"Career Cruising impact on the self efficacy of deciding majors" by Anthony William Smothers

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Dissertation


Career cruising; College majors; Self-efficacy;


The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of Career Cruising© on self-efficacy of deciding majors in a university setting. The use of the self-assessment instrument, Career Cruising©, was used with measuring the career-decision making self-efficacy in a pre and post-test with deciding majors. The independent variables are the Career Cruising ©, self-assessment instrument, gender, age, ethnic background, year in college, GPA, generation of education, and involvement. The dependent variables are the levels of self-efficacy in the five subscales of pre and post-test results. Those subscales include Accurate Self-appraisal, Gathering Occupational Information, Goal Selection, Planning for the Future, and Problem Solving.

The study involved 73 deciding majors through the Office of Academic Advising at the University of Northern Iowa. The theoretical framework used was academic advising, student development theory, self-efficacy and career decision making self-efficacy. The instrument was the Career Decision Self-Efficacy- Short Form (CDSE-SF) used in a pre and post-test methodology. The treatment of a data was analyzed using a paired t-test and independent t-test to measure any differences in mean scores.

The results of the study indicated a slight increase in self-efficacy for students who took Career Cruising© combined with academic advising. Academic advisors including discovery majors like recreation may consider using Career Cruising© when advising. The results of this study have continued to build on the body of knowledge associated with deciding majors, Career Cruising©, and career decision self-efficacy. Further research on the topic of Career Cruising© and deciding majors should be conducted.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Samuel V. Lankford

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (vi, 119 pages)



File Format

