Faculty Publications
Publications written by faculty and staff in the Department of Geography at the University of Northern Iowa.
Submissions from 2024
Hurricane Risk Perceptions and Evacuation Decision-Making in the Postvaccine Era of COVID-19 in U.S. Coastal States Impacted by North Atlantic Hurricanes, Jennifer Collins, Elizabeth A. Dunn, Rashida K. Jones, Amy Polen, Nagashree R. Rao, Stephen Murphy, and Mark Welford
Monitoring and Modeling Urban Temperature Patterns in the State of Iowa, USA, Utilizing Mobile Sensors and Geospatial Data, Clemir Abbeg Coproski, Bingqing Liang, James T. Dietrich, and John DeGroote
A Climatology of the Comprehensive Climate Index and Input Values for Türkiye, 1985–2014, Hayati Koknaroglu, John A. Harrington, Terry L. Mader, and Thomas B. Larsen
Global Change Impacts on Indigenous Sustainability in Sakha Republic: A Synthesis of Knowledge, Stanislav Saas Ksenofontov and Andrey N. Petrov
Utilizing Extractive Transportation Infrastructures for Subsistence Livelihoods: Experience of Evenki Communities in Eastern Siberia, Vera Kuklina, Viktoriya Filippova, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Antonina Savvinova, Viktor Bogdanov, and Mariia Kuklina
Celebrating Progress in Geography Education: NCGE’s Ongoing Role in Shaping the Future of Geography, Thomas B. Larsen
Geography and Inspiration: Reminders to Deepen Our Relationship with Place, Thomas B. Larsen
The NCGE Partner Network: A Collective “Yes” to Geography Education, Thomas B. Larsen
Become an NCGE Placemaker: A Model for Member Engagement Driving Geography Education to the Future, Thomas Larsen and Kyle Tredinnick
Priorities for Pan-American Geography Education: Needs and Trends, Alex Oberle, Fabian Araya, and Sandra Alvarez
Developing an Online Elementary Social Studies Community of Practice to Enhance K-6 Geography, Alex Oberle, C. Fay Gore, and Elaine Larson
Curbing the Major and Growing Threats from Invasive Alien Species is Urgent and Achievable, Helen E. Roy, Aníbal Pauchard, Peter J. Stoett, Tanara Renard Truong, Laura A. Meyerson, Sven Bacher, Bella S. Galil, Philip E. Hulme, Tohru Ikeda, Sankaran Kavileveettil, Melodie A. McGeoch, Martin A. Nuñez, Alejandro Ordonez, Sebataolo J. Rahlao, Evangelina Schwindt, Hanno Seebens, Andy W. Sheppard, Vigdis Vandvik, Alla Aleksanyan, Michael Ansong, Tom August, Ryan Blanchard, Ernesto Brugnoli, John K. Bukombe, Bridget Bwalya, Chaeho Byun, Morelia Camacho-Cervantes, Phillip Cassey, María L. Castillo, and Stanislav Ksenofontov
Human Capital Assessment in Indigenous Regions to Enable Sustainable Futures, Victoria N. Sharakhmatova and Elena G. Mikhailova
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Report Ongoing and Widespread Climate Change Impacts on Local Social-ecological Systems, Victoria Sharakhmatova, Victoria Reyes-García, David García-del-Amo, Santiago Álvarez-Fernández, Petra Benyei, Laura Calvet-Mir, André B. Junqueira, Vanesse Labeyrie, Xiaoyue Li, Sara Miñarro, Vincent Porcher, Anna Porcuna-Ferrer, Anna Schlingmann, Christoph Schunko, Ramin Soleymani, Adrien Tofighi-Niaki, Mariam Abazeri, Emmanuel M.N.A.N. Attoh, Ayansina Ayanlade, Julia Vieira Da Cunha Ávila, Daniel Babai, Rodrigo C. Bulamah, Joao Campos-Silva, Rosario Carmona, Julián Caviedes, Rumbidzayi Chakauya, Mouna Chambon, Zhuo Chen, Fasco Chengula, Esther Conde, and Aida Cuní-Sanchez
Reconsidering Household Food Insecurity: Assessing the Impact of Neighborhood and Household Characteristics, Sweta Tiwari and Shrinidhi Ambinakudige
Regional Geographies and Public Health Lessons of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Arctic, Sweta Tiwari, Andrey N. Petrov, Nikolay Golosov, Michele Devlin, Mark Welford, John DeGroote, Tatiana Degai, and Stanislav Ksenofontov
