UNI Dissertations | Student Work | University of Northern Iowa

Dissertations Only


This is a collection of Dissertations Only written by graduate students at the University of Northern Iowa.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Boxes With Curves: The Necessity for School Leaders to Empower and Engage Through Culturally Competent Lenses, Priscilla Culp Open Access Dissertation


What is Working and How Do We Know? Examining the Literacy Curriculum in an Elementary School After Years of Filling the Holes: A Qualitative Study in Improvement Science, Kimberly Graven Open Access Dissertation


A Process Evaluation of a Program Designed to Expand Access to the Iowa Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed), Justine R. Hoover Open Access Dissertation


Racial Competence Among Human Resources Leaders: A QuantCrit Analysis, Steven D. Parker Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Anchored to a Community: Middle School Students’ Experience of Belonging in the Classroom: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study, Angela Thera Butler Open Access Dissertation


Stakeholder Impact on Individual Development Within a Transition Worksite Program: A Case Study, Kong Chen Open Access Dissertation


“I Can’t Do This Anymore, But I Have 1000 More Kids to Serve”: A Qualitative Study of Full-Time Residential Summer Camp Staff Burnout, Sarah Cohen Open Access Dissertation


No Need to Set the Alarm, I’ve Been Up Since 2:30am! Why My Teaching Job Keeps Me Up at Night: A Phenomenological Research Study on Empathic Strain of Iowa Educators, Lindsey Cornwell Open Access Dissertation


Preparing students for life after college: A mixed-methods analysis, Nichole Zumbach Harken Open Access Dissertation


Non-Traditional Learning in STEM: How Students Autonomy and the Impact of Teacher Delivery Develops Deeper Conceptual Understanding at the Middle School Level, Sarah Kelly Open Access Dissertation


Understanding Student Perceptions of Supplemental Instruction: Student Perceptions of Supplemental Instruction Implemented in Order to Overcome Perceived Skill Deficits, Andrew Miehe Open Access Dissertation


The critical role of happiness in education: Resilience, retention, and what happy teachers do differently, Jill Marie Hayes White Open Access Dissertation


OUT in Education: A Qualitative Study Examining the Intersectionality and the Lived OUT Experiences of PreK–12 LGBTQ+ Educators, Landon Wood Open Access Dissertation 2024 Award


The Flow Experience of Adults Age 50 and Older in Recreational Doubles Pickleball, Glynis Worthington Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


The impacts of adolescents' leisure activity types on psychological well-being, academic self-efficacy, self esteem, and stress, Dongyub Back Open Access Dissertation


Leading early childhood education in Iowa schools, Alaina T. Daters Open Access Dissertation


Teacher hiring and selection processes in Iowa schools, Michael C. Fisher Open Access Dissertation 2023 Award


Educational experiences of first generation Black African students with and without dis/abilities, Shehreen Iqtadar Open Access Dissertation


The writing identity of a Hip Hop lyricist and educator: An autoethnography, Lamont Muhammad Open Access Dissertation


Unstacking the matryoshka nesting doll: A self-study of playful language instruction for adult second language learners, Marine Pepanyan Open Access Dissertation


Students vs. suspects: A qualitative examination of stereotype threat and the impact on behavior of Black males, Ryan J. Williamson Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Recommender systems in higher education: The effectiveness of meta-data analysis in predicting academic success, Michael J. Holmes Open Access Dissertation


Activity recognition based on thermopile imaging array sensors, Qingshan Liang Open Access Dissertation


Understanding the use of crisis communication in Clery Act compliance, Allyson L. Rafanello Open Access Dissertation


Exploring the experiences of one team of teachers: Well-being and navigating the demands of the education profession, Abby Weiland Open Access Dissertation 2023 Award


Model evidence links (MELs) and the impact of critical thinking on open ended responses, James Gregory Zabel Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


3D printing technology on spare parts business supply chain management: A case study in appliance industry, Salih Boysan Open Access Dissertation


Impact of positive psychology in PK-12 settings, Daniel Paul Butler Open Access Dissertation 2022 Award


Grading and equity: Inflation/deflation based on race, gender, socio-economic and disability statuses when homework and employability scores are included, Robert Thomas Griffin Open Access Dissertation 2020 Award


Prompted reflective thinking and implications for mathematics teacher efficacy in an elementary mathematics methods course, Brooke Krejci Open Access Dissertation


Examining African American male mentors relationships with African American boys: Benefits, barriers, recruitment, and retention, Quenton Angelo Richardson Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


A study of non-profit leaders' risk-taking propensity and managerial leadership styles, Younis Q. Al Hassan Open Access Dissertation


Seeing the forest for the trees: Elementary STEM environments that nurture creativity and innovation, Lisa Jo Chizek Open Access Dissertation


The relationship of walkability, social capital and the built environment in a Blue Zones® demonstration site community, Thomas Manford Flack Open Access Dissertation


Understanding ESL undergraduate students' beliefs about learner-centered instruction, Mahjabeen Hussain Open Access Dissertation 2020 Award


Cultural practices and the transmission of Ebola in Sierra Leone: Lessons learned from a medical anthropology perspective, Abubakarr Jalloh Open Access Dissertation


Writing workshop and creativity despite standardization: An exploration of elementary teachers' practices, Darcie Kay Kress Open Access Dissertation


Trainers' perspectives of teacher professional development, Harun Parpucu Open Access Dissertation


Investigation of the changes of preservice teachers' efficacy beliefs in teaching students with special needs, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih Open Access Dissertation


Preschool teachers' beliefs and actions concerning creativity in the classroom, Latisha Lynn Smith Open Access Dissertation


Influence of external and internal factors on financial advisors' guidance of clients in the area of charitable giving, Angela J. Gorsuch Widner Open Access Dissertation 2019 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Voltage regulation of unbalanced distribution network with distributed generators through genetic algorithm, Islam Ali Open Access Dissertation


The effectiveness of a "patient discharge information" booklet in patient education programs in Saudi Arabia, Amani Mohammed Al Rebeh Open Access Dissertation


Exploring the academic, social, and cultural experiences of English language learners from Saudi Arabia at a Midwest university in the U.S., Sukainah A. Al Subia Open Access Dissertation


Faculty to faculty incivility in Iowa nursing education programs, Candace Chihak Open Access Dissertation


Student engagement in higher education: Measuring the differences in community engagement, Stanley S. Ebede Open Access Dissertation 2019 Award


Pedagogical contraband: A phenomenological approach to understanding student engagement during simulations, Stephen Austin Henderson Open Access Dissertation


Adult- and peer-created motivational climates in sport and injury rehabilitation, Rachel Majewski Open Access Dissertation


Perceived causes and methods of examination malpractice in the Malawian education system: A case study of secondary schools in South East Education Division (SEED), Fiddelis Blessings Makaula Open Access Dissertation


Exploring the experiences of adolescent students attending a virtual school, Allan G. Nelson Open Access Dissertation 2019 Award


Teachers' pedagogical practices, shift, and professional growth in online courses, Maryam Rod Szabo Open Access Dissertation


