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Conference Proceedings: Undergraduate Social Science Research Conference was a publication published at the University of Northern Iowa from 1994 to 2017.
The conference began in 1994 as the CSBS Student Research Conference. In 2018 the conference was broadened to include engagement and is now known as the INSPRE Student Research & Engagement Conference.
To view the collection of conference programs, click here
Current Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1 (2003)
Front Matter
Prefatory Note
Prefatory Note
Kim MacLin and Courtney Irwin
Oral Presentations
The Fundamental Attribution Error: Differences Between the Homeless and College Students
Karen Engelhart
The Influence of Conceptions of Nature on Environmental Action
Kyle Gerjerts and Jack Yates
The Relationship Between Self-report Motivation, GPA, and Gender for Traditional and Nontraditional Students
M. S. Green, A. A. Mechikoff, and G. S. Scott
The Roles of Gender and Athleticism in Pain Perception
Eric S. Allard
Predicting Femal Attractiveness: A Second Look at Thinness and Waist to Hip Ratio
M. Catherine DeSoto and Katie J. Buelow
Effects of Cohabitation on Engaged Adult Relationships
Matthew W. Chingren
Honors Presentations
Can Psychological Science Help Fingerprint Examiners Meet the Daubert Criterion?
Ryan L. Tapscott and Otto H. MacLin
Sammie Dell and Community Activism in Waterloo, Iowa
Adam Philip Humes
Who's Doing the Dirty Work When It Comes to Recycling?
Amy Holliday and Kristin Mack
Motivation to Attend College as a Predictor of Academic Success and Psychological Well Being
Courtney Irwin and Helen C. Harton
Poster Presentations
Alias Use Among Inmates: Gender, Race, and Seriousness of Crime
Angela Anderson, Daniel Garcia, M. Kim MacLin, and Otto H. MacLin
Social Support as a Predictor of Physical Activity
Brandy Carter, Susan Kroger, Emily Carr, and Seth Brown
Relationships Between Sleep and Wellness Among College Students
Emily Parr, Brandy Carter, Emily Carr, and Seth Brown
Percieved Susceptibility and Severity of Chronic Illness in Physical Activity
Jennifer Harden, Emily Parr, and Seth Brown
Self-Efficacy and Physical Activity in College Students
Susan Kroger, Jennifer Harden, and Seth Brown
Group-level Performance Standards: Do Your Best Versus be the Best
Dustin Daugherty, Daniel Huber, and Mel Gonnerman
The Effects of Variable Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement on Extinction in a Slot Machine
Nick Tangeman, Trisha Hobbiebrunken, Dustin Daugherty, and Otto H. MacLin
Individualists Versus Collectivists: Study Sessions and Performance Standards
Daniel Huber, Dustin Daugherty, and Mel Gonnerman Jr.
Gambling Preference for Near-Miss Slot Play
Jonathan Kehl, Nick Tangeman, Dustin Daugherty, Trisha Hobbiebrunkin, and Otto MacLin
Using Match-to-Sample to Evaluate the Perceptual Expertise Hypothesis
Ryan Weipert, Jon Kehl, and Otto H. MacLin
Reliability and Validity of the BDI-II in High School Students
Tiffany Boyle, Daniel Huber, Danielle Matchett, Julie Thornton, and Mei-Chuan Wang
Correlates of Christian Identification: Faith Maturity and Spiritual Development
Katie J. Buelow, Daniel M. Huber, Raejean S. Rosedale, and Melvin E. Gonnerman Jr
An Evaluation of Factors Underlying Effective Teaching
Christy Barthel, Veronica Tovar, Amber Faulkner, Angie Dietz, and Otto H. MacLin
Looking for Mr. Bad Guy: How Tipsters Tip
Angie Dietz, Elizabeth Strey, and Otto H. MacLin
Gambling Patterns in Video Poker
Dustin Daugherty, Nick Tangeman, and Otto H. MacLin
Construction of the Juvenile Activities Inventory
Elizabeth Strey and Kim MacLin
Absolute Versus Relative Judgments in Lineup Administration
Brandi Cooley, Kelly Dupont, and Otto H. MacLin
An Evaluation of the New Jersey Method of Lineup Administration
Mia Fields, Adam Olsen, Brandi Cooley, and Otto H. MacLin
Feeling of Knowing Accuracy in Eyewitness Identification
Nina Forcier, Brandi Cooley, Ryan Tapscott, and Otto H. MacLin
An Evaluation of Post Event Information Using the Mock Witness Paradigm
Kelly Dupont, Brandi Cooley, Elizabeth Strey, and Otto H. MacLin
Sources of influence in the formation of criminal stereotypes and the perceptions of characteristics of the criminal: A Proposal
Stacy Bowers and M. Kimberly MacLin
An Examination of Unhealthy Eating Behaviors in Two College Samples
Leisha Colyn, Laura Diemer, and Robert T. Hitlan
The Effects of Peer Relations on Adolescents' Psychopathological Characteristics and Self-Worth: Do Age and Gender Matter?
