UNI Department of Social Work Faculty Publications | Faculty Work | University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Publications


Publications written by faculty and staff in the Department of Social Work at the University of Northern Iowa.


Submissions from 2024


Nurturing a College-Going Identity in Black Emerging Adults, Kim M. Anderson, Alison C. Cares, Amie R. Newins, Alexander Lewis, Michael Nunes, Arin A. Copeland, and Itunu Ilesanmi


The Interaction of Race/Ethnicity and School-Connectedness in Presenting Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Among Adolescents, Mijin Choi, Sei Young Lee, Jangmin Kim, and Jungup Lee


Returnees’ Perspectives of the Adverse Impact of Forced Displacement on Children, Itunu O. Ilesanmi, Jasmine D. Haynes, and Florence O. Ogundimu


The Impact of Undermining Coparenting on the Mental and Physical Health Outcomes of Black Fathers: The Role of Depression and Restrictive Emotionality, Brianna P. Lemmons, Matthew C. Jackson, Ailton Coleman, Jaimie L. O’Gara, Natasha De Veauuse Brown, Tasha L. Alston, Corey A. Tolliver, and Latrice S. Rollins


Animal Assisted Play Therapy™ as a Polyvagal Process, Mary Rottier and Rebecca Dickinson

Submissions from 2023


Correction: Attachment To Peers And School: Longitudinal Moderators Of The Relation Between Caregiver Psychological Distress And Adolescent Hopelessness, Lisa M. Hooper, Sei Young Lee, Sara Tomek, Jeremiah W. Jaggers, Grace Kim, Wesley T. Church, and John Bolland


Graduate Research Project Guide: Secondary Data Analysis, Sei-Young Lee and Siyon Rhee


Closeness and Direct Engagement: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Non-Resident Father Involvement, Jaimie L. O’Gara


The Effect Of Paternal Economic Hardship On Nonresident Father Involvement And Co-Parenting Among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Fathers, Jaimie L. O’Gara

Submissions from 2022


Father–Daughter Relationships Among Latina Adolescents who Attempted Suicide: An Exploratory Dyadic Analysis, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Lauren E. Gulbas, Gisel Suarez Bonilla, Gabriela Manzo, Brandy Piña-Watson, and Luis H. Zayas


Solution-Focused Brief Therapy in Iran: A Scoping Review of the Outcome Literature, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Swathi M. Reddy, Mitra Naseh, Lisa S. Panisch, Maryam Rafieifar, and Cierra Cervantez


Intergenerational Pathways Linking Mothers’ Adverse Childhood Experiences And Children’S Social-Emotional Problems, Lixia Zhang, Joshua P. Mersky, and Chienti P. Lee


The Association Between Family Physical Environment And Child Maltreatment, Lixia Zhang and James Topitzes

Submissions from 2021


Siblings Of Individuals With Disabilities: Experiences In Southern India, Rebecca Dickinson


The Impact Of The National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI): Cultivating Cultural Humility Among Social Work Students, Rebecca Dickinson, Motier Haskins, and Jeanne A. Saunders


Social Work Research on Immigrants: A Content Analysis of Leading Journals from 2007 to 2016, Angelica Velazquillo Franco, Daysi Ximena Diaz-Strong, Benjamin J. Roth, and Michael Zuch


Preliminary Findings Of Kinnect: A Psychosocial Intervention For Youth In Residential Treatment, Frank Grijalva and Matthew Vasquez


Attachment To Peers And School: Longitudinal Moderators Of The Relation Between Caregiver Psychological Distress And Adolescent Hopelessness, Lisa M. Hooper, Sei Young Lee, Sara Tomek, Jeremiah W. Jaggers, Grace Kim, and Wesley T. Church


Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Interventions And Posttraumatic Stress And Depression Outcomes Among Women: A Systematic Review And Analysis Of Randomized Control Trials, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon, Matthew Vasquez, and Tierra Luppen