An exploration of teacher dispositions: Expectation of potential, Kathleen Louise Saleh Open Access Dissertation


Study of low dose nitrite stress on human mononuclear cells: An in-vitro case-control study on osteoarthritis, Junu Shrestha Open Access Dissertation 2019 Award


An investigation of early childhood outdoor play areas and social and emotional play, Brandy A. Smith Open Access Dissertation


Analysis of the relationship between religion and forgiveness, Desislava S. Stoycheva Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Examining the supportive employment practices used by Project SEARCH: A descriptive study, Saeed A. Almalki Open Access Dissertation


Current practices of co-teaching in an elementary inclusive school: Moving toward effective co-teaching relationship, Mona Nassir Al Nassir Open Access Dissertation


An experimental study of non-metallic inclusions precipitation and its effect on impact toughness variations in low alloy steel subjected to complex deoxidation, Pavel Bizyukov Open Access Dissertation


Food insecurity and the elder male: exploring the gap from needing food to the utilization of assistance programs, Gale Carlson Open Access Dissertation


Living and teaching for social justice: teacher educators' stories and experiences, Courtney Kay Clausen Open Access Dissertation


Intergenerational conversation: Authentic learning through critical reflection of a community engagement learning experience, Amy Davison Open Access Dissertation


The power of team in IEP meetings, Caroline Elser Open Access Dissertation


Association of various concentrations of cat's claw herb (Uncaria tomentosa) on lymphocyte proliferation and nitric oxide expression: An in-vitro study of osteoarthritis, Noha Fadlalddin Open Access Dissertation


Improving learning center usage verification processes using Six Sigma, Latricia C. Hylton Open Access Dissertation


Smartphone based ubiquitous sensing platform leveraging audio jack for power and communication, Ranjana Joshi Open Access Dissertation


Using blended learning to improve undergraduate introduction to literature courses: A mixed methods approach, Julie Leigh Klein Open Access Dissertation


The impact of content knowledge, specialized content knowledge, peer analysis and self-analysis on pre-service physical education teachers' error detection abilities, Debra S. Sazama Open Access Dissertation


A case study analyzing the traits, programs, actions, and beliefs necessary to overcome the correlative relationship between high free and reduced lunch rates and low standardized test scores, John Speer Open Access Dissertation


Outcomes, perceptions, and experiences in one CPED-aligned educational doctorate (EdD) program, Jolene Kay Farley Teske Open Access Dissertation


Local health departments in Iowa: Are they keeping up with the shift from communicable to chronic disease?, Jeremy M. Whitaker Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Using Contents and Containers to investigate problem solving strategies among toddlers, Zaid Alkouri Open Access Dissertation


Using one-to-one computing for differentiated instruction in Iowa: An investigation of the impact of teachers' perceptions of teaching and learning, Jodi A. Bermel Open Access Dissertation


Examining aided input intervention in a classroom setting for children labeled with significant disabilities, Jennifer L. Flores Open Access Dissertation


A follow-up of patient reported outcomes in chronic plantar heel pain participants treated with Graston Technique: A mixed methods approach, Troy Richard Garrett Open Access Dissertation


A qualitative study of the perceptions of public school teachers and administrators on the teachers' association and the collective bargaining process in an Iowa urban school setting, Eric J. Gjerde Open Access Dissertation


An examination of the perceptions of the IEP process as a team plans for the potential reintegration of a student from an alternative setting to the resident district, Sarah J. Knudsen Open Access Dissertation


Preservice and practicing teacher science inquiry projects: An analysis of their understanding of the inquiry process, Benjamin D. Olsen Open Access Dissertation


Corn stover biochar in gypsum board: Empirical analysis of thermal conductivity and flexural strength, Albena Yordanova Open Access Dissertation


"Joy for what it is": Narratives of two mothers on raising their children with disabilities, Zeina H. Yousof Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Implementation of the environmental issues instruction model by elementary teachers, Barbara Ann Ehlers Open Access Dissertation


Do teacher judgment accuracy and teacher feedback predict student achievement in elementary and middle-school science?, Mason Albert Kuhn Open Access Dissertation 2017 Award


Perceived effects of family status changes on male collegiate outdoor recreation coordinators, Andrew K. Martin Open Access Dissertation


The ongoing faculty development system: A case study exploring content methods teacher education faculty technological, pedagogical, content knowledge development, Daniel James Mourlam Open Access Dissertation


Collegiate athletes' perceptions of social support and athletic trainer-coach conflict, Nathan Newman Open Access Dissertation


Pedagogical reasoning of pre-service teachers: Juggling priorities and managing resources, Jennifer Lynn Rasmussen Open Access Dissertation


The early implementation of a teacher leadership and compensation system in a select Iowa public school as codified by House File 215, Anthony Dale Voss Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Development of a multi-mode self-adaptive algorithm to create an efficient wireless network on a university campus, Melanie L. Abbas Open Access Dissertation


A clustering based matrix for selecting optimal tools and techniques in quality management, Hassan A. Alsultan Open Access Dissertation


Examining the effectiveness of using an iPad-based video modeling plus video prompting package to teach conversation skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Mohammed M. Alzayer Open Access Dissertation


They, those, and other pronouns used to describe them: A qualitative study of the lived experiences of the African American girls in the Girls to Women group, Amber Nicole Boyd Open Access Dissertation


Outcomes of global service-learning: A content analysis of student reflection essays in Camp Adventure child and youth services, Kasee Fuller Open Access Dissertation


Doorways and walls: Peer coaching as a means to change instructional practice, Chad Garber Open Access Dissertation


Hero to zero: Stress perceptions of the public school administrator and his spouse, Steven L. Gray Open Access Dissertation


Secondary teachers as early childhood principals: A qualitative case study, Brian Dale Kingrey Open Access Dissertation


Superintendent leadership: Comparing superintendent and school board president perceptions of essential leadership characteristics and capabilities of the superintendent in today's complex and ever-changing educational environment according to MCREL's superintendent responsibilities and the Iowa standards for school leaders, Daniel J. Peterson Open Access Dissertation


Professional Educators of Iowa member perspectives about Iowa State Education Association and National Education Association membership and political activities, Melissa Kay Reade Open Access Dissertation


Graphic communications industry trends and their impact on the required competencies of personnel, Sara B. Smith Open Access Dissertation


The impact of digital organization on retention in college algebra, Mary Benac Staniger Open Access Dissertation


A study of college student attitudes and behaviors related to recycling, Mark Allen Wilcox Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


An Examination of Opposing Theoretical Perspectives: Are the Current Assessment and Instructional Practices for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Mental Health Issues Effective and Sufficient?, Karen Aldrich-Duden Open Access Dissertation


Identification of Motivation in Senior Individuals Who Engage in the Adventure Experience of Ice Climbing, Donald B. Briggs Open Access Dissertation


The effects of one-to-one computing for students with disabilities in an inclusive language arts class, Billie Jo Cowley Open Access Dissertation


Analysis of wind power generation with application of wind tunnel attachment, Ulan Dakeev Open Access Dissertation


Perceptions of dimensions of service quality and recreational benefits in collegiate recreational sports programs, Christopher Berne Denison Open Access Dissertation


