Faculty Publications
Publications written by faculty and staff in the Department of Geography at the University of Northern Iowa.
Submissions from 2018
Denudation Variability Of The Sila Massif Upland (Italy) From Decades To Millennia Using 10Be And 239+240Pu, Gerald Raab, Fabio Scarciglia, Kevin Norton, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Raquel de Castro Portes, Marcus Christl, Michael E. Ketterer, Annina Ruppli, and Markus Egli
GeoTechnologies and the Spatial Citizen, Lisa Tabor, Tom Baker, and Mary Curtis
Between Soviet Legacy And Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Benefit Sharing Frameworks In The Irkutsk Oil Region, Russia, Maria Tysiachniouk, Andrey N. Petrov, Vera Kuklina, and Natalia Krasnoshtanova
Benefit Sharing In The Arctic Energy Sector: Perspectives On Corporate Policies And Practices In Northern Russia And Alaska, Maria S. Tysiachniouk and Andrey N. Petrov
Submissions from 2017
Late Pleistocene – Holocene Surface Processes And Landscape Evolution In The Central Swiss Alps, Max Boxleitner, Alessandra Musso, Jarosław Waroszewski, Małgorzata Malkiewicz, Max Maisch, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Marcus Christl, Raquel de Castro Portes, and Markus Egli
Assessing The Environmental Context Of Hand Washing Among School Children In Limpopo, South Africa, Nicola Bulled, Kara Poppe, Khuliso Ramatsisti, Londolani Sitsula, Geoffrey Winegar, Jabulani Gumbo, Rebecca Dillingham, and James Smith
"To Fish or Not to Fish?": Fishing Communities of Arctic Yakutia in the Face of Environmental Change and Political Transformations, Stanislav Ksenofontov, Norman Backhaus, and Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
Permafrost Livelihoods: A Transdisciplinary Review and Analysis of Thermokarst-Based Systems of Indigenous Land Use, Stanislav Ksenofontov, Susan Crate, Mathias Ulrich, J. Otto Habeck, Aleksey R. Desyatkin, Roman V. Desyatkin, Aleksander N. Fedorov, Tetsuya Hiyama, Yashihiro Iijima, Csaba Mészáros, and Hiroki Takakura
Place, Learning Progressions, and Transformative Geographic Education, Thomas B. Larsen and John K. Harrington Jr.
A Time-Sensitive Framework for Including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Professional Development Activities for Classroom Teachers, Lisa Tabor Millsaps
Using GIS to Teach Climate Change in the Science and Agricultural Education Classroom, Lisa Tabor Millsaps
A Time-Sensitive Framework For Including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) In Professional Development Activities For Classroom Teachers, Lisa Tabor Millsaps and John A. Harrington
Individual Differences In Short-Term Anticipation Training For High-Speed Interceptive Skill, Sean Müller, Yasmin Gurisik, Mark Hecimovich, Allen G. Harbaugh, and Ann Maree Vallence
Geographic Education for Sustainability: Developing a Bi-national Geographical Thinking Curriculum, Alex Oberle, Fabián Araya Palacios, Ximena Cortés Quezada, and Mollie Ullestad
Human Capital and Sustainable Development in the Arctic: Towards Intellectual and Empirical Framing, Andrey N. Petrov
Inventing the New North: Patents & Knowledge Economy in Alaska, Andrey N. Petrov and Salma O. Zbeed
Archival Evidence of Secular Changes in Georgia Hurricanes: 1750-2012, Mark R. Welford, Brian H. Bossak, and Ethan J. Gibney
Submissions from 2016
Carbonate And Elemental Accumulation Rates In Arid Soils Of Mid-To-Late Pleistocene Outwash Terraces, Southeastern Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, Dennis Dahms and Markus Egli
Bringing Indigenous Kamchatka to Google Earth, Tatiana Degai, Brian Thom, and Benedict J. Colombi
Mental Maps and a Community-Based Sense of Place: A Case Study among Kansas Third Graders, Thomas Larsen and John Harrington Jr.