Intimate Partner Violence Among Korean Immigrant Women In The United States: Intersectionality Of Gender Norms, Immigration, And Socioeconomic Status, Sei Young Lee and Ga Young Choi


Gender-Specific Trajectories Of Maltreatment, School Engagement, And Delinquency: The Protective Role Of School Engagement, Sei Young Lee, Margarita Villagrana, and Aweke Tadesse


Father-Figure Presence and Externalizing and Internalizing Problems in Mexican and Dominican American Children, Jaimie L. O'Gara and Esther J. Calzada


Doctoral Students’ Academic and Professional Network Development: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Students Engaged in Fatherhood Research, Jaimie O'Gara, Rebecca Logue-Conroy, Justin S. Harty, Joyce Y. Lee, and Lara Markovitz

Submissions from 2020


The Father’s Role in Risk and Resilience Among Mexican-American Adolescents., Jaimie L. O'Gara, Esther J. Calzada, and Su Yeong Kim


Examining the Longitudinal Effect of Spanking on Young Latinx Child Behavior Problems, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Esther J. Calzada, Catherine LaBrenz, and R. Gabriela Barajas-Gonzalez


Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental and Physical Health Disparities: The Moderating Effect of Race and Implications for Social Work, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Catherine A. LaBrenz, Lisa S. Panisch, Philip Baiden, and Heather Larkin


Dialogue-Awareness-*Tolerance (DA*T): A Multi-Layered Dialogue Expanding Tolerance For Ambiguity And Discomfort In Working Toward Conflict Resolution, Steven J. Onken, Cheryl L. Franks, Sarah J. Lewis, and Shinhee Han


Foster Care Alumni’s Perception Of Mental Health Services While In Foster Care: A Focus On The Mental Health Provider And Therapeutic Process, Margarita Villagrana and Sei Young Lee


Racial/Ethnic Disparities In Treatment Completion For Youths With And Without A Psychiatric Comorbidity, Margarita Villagrana and Sei Young Lee


Substance Misusing Parents And Their Children: An Interview With Christine Fewell, Ph.D., Lcsw, Casac And Joan Blakey, Ph.D., Msw, Lixia Zhang and Lisa Berger


Bidirectional Relations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences And Children’s Behavioral Problems, Lixia Zhang and Joshua P. Mersky


Adverse Childhood Experiences And Psychological Well-Being In A Rural Sample Of Chinese Young Adults, Lixia Zhang, Joshua P. Mersky, and James Topitzes

Submissions from 2019


Activism, Immigration, and Graduate School: Letters of Hope and Solidarity, Angelica Velazquillo Franco and Susana M. Muñoz


Skin Color as a Predictor of Mental Health in Young Latinx Children, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Esther J. Calzada, and Yeonwoo Kim


Maternal Depression and Acculturative Stress Impacts on Mexican-origin Children Through Authoritarian Parenting, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Esther J. Calzada, and Adam Sales


Father-Youth Closeness and Adolescent Self-Rated Health: The Mediating Role of Mental Health, Jaimie L. O'Gara, Anao Zhang, Yolanda Padilla, Chun Liu, and Kaipeng Wang


Review of We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965-85: New Perspectives, Edited by C. Morris & R. Hockley, Charletta D. Sudduth


Gender Differences In The Association Between Attitudes Toward Mental Health Treatment And Mental Health Outcomes Among Noninstitutionalized Adults With Depression, Thanh V. Tran, Siyon Rhee, Sei Young Lee, Jessica Rhee, and Ga Young Choi


“I Always Expected To Have Grandchildren Some Day”: The Long Road From Sense Of Loss To Gradual Acceptance, Katherine Van Wormer


Outcome Findings of an Undergraduate Certificate Program in Cultural Competency, Matthew L. Vasquez, Edward Saunders, Motier Haskins, and Susan Murty

Submissions from 2018


The Benefits of Early Care and Education for Child Welfare-Involved Children: Perspectives from the Field, Sei-Young Lee, Sacha Klein, Brittany Mihalec-Adkins, and Stephanie Benson