Beyond COVID: Towards a Transdisciplinary Synthesis for Understanding Responses and Developing Pandemic Preparedness in Alaska, Taylor P. van Doren, Ryan A. Brown, Guangqing Chi, Patricia Cochran, Katie Cueva, Laura Eichelberger, Ruby Fried, Stacey Fritz, Micah B. Hahn, Ron Heintz, Davin Holen, and Andrey N. Petrov
Arctic Communities in the Face of Change: Resilience, Governance, and Well-Being, Abigail York, Andrey N. Petrov, Victoria N. Sharakhmatova, Tatiana Degai, Liza Mack, Vera Metcalf, Rodion Sulyandziga, Sean Asikłuk Topkok, and Eduard Zdor
Submissions from 2023
Powerful Field-Based And Place-Based Exercises, Raymond Greene, Jacqueline L. Waite, William G. Moseley, Matthew R. Cook, and Alex Oberle
Determination Of Climatologically Suitable Places In Türkiye For Feedlot Cattle Production Using The Comprehensive Climate Index Model, Hayati Koknaroglu, John A. Harrington, Terry L. Mader, and Thomas B. Larsen
Frozen Infrastructures In A Changing Climate: Transforming Human–Environment-Technology Relations In The Anthropocene, Vera Kuklina, Andrey N. Petrov, and Dmitry Streletskiy
Combining Community Observations And Remote Sensing To Examine The Effects Of Roads On Wildfires In The East Siberian Boreal Forest, Vera Kuklina, Oleg Sizov, Victor Bogdanov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Arina Morozova, and Andrey N. Petrov
Indigenous Health-Care Sovereignty Defines Resilience To The Covid-19 Pandemic, Andrey N. Petrov, Dalee Sambo Dorough, Sweta Tiwari, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, Michele Devlin, Tatiana Degai, Stanislav Ksenofontov, and John DeGroote
Local Observations of Climate Change and Impacts on Livelihoods in Kamchatka, Russia, Victoria N. Sharakhmatova and Drew Gerkey
Correlations between Educational Struggle, Toxic Sites by School District and Demographic Variables, with Geographical Information System Projections, Junu Shrestha, Raihan K. Khan, Shane McClintock, John DeGroote, and Catherine L. Zeman
Teaching about Local Climates, Global Climate, and Climatic Change, Lisa Tabor and John Harrington Jr
Incorporating Resilience When Assessing Pandemic Risk In The Arctic: A Case Study Of Alaska, Sweta Tiwari, Andrey Petrov, Nino Mateshvili, Michele Devlin, Nikolay Golosov, Marya Rozanova-Smith, Mark Welford, John Degroote, Tatiana Degai, and Stanislav Ksenofontov
Biogeography, Mark R. Welford
Submissions from 2022
From Shared Governance to Shared Leadership: Our COVID Response to Faculty Evaluation, Support, and Advancement, John Burnight, Danielle Cowley, Becky Wilson Hawbaker, James Mattingly, Patrick Pease, Amy J. Petersen, and John Vallentine
Hurricanes Laura And Sally: A Case Study Of Evacuation Decision-Making In The Age Of Covid-19, Jennifer Collins, Amy Polen, Elizabeth Dunn, Isabelle Jernigan, Killian McSweeney, Mark Welford, Michelle Lackovic, Delián Colón-Burgos, and Yi Jie Zhu
Shaping Arctic’s Tomorrow Through Indigenous Knowledge Engagement And Knowledge Co-Production, Tatiana Degai, Andrey N. Petrov, Renuka Badhe, Parnuna P. Egede Dahl, Nina Döring, Stephan Dudeck, Thora M. Hermann, Andrei Golovnev, Liza Mack, Elle Merete Omma, Gunn Britt Retter, Gertrude Saxinger, Annette J.M. Scheepstra, Chief Vyachelav Shadrin, Norma Shorty, and Colleen Strawhacker
Fires On Ice: Emerging Permafrost Peatlands Fire Regimes In Russia’s Subarctic Taiga, Vera Kuklina, Oleg Sizov, Elena Rasputina, Irina Bilichenko, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Viktor Bogdanov, and Andrey N. Petrov
Implications Of The Anthropocene For Professional Ethics In American Geography Education, Thomas Barclay Larsen and John Harrington
Conveying The Applications And Relevance Of The Powerful Geography Approach Through Humanitarian Mapping, Thomas Barclay Larsen and Michael Solem
Topography, Climate And Fire History Regulate Wildfire Activity In The Alaskan Tundra, Arif Masrur, Alan Taylor, Lucas Harris, Jennifer Barnes, and Andrey Petrov
