The Oral History collections located on this site have been coordinated by the University of Northern Iowa Special Collections & University Archives. Collections:
Oral History Recording with Edra Bogle, July 10, 2019
Edra Bogle
Edra Bogle, a UNI alum, donated nearly half a million dollars in scholarships to students. This interview was conducted in Texas while UNI representatives visited Edra Bogle in her home as she was preparing to make the large gift to UNI.
Oral History Recording with UNI Past President Constantine Curris, May 11, 2018
Constantine Curris and Jo Hern Curris
Dr. Constantine “Deno” Curris was the seventh president of the University of Northern Iowa. He served from 1983 through 1995. Jo Curris, his wife, is an attorney. Interviewer Jaycie Vos is the Special Collections Coordinator and University Archivist at Rod Library at UNI. The interview largely focused on President Curris’s time on campus and the many accomplishments and improvements he made during his tenure at UNI. This interview was facilitated in part by Dean of Library Services, Chris Cox, in an effort to better document institutional history at UNI. Notes about the recording: The audio recording is in two parts because the interviewees and interviewer took a quick break partway through the interview. Early in the interview, there was a brief interruption when a president’s office staff person brought in refreshments.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Alexa Devore, 06 October 2017
Alexa Devore
Alexa Devore is a current UNI student who is involved in a wide range of activites on campus, such as the University Honors Program and Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS). She is a resident assistant (RA) in Campbell Hall and encourages her residents and other students to get more involved on campus.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Constance Cavanaugh, 06 October 2017
Constance Cavanaugh
Constance Cavanaugh graduated from UNI in 1986 and now works as a career counselor. Her advice for students is to make the most of your time and get involved. The campanile is her favorite part of UNI's campus.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with David Boyer, 06 October 2017
David Boyer
David Boyer graduated from UNI in 1990. During his time at UNI, he strove be in involved on campus and strongly believes in contributing to the campus community. He was the student body president and continues to serve on various boards and committees. He recalls the 1989 student government elections.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Dylan Keller, 06 October 2017
Dylan Keller
Dylan Keller graduated from UNI with a BA in 2014 and with an MA in 2016. He was involved with the Varsity Men's Glee Club at UNI, which was a positive part of his college experience. He recalls his decision to attend UNI and become a Panther. Dylan's advice for students is to try new things and take advantage of every oppourtunity that UNI offers.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Jenny Connolly, 06 October 2017
Jenny Connolly
Jenny Connolly graduated from UNI in 2005 with her bachelors and in 2008 with her MAE. She currently works in Admissions at UNI. She has fond memories living in the dorms, and her advice to students is to do something that scares you each semester.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Jerry Jauron, 06 October 2017
Jerry Jauron
Jerry Jauron graduated from UNI in 1990. His favorite memory is the UNI vs University of Iowa basketball game in 1990, which was the first time UNI had beaten Iowa in basketball in a long time. Jerry's advice for students is to get out and meet people, and dont spend so much time on your phone. Campaniling is his favorite UNI tradition.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with John Maw, 06 October 2017
John Maw
John Maw graduated from UNI in 1972. He shares anecdotes about his family. He was involved with Christian Bible Fellowship on campus. John's best advice for students is to work hard but still have fun.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Kristina Kofoot, 06 October 2017
Kristina Kofoot
Kristina Kofoot graduated from UNI with a BA in 2013 and with an MA in 2017, and she currently works as a Community Engagement Program Coordinator. She recalls transferring to UNI and how she had a very positive experience finding her community on campus. She was involved with the National Council of Teachers of English (UNICoTE), and her best advice for students is to get involved and meet people. Kristina especially enjoyed the UNI Traditions Challenge.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Linda Reuter, 06 October 2017
Linda Reuter