Aquatic strategies and techniques and their benefit on children with autism, James G. Hall Open Access Dissertation


Leading through change: A study of the role of central office leadership in the process of secondary change, Dirk A. Halupnik Open Access Dissertation


Nurturing resiliency among adolescents with emotional and behavioral disturbances (EBD) in a special education setting, Rimaz Herz Open Access Dissertation


Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Undergraduate Learning in a Multidimensional Wellness Course, Kristi Leonard Open Access Dissertation


The Perceptions of the Skills and Competencies Needed by New Student Affairs Professionals : A Collective Case Study, TyAnn Marie Lindell Open Access Dissertation


Lessons Learned From a Cognitively Guided Instruction Professional Development Project, Christina Nugent Open Access Dissertation


The Difference Connection Makes : Roles the Middle School Teacher Plays in Changing Adolescent Girls’ Lives, Denise M. Pralle Open Access Dissertation


Integrative and Holistic Global Higher Education : An Investigation of Camp Adventure Child and Youth Services as a Model Service Learning Program, Bin Ruan Open Access Dissertation


Factors That Influence Superintendents in Iowa to Implement a One-To-One Computer Initiative, Gerald Eugene Schnabel Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of the effect of a 21st-century-designed middle school on student achievement, Gary David Schwartz Open Access Dissertation


Evaluating the effects of increasing mathematics graduation requirements: A survey of the effects of state policy change in Illinois, Corey Tafoya Open Access Dissertation


Teachers' perceptions of professional development for the use of interactive white boards in Turkey, Erkan Taskin Open Access Dissertation


Designing Elementary Engineering Education From the Perspective of the Child, Beth Dykstra Van Meeteren Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


Incorporating the Delphi Technique to investigate renewable energy technology transfer in Saudi Arabia, Nasir K. Al-Otaibi Open Access Dissertation


Development of a modular dual engine hybrid electric vehicle simulation model, Kenan Baltaci Open Access Dissertation 2005 Award


Destination attractiveness of the Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area, Puyong Choi Open Access Dissertation 2007 Award


Intensive mentoring : stimulators of and barriers to coaching, spiritual guiding and discipling relationships, David Alan De Jong Open Access Dissertation


A qualitative study of new secondary teacher attrition in an Iowa urban school setting, James E. Dostal Open Access Dissertation


Case study on the journey of an elementary school labeled as a Persistently Low-Achieving School, Annette Duncan Open Access Dissertation 2006 Award


Comparing middle school students' learning and attitudes in face-to-face and online mathematics lessons, Clayton M. Edwards Open Access Dissertation 2014 Award


Limited assessment of a selected particulate matter sensor technology in emission measurement applications on diesel vehicles, Svetlana Korotkova Espinosa Open Access Dissertation


Instructional coaching : a look at teaching practices and impact on student achievement, Sharon Sue Ingebrand Open Access Dissertation


Assistive technology for students with disabilities: Resources and challenges encountered by teachers, Dawn LaRae Jacobsen Open Access Dissertation


Being in the world : an existential inquiry of knowing one's self through a personal project : in the context of dissertation survival, Tomoe Kitajima Open Access Dissertation


Exploring new roles of classroom teachers in Iowa communities experiencing rapid ethnic diversification, Cindy R. Lewis Open Access Dissertation 2010 Award


The design and evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks for applications in industrial locations, Hameed Madwar Open Access Dissertation 2002 Award


Learning transfer of geospatial technologies in secondary science and mathematics core areas, Curtis P. Nielsen Open Access Dissertation


Career Cruising impact on the self efficacy of deciding majors, Anthony William Smothers Open Access Dissertation


Development of an ankle function model, Kelli R. Snyder Open Access Dissertation 2001 Award


Using metarules to integrate knowledge in knowledge based systems. An application in the woodworking industry, Alvaro Villavicencio Open Access Dissertation 2009 Award


Student-centered literacy instruction: An examination of an elementary teacher's experience, Carolyn Marie Wiezorek Open Access Dissertation


A study of cultural orientation and attitudes and meaning toward play: A cross cultural investigation among emerging adulthood in the People Republic of China, Hong Kong, and United States, Winnie Wing-Sze Wong Open Access Dissertation 2011 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Disrupting the discussion : the story of disruptive students in the online classroom, Belle Doyle Cowden Open Access Dissertation


Cylinders and spheres : toddlers engage in problem solving, Rosemary Geiken Open Access Dissertation 2012 Award


Shared superintendency in Iowa: An investigation of organizational perceptions of leaders in districts that employ a shared superintendent, Roark Ronald Horn Open Access Dissertation


The value of leisure in coping with natural disaster: A case study in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Germaine Jackson Open Access Dissertation


Digging deeper: Enriching transition to adult life outcome research through life-histories, Jennifer Johnson Open Access Dissertation


A comparison of bullying in public and private schools in a small Midwestern community, Daniel J. Ryan Open Access Dissertation 2008 Award


Resident assistant use of student development theory and its relation to supervisor knowledge and use, David Michael Schmid Open Access Dissertation 2009 Award


Maggie and her students: Talking and reasoning in a reform-based mathematics classroom, Debra Louise Semm Rich Open Access Dissertation 2013 Award


A comparison of face-to-face and online instructional delivery methods in large-group settings in a university undergraduate wellness course, Lea Ann Shaddox Open Access Dissertation 2010 Award


Our voices: A descriptive account of African American parental involvement in an urban elementary school, Charletta D. Sudduth Open Access Dissertation


Wash water in the mix: Effects on the compressive strength of concrete, Brian Wasserman Open Access Dissertation


Master students' perception of informal faculty mentoring : an explorative investigation, Nangai Yang Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


First-year college student beliefs about writing embedded in online discourse: An analysis and its implications for literacy learning, Gina Burkart Open Access Dissertation


A study of the adjunct faculty experiences in the creation of a teacher work sample, Anna L. Conway Open Access Dissertation


The student achievement decline at sixth grade and the practices impacting achievement, Mary Cooksley Open Access Dissertation


A case study of the perceptions of stakeholders from a school district in Iowa on the impact of No Child Left Behind on the comprehensive high school, Brian Coppess Open Access Dissertation


A comparative study of the organizational culture of CAPRA accredited and non-accredited municipal park and recreation agencies, John E. Farland Open Access Dissertation


A glance backwards: An analysis of youth resiliency through autoethnographical and life history lenses, Toney Bissett Ford Open Access Dissertation


Baby boomer and Genx elementary principals : differing perspectives on schooling, Lisa M. Fry Open Access Dissertation


Understanding environmental health disparities of Roma populations in Romania, Jennifer L. Hall Open Access Dissertation


Teachers' perspectives on changes in general and special education: Examining the pieces of the puzzle, Janine Kane Open Access Dissertation


The impact of mathematics professional development on elementary teachers' mathematics content knowledge for teaching and implementation of innovative pedagogical practices, Vicki Oleson Open Access Dissertation


Motivation factors as indicators of academic achievement: A comparative study of student-athletes and non-athletes academic and social motivation, Jonell Pedescleaux Open Access Dissertation


