Special Collections & University Archives
The Rod Library Special Collections & University Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to rare, valuable, and delicate collections of books, manuscripts, and institutional records. Many materials from SC&UA have been digitized and are available online in ScholarWorks.
PLEASE NOTE: Materials located in UNI ScholarWorks come from a broad range of sources and time periods. Some of these materials may contain offensive stereotypes, ideas, visuals, or language. Their presence should be viewed and considered within their historical context. They do not represent the views of the University of Northern University or the Library, which strives to create and maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment.
For more information, visit us on the 3rd floor of Rod Library, visit our website, or email us at libarchives@uni.edu.
Browse ScholarWorks collections that contains materials from Special Collections & University Archives:
Books covering the history of the University of Northern Iowa. To find additional information, view the History of Education Book Gallery:
- Fifty Years at the Teachers College, by David Sands Wright (1926)
- The First 75 Years at the Teachers College, by Irving H. Hart (1951)
- A Century of Leadership and Service, by William C. Lang, Volume 1 (1990) and Volume 2 (1995) (History of the University of Northern Iowa)
Athletics Media Guides (UNI Athletics)
Ballast Quarterly Review (Newsletter)
Communiqué (Alumni magazine, College of Arts, Humanities, & Sciences)
CSBS Kudos (Newsletter, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences)
CSBS Statements (Alumni magazine, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences)
Eddie Bowles: Blues Musician Collection
Graduate Council Minutes (Graduate College)
History of Education Book Gallery
Institutional Effectiveness & Planning
Landmarks in Iowa History Films by Herb V. Hake
Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Oral History Projects @ UNI (Special Collections & University Archives)
Patents (University of Northern Iowa)
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral Histories (UNI Alumni Association)
Rhythms (Magazine, School of Music, College of Humanities, Arts, & Sciences)
Sinfonian Dimensions in Jazz (School of Music, College of Humanities, Arts, & Sciences)
Theatre Department Photographs
Theatre UNI Alumni Newsletter (Magazine, Department of Theatre, College of Humanities, Arts, & Sciences)
UNIBiz (Magazine, College of Business Administration)
UNI Alumni Association Newsletters (UNI Alumni Association)
UNI COVID-19 Community Archive (Special Collections & University Archives)
UNI Fact Book (Institutional Research & Effectiveness)
UNI Football Games Films, 1958-1975 (UNI Athletics)
UNI Grad Student News (Newsletter, Graduate College)
UNI Panther Athletics Photograph Collection (UNI Athletics)
University Archives Photograph Collection
UNI Programs and Courses Catalogs
Update (Alumni magazine, College of Humanities, Arts, & Sciences)
Warren Reyerson and Mace Reyerson, ISTC Football 1960 Season 50th Anniversary (UNI Athletics)
Women in Business Oral Histories