Undergraduate Student Work
This collection contains works by undergraduate students in the College of Business Administration at the University of Northern Iowa. All student works require department, unit, or individual faculty review.
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Submissions from 2024
Housing Affordability: An Examination of Factors in Black Hawk County Impacting Housing Affordability for UNI Graduates, Mason DeLaine Fritz Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Reexamination of College Students’ Behaviors and Knowledge of Recycling, Ella Hilbrant Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The Impact of Sentiment on Iowa Farmland Values by Agricultural District, Skyler Kelly Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Small Business Burnout: Reversing the Entrepreneurial Burnout, Adele Kuruppu Poster Presentation
Small Business Burnout: Reversing the Entrepreneurial Exit, Adele Kuruppu Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The Effect of Gender-Based Occupational Segregation on Women's Earnings in the United States and Canada, Jadyn Grace Milius Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2023
The Power of Homeownership, Esha Sanjiv Jayswal Honors Program Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)
The Power of Homeownership [poster], Esha Sanjiv Jayswal Poster Presentation (UNI Access Only)
Better Solutions to Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine Access: Giving Away Vaccines Rather than Vaccine Formulas, Tristen Prouse Open Access Honors Program Thesis
How to Not Save the World from COVID-19: The Dire Consequences of Giving Away the Vaccine Formula [poster], Tristen Prouse Open Access Poster Presentation
Reversing the Entry: Generation Z's Outlook on Accounting, Andrew Straube Honors Program Thesis (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Submissions from 2022
Influence of the CPA credential on the life satisfaction of University of Northern Iowa accounting alumni, Derek Richard Koppes Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2021
Theories and applications of blockchain, Matthew R. Barton Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Spreading awareness and gaining donor support for UNI Dance Marathon, Hannah Marie Dash Open Access Honors Program Thesis
GILTI regulations: The intended effects compared to the actual results, Carson Lee Ehrenberg Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Fraud and COVID-19: An unintended downside of government aid during the pandemic, Derek LaBarge Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Homeownership by race: Factors that explain the homeownership gap between blacks and whites, Sarah Madsen Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Creating an optimal portfolio with covariance adjustments for moving average trends, Jayden Moore Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Evaluating college students' attitudes and understanding of recycling, Taylor Shipley Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Converging artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies for security and risk management in banking, Van Binh Hai Tran Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Consideration of the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in the audit profession, Marcy Kim Uglum Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2020
A statistical analysis of the NFL draft, Jaedon Bettle Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
The influence of state political orientation on firm environmental practices, Trisha Coberly Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Determinants of long-term care insurance: Are spouses substitutes?, Jacob Harold-Matthew Haag Open Access Honors Program Thesis
What Determines Whether or Not Individuals Purchase Long Term Care Insurance [Poster], Jacob Harold-Matthew Haag Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
"Finding financial freedom": A financial literacy program for high school students, Alexis Hahn Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
An empirical analysis on major league soccer player earnings, Aaron Michael Anderson Iehl Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Examination of the attribution of blame for accounting errors under the proposed 2024 CPA examination structure, Laura Jean Kaufmann Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Frauds in K-12 school districts, Cassandra Lorraine Zinnel Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2019
Alcohol and marijuana: Substitutes or complements and a deeper evaluation of marijuana prohibition, Nicholas Andrew Brown Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The Effects of Relative Wages and Border Enforcement on Illegal Immigration, Aaron Iehl
The effects of casinos on unemployment: A county level analysis, Sally Anne St. Clair Kron Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Foreign-born workers' effect on agricultural industry in Iowa, Hannah McDevitt Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Work-related outcomes and organizational commitment, Mushaun Miller Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Valuation Multiples: Identifying Undervalued Stocks From 1987 to 2017, Luke Muller
Intrinsic vs extrinsic job search factors: What is more attractive to the younger workforce?, Danielle Nardini Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Determinants of Box Office Performance: Return of the Regressions, Griffin Scott
Maternal Mortality in the U.S., Christine Shipley
Examining the NCAA selection process for bias against mid-majors, Jackson Twait Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The domestic impacts of industrial wind energy in the United States, Collin John Woods Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2018
Organized Gaming and Its Effect on Collegiate Academics, Mark Cochran Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The rise of social media marketing: How an entire industry has transformed, Ryan Steven Doser Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Effective leadership: Prior research vs. the millennials, Marissa Heinzerling Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Biotech fever: Market overreaction to FDA clinical trials, Ethan J. Hugstad Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The propitious puzzle for small business owners: Understanding the Section 199A deduction, Kameron Elizabeth Kehoe Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Should Division I College Athletes Receive Compensation in Excess of their Scholarships?, Trey Kilburg
