"Faculty to faculty incivility in Iowa nursing education programs" by Candace Chihak

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Dissertation


Nursing schools--Faculty; Courtesy in the workplace; Work environment;


Uncivil work relationships are common in several professions, including nursing. Experiences of incivility within nursing education have been well described in the relationships between students, students to faculty, and faculty to students, however, there is less empirical evidence on the presence of incivility between nursing faculty. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the perception of incivility in faculty-to-faculty relationships in nursing education. Additionally, this paper will look for relationships between nurse educators and their intentions to stay within higher education. Methods: Nursing faculty from one Midwest state were surveyed utilizing the Workplace Incivility Civility Survey (WICS). Additionally, they were asked about the impact incivility has had on their work performance, personal wellbeing, and intention to persist in nursing education. Findings: The majority (81.7%) of participants indicated incivility was a problem in nursing education. While several of the uncivil behaviors were experienced or observed by less than half of participants, all 23 uncivil behaviors were experienced and observed ‘often’ by at least some participants during the previous 12 months. Based on demographic information, the tenured faculty identified experiencing and observing the uncivil behaviors statistically more than the non-tenured faculty. Additionally, faculty teaching in both undergraduate and graduate programs identified being impacted by uncivil behaviors more than those teaching only at the graduate level. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that incivility is a problem in nursing education.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Department of Educational Leadership and Postsecondary Education

First Advisor

Victoria Robinson, Chair

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (vi, 92 pages)



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