"Industrial technology faculty's valuation of consulting and profession" by Daniel Richard Meyer

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Dissertation


Business and education--United States; Technical education teachers--Supplementary employment--United States; College teachers--Supplementary employment--United States;


The purpose of this study was to investigate university industrial technology faculty relationships between their consulting with industrial and perceptions of professional performance. The question addressed was that if effects on teaching ability, research activity, scholarly publishing, and public service arising from this activity. The information obtained adds to knowledge and may be useful for administrators in supporting this form of public service. The result should be increased faculty competence, better prepared students, and increased industrial competitiveness.

Exogenous variables of consulting with industry, competency maintenance, theory testing, enthusiasm regeneration, research opportunity, and scholarly publishing were identified as having potential impact on perceived teaching ability, the endogenous variable. Data on the valuation and time assigned to the these variables were obtained from a randomly selected sample of 450 ranked university industrial technology professors through a self reporting questionnaire and analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The path analysis technique of multiple regression was used at the .05 significance level in testing the hypotheses based on the reported value and item data.

Results indicate moderate to strong significant positive path coefficients between all the value variables except that between scholarly publishing and teaching ability which is not significant and between research opportunity and teaching ability which is significant but negative. The variables' time data results in non-significant path coefficients with teaching ability but do demonstrate positive and significant coefficients between consulting with industry and competency maintenance, theory testing, and research opportunity.

It is concluded that university industrial technology faulty demonstrate positive correlations between consulting with industry and empirical theory testing ability, discipline related competencies, and through these activities achieve greater enthusiasm for the discipline and resulting in improved perceived teaching ability. They also have increased opportunities to engage in research projects resulting in additional scholarly publishing. It is recommended that consulting with industrial activity be recognized, rewarded ,and encouraged as faculty thus engaged perceive they improve professionally benefiting their students, the institution, and their clients.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Doctor of Industrial Technology


Department of Industrial Technology

First Advisor

Rex W. Pershing, Advisor

Second Advisor

John T. Fecik, Co-Advisor

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (viii, 125 pages)



File Format