Rounding Out The Vision For Geography Education’s Future: Integrating Perspectives Of Early Career Scholars In Geography Education, Lisa Tabor, Thomas Larsen, and Alex Oberle
The Second Year Of Pandemic In The Arctic: Examining Spatiotemporal Dynamics Of The Covid-19 “Delta Wave” In Arctic Regions In 2021, Sweta Tiwari, Andrey N. Petrov, Michele Devlin, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, John DeGroote, Tatiana Degai, and Stanislav Ksenofontov
Institutional Navigation Of Oceans Governance: Lessons From Russia And The United States Indigenous Multi-Level Whaling Governance In The Arctic, Abigail M. York, Eduard Zdor, Shauna BurnSilver, Tatiana Degai, Maria Monakhova, Svetlana Isakova, Andrey N. Petrov, and Morgan Kempf
Submissions from 2021
Municipal Programs And Sustainable Development In Russian Northern Cities: Case Studies Of Murmansk And Magadan, Tatiana S. Degai, Natalia Khortseva, Maria Monakhova, and Andrey N. Petrov
Rethinking Arctic Sustainable Development Agenda Through Indigenizing Un Sustainable Development Goals, Tatiana S. Degai and Andrey N. Petrov
Informal Road Networks And Sustainability Of Siberian Boreal Forest Landscapes: Case Study Of The Vershina Khandy Taiga, Vera Kuklina, Irina Bilichenko, Viktor Bogdanov, Dmitrii Kobylkin, Andrey N. Petrov, and Nikolay Shiklomanov
A Human-Environment Timeline, Thomas B. Larsen and John Harrington
Contextualizing Powerful Geographic Knowledge In Higher Education: Data-Driven Curriculum Design To Interweave Student Aspirations With Workforce Applications, Thomas B. Larsen, Michael Solem, Joann Zadrozny, and Richard G. Boehm
Human-Environment Thinking And K-12 Geography Education, Thomas Larsen, Matthew Gerike, and John Harrington
Transient Versus Sustained Biophysical Responses To Dam Removal, F. J. Magilligan, K. H. Nislow, J. T. Dietrich, H. Doyle, and B. Kynard
Gender Equality For A Thriving, Sustainable Arctic, Embla Eir Oddsdóttir, Hjalti Ómar Ágústsson, Eva Maria Svensson, Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Sarah Seabrook Kendall, Malgorzata Smieszek, Tahnee Prior, Erika Hayfield, Karla Jessen Williamson, Marya Rozanova-Smith, Andrey Petrov, and Varvara Korkina Williams
The Russian Arctic By 2050: Developing Integrated Scenarios, Andrey N. Petrov, Marya S. Rozanova Smith, Andrey K. Krivorotov, Elena M. Klyuchnikova, Valeriy L. Mikheev, Alexander N. Pelyasov, and Nadezhda Yu Zamyatina
Towards An Arctic Sustainability Monitoring Framework, Andrey N. Petrov and Tatiana Vlasova
Lessons On Covid-19 From Indigenous And Remote Communities Of The Arctic, Andrey N. Petrov, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, John DeGroote, Michele Devlin, Tatiana Degai, and Alexander Savelyev
The “Second Wave” Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In The Arctic: Regional And Temporal Dynamics, Andrey N. Petrov, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, John DeGroote, Michele Devlin, Tatiana Degai, and Alexander Savelyev
Stay Or Leave? Arctic Youth Prospects And Sustainable Futures Of The Russian Arctic Communities, Marya Rozanova-Smith
Indigenous-Led Grassroots Engagements With Oil Pipelines In The U.S. And Russia: The Nodapl And Komi Movements, Maria S. Tysiachniouk, Leah S. Horowitz, Varvara V. Korkina, and Andrey N. Petrov
Rethinking Sustainability Monitoring In The Arctic By Linking Resilience And Sustainable Development In Socially-Oriented Observations: A Perspective, Tatiana Vlasova, Andrey N. Petrov, and Sergey Volkov
Review: Red Coats and Wild Birds: How Military Ornithologists and Migrant Birds Shaped Empire by Kirsten A. Greer, Mark R. Welford
Evaluating The Vulnerability Of Farming Communities To Winter Storms In Iowa, Us, Yiyi Zhang and Bingquing Liang
Submissions from 2020