Linda Reuter graduated from UNI in 1967. She recalls the time she missed her curfew during her freshman year fall semester, and she had to go to student court as a result. She was the first in her family to go to college and discusses adjusting from high school to college and some of the classes she took. She has enjoyed art since retiring.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Linnea Kargas, 06 October 2017
Linnea Kargas
Linnea Kargas graduated from UNI in 2017 and is currently in a master's program. She is a third generation Panther. Linnea really enjoys the small classes and professors that get to know their students. Her advice for students is to get involved and find your passion.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Megan Stull, 06 October 2017
Megan Stull
Megan Stull, who works as the assistant to the president at Clarke University, graduated from UNI in 2008 with her master's degree. Some of her earliest memories at UNI are watching basketball games at the UNI-Dome as a chiild with her family. Megan had a great experience at UNI and currently serves on the Alumni Board.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Nicole Juranek, 06 October 2017
Nicole Juranek
Nicole Juranek graduated from UNI in 2000 and is a professor at Iowa Wastern Community College. She was part of the UNI speech team; she joined on a whim, and she owes her livelihood to that one small decision as she teaches now public speaking. Nicole's advice for students is to get out and enjoy your time in college.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Phyllis Fisherpeet and Sharon Pinnick, 06 October 2017
Phyllis Fisherpeet and Sharon Pinnick
Phyllis Fisherpeet and Sharon Pinnick both graduated from the State College of Iowa in 1967. Phyllis and Sharon were roommates throughout college starting freshman year, and their friendship has continued to the present day. They share fond memories of Mother's Day on campus.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Rebecca Torres, 06 October 2017
Rebecca Torres
Rebecca Torres graduated from UNI in 2001. She recalls visiting campus and deciding to attend UNI. Rebecca's advice to students is to explore lots of different classes and to enjoy your time on campus with friends.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Sarah Craw and Blake Craw, 06 October 2017
Sarah Craw and Blake Craw
Blake and Sarah Craw both graduated from UNI in 2014. Sarah's favorite tradition is Homecoming. UNI is a special place for both of them as it is where they met, and the Campanile was where Blake proposed to Sarah. Blake's advice is to get involved in the campus community.
Panther Pride: Homecoming 2017 Oral History Project Recording with Steven Palmquist, 06 October 2017
Steven Palmquist
Steven Palmquist graduated from UNI in 1977 and is a teacher. Steven shares very fond memories with the UNI Speech and Theatre program as a student and young man. He now teaches as an adjunt professor at UNI in the Theater Department. He enjoys supporting the volleyball team, and his advice to students is to take advantage of the opportunities on campus.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Gladys Meier, April 10, 2019
Gladys Meier
This is an oral history interview with Gladys Meier conducted by Ryan Hansen at Windsor Heights, Des Moines, Iowa. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Jean Trainor, January 31, 2019
Jean Trainor
This is an oral history interview with Jean Trainor conducted by Ryan Hansen at the Cedar Falls Public Library in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Laura Huisman, May 31, 2019
Laura Huisman
This is an oral history interview with Laura Huisman conducted by Ryan Hansen at the Cedar Falls Public Library in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Lois Iseminger, April 20, 2018
Lois Iseminger
This is an oral history interview with Lois Iseminger conducted by Emily Snodgrass. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Lois Iseminger, March 24, 2019
Lois Iseminger
This is an oral history interview with Lois Iseminger conducted by Emily Snodgrass at the Cedar Falls Public Library in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Mary Pech, April 19, 2019
Mary Pech
This is an oral history interview with Mary Pech conducted by Ryan Hansen at the Cedar Falls Public Library in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.
Women in Business Oral History Recording with Mary Pech, May 30, 2019
Mary Pech
This is an oral history interview with Mary Pech conducted by Ryan Hansen at the Rod Library in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This project documents the narrative experiences of female alumnae who went on to have successful business careers and provides insight into their lived experience as students on the UNI/ISTC/SCI campus from the 1940s onward, as business entrepreneurs, and as leaders throughout the state, region, and nation.