"An analysis of coaching efficacy in volunteer soccer coaches" by Christopher Lee Kowalski

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Dissertation


Soccer coaches--Iowa; Volunteer workers in recreation--Iowa;


This purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between five independent variables and volunteer soccer coaches' overall coaching efficacy as measured by motivation efficacy, character building efficacy, game strategy efficacy, and technique efficacy and five independent variables. The five independent variables explored included the age of a coach, a coach's gender, previous years of coaching experience, participation in a coaching training/licensing/certification program, and previous playing experience.

The study involved 69 participants who coached for the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Association (CVYSA). The first part of the instrument used to measure coaching efficacy was a questionnaire discussing the various sources of information that can affect a coach's level of efficacy. The second part of the instrument used to measure coaching efficacy for the study was the Coaching Efficacy Scale, or CES.

Data collection occurred at the coaches' meetings for each community in the CVYSA league. Data analyses provided significant results indicating a number of important points related to motivation efficacy, character building efficacy, game strategy efficacy, technique efficacy, and overall coaching efficacy. First, it was found that respondents who had attended a coaching training/licensing/certification session tend to be younger. Second, a respondent who had attended a coaching training/licensing/certification session usually had previous coaching experience. Third, the higher a respondent's technique efficacy level the more likely he or she had experience playing soccer. Fourth, it was found that the mean score ofmale_respondents was significantly higher than the mean score of female respondents related to game strategy efficacy. Lastly, a combination of age, gender, previous coaching experience, previous playing experience, and attendance at a coaching training/licensing/certification session did not predict motivation efficacy, character building efficacy, game strategy efficacy, technique efficacy, or overall coaching efficacy.

The results of this study have continued to build the body of knowledge related to coaching efficacy. Further research on the topic of coaching efficacy should be conducted involving volunteer coaches of youth between the ages of 11-14.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Christopher Edginton, Chair

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (iv, 135 pages)



File Format