Boom Back Or Blow Back? Growth Strategies In Mono-Industrial Resource Towns-'East' And 'West', Gertrude Saxinger, Andrey Petrov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Vera Kuklina, and Doris Carson
Submissions from 2015
Pre-Alpine Mire Sediments as a Mirror of Erosion, Soil Formation and Landscape Evolution During the Last 45ka, Dennis Dahms, Hans Jäger, Matthias Achermann, Jarosław Waroszewski, Cezary Kabała, Małgorzata Malkiewicz, Holger Gärtner, Rolf Krebs, and Markus Egli
Influence Of Topography On Wind Speed Over A Coastal Dune And Blowout System At Jockey's Ridge, NC, USA, Paul A. Garès and Patrick Pease
Human Development In The New Arctic, Joan Nymand Larsen and Andrey Petrov
Decoding Potential Effects Of Climate And Vegetation Change On Mineral Weathering In Alpine Soils: An Experimental Study In The Wind River Range (Wyoming, USA), Christian Mavris, Gerhard Furrer, Dennis Dahms, Suzanne P. Anderson, Alex Blum, Jens Goetze, Aaron Wells, and Markus Egli
The Latino Commercial Landscape And Evolving Hispanic Immigrant Population In Two Midwestern Metropolitan Areas, Alex Oberle
Developing A Binational Geography Curriculum In Sustainability, Alex Oberle, Fabian Araya, Ximena Cortés, and Mollie Ullestad
Mexican Americans, Alex P. Oberle and Daniel D. Arreola
Utilization Of Machine-Learning Algorithms For Wind Turbine Site Suitability Modeling In Iowa, USA, Andrey N. Petrov and Jordan M. Wessling
The Critical Zone In Desert Environments, Vatche Tchakerian and Patrick Pease
Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of the Medieval Black Death, Mark R. Welford and Brian H. Bossak
Serendipitous Conservation: Impacts of Oil Pipeline Construction in Rural Northwestern Ecuador, Mark R. Welford and Robert A. Yarbrough
Submissions from 2014
Unanticipated Consequences: The Impact Of A Smoke-Free Law On Assaults Around Bars, Steven Briggs, Andrey Petrov, and Samuel Peterson
Surface Reconstruction and Derivation of Erosion Rates Over Several Glaciations (1Ma) in an Alpine Setting (Sinks Canyon, Wyoming, USA), Dennis Dahms, Fabian Züst, Ross Purves, and Markus Egli
Religious Belief and Practice in Itelmen History, Tatiana Degai, David Koester, and Viktoria Petrasheva
Landscape, Demographic And Climatic Associations With Human West Nile Virus Occurrence Regionally In 2012 In The United States Of America, John P. DeGroote, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and Mark Ecker
Landscape, demographic and climatic associations with human West Nile virus occurrence regionally in 2012 in the United States of America, John P. DeGroote, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and Mark Ecker
Soil Formation Rates On Silicate Parent Material In Alpine Environments: Different Approaches-Different Results?, Markus Egli, Dennis Dahms, and Kevin Norton
The Carlisle Clovis Cache From Central Iowa, Matthew G. Hill, Thomas J. Loebel, and David W. May
Multiscale Fractal Characteristics Of Urban Landscape In Indianapolis, USA, Bingqing Liang and Qihao Weng
The Embeddedness Of Bank Branch Networks In Immigrant Gateways, Wei Li, Lucia Lo, and Alex Oberle
Early Holocene Alluvial Stratigraphy, Chronology, And Paleoindian/Early Archaic Geoarchaeology In The Loup River Basin, Nebraska, U.S.A., David W. May and Steven R. Holen
Source Provenance Of Carbonate Grains In The Wahiba Sand Sea, Oman, Using A New Libs Method, Patrick Pease and Vatche Tchakerian
Creative Arctic: Towards Measuring Arctic’s Creative Capital, Andrey N. Petrov
Indigenous Minorities And Post-Socialist Transition: A Review Of Aboriginal Population Trends In The Russian North, Andrey N. Petrov
Preparation For And Response To The Flood Of 2008 In Cedar Falls, Iowa, Munshi Khaledur Rahman and Kay E. Weller
Using A Cloud Computing Environment To Process Large 3D Spatial Datasets, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Jeffrey Burnett, and Marc P. Armstrong
Coastal Georgia is Not Immune: Hurricane History, 1851-2012, Mark R. Welford, Brian H. Bossak, Sarah S. Keihany, and Ethan J. Gibney
Submissions from 2013