Is the coach ready for the game? A self-study of literacy coaching in a secondary school, Barbara J. Perry Open Access Dissertation


Struggling learners of mathematics: An investigation of their learning through reform-based instruction, Jennifer Pothast Open Access Dissertation


Leisure and aging: A content analysis of leisure textbooks and leisure academic journal articles, Leila Rod-Welch Open Access Dissertation


Risk-taking propensity and its relationship to achievement motivation among selected municipal parks and recreation directors in the state of Iowa, Jiangong (Brad) Tan Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


The impact of an international healthcare mission experience on healthcare professional students at the University of Northern Iowa, Evelyn Adom-Boateng Open Access Dissertation


The effect of learning styles and attitude on preservice elementary teachers' conceptual understanding of chemistry and the nature of matter in a simulation-based learning environment, Mo H. Al-Jaroudi Open Access Dissertation


The effectiveness of colored overlays on reading achievement and attitudes toward reading for students with Scotopic Sensitive Syndrome, Hanan Ali Bagabas Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of the effect of supply chain and manufacturing parameters on inventory cost reduction for push type manufacturing systems, Mehmet Emre Bahadir Open Access Dissertation


How do beginning administrators navigate through their first year of the middle school principalship?, James D. Cryer Open Access Dissertation


The effect of self-efficacy and psychosocial development on the factors that influence major changing behavior, Karen Cunningham Open Access Dissertation


Technology integration: A study on the impact of increased technology access, Gina Kuker Open Access Dissertation


An exploratory case study of students' perceptions of online graduate education, Hou Chun Kuong Open Access Dissertation


The effect of weekly teacher collaboration on instructional practices in the classroom, Laurene A. Lanich Open Access Dissertation


The thought processes of administrators as they review and make evaluative judgment of a second-year teacher portfolio: A qualitative study, Terri Anne Lasswell Open Access Dissertation


Taiwan's language curriculum and policy: A rhetorical analysis of the DPP's claims-making, Yi-Hsuan Lee Open Access Dissertation


The third space: The use of self-study to examine the culture of a science classroom, Dashia M. Magee Open Access Dissertation


Administrative mentoring: An investigation of practicing principals' perceptions of the role mentors played in their professional development and job satisfaction, Lisa M. Remy Open Access Dissertation


Secondary preservice teachers' understanding of Euclidean geometry, Karen Sabey Open Access Dissertation


Characteristics of highly effective teachers: A perspective from students with disabilities, David J. Smith Open Access Dissertation


Detecting the process' 1.5 sigma shift: A quantitative study, James R. Stevenson Open Access Dissertation


Teacher learning in a Tibetan school in exile: A community of practice perspective, Pema Yangchen Open Access Dissertation 2011 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


“She called me a Mexican!”: a study of ethnic identity, Simona Florentina Boroianu Open Access Dissertation


Does content knowledge matter in scoring teacher work samples?: A study of rater differences, Yana A. Cornish Open Access Dissertation


Women chief information officers in higher education: Voices from the field, Marilyn J. Ziesman Drury Open Access Dissertation


Thriving, coping, surviving, hoping: Negotiating the first year of teaching, Debrah Jean Fordice Open Access Dissertation


Deliberative democratic practices in tourism planning: Towards a model of participatory community tourism planning, Oksana Grybovych Open Access Dissertation


The reflexivity of pain and privilege: An autoethnography of (Mestizo) identity and other Mestizo voices, Ellis Hurd Open Access Dissertation


Reframed teacher leadership: A narrative inquiry, Cynthia L. Kenyon Open Access Dissertation


A case study of a rural Iowa school preparing to meet new state guidelines for school libraries [dissertation], Karla Steege Krueger Open Access Dissertation


Disability and difference: Adolescents' interpretations based on television viewing, Paula Anne Schmidt Open Access Dissertation


A journey of advising: Experiences of doctoral international students and faculty advisors in the College of Education at a Midwestern university, Madalina Florentina Tincu Open Access Dissertation


Now have we gotten it right?: Exploring the special education referral process, Janine Sue Wahl Open Access Dissertation


Perspectives of change: Municipal park and recreation directors perceptions of the importance of specified organizational goals 1983–2008, Daniel Archie Wheeler Open Access Dissertation


Low power energy harvesting and storage techniques from ambient human powered energy sources, Faruk Yildiz Open Access Dissertation 2009 Award

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


Guess who's not coming to dinner: A review of the policies and practices in three urban Iowa school districts to recruit teachers from underrepresented backgrounds, Willie B. Barney Open Access Dissertation


Approaches to studying and study tactics of baccalaureate nursing students, Lisa D. Brodersen Open Access Dissertation


Estimating the economic impact of tourism: A comparative analysis of Albania, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece, Arjana Çela Open Access Dissertation


What happens when veteran and beginner teachers' life histories intersect with high-stakes testing and what does it mean for learners and teaching practice: The making of a culture of fear, Shelly L. Counsell Open Access Dissertation


Pieces to the puzzle, Ann L. Cracco Open Access Dissertation


Identifying behavioral characteristics of high school principals providing leadership in reforming Iowa high schools, Nadene E. Davidson Open Access Dissertation


How the clinical settings of radiography programs affect learning perceptions, Peggy Fortsch Open Access Dissertation


The role of spirituality in women's leadership at community colleges, Carol L. Hedberg Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of coaching efficacy in volunteer soccer coaches, Christopher Lee Kowalski Open Access Dissertation


Considerations for delivery of online professional development courses for childcare professionals, Heather Marie Bauer Olsen Open Access Dissertation


Geometric Reasoning in Four-Year-Old Children, Christina Eyres Sales Open Access Dissertation


Contesting the Social Borderlands: Portraits of Three Young People With Significant Disabilities and Their Struggle for Positive Relationships, Janet Story Sauer Open Access Dissertation


A study of elementary instructors' teaching of forearm passing as a part of volleyball instruction, Tsui-Feng Tiffany Yeh Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


The relationship of the co-curriculum with student faith development: Challenge and support at a college of the church, Eric Bradley Braun Open Access Dissertation


IEP meetings: What are the strategies that make an IEP meeting successful?, Maria T. Cashman Open Access Dissertation


Students at a Chinese radio and television university: Reasons for participation, and perceptions of their status as students and the quality of their learning, Huiping Ding Open Access Dissertation


The relationship of undergraduate cognitive development and academic advising preference at two small, private, liberal arts colleges, Vicki Van Vark Edelnant Open Access Dissertation


Alternative high schools: what types of programs lead to the greatest level of effectiveness?, Timothy W. Gilson Open Access Dissertation


IEP team decision-making process in the reintegration of special education students: A qualitative analysis of exiting decisions, Kenneth G. Hayes Open Access Dissertation


United States American students' experience with and orientation toward international diversity in a Midwestern comprehensive university setting, Olga V. Kostareva Open Access Dissertation


Exploring the relationship between mathematics content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge among pre-service teachers, Hsueh-I Martin Lo Open Access Dissertation


