Oral History Recording with UNI Past President Constantine Curris, May 11, 2018
Name of Interviewer
Jaycie Vos
Interview Date
Interview Location
Seerley Hall, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Interview Recording Duration
Part 1: 01:42:40; Part 2: 00:28:58
Recording Equipment
Zoom H5n recorder
Original Recording Format
Recording Access Copy Format
Recording Extent
Part 1: 93.8 MB; Part 2: 24.6 MB
Original Transcript Format
Transcript Access Copy Format
Transcript Extent
231 KB
Interview Description
Dr. Constantine “Deno” Curris was the seventh president of the University of Northern Iowa. He served from 1983 through 1995. Jo Curris, his wife, is an attorney. Interviewer Jaycie Vos is the Special Collections Coordinator and University Archivist at Rod Library at UNI. The interview largely focused on President Curris’s time on campus and the many accomplishments and improvements he made during his tenure at UNI. This interview was facilitated in part by Dean of Library Services, Chris Cox, in an effort to better document institutional history at UNI. Notes about the recording: The audio recording is in two parts because the interviewees and interviewer took a quick break partway through the interview. Early in the interview, there was a brief interruption when a president’s office staff person brought in refreshments.
©2018 University of Northern Iowa
Special Collections & University Archives, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
University Archives
Archives Record Series Name
Constantine W. Curris papers
Archives Record Series Number
Recommended Citation
Oral History Recording with UNI Past President Constantine Curris, May 11, 2018, in the Constantine W. Curris papers, 02/07/01, University Archives, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa.
Part 1, Recording
Curris_ Constantine_oralhistory_UNI history_11may2018_part2.mp3 (27157 kB)
Part 2, Recording
Curris_Constantine_oralhistory_UNI history_11may2018_transcript.pdf (231 kB)
Click image to listen to the recording:
Part 1, Oral History Recording with UNI Past President Constantine Curris, May 11, 2018
Click image to listen to the recording:
Part 2, Oral History Recording with UNI Past President Constantine Curris, May 11, 2018
See the University Archives finding aid for more information.