Courtney Irwin and Helen C. Harton
Interview Perception Study
Amanda King and Elissa Narigon
Holocone Alluvium in a Third-Order Stream on the Iowan Surface
Jesse Koch, Alan Krantz, and Dave May
Effects of Parent-Child Relationships on Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships: The Perspectives of Adolescent Children
Maria A. Koutilina
Motivation and Competence Levels of Adolescents in Athletics and Performing Arts
Ben Layer, Lacy Bourdon, and Liza DeStefano
Factor Analysis of the Adolescent Psychopathology Scale (APS) Clinical Subscales
Sena Linden and Brian Potter
Who Do You Think I am.... A Criminal?
Heather C. Peterson, Bridget M. Waack, and M. Kimberly MacLin
What Do I Look Like to You....A Criminal?
Bridget Waack, Heather Peterson, and M. Kimberly MacLin
Police Interrogations and Confessions: Minimization, Maximization and the Effects of Confessions
Travis Putrah and Tamara Wirth
The Possible Role of Hormones in the Theory of Mind
Alissa R. Renfrow, Cassandra L. Ruley, Jon Decker, Sara Trcka, and M. Catherine DeSoto
Borderline symptom clusters in women and estrogen
Cassandra L. Ruley, Alissa R. Renfrow, and M. Catherine DeSoto
Gender Differences in the Suicide Resilience Inventory-25 (SRI-25)
Corye Johnson and Mei-Chuan Wang
Estrogen Levels across the Menstrual Cycle and Eating Disturbance
Mei-Chuan Wang and M. Catherine DeSoto
Inter-Rater and Test-Retest Reliability of MMPI-2 Q-Set
Adam A. Sauceda, Amanda L. Waddell, Stacey L. Teig, Mei-Chuan Wang, and John E. Williams
Correlates of the Suicide Probability Scale (SPS) in Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Boys and Girls
Stacey Teig, Devon Whitehead, and Randy Schultz
Spatial Clustering of Attitudes Toward Immigrants: A Test of Dynamics Social Impact Theory
Nicholas Schwab, Helen C. Harton, Mary E. Losch, Gene M. Lutz, and Melvin E. Gonnerman Jr.
Swings in Marijuana Use and Correspnding Media Emphases and Public Opinion
Carrie Wendel-Hummell
Parental Influences and Perceptions of College Student Drinking
Jacquelyn D. Wiersma and Kirsten D. Linney
Give the Gift of Happiness: Arousal and the Promotion of Positive and Negative Emotional Contagions
James E. Winchip, Chad Leever, and Helen C. Harton
The Big Five Personality Dimensions, Expectancy Theory, and Gender Issues in Career Decidedness
Cheryl Woelfel and Ronald Feldt
Race, Drugs, and Juvenile Justice Decision-Making
John Young, Avery Miller, and Michael J. Leiber
The Effects of the Fundamental Attribution Error on Aggression
Katie Young, Kate Bjorlo, and Jimmy Shook
A Proposal for Using Behavioral Evidence to Deduce Motive: A Post Dictive Analysis of Closed Homicide Cases
Kelly J. Dupont and M. Kimberly MacLin
The Similarities in the Big Five Personality Characteristics of Married Couples
Sara Lauren Bagley, Lara Bryn Harvey, and Amanda Jane King
Back Matter

Conference Organizers
- Planning Committee
- Courtney Irwin, Conference Coordinator
- Kim MacLin, Ph.D., Faculty Advisor
- Otto MacLin, Ph.D., Web Designer
- Student Assistants
- Callie Beers
- Stacy Bowers
- Ben Bristow
- Katie Buelow
- Angie Dietz
- Jennifer Gossard
- Abby Keuba
- Alissa Renfrow
- Susan Rhines
- Courtney Ridge
- Cassandra Ruley
- Adam Sauceda
- Kevin Stein
- Ryan Tapscott
- John Young
- Angie Zern