics of Phthalocyanine−Argonn (n = 1−4) Complexes Studied in Helium Nanodroplets, Joshua A. Sebree, Rudolf Lehnig, and Alkwin Slenczka
Submissions from 2006
Dishonesty In The Biochemistry Classroom Laboratory: A Synthesis Of Causes And Prevention, Dawn Del Carlo and George Bodner
Measuring Teacher Beliefs About Inquiry: A Blended Qualitative/Quantitative Instrument, William S. Harwood, John Hansen, and Christine Lotter
Overcoming a Learning Bottleneck: Inquiry Professional Development for Secondary Science Teachers, William S. Harwood, Christine Lotter, and J. José Bonner
Submissions from 2005
A Mathematical Model for Fibroblast Growth Factor Competition Based on Enzyme, Justin P. Peters, Khalid Boushaba, and Marit Nilsen-Hamilton
Submissions from 2004
Frequency of Gaps Observed in a Structurally Aligned Protein Pair Database Suggest a Simple Gap Penalty Function, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere and Byungkook Lee
Submissions from 2003
Biodegradation of Azo Dyes by Fungi, John A. Bumpus
5-Bromo-2,3-dihydro-4-methyl-3nitrothiophene 1,1-dioxide, Laura H. Strauss, V. V. Abzianidze, V. M. Berestovitskaya, and I. E. Efremova
Submissions from 2002
Review: Fungi in Bioremediation edited by GM Gadd (2001). Cambridge University Press., John A. Bumpus
STR Data for Nine Loci from Sri Lanka, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, Neil Fernandopulle, and Maya B. Gunasekera
Unravelling the Taxonomic Status of the Genus Cynopterus (Chiroptera:Pteropodidae) in Sri Lanka by Multivariate Morphometrics and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, Yasantha Mapatuna, Maya B. Gunasekera, W. D. Rathnasooriya, and Paul J.J. Bates
Sequence Variation at Two Mitochondrial Genes in the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Population in Sri Lanka, Nalin C.W. Goonesekere, H. Vandebona, R. Tiedemann, W. D. Ratnasooriya, and M. B. Gunasekera
Submissions from 2001
Immunotoxicity of TNT-Contaminated Soil Before and After Bioremediation, L. A. Beltz, T. J. Waldschmidt, J. A. Bumpus, and C. G. Johnston
Teaching Chemistry with Electron Density Models. 2. Can "Atomic Charges" Adequately Explain Electrostatic Potential Maps?, Laura Strauss and Alan J. Shusterman
Submissions from 2000
Studies on the Reaction Mechanism of Catalase-Mediated Oxidation of Cyanamide, J. Bumpus, D. Bates, A. Russell, M. Abouleish, D. Baker, and J. Frost
Submissions from 1998
Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi. Final Report., John A. Bumpus
Sixteenth Quarterly Report Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi, Robert L. Irvine and John A. Bumpus
Submissions from 1997
Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi. Tenth Quartery Report., R. L. Irvine and J. A. Bumpus
Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi. Thirteenth Quartery Report., R. L. Irvine and John A. Bumpus
Submissions from 1996
Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi. Eighth Quarterly Report., R. L. Irvine and J. A. Bumpus
Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi. Ninth Quarterly Report., Robert L. Irvine and John A. Bumpus
Student Development and Learning, Ira Simet
Submissions from 1995
Regulation of Coal Polymer Degradation by Fungi. Second Quarterly Report., J. A. Bumpus
Regulation of Coal Degradation by Fungi. Third Quarterly Report., R. L. Irvine and J. A. Bumpus
Submissions from 1994
Neutral Copper Cluster Sputtering Yields: Ne+, Ar+ and Xe+ Bombardment, Shoshanna Coon, W. F. Calaway, and M. J. Pellin