Technological Unemployment in the United States: A State-Level Analysis, Courtney Krousie
Identifying the Risk Factors for Food Insecurity in the United States, Destiny Leitz
Marriage premium among homosexual men in the United States, Cole Robert Malcolm Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Factors influencing academic performance: A study of predicting student performance at a regional comprehensive university, Hannah Martin Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Gentrification in Polk County, Iowa, Danielle Massey
English proficiency and earnings of U.S. immigrants, Toni F. Moeller Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Misconceptions of HR: An analysis of post-millennials' thoughts before entering the workforce, Sarah Paukert Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Submissions from 2017
An Analysis of the Causal Relationship Between Transportation and GDP: A Time-Series Approach for the United States, Arijan Alagic
Organizational culture: An analysis of the aggregate impact on financial performance, Arijan Alagic Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The Gender Pay Gap in College Basketball: Is Discrimination the Driving Factor?, Melissa Ament
The Effect of Childhood Siblings on Adult Income, Heather Bavido Open Access Poster Presentation
Determinants of IPO Underpricing: Tech vs Non-Tech Industries, Jordan Beck
The business of fraud, Jessica Marie Berkshire Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The professional development of students through global experiences, Myle Duong Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Cedar Falls Community Main Street: A gap analysis of customer & business owner perceptions, Cassie Evers Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Major depressive disorder in adults: Determining demographic causes and links between health insurance and government aid, Taylor Lillian Fox Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
The 2008 Financial Recession and Fair Value Accounting, Anthony Hurlburt
Trying to fit in with the weird parts of the Internet: Online subcultures and content creation, Isak Fedeler Knivsland Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Factors Affecting Student Graduation Rates, Kaleb Luse Open Access Poster Presentation
The Return of the Machinery Question: Is it different this time?, Kaleb Luse
The impact of terrorism on commercial office real estate in Manhattan, Madeline M. O'Donnell Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The effects of governance and inequality on economic growth, Ethan James Philo Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Accommodating invisible illnesses and disabilities in the workplace, Elizabeth Simmons Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Evaluating trends in financial literacy: The impact on individuals and workplaces, Michelle Temeyer Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Events from 2016
Determinants of the GPA's of College Students, Mitchell Beckman Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Factors Influencing College Choice: A Study of Enrollment Decisions at a Regional Comprehensive University, Trevor Draisey
The determinants of NFL player salaries, Trevor Draisey Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Health Savings Accounts: Benefits, Costs, and Potential Effects, Conrad Keezer
Elasticity of Food Demand by Outlet: Effects of the Nutrition Labeling Provision of the Affordable Care Act, Kevin McGee
Determinants of NBA Average Annual Attendance by Team, Kevin Joseph McGee Open Access Poster Presentation
Determinants of per game average annual attendance for NBA teams, Kevin Joseph McGee Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Examining the renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in sub-Saharan African countries, Luke Neuhaus Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Chinese Strategic Asset Seeking Activity in the United States, Justin Niday Open Access Poster Presentation
The Efficiency of the Major League Baseball Free-Agent Market, Jacob Oswald
The effects of colonial origin on economic growth, Erica Lynn Pabst Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
2014 Welfare Use by Immigrants vs. Natives in the United States, Jessica Pabst
Changing the Calculus: An Investigation of Undergraduate Economics Program Quality, Lindsey Pedersen
Dropping in on dropouts: an analysis of withdrawals from the University of Northern Iowa, Lindsey Marie Pedersen Open Access Honors Program Thesis
The secondary interview : Ethical concerns regarding social media scanning in the commercial hiring process, Christopher Pollpeter Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2015
Relevant decision criteria and their level of importance in consumers' choice of hospital, Jordan Brelje Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Latinos in the Major Leagues from 1920 to 1939: A Human Capital Approach, Tom Cullen
The impact of hyped IPO's on the market, Elias Escobedo Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Easterlin or Cantril: Does a Country’s Income Determine its People’s Happiness?, Jon Heinzman
By How Much Does a College Degree Affect Earnings?, Jennifer Lewis
Higher education expenditures and revenues : a case study on the University of Northern Iowa, Thomas Keld Madsen Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Does religion affect economic growth?, Parash Upreti Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Parash Upreti
Submissions from 2014
Public accounting recruiting: implications of the antecedents and consequences of organizational identity on hiring, Ariana Marie Aquilani Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Were Revenues of National Basketball Association Franchises Affected by the Tim Donaghy Gambling Scandal of 2007?, Travis Buhrow
Measuring employee recognition: a review and recommendation, Jessica Sue Clark Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
The Final Four Formula: A Binary Choice Logit Model to Predict the SemiFinalists of the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament, Cameron Fuqua
Royal Flush or Just a Bluff: Casinos and County Unemployment in the Midwestern United States, Amber Irlmeier
Management information systems: an information portal for a major with limitless interpretations, Benjamin Richard Lahue Open Access Honors Program Thesis