Road Salt Use And Groundwater Quality: An Empirical Study, Brian Gedlinske
Stormwater Monitoring: A Primer On Basic Data And Methods, Rebecca Kauten
Water Quality Monitoring: Lessons Learned From The Field 2004-2012, Rebecca Kauten
Environmental Consciousness of Local People of Yakutia Under Global Climate Change, Stanislav M. Ksenofontov, Yury I. Zhegusov, Trofim Ch. Maximov, Atsuko Sugimoto, and Go Iwahana
An Evaluation Of Fractal Characteristics Of Urban Landscape In Indianapolis, Usa, Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images, Bingqing Liang, Qihao Weng, and Xiaohua Tong
Teacher Leaders as Active Agents in Online Professional Development: The Learning Cluster Method, Alex Oberle, Carmen P. Brysch, Richard G. Boehm, Jacqueline L. Waite, Jung Eun Hong, David Lambert, Cheryl A. Frazier, and Brenda Barr
Development And Application Of A Spreadsheet-Based Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), Dossay Oryspayev, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and John DeGroote
Fused Glass Sample Preparation For Quantitative Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Of Geologic Materials, Patrick Pease
The Influence Of Topography And Approach Angles On Local Deflections Of Airflow Within A Coastal Blowout, Patrick Pease and Paul Gares
Creative Alaska: Creative Capital And Economic Development Opportunities In Alaska, Andrey N. Petrov and Philip A. Cavin
The North. Balancing Tradition and Change, Andrey N. Petrov and Gita J. Laidler
Mapping Long-Term Spatial Trends of the Taimyr Wild Reindeer Population, Andrey N. Petrov, Anna V. Pestereva, Leonid A. Kolpashchikov, and Vladimir V. Mikhailov
Is Neotropical Conservation Sold-Short: Diminishing Returns for Birding Suggest Ecolodges Could Encourage Longer Stays, Mark Welford and Anthony Barilla
Submissions from 2012
Soil Weathering And Accumulation Rates Of Oxalate-Extractable Phases Derived From Alpine Chronosequences Of Up To 1Ma In Age, Dennis Dahms, Filippo Favilli, Rolf Krebs, and Markus Egli
Application of Geospatial Technologies for Understanding and Predicting Vector Populations and Vector-Borne Disease Incidence (Abstract), J. Degroote, S. R. Larson, Yanli Zhang, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Application Of Geospatial Technologies For Understanding And Predicting Vector Populations And Vector-Borne Disease Incidence, John P. DeGroote, Scott R. Larson, Yanli Zhang, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
National And Regional Associations Between Human West Nile Virus Incidence And Demographic, Landscape, And Land Use Conditions In The Coterminous United States, John P. DeGroote and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Soil Organic Carbon And Nitrogen Accumulation Rates In Cold And Alpine Environments Over 1 MA, Markus Egli, Filippo Favilli, Rolf Krebs, Barbara Pichler, and Dennis Dahms
Developing Standards-Based Geography Curricular Materials From Overseas Field Experiences For K-12 Teachers, Alex Oberle and Fabián Araya Palacios
Lidar Data Reduction Using Vertex Decimation And Processing With GPGPU And Multicore CPU Technology, Dossay Oryspayev, Ramanathan Sugumaran, John DeGroote, and Paul Gray
One Hundred Years Of Dasymetric Mapping: Back To The Origin, Andrey Petrov
Beyond Spillovers: Interrogating Innovation And Creativity In The Peripheries, Andrey N. Petrov
Redrawing The Margin: Re-Examining Regional Multichotomies And Conditions Of Marginality In Canada, Russia And Their Northern Frontiers, Andrey N. Petrov
Magnetic Analyses Of Soils From The Wind River Range, Wyoming, Constrain Rates And Pathways Of Magnetic Enhancement For Soils From Semiarid Climates, Emily E. Quinton, Dennis E. Dahms, and Christoph E. Geiss
Big 3D Spatial Data Processing Using Cloud Computing Environment, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Jeff Burnett, and Andrew Blinkmann
Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Analysis Of West Nile Virus Using Twitter Data, Ramanathan Sugumaran and Jonathan Voss
Submissions from 2011
Site Structure And Activity Organization At A Late Paleoindian Base Camp In Western Nebraska, Matthew G. Hill, David J. Rapson, Thomas J. Loebel, and David W. May