Adopting Deep Learning Methods For Airborne RGB Fluvial Scene Classification, Patrice E. Carbonneau, Stephen J. Dugdale, Toby P. Breckon, James T. Dietrich, Mark A. Fonstad, Hitoshi Miyamoto, and Amy S. Woodget
Landscape Evolution, Post-LGM Surface Denudation And Soil Weathering Processes From Dickinson Park Mire, Wind River Range, Wyoming (USA), Markus Egli, Dennis Dahms, Mike Dumitrescu, Farzaneh Derakhshan-Babaei, Marcus Christl, and Dmitry Tikhomirov
Introduction To Arctic Sustainability: A Synthesis Of Knowledge, Jessica K. Graybill and Andrey N. Petrov
Methodological Challenges And Innovations In Arctic Community Sustainability Research, Gary Kofinas, Shauna BurnSilver, and Andrey N. Petrov
Mobilizing Benefit-Sharing Through Transportation Infrastructure: Informal Roads, Extractive Industries And Benefit-Sharing In The Irkutsk Oil And Gas Region, Russia, Vera Kuklina, Andrey N. Petrov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, and Viktor Bogdanov
Geographic Thought And The Anthropocene: What Geographers Have Said And Have To Say, Thomas Barclay Larsen and John Harrington
Enhancing Powerful Geography with Human-Environment Geography, Thomas B. Larsen and John Harrington Jr.
Inspiration for Early-Career Geographers, Thomas Larsen and Lisa Tabor
End Of The Field? Hacking Online And Hybrid Environments For Field-Based Learning In Geography Education, Thomas Larsen, Lisa Tabor, and Patrick Smith
Advancing Students' Abilities Through The Geo-Inquiry Process, Alex Oberle
The Deglaciation Of The Americas During The Last Glacial Termination, David Palacios, Chris R. Stokes, Fred M. Phillips, John J. Clague, Jesus Alcalá-Reygosa, Nuria Andrés, Isandra Angel, Pierre Henri Blard, Jason P. Briner, Brenda L. Hall, Dennis Dahms, Andrew S. Hein, Vincent Jomelli, Bryan G. Mark, Mateo A. Martini, Patricio Moreno, Jon Riedel, Esteban Sagredo, Nathan D. Stansell, Lorenzo Vázquez-Selem, Mathias Vuille, and Dylan J. Ward
Fate Control and Sustainability in Arctic Cities: Recasting Fate Control Indicators for Arctic Urban Communities, Andrey N. Petrov
Building Resilient Arctic Science Amid The Covid-19 Pandemic, Andrey N. Petrov, Larry D. Hinzman, Lars Kullerud, Tatiana S. Degai, Liisa Holmberg, Allen Pope, and Alona Yefimenko
Spatiotemporal Dynamics Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In The Arctic: Early Data And Emerging Trends, Andrey N. Petrov, Mark Welford, Nikolay Golosov, John DeGroote, Tatiana Degai, and Alexander Savelyev
Geography Education and the Borderlands: Using a Marginalized Discipline to Teach About the Margins, Lisa Tabor, Thomas B. Larsen, Mary Curtis, and Maria Monakhova
Towards Understanding Benefit Sharing Between Extractive Industries And Indigenous/Local Communities In The Arctic, Maria S. Tysiachniouk, Andrey N. Petrov, and Violetta Gassiy
A Conceptual Agent-Based Model of Farming Households’ Vulnerability to Winter Storms, Yiyi Zhang
Submissions from 2019
The 10Be Deglaciation Chronology Of The Göschenertal, Central Swiss Alps, And New Insights Into The Göschenen Cold Phases, Max Boxleitner, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Markus Egli, Dagmar Brandova, Marcus Christl, Dennis Dahms, and Max Maisch
Corrigendum To “Revised Quaternary Glacial Succession And Post-Lgm Recession, Southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, Usa” (Quaternary Science Reviews (2018) 192 (167–184), (S027737911830026X), (10.1016/J.Quascirev.2018.05.020)), Dennis Dahms, Markus Egli, Derek Fabel, Jon Harbor, Dagmar Brandová, Raquel de Castro Portes, and Marcus Christl
Climate Science Language In Us Secondary School Student Textbooks, 2002-2012, Jean Eichhorst and Lisa K. Millsaps
"There are New Species": Indigenous Knowledge of Biodiversity Change in Arctic Yakutia, Stanislav Ksenofontov, Norman Backhaus, and Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
