"A study of important content for undergraduate graphic communications " by Tsung-Yu Hao

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Dissertation


Visual communication--Study and teaching (Higher); Universities and colleges--Curricula;


This study was an investigation of important content for undergraduate graphic communications programs in four-year colleges and universities. The findings of this study can help educational professionals as they design curriculum, equip laboratories, and recruit faculty.

Subject categories and content items were initially identified by a review of literature. These content items were then further refined and rated on level of importance by a panel of experts. Modified subject categories and content items were then sent to the panel a second time for rating. Through this process, 15 subject categories and 68 content items were identified.

A questionnaire was developed based on the identified content items and this was sent to instructors teaching graphic communications courses in four-year colleges or universities. A total of 99 questionnaires were returned, a 63.5% response rate. Means for every content item and subject category were generated.

When rated by graphic communications faculty nationwide, all subject categories and content items were rated above 3.0 (moderate importance) with the exception of three content items. Prepress, Basic Communication Techniques, Digital Printing Technology, Safety and Health, Production Management , and Graphic Design were rated as the most important subject categories, while Interpersonal Communications Skills, Oral Communications and Speech, Color Reproduction and Separation, Electronic Prepress (Publishing) System and Desktop Publishing System, and Lithography Process were rated as the most important content items.

Statistical analysis was completed to determine if content items within subject categories were internally consistent. Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha was used to test the internal consistency of content items within each subject category. It provided support for keeping content items within each subject category except one which was Graphic Communications Past and Future.

A factor analysis was completed to determine if some subject categories could be combined. Using this process, five broader subject categories were created including Business and Computers; General Graphic Communications; Graphic Design and Cross Media Publishing; Science, Mathematics, and Communication Skills; and Others.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Doctor of Industrial Technology


Department of Industrial Technology

First Advisor

Charles D. Johnson, Chair

Second Advisor

M.D. Salim, Co-Chair

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (vii, 123 pages)



File Format