Family, child, teacher perceptions of what African American adult family members think and do to assist their elementary school-aged children to become better readers, Shadrack Gabriel Msengi Open Access Dissertation


Exploring intersectionality in education: The intersection of gender, race, disability, and class, Amy J. Petersen Open Access Dissertation 2008 Award


There are no winners here: Teacher thinking and student underachievement in the 6th grade, Sue L. Pettit Open Access Dissertation


Addressing diversity: A case study of teacher educators' views and instructional practices at a Midwestern university, Alina Slapac Open Access Dissertation


Job satisfaction of Iowa public school principals, Boris Sodoma Open Access Dissertation


Speech recognition: The interpretation of training and using speech recognition software from the perspectives of postsecondary students with learning challenges, Delann Soenksen Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


The mind is the tabernacle of the consciousness soul: A journey visiting the roles of consciousness, communication, education, and technology in human and curriculum development by integrating Dewey, Gebser, and Steiner: Past, present, future, Daniel Joseph Kazim Bardy Open Access Dissertation


Inter-institutional collaboration: A case study of factors contributing to the viability of the Iowa Community College Online Consortium, Kent Johnson Open Access Dissertation


A qualitative investigation of student interactions in a learning activity center: Defining success, at-risk factors, and resiliency for developmental programs in community colleges, John L. Kalkwarf Open Access Dissertation


Teacher perceptions of cross-cultural adaptability and instructional practices in international locations, Debra S. Lee Open Access Dissertation


Administrative strategies that foster self-reflective practice in Iowa educators as perceived by middle level principals and teachers, Jane Brandt Lindaman Open Access Dissertation


Opportunity and access for children with disabilities in the inclusive preschool classroom, Jodi Meyer-Mork Open Access Dissertation 2007 Award


Modeling and simulation to investigate effects of static mixer, carrier gas, temperature and pressure on the mixing ratio of carbon nanotubes growth reactors, David Addie Noye Open Access Dissertation


The efficacy of writing course placement at an Iowa community college, Kristine D. Owens Open Access Dissertation


Come out, stay out, stand out: Eight stories of gay and lesbian high school students, Nicholas J. Pace Open Access Dissertation


The impact of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation on school leadership of two school buildings designated in need of improvement: An agency theory perspective, Susan Pecinovsky Open Access Dissertation 2006 Award


Perceived importance of national occupational CADD skill standards among faculty of NAIT accredited institutions, Ronald Shava Open Access Dissertation


Namibia principals' knowledge and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS and their compliance with the ministry's national policy, Shamani-Jeffrey Shikwambi Open Access Dissertation


Inventory simulation and optimization using system dynamics, structural modeling equations and genetic algorithms in the drivetrain division of an automotive manufacturer, Marco Sisfontes-Monge Open Access Dissertation


An exploration of academic advising care groups at an Iowa private college, Kendra Williams-Perez Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Educational change process: A case study of a rural school district's reading reform, Barbara M. Havel Bohach Open Access Dissertation


A case study of senior students' perceptions of factors that shape aspirations in one low-income rural Iowa high school, Louise Elizabeth Esveld Open Access Dissertation


Students' views of classroom management strategies in assertive discipline and constructivist classroom settings, Joan Carolyn Gerbo Open Access Dissertation


Application of case study methodology in the context of undergraduate critical care nursing education, James A. Hauschildt Open Access Dissertation


The impact of the Iowa Children's Water Festival on the children's attitudes and behaviors toward the environment, Sang-Min Kim Open Access Dissertation


Building a comprehensive energy model for off-highway vehicles with emphasis on vehicle thermal control systems, Ayhan Zora Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Preparation for the role of baccalaureate nurse educator: Implications for development of nurse educator curriculum, Vickie R. Barth Open Access Dissertation


Student perceptions of ethics and professionalism in computer science: Does age, gender, or experience matter?, James Stuart Bohy Open Access Dissertation


Development and implementation of the University of Northern Iowa's “Students First” capital campaign: A case study, Cornelius Anthony Castain Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the concept of balance in children ages 6–9: Logic and protologic identifiable in making mobiles, Seon Chun Open Access Dissertation


The design and evaluation of a PLC-based model predictive controller for application in industrial food processes, Bryan T. Griffen Open Access Dissertation


Factors associated with the decision not to become 7–12 principals by those holding the license, Gail Moorman Behrens Open Access Dissertation


Predicting Ghanaian pre-service teachers' intention to teach high-risk sexual behavior prevention from teaching efficacy and prevention approach, Joseph Kwesi Ogah Open Access Dissertation 2005 Award


Social experiences of African-American female students on a predominantly white campus, Guy Alexander Sims Open Access Dissertation


Design and evaluation of a PDF print estimating system, Mengtsung Tai Open Access Dissertation


Internationalizing higher education: A case study of a Midwest comprehensive university, Irene Tan Ai Lian Open Access Dissertation


Teachers' perceptions of the application of instructional design elements in the distance teaching process, Lihua Zheng Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Integrating New Technologies Into the Methods of Education (INTIME): Its impact on the professional practice of participating teacher educators, Marius Boboc Open Access Dissertation


A qualitative inquiry into why and how special educators leave the field, Jane E. Caraway Open Access Dissertation 2003 Award


A simulation program for electronics skill knowledge instruction at a selected community college in Taiwan, Hung-Jen Chen Open Access Dissertation


Student perceptions of satisfaction with school climate in relationship to their involvement in an extracurricular activity program for the promotion of intercultural harmony, Dana Charles Deines Open Access Dissertation


Perceptions of high school principals on instructional leadership and implications for practice and professional development, Dianna K. Engelbrecht Open Access Dissertation


The educational thought and practices of Padre Luís Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga S. J., Justo Gallardo Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the types of support identified as necessary by secondary classroom teachers in Iowa school districts for the inclusion of students identified as behaviorally disabled, Rick Alan Ironside Open Access Dissertation


A study of the multiple perspective approach to leadership used by elementary and secondary public school principals in urban Iowa, Tracy E. Johns Open Access Dissertation


Job satisfaction among nurse educators of private colleges and universities, Jacqueline Kay Kuennen Open Access Dissertation


A national survey of elementary principals' response to the events of September 11, 2001, Diane Mary McCarty Open Access Dissertation


The effects of an interactive computerized multimedia tutorial on knowledge gain in modular fixturing design concepts, Veekit O'Charoen Open Access Dissertation


The effects of the Comprehensive School Improvement Process on gifted and talented programming in Iowa as perceived by middle level principals and teachers, Jean Suchsland Schneider Open Access Dissertation


Web-based distance instructional partnership for maritime technology of Pacific Rim countries, Chun-mei Shieh Open Access Dissertation


In their footsteps: Women faculty of Wartburg College 1914–1945, Susan Kosche Vallem Open Access Dissertation


Parental perceptions on maintaining heritage languages of CLD students, Ruth Lingxin Yan Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2001


An analysis of a radio frequency sensor as a means to remotely sense selected surface topographies in an agriculture environment, Barry Michael Alexia Open Access Dissertation


Use and effectiveness of decision support systems (DSS): Study of the Saudi private sector, Ibrahim A. Alhunaishel Open Access Dissertation