The Economy Of The Arctic, Joan Nymand Larsen and Andrey N. Petrov
20/20 Vision on Implementation: Powerful Geography, Project Management, and the Scales of Educational Institutions, Thomas B. Larsen
American Trappist Monasteries and the Changing Spiritual Landscape., Thomas B. Larsen
Learning Progressions, Paradigms, and Geographic Thinking in the Anthropocene, Thomas B. Larsen and John Harrington
Geomorphic Responses To Extreme Rainfall, Catastrophic Flooding, And Dam Failures Across An Urban To Rural Landscape, Francis J. Magilligan, L. Allan James, Scott A. Lecce, James T. Dietrich, and John A. Kupfer
Geo-Inquiry: Informed Action To Make Our World A Better Place, Alex Oberle, Joy Bess, Kelsey Ehmke, Shelley Rath, and Amber Robbins
Indigenous Peoples Of The Russian Arctic (Problems And Development Prospects), V. I. Pavlenko, A. Petrov, S. Yu Kutsenko, and G. F. Detter
Benefit Sharing In The Arctic: A Systematic View, Andrey N. Petrov and Maria S. Tysiachniouk
Benefit Sharing in the Arctic: A Systematic View, Andrey Petrov and Maria S. Tysiachniouk
Climate And Relief-Induced Controls On The Temporal Variability Of Denudation Rates In A Granitic Upland, Gerald Raab, Markus Egli, Kevin Norton, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Marcus Christl, and Fabio Scarciglia
Projecting Future Land Use/Land Cover By Integrating Drivers And Plan Prescriptions: The Case For Watershed Applications, Cyril O. Wilson, Bingqing Liang, and Shannon J. Rose
Quantifying Below-Water Fluvial Geomorphic Change: The Implications Of Refraction Correction, Water Surface Elevations, And Spatially Variable Error, Amy S. Woodget, James T. Dietrich, and Robin T. Wilson
Submissions from 2018
Revised Quaternary Glacial Succession And Post-LGM Recession, Southern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Dennis Dahms, Markus Egli, Derek Fabel, Jon Harbor, Dagmar Brandová, Raquel de Castro Portes, and Marcus Christl
Googling Indigenous Kamchatka: Mapping New Collaborations, Tatiana Degai, Benedict J. Colombi, and Brian Thom
Prediction of Soil Formation as a Function of Age Using the Percolation Theory Approach, Markus Egli, Allen G. Hunt, Dennis Dahms, Gerald Raab, Curdin Derungs, Salvatore Raimondi, and Fang Yu
Prediction Of Soil Formation As A Function Of Age Using The Percolation Theory Approach, Markus Egli, Allen G. Hunt, Dennis Dahms, Gerald Raab, Curdin Derungs, Salvatore Raimondi, and Fang Yu
Developing a Learning Progression for Place, Thomas B. Larsen and John A. Harrington
Place, Learning Progressions, and Progress, Thomas B. Larsen and John A. Harrington
Exploring Affective Dimensions of Authentic Geographic Education Using a Qualitative Document Analysis of Students’ YouthMappers Blogs, Thomas B. Larsen, Rebecca Hite, Patricia Solís, and Lindsay Wargo
Inuvialuit Social Indicators: Applying Arctic Social Indicators Framework to Study Well-Being in the Inuvialuit Communities, Andrey Petrov
Re-Tracing Development Paths: Exploring the Origins and Nature of the 20th Century’s Northern Development Paradigms in Russia and Canada, Andrey N. Petrov
Creating New Path through Creative Capital: Theories and Evidence from the Northern Periphery, Andrey N. Petrov and Philip Cavin
Measuring Impacts: A Review Of Frameworks, Methodologies, And Indicators For Assessing Socioeconomic Impacts Of Resource Activity In The Arctic, Andrey N. Petrov, Jessica Graybill, Matthew Berman, Philip Cavin, Vera Kuklina, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, and Matthew Cooney
Evolution Of Soil Erosion Rates In Alpine Soils Of The Central Rocky Mountains Using Fallout Pu And Δ13C, Raquel Portes, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Gerald Raab, Marcus Christl, Peter Kühn, Michael Ketterer, and Markus Egli