The Angus Mammoth: A Decades-Old Scientific Controversy Resolved, Steven R. Holen, David W. May, and Shannon A. Mahan
Reinvestigation of the Cape Site, an "Early Man" Locality in Western Nebraska, David W. May, Matthew G. Hill, and David J. Rapson
Implementing A High School Level Geospatial Technologies And Spatial Thinking Course, Curtis P. Nielsen, Alex Oberle, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Educación Geográfica y Colaboración Académica Internacional: El Caso de la Universidad de La Serena (Chile) y University of Northern Iowa (EEUU), Alex P. Oberle and Fabián Araya Palacios
Development And Application Of A Spreadsheet-Based Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), Dossay Oryspayev, Ramanathan Sugumaran, and John Degroote
Conflict and Cooperation Among the Riparian Countries of the Valta River Basin in West Africa, J. Henry Owusu
GPU-Based Cloud Performance For Lidar Data Processing, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Dossay Oryspayev, and Paul Gray
Soil Erosion Modeling with the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation, Yanli Zhang, Jason Grogan, I-Kuai Hung, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Web-Based Spatial Decision Support System and Watershed Management with a Case Study, Yanli Zhang, Matthew W. McBroom, J. Degroote, R. L. Kauten, and P. K. Barten
Submissions from 2010
Calcite Precipitation Driven By The Common Ion Effect During Groundwater-Surface-Water Mixing: A Potentially Common Process In Streams With Geologic Settings Containing Gypsum, Li Jin, Donald I. Siegel, Laura K. Lautz, Myron J. Mitchell, Dennis E. Dahms, and Bernhard Mayer
Ecological Niche Modeling Of Potential West Nile Virus Vector Mosquito Species In Iowa, Scott R. Larson, John P. Degroote, Lyric C. Bartholomay, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Ecological niche modeling of potential West Nile virus vector mosquito species in Iowa, Scott R. Larson, John P. DeGroote, Lyric C. Bartholomay, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Assessing Urban Environmental Quality Change of Indianapolis, United States, by the Remote Sensing and GIS Integration, Bingqing Liang and Qihao Weng
Geospatial Technologies As A Vehicle For Enhancing Graduate Education And Promoting The Value Of Geography, Alex P. Oberle, Sue A. Joseph, and David W. May
Post-Staple Bust: Modeling Economic Effects Of Mine Closures And Post-Mine Demographic Shifts In An Arctic Economy (Yukon), Andrey Petrov
Migration and Socio-Economic Well-Being in the Russian North: Interrelations, Regional Differentiation, Recent Trends, and Emerging Issues, Andrey N. Petrov and Tatiana Vlasova
Revisiting the Medieval Black Death of 1347-1351: Spatiotemporal Dynamics Suggestive of an Alternate Causation, Mark Welford and Brian H. Bossak
Spatio-temporal Attributes of Pandemic and Epidemic Diseases, Mark R. Welford and Brian H. Bossak
GeoLiTE, an ArcGIS Extension to Assist in LiDAR Data Processing, Yanli Zhang, Jason Grogan, I-Kuai Hung, and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Submissions from 2009
Trends In Ghana's International Timber Trade: Implications For Local Livelihoods And Sustainable Forest Management, J. Henry Owusu
Spatial Modelling Of Nitrous Oxide Emissions At The National Scale Using Soil, Climate And Land Use Information, A. Lilly, B. C. Ball, I. P. Mctaggart, and J. Degroote
Global Banking And Financial Services To Immigrants In Canada And The US, Wei Li, Alex Oberle, and Gary Dymski
Quantifying Spatiotemporal Dynamics Of Agricultural Landscapes Using Remotely Sensed Data And Landscape Metrics, Andrey N. Petrov and Ramanathan Sugumaran
Spatio-temporal cluster analysis of county-based human West Nile virus incidence in the continental United States, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Scott R. Larson, and John P. DeGroote
Spatio-Temporal Cluster Analysis Of County-Based Human West Nile Virus Incidence In The Continental United States, Ramanathan Sugumaran, Scott R. Larson, and John P. DeGroote