Attitudes and perceptions regarding Internet-based electronic data interchange in a public organization in Saudi Arabia, Abdulrahman S. Al-zumaia Open Access Dissertation


A study of important content for undergraduate graphic communications programs, Tsung-Yu Hao Open Access Dissertation


An investigation to measure the performance of commercial printing firms for conducting business-to-customer activities on the Web, Devang Pranlal Mehta Open Access Dissertation


Authentic assessment in physical education: Prevalence of use and perceived impact on students' self-concept, motivation, and skill achievement, Joseph Kwame Mintah Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of eddy current analysis for laser surface treatment of steel, Ronald Edward O'Meara Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of cooperative consciousness-raising as an innovative teaching practice, and of reactions to its introduction into a high school, Sahoby Solo Raharinirina Open Access Dissertation 2002 Award


A study of attitudes and beliefs of teachers and site council members toward parental involvement within the framework of four models of home-school relations, Beverly Ann Smith Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 2000


A comparison of Web-based and conventional-based training methods in a leading Midwestern company, Hani Aljadaani Open Access Dissertation


An Evaluation of the Ductile Iron Casting Training Program at the Industrial Technology Department of a Midwestern University, Khalid D. Alkarimy Open Access Dissertation


The factors that affect the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) in the international Arab Gulf States and United States companies with special emphasis on SAP software, Saud Al-Sehali Open Access Dissertation


Examining the impact of Internet electronic commerce on commercial organizations in Saudi Arabia, Fahad Abdullah Alyabis Open Access Dissertation


The effects of a rational emotive behavior therapy intervention on irrational beliefs and burnout among middle school teachers in the state of Iowa, Shirley Anderson Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of current instructional practices at selected universities utilizing interactive television technology, Richard Shengmao Chang Open Access Dissertation


A model for production scheduling and sequencing using constraints management and genetic algorithm, Ahmad Nadeem Choudhry Open Access Dissertation


The effect of heat on fingertip sensitivity of meat processing workers, Brian James Finder Open Access Dissertation


A leadership model and supervisory skills perceived by production employees, supervisors, and managers as important to the improvement of employee performance in manufacturing, Douglas R. Hotek Open Access Dissertation


Principal succession: Realities encountered by successor principals during the succession process, Kenneth Lester Rigdon Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of manufacturing facility characteristics and four-year manufacturing engineering technology competencies for ABET accredited programs in North Carolina, Richard Eugene Temple Open Access Dissertation


Hong Kong higher education in transition: The academic community's perception at the time of 1997 retrocession, Jiyu Yang Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


School Vision, Teacher Autonomy, School Climate, and Student Achievement in Elementary Schools, Connie J. Erpelding Open Access Dissertation


Perceptions of Iowa high school principals on the relationship of leadership, school size, and socioeconomic level to school culture, Kevin Wayne Fiene Open Access Dissertation 2001 Award


Simulation of Optimal Drive Systems Consisting of Gear-Cam Mechanisms With Brushless DC Servomotors, Norbert Fritz Open Access Dissertation 2000 Award


A study of factors affecting the implementation of ISO 9000 in Taiwan's construction industry, Chuan-Chen Hung Open Access Dissertation


Dimensions of roles, responsibilities, training background and needs, policies, and procedures for paraeducators dealing with students with special needs, Beverly Anne Plagge Open Access Dissertation


A study of the motives, barriers, and enablers affecting participation in adult distance education classes in an Iowa community college, Roger Joseph Rezabek Open Access Dissertation


The impact of IDEA 1997 on teachers' beliefs and collaborative practices as participants on IEP teams at one middle school, Mary Ann Walsh Schroeder Open Access Dissertation


Social class depiction in selected award-winning children's narrative fiction, Edward L. Starkenburg Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1998


Factors affecting the self-perceived continuing education needs of certified athletic trainers, Marchell Cupett Austin Open Access Dissertation


Oil consumption measurements of a production engine using the sulfur-trace method, Verlyn Royal Benson Open Access Dissertation


Analysis of violence prevention perceptions among teachers and principals in Iowa public secondary schools, Elizabeth Fischer-Jurgensen Open Access Dissertation


Student self-assessment, portfolios, and the context of the classroom, Colleen Goodenbour Open Access Dissertation


Perceptions of writing in a community college composition course, Rebecca Ann Kamm Open Access Dissertation


A case study of one Iowa public school superintendent's evaluation process, Gail Vanous Moon Open Access Dissertation


An evaluation of the AWS Entry Level Welder Training Program, John R. Rice Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1997


Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Perspectives of participants involved in the identification and treatment process, Judy Davison Open Access Dissertation


An investigation and analysis of environmental stress factors experienced by K-12 music teachers, Debra G. Gordon Open Access Dissertation


Constructing family health histories: Connecting theory and practice in the health education classroom, Ragene Dalton Gwin Open Access Dissertation


A design of a marine radar mast system for minimum vibration, Suey-Yueh Hu Open Access Dissertation


The student views the teacher: Investigating student perception in assessment of high school teachers, Richard N. Johns Open Access Dissertation


Iowa teachers' perceptions about involvement in decision-making, Michael S. Jurgensen Open Access Dissertation


A middle school student-centered conflict management program: Impact on student managers' self-esteem, communication skills, and approaches to conflict resolution, Thomas J. Keller Open Access Dissertation


Student perceptions of general education at a comprehensive university and implications, Kenneth E. Nuss Open Access Dissertation


An exploratory study: Reading and spatial visualization ability as predictors of success for technical drawing, Eldon Bruce Swanson Open Access Dissertation


The use of solid waste materials as alternative compositions in the development of wood/cement blocks, Haig Mamas Vahradian Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1996


Maintenance conditions and occupant behavior in government provided housing in Lagos, Nigeria, Paul Abayomi Bajere Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the energy and transportation component for junior high school technology education programs in Taiwan, Chang-Cheng Chen Open Access Dissertation


Early childhood teachers' beliefs and practices related to promoting children's conflict resolution in constructivist classrooms: A study of two teachers, Yuko Hashimoto Open Access Dissertation 1997 Award


Computer mediated communication: Elements impacting sustained usage by Iowa elementary and middle school teachers, Philip M. Hibbard Open Access Dissertation


A sociometric analysis of the informal networking patterns of Iowa's public school superintendents, Thomas M. Hoover Open Access Dissertation


An investigation on the processing and characterization of (thallium(0.5-x) lead(0.5-x) europium(2x)) strontium(2-y) barium(y) calcium(2) copper(3) oxygen(z) high-temperature superconductor to determine the optimum barium concentration and study the effects of doping europium in thallium and lead sites, Zifan Ju Open Access Dissertation


Expertise in clinical nursing educators: An exploratory study, Nancy Ann Kramer Open Access Dissertation


Effect of light source on the sorting performance of a vision-based robot system, Johnny T. Li Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of diameter measurement repeatability using a coordinate measuring machine and a multi-baseline repeatability assessment methodology, Bruce Marsh Open Access Dissertation


Direct and television-mediated observation of verbal interaction in the classroom, Terri McDonald Open Access Dissertation