Change in Delinquency Over Time Between Adolescents With and Without Maltreatment Experiences: Attachment and the School's Role, Sei-Young Lee, Siyan Rhee, and Margarita Villagrana


Perceived Self-Stigma in the Utilization of Mental Health Services in Foster Care and Post Foster Care Among Foster Care Alumni, Sei-Young Lee, Margarita Villagrana, Cindy Guillen, and Vanessa Macedo


Mental Health Consumer Concept Mapping Of Supportive Community, Steven J. Onken


Aggression In Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Sign Of Deficits In Emotional Regulatory Processes?, Matthew Vasquez and Nicole Miller

Submissions from 2017


Secondary Traumatic Stress And Empowerment Among Social Workers Working With Family Violence Or Sexual Assault Survivors, Ga Young Choi


Understanding Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors Of Korean American Women In Sociocultural Contexts, Ga Young Choi, Eun Koh, Sam Choi, and Ji Young Cho


Intersectionality Between Happiness and Well-Being: A Pilot Study Project in a Midwestern University, Belinda A. Creighton-Smith, Junu Shrestha, Thomas M. Flack, and Theodora Merle Jn Baptiste


Faculty and student perceptions of cheating, Anita M. Gordon, Helen C. Harton, and Emma Welch


Ethnic Differences in Bullying Victimization and Psychological Distress: A Test of an Ecological Model, Sei-Young Lee, Siyon Rhee, and Sook-Hee Jung


Parental Influence on Adolescent Cigarette, Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Focus on Race/Ethnicity and Age, Sei-Young Lee and Margarita Villagrana


Racial and Ethnic Differences in Referral Source for Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions for Youths, Sei-Young Lee and Margarita Villagrana


Challenges And Coping Strategies Of East Asian Graduate Students In The United States, Hyejoon Park, Meng Jung Lee, Ga Young Choi, and Janet S. Zepernick

The Responsibility to Heal: Dr. Richard Clarke Cabot and the Creation of Medical Social Work in the United States, Laura Praglin


Integrating a Trauma-Informed Care Perspective in Baccalaureate Social Work Education: Guiding Principles, Matthew L. Vasquez and Shamra Boel-Studt

Submissions from 2016


Perceptions and predictors of questionable research practices in the biological sciences, Anita M. Gordon and Helen C. Harton


Perceptions and predictors of questionable research practices in the social sciences, Anita M. Gordon and Helen C. Harton


Perceptions of questionable research practices in social work and other disciplines, Anita M. Gordon, Cindy Juby, and Helen C. Harton


Cultural Representations In Walt Disney Films: Implications For Social Work Education, Katherine van Wormer and Cindy Juby


Adopted Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Qualitative Study on Family Processes, Matthew L. Vasquez and Meredith Stensland

Events from 2015


Factors Contributing to Faculty Research Misconduct, Anita Gordon and Helen Harton


University Faculty Perceptions of Research Practices and Misconduct, Anita Gordon and Helen Harton


Perceptions of research misconduct: Pilot data from a national survey, Anita M. Gordon and Helen Harton


University faculty perceptions of research practices and misconduct, Anita M. Gordon and Helen Harton


Accessing Quality Early Care and Education for Children in the Child Welfare System: Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Barriers and Opportunities for Interagency Collaboration, Sei-Young Lee, Stephanie M. Benson, Sacha M. Klein, and Todd M. Franke


Difference in Risk and Protective Factors Between Crossover and Non-Crossover Youth in Juvenile Justice, Sei-Young Lee and Margarita Villagrana


Disability, Gender, and Employment Relationships in Africa: The Case of Ghana, Augustina Naami


Oppression, Katherine van Wormer


Individual and Interpersonal Risk Factors for Physical Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration by Biological Sex and Ethnicity, Matthew L. Vasquez, Lynette M. Renner, and Stephen D. Whitney


Cultural Competence: A Journey to an Elusive Goal, Matthew L. Vasquez, Jeanne A. Saunders, and Motier Haskins