Crystallization and Structure Determination of Bovine Profilin at 2·0 Å Resolution, Nalin Goonesekere, Eila S. Cedergren-Zeppezauer, Michael D. Rozycki, James C. Myslik, Clarence E. Schutt, Uno Lindberg, and Zbigniew Dauter
Circular Dichroism of Michellamines: Independent Assignment of Axial Chirality by Calculated and Experimental CD Spectra, Kirk Manfredi, Gerhard Bringmann, Klaus Peter Gulden, Yali F. Hallock, John H. Cardellina, Michael R. Boyd, Bernd Kramer, and Jörg Fleischhauer
Anti-HIV Michellamines from Ancistrocladus korupensis, Kirk P. Manfredi, Michael R. Boyd, Yali F. Hallock, John H. Cardellina, John W. Blunt, James B. McMahon, Robert W. Buckheit, Gerhard Bringmann, Manuela Schäffer, Gordon M. Cragg, Duncan W. Thomas, and Johnson G. Jato
Korupensamines A‒D, Novel Antimalarial Alkaloids from Ancistrocladus korupensis, Kirk P. Manfredi, Yali F. Hallock, John W. Blunt, John H. Cardellina, Manuela Schäffer, Klaus Peter Gulden, Gerhard Bringmann, Angela Y. Lee, Jon Clardy, Guido François, and Michael R. Boyd
Large Scale Separation of Naphthyltetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloids from Ancistrocladus korupensis by Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, Kirk P. Manfredi, Yali F. Hallock, Jinrui Dai, Heidi R. Bokesch, Kaye B. Dillah, John H. Cardellina II, and Michael R. Boyd
Submissions from 1993
Molecular Photofragmentation During Non-resonant Multiphoton Ionization of Sputtered Species, Shoshanna Coon, W. F. Calaway, M. J. Pellin, J. W. Burnett, and J. M. White
Kinetic Energy Distributions of Sputtered Neutral Aluminum Clusters: Al-Al6, Shoshanna Coon, W. F. Calaway, M. J. Pellin, G. A. Curlee, and J. M. White
New Findings on the Sputtering of Neutral Metal Clusters, Shoshanna Coon, W. F. Calaway, M. J. Pellin, and J. M. White
The Structure of Crystalline Profilin–β-actin, Nalin Goonesekere, Clarence E. Schutt, James C. Myslik, Michael D. Rozycki, and Uno Lindberg
Advances in Biomolecule Analysis: FTMS of Macromolecules, Curtiss D. Hanson, Ira M. Simet, and Suzanne R. Smith
Submissions from 1992
Mass Dependent Loss of Resolution in Radially Inhomogeneous ExB Ion Traps, Mark A. Capron, Susan S. Haskin, and Curtiss D. Hanson
Submissions from 1991
Potassium Promoted Decomposition of Methyl Bromide on Ag(111), Shoshanna Coon, X. L. Zhou, and J. M. White
Submissions from 1989
Surface Photochemistry: 6. CH3Br on Pt(111), Shoshanna Coon, Z. M. Liu, S. A. Costello, B. Roop, S. Akhter, and J. M. White
Recent Developments in Experimental FT-ICR, Curtiss D. Hanson, Eric L. Kerley, and David H. Russell
Synthesis and Antibacterial Studies of Some 2-Furanthiocarboxyhydrazones, Xiaorong Li, Zoumin Sun, and James C. Chang
Submissions from 1987
Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry of Large (M/Z > 5,000) Biomolecules, Curtiss D. Hanson, Mauro E. Castro, David H. Russell, Donald F. Hunt, and Jeffery Shabanowitz
Resolution of DNA Polymerase-α-Primase Complex and Primase Free, Ira Simet, Satyajit Ray, and Subhash Basu
Submissions from 1986
High School Chemistry in Iowa: Current Status, Recent Trends, and Future Prospects, R. W. Hanson
Submissions from 1980
Determination of Cobalt in Cobalt(III) Complexes - A Comparative Study, James C. Chang, Susan Fauerby, David Heine, and Stephen Yue
Submissions from 1979
A Case Study for the Governor's Science Advisory Council: The Nitrite Controversy, Robert W. Hanson
Preferences and Practices in High School Chemistry in Iowa, Robert W. Hanson
Submissions from 1975
The Iowa Academy of Science: 1875-1975, Robert W. Hanson