The effects of telephone technology on Saudi Arabian society, Khalid I. Otibi Open Access Dissertation


Passages: A case study of an Iowa female secondary principal, Victoria L. Robinson Open Access Dissertation


The women superintendents of Iowa: A 1990's analysis, Joen M. Rottler Open Access Dissertation


A comparison of measurement reliability between a sonic digitizer and a tape measure on a complex three-dimensional object, Diane Darlene (Wheeler) Schou Open Access Dissertation


An investigation on using solid waste materials as aggregate substitute in cementitious concrete composites, Ibrahim Hussein Shehata Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1995


The impact of follow-up discussion on student learning from Channel One, Gary Arthur Borlaug Open Access Dissertation


A comparative study of the perceived educational needs of Iowa Merged Area VII manufacturers and Iowa technical educators, David D. Bradney Open Access Dissertation


Effect of agricultural fiber reinforcement on the mechanical properties of a recycled polyethylene plastic composite material, Michael E. Courbat Open Access Dissertation


Process of educational innovation: A micropolitical study of the implementation of a team teaching model, Bruce Steven Frana Open Access Dissertation 1996 Award


The identification and analysis of factors perceived as important to the success of interactive distance education, Terry Dean Goro Open Access Dissertation


Investigation of the relationship between fuel injection nozzle roto flow and hydra flow and the engine torque of a diesel engine, Guang Jin Open Access Dissertation


Science in a constructivist classroom: Progress in a five-year-old child's reasoning about water dynamics, Hyang-Lim Kwak Open Access Dissertation


Perceived importance of ISO 9000 factors as indicators of quality in industrial technology related programs at four-year state regional universities, Floyd L. Olson Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of the use of programmable controllers to control an in situ leach mine wellfield, Jimmy W. Stokey Open Access Dissertation


Participative leadership: A study of faculty and administrators in a Lutheran liberal arts college, Tekeste Teclu Open Access Dissertation


Present status and perceived importance of computer skills in a Taiwanese service industry, En-Ming Tseng Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of changing concerns toward instructional computer use during student teaching, Roderick E. Winters Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1994


The corrosive effects of salt spray on electrolytic zinc plated mechanical fasteners: The case of clear chromate and yellow dichromate coatings on medium carbon plated bolts, Souleymane Boukari Open Access Dissertation


The characteristics of motion and time study in Taiwan's electronics industry and their relationship to business size, Betty Chang Open Access Dissertation


Conceptual Representation of the Newtonian Model of Motion in University Physics Students, Giannēs Chatzēgeōrgiou Open Access Dissertation


Conceptual representation of the Newtonian model of motion in university physics students, Yannis Hadzigeorgiou Open Access Dissertation


AIDS education: The effect of three instructional methods on retention of changes in knowledge, attitudes, and intention to act, Denise Kerns Schares Open Access Dissertation


Global education attitudes and practices in Iowa high schools, Keith L. Stamp Open Access Dissertation


An examination of the relationships among learning style, attitudes, and outcomes of computer-assisted instruction, Daniel Glen Wilson Open Access Dissertation


Manufacturing curriculum issues of two-year mechanical engineering technology program in Taiwan, R.O.C., Chuan-Chun Wu Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1993


The relationship between middle school students' knowledge of the concept of variable and the use of concrete manipulatives, Maureen E. Busta Open Access Dissertation


The relationship of teachers' job satisfaction and their perceptions of principals' leadership styles in private vocational high schools in a selected metropolitan area of Taiwan, Ining Yuan-Hsiang Chu Open Access Dissertation


Educational aspirations and perceptions of health occupation graduates from community colleges, Lawrence A. Dahl Open Access Dissertation


The part-time employment of high school students: Relationship to school-related variables, Larry G. Eggink Open Access Dissertation


A survey of elementary principals, kindergarten teachers, and kindergarten parents focusing on preferences for academic or developmental programming at the kindergarten level, Dudley L. Humphrey Open Access Dissertation


Self-concept of visually impaired adolescents: A comparative study of educational placement in public and residential schools, Shiela D. Kielly Open Access Dissertation


The relationship of leadership, socioeconomic status, and school size in developing school culture: A study of elementary school principals, Janice Marie Ott Open Access Dissertation


A meeting of cultures: Faculty and part-time doctoral students in an EdD program, Paul R. Smith Open Access Dissertation


Secondary and postsecondary vocational education curriculum articulation as perceived by community college and high school administrators, John W. Sorenson Open Access Dissertation


Cooperative teaching as a method of collaboration between regular and special educators in an integrated setting, Mary J. Takes Open Access Dissertation


Verbal rehearsal methods and their effects on expressive music performance: A comparison of verbal explanation and transformational verbal imagery, Leonard M. Upham Open Access Dissertation


A study to identify selected factors affecting the implementation of computer-aided design and drafting in industrial technology baccalaureate programs, Tsung-Juang Wang Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the practices and perceptions of three regular elementary teachers regarding the integration of students with severe disabilities, Beth L. Wright Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1992


An investigation of selected at risk factors in rural high schools in the Midwest, Kevin M. Anderson Open Access Dissertation


Reader-text match: The interactive effect of reader ability and text difficulty on comprehension monitoring, Kathryn Maelou Baxter Open Access Dissertation


Development of an automated ultrasonic inspection cell for detecting subsurface discontinuities in cast iron, John Scott Burningham Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the types of support perceived necessary by Iowa elementary classroom teachers for the integration of students identified as severely disabled, Katheryn Ann Kinnard East Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the responsibilities of secondary principals serving shared and nonshared superintendents, Dale E. Greimann Open Access Dissertation


Predicting adolescent AIDS-related risk behavior from psychosocial factors: A path analysis, Sharon M. Hays Open Access Dissertation


Sustaining and impinging factors on teaching satisfaction of effective middle level teachers, Cheryl D. Hoversten Open Access Dissertation


Professional development and the police: A study of institutional change, Gehrig Kenneth La Velle Open Access Dissertation


The relationships between technical operator turnover rate and selected working condition factors in Taiwan's printing industry, Ling-Hsiao Lee Open Access Dissertation


Effects of electronic mail on staff communication satisfaction and computer anxiety, Donald D. Luck Open Access Dissertation


Industrial technology faculty's valuation of consulting and professional performance, Daniel Richard Meyer Open Access Dissertation


Job characteristics of construction craftsmen and their relationships to affective work outcomes, Musibau Adeola Shofoluwe Open Access Dissertation


A wear analysis study of selected alternative foundry tooling materials using impact abrasion testing, L. Fred Vondra Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1991


A descriptive study of perceived-effective rural superintendents in the state of Iowa, Bonnie Korver Baum Open Access Dissertation


Aggressive and non-aggressive black female students: A comparative study of selected high school characteristics, Walter Cunningham Open Access Dissertation


Factors influencing preparation needed of future industrial technology department leaders in higher education, Rajendra L. Desai Open Access Dissertation


Toward the optimization of cell operator productivity in computer integrated manufacturing, David Leonard Gobeski Open Access Dissertation


An investigation of the instructional management behaviors of principals in mid-sized public high schools in Iowa, Marcus J. Haack Open Access Dissertation