Submissions from 2014


Domestic Violence Against Migrant Women In South Korea: Addressing The Needs Of A Uniquely Situated Victim Population In Domestic Violence Policy, Ga Young Choi and Soo Jung Byoun


Rational and moral perceptions of research misconduct, Anita M. Gordon


Rational Choice And Moral Decision Making In Research, Anita M. Gordon


Rational Choice and Moral Decision-Making in Research, Anita M. Gordon


Intimate Partner Violence Victimization, Maternal Child Maltreatment, And The Mediating Impact Of Changes In Family Structure, Cindy Juby, William Downs, and Barb Rindels


Effectiveness Of An Ongoing, Community-Based Breast Cancer Prevention Program For Korean American Women, Eun Koh, Ga Young Choi, and Ji Young Cho


Breaking The Barriers: Ghanaians' Perspectives About The Social Model, Augustina Naami

Foreword, Katherine Van Wormer

Submissions from 2013


Restorative Justice And Gendered Violence, Anne den Hay and Katherine S. van Wormer

What We Can Learn Of History From Older African American Women Who Worked As Maids In The Deep South, Katherine Van Wormer, David W. Jackson, and Charletta Sudduth


Brazil's Restorative Prisons, Lorenn Walker, Andrew Johnson, and Katherine S. van Wormer

Submissions from 2012


Social Worker Interventions In Situations Of Domestic Violence: What We Can Learn From Survivors Personal Narratives?, June Keeling and Katherine Van Wormer


Testing Psychometric Properties and the Cross-Ethnic Construct Validity of the Risk and Resiliency Checkup, Sei-Young Lee


Perceptions About Disability Among Ghanaian University Students, Augustina Naami and Reiko Hayashi


Learning About Cognitive Dissonance And Race Relations: A Study Of The Personal Narratives Of Older White Southern Women Who Grew Up With Maids, Katherine Van Wormer and Jeannie Falkner

Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Drug Courts And Mental Health Courts: The US Experience, Katherine van Wormer and Saundra Starks


Preparing School Social Work for the Future: An Update of School Social Workers' Tasks in Iowa, Matthew L. Vasquez, Christopher A. Peckover, Stephanie L. Van Housen, Jeanne A. Saunders, and Larry Allen

Submissions from 2011


Organizational Impacts On The Secondary Traumatic Stress Of Social Workers Assisting Family Violence Or Sexual Assault Survivors, Ga Young Choi


Secondary Traumatic Stress Of Service Providers Who Practice With Survivors Of Family Or Sexual Violence: A National Survey Of Social Workers, Ga Young Choi


Postville: The Effects Of An Immigration Raid, Cindy Juby and Laura E. Kaplan


Child Nutrition Policies And Recommendations, Cindy Juby and Erika Elizabeth Meyer


Drugs: Addictions And Trafficking, Katherine van Wormer


What We Can Learn Of Resilience From Older African-American Women: Interviews With Women Who Worked As Maids In The Deep South, Katherine van Wormer, Charletta Sudduth, and David W. Jackson


Revisiting Confidentiality: Observations From Family Therapy Practice, Daniel Paul Wulff, Sally Ann St George, and Fred H. Besthorn

Submissions from 2010


Eco-Spiritual Helping And Postmodern Therapy: A Deeper Ecological Framework, Fred H. Besthorn, Dan Wulff, and Sally St. George


Drug Treatment Within The U.S. Federal Prison System: Are Treatment Needs Being Met?, Katherine Van Wormer and Lance Edwards Persson

Submissions from 2009


Parental Attitude: A Mediating Role In Disciplinary Methods Used By Parents, Cindy Juby


Substance Abuse Program Availability and Child Maltreatment, Cindy Juby


Evaluation of the CSEC Community Intervention Project (CCIP) in Five U.S. Cities, Sei-Young Lee, Kristin M. Ferguson, Haluk Soydan, Alisa Yamanaka, Adam S. Freer, and Bin Xie


Women On Parole: Understanding The Impact Of Surveillance, Tara D. Opsal