A study of peer involvement in the formative evaluation of instruction in higher education, Larry W. Keig Open Access Dissertation


Effective secondary special education programs: Administrative and instructional practices in identified Iowa schools, Robyn Lynn Moen Kramer Open Access Dissertation


The effects of the use of a color code in graphic presentation and assessment on the reader's immediate recall and delayed retention, Peggy Ann Posekany Pruisner Open Access Dissertation


Surface treatment of cast iron by adding different alloying elements to form metallic glass structure layer using an industrial carbon dioxide laser, Mohammad Riahi Open Access Dissertation


Perceived importance of identified duties and tasks in the area of design/drafting management, John Edward Shultz Open Access Dissertation


Determining an alternative organizational structure within two small/rural Iowa school districts: A case study of an innovative decision making process, David Wayne Stoakes Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of reinforced concrete composites utilizing recycled polyethylene terephthalate thermoplastic, Jaroslav V. Vaverka Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1990


Curricular trends in four-year baccalaureate degree industrial technology programs, Clayton Ray Diez Open Access Dissertation


Prediction of maximal oxygen consumption in boys, ages 11 to 14 years: An investigation of field measurements for use in schools, Loran D. Erdmann Open Access Dissertation


A Foundation model for the practice of school psychology, George Michael Harper Open Access Dissertation 1991 Award


The importance of technology assessment procedures for missionary trainees, James Michael Hoeksema Open Access Dissertation


Development and validation of a model for training maintenance supervisors for productivity improvements in manufacturing operations, Robert Reed Johnson Open Access Dissertation


Principal and teacher views on cooperative action in the administration of Iowa's secondary schools, Stephen R. Nicholson Open Access Dissertation


ACT scores of Iowa public high school students: School, student, and family variables, Anthony W. Pappas Open Access Dissertation


Principals' perceptions about regular education teachers' attitudes toward integration of students with handicaps, Susan Kay Posekany Sherwood Open Access Dissertation


A study of teaching about religions in selected Iowa public high schools, Douglas W. Sprague Open Access Dissertation


The effects of a microteaching program upon the critical thinking skills of preservice teachers, Vickie Trent-Wilson Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1989


Relationships between chemistry variations and the morphology and nodular formation of carbon nodules in ductile cast iron, Donald Francis Cassel Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of selected initial Phase III plans developed from Iowa's Educational Excellence Program H.F. 499, Randall B. Clegg Open Access Dissertation


The relationship among principal power tactic usage, leadership style and school climate in selected Iowa elementary schools, Steven R. Decker Open Access Dissertation


Employment needs of the graphic arts industry in Iowa as perceived by Iowa graphic arts manufacturers and Iowa graphic arts educators, John Frank Gindele Open Access Dissertation


Recruitment practices influencing enrollment of four-year undergraduate students who specialize in graphic arts, Joseph George Gindele Open Access Dissertation


Teacher beliefs and attitudes toward students at risk, Marlyce K. Holbach Open Access Dissertation


The impact of a model inservice program on the components of comprehensive school health education, Susan J. Koch Open Access Dissertation


Teacher-initiated whole language reading instruction in a skills-based school district: A self-report case study, Vicky Mashek-Smith Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of the importance of selected applied physics concepts as prerequisites to training in automotive technology, Patrick Michael McCleskey Open Access Dissertation


The status of field implementation of clinical supervision, Kathleen Sullivan Mulholland Open Access Dissertation


Factors influencing minority enrollment in postsecondary vocational-technical education programs in the state of Iowa, Samuel Chukuemeka Obi Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1988


The characteristics of elementary teachers perceived and identified as curricular leaders, Celia R. Burger Open Access Dissertation


An experimental cost model for the analysis of quality cost in a manufacturing enterprise, Wallace Charles Carlson Jr. Open Access Dissertation


The system design and evaluation of a microprocessor controlled dispenser using a radar ground-speed sensor, Yu-Charn Chen Open Access Dissertation


The importance of computer-based subject matter topics for graduates of an undergraduate manufacturing technology program as perceived by practicing manufacturing engineers, Anthony Cecil Favre Open Access Dissertation


Fundamental concepts required by electromechanical technology graduates for entry-level employment in related industry, Julio R. Garcia Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of historical studies of literacy standards from three epochs in American elementary education, Karen Elizabeth Stinson Hanus Open Access Dissertation


Iowa middle level schools: Grade level groupings, titles, instructional patterns, and pupil control orientations, Patricia Mary Holthaus Open Access Dissertation


The development and evaluation of a model for implementing restitution into the disciplinary procedures of secondary public schools, Garry Leroy Jensen Open Access Dissertation


An analysis of the abaca natural fiber in reinforcing concrete composites as a construction material in developing countries, Rolando V. Magdamo Open Access Dissertation


Early identifiers of learning disabilities in preschool children, Richard Alan Rebouché Open Access Dissertation


The influence of students' social class status upon secondary school counselors' judgments about students' potential for college attendance, Judith Ann Schindler Open Access Dissertation


A survey of interdisciplinary teaming in Iowa middle level public schools, Fred A. Willis Jr. Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1987


The role of the Iowa elementary school principal in the school's reading program, Roberta L. Bodensteiner Open Access Dissertation


Manual training: Its role in the development of the Seventh-Day Adventist educational system, Gerald Wayne Coy Open Access Dissertation


A comparison of principals' and teachers' perceptions of administrative performance in Iowa senior high schools, Darrell D. Druvenga Open Access Dissertation


Role of the registered nurse as perceived by nurses, physicians, and health care administrators, Jane Ellen Hasek Open Access Dissertation


A status study and critical analysis of present and future program goals for industrial arts in the state of Nebraska, Kennard G. Larson Open Access Dissertation


A comparison of present and future tasks performed by quality engineers of leading and nonleading American manufacturing firms, Zenon Theodore Smolarek Open Access Dissertation


Participative management: A critical analysis, Adrian Talbot Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1986


Elements in an educational preparation for middle school teachers, Cheryl Wogens Budlong Open Access Dissertation


Relationships between casting features and cavity fill time, gate velocity, and gate area for aluminum die castings, Hsin-Yen Chen Open Access Dissertation


An experimental cost index model for the analysis of service cost differentials of Iowa school districts, Dean W. Meier Open Access Dissertation


Utilization of a carbon-dioxide laser to form an amorphous metallic layer on gray cast iron with various amount of boron, Majid Torkzadeh Tabrizi Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1984


The role of multinational corporations in the transfer of management technology to Nigeria, Liwhu Undiandeye Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1983


Relationships between selected features of helical or spur gears and size distortions due to heat treatment, Abolghassem Tolu Honary Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1982


Industrial safety and technologicalization: An analysis of the management of industrial safety programs in Saudi Arabia, Abdulla Rashad Jastaniah Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1981


A feasibility study of a system for computer-aided selection of materials for industrial production, Seth Pardee Bates Open Access Dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from 1980


The effect of shielded metal arc welding process variables on delta ferrite control in austenitic stainless steel weld metal, Ralph Eldon Long Open Access Dissertation