UNI Department of Psychology Faculty Publications | Faculty Work | University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Publications


Publications written by faculty and staff in the Department of Psychology at the University of Northern Iowa.


Submissions from 2024


Important Mechanisms in the Development of Anxiety in Children with ADHD: The Role of Associated Features of ADHD and Interpersonal Functioning, Helena F. Alacha, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Sara J. Bufferd


Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Learning Effectiveness in College Students with ADHD Symptoms, Helena F. Alacha, Fayth C. Walbridge, Helen C. Harton, John M. Vasko, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Yvette Rother, and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Disruptive Behaviors and Aggression, H. F. Alacha, E. K. Lefler, and C. M. Hartung


Borderline Personality Disorder Subtypes and Public Stigma, Seth A. Brown


Psychological Traits and Public Attitudes Towards Abortion: The Role of Empathy, Locus of Control, and Need for Cognition, Jiuqing Cheng, Ping Xu, and Chloe Thostenson


In the Mix: A Workshop Merging Computational Chemistry and Electrochemistry Alongside Data Science, Rebekah Duke, Amelia Sweet, Nathan C. Stumme, Ramin Ordikhani-Seyedlar, Souradeep Chattopadhyay, Chih Hsuan Yang, Hsin Jung Yang, Anton S. Perera, Lisa Green, Kyle Endres, Mary E. Losch, and Baskar Ganapathysubramanian


Experimenting with QR Codes and Envelope Size in Push-to-Web Surveys, Kyle Endres, Erin O. Heiden, Ki Park, Mary E. Losch, Karisa K. Harland, and Anne L. Abbott


Emotional Dysregulation in Emerging Adult ADHD: A Key Consideration in Explaining and Classifying Impairment and Co-Occurring Internalizing Problems, Patrick K. Goh, Ashlyn W.W. Ashlyn, Da Eun Suh, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Yvette Rother, Cynthia M. Hartung, and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Effect of Teacher Social Support on Students’ Emotions and Learning Engagement: A U.S.-Chinese Classroom Investigation, Moyi Jia and Jiuqing Cheng


Self-Administered Mindfulness Interventions Reduce Stress in a Large, Randomized Controlled Multi-Site Study, Alessandro Sparacio, Hans IJzerman, Ivan Ropovik, Filippo Giorgini, Christoph Spiessens, Bert N. Uchino, Joshua Landvatter, Tracey Tacana, Sandra J. Diller, Jaye L. Derrick, Joahana Segundo, Jace D. Pierce, Robert M. Ross, Zoë Francis, Amanda LaBoucane, Christine Ma-Kellams, Maire B. Ford, Kathleen Schmidt, Celia C. Wong, Wendy C. Higgins, Bryant M. Stone, Samantha K. Stanley, Gianni Ribeiro, Paul T. Fuglestad, Valerie Jaklin, Andrea Kübler, Philipp Ziebell, Crystal L. Jewell, Yulia Kovas, and Tenzin Urgyen


Correction: Self-Administered Mindfulness Interventions Reduce Stress in a Large, Randomized Controlled Multi-Site Study, Alessandro Sparacio, Hans IJzerman, Ivan Ropovik, Filippo Giorgini, Christoph Spiessens, Bert N. Uchino, Joshua Landvatter, Tracey Tacana, Sandra J. Diller, Jaye L. Derrick, Joahana Segundo, Jace D. Pierce, and Tenzin Urgyen


Ambiguity Preference in Waiting Time: Investigating the Desirability Effect and the Interplay of Temporal Description, Outcome Category, and Evaluation Mode, Ping Xu, Jiuqing Cheng, Xianyue Shang, and Zhixian Jin


Vulnerable Communities in the Face of Heat: A Pilot Study on Perceptions, Behaviors, and Support Networks During Heat Events, Tian Yao, Michael C. Dorneich, Ulrike Passe, Nicholas Schwab, Mary Losch, Caroline C. Krejci, and Jeremy Caron

Submissions from 2023


Positive Illusory Bias and Self-Handicapping in Adults with ADHD: A Scoping Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Research and Clinical Practice, Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Laura E. Knouse, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Low Standards Yet Disappointed: Adhd Symptoms And Experiential Avoidance In College Students, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan, Caroline E. Hough, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Michael C. Meinzer, and Kevin M. Antshel


Are The “Big 5” Personality Traits Associated With Substance Use Self-Stigma?, Seth A. Brown and I.


Is A Genetic Diathesis For Poor Nutrition Becoming More Crucial Due To The Uniformity Of Covid Social Stress?, M. Catherine DeSoto


Correction: Producer and Consumer Perspectives on Supporting and Diversifying Local Food Systems in Central Iowa, Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson, and Ulrike Passe


Producer and Consumer Perspectives on Supporting and Diversifying Local Food Systems in Central Iowa, Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson, and Ulrike Passe


On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions, Helen C. Harton, Michael Schaerer, Christilene Du Plessis, My Hoang Bao Nguyen, Robbie C.M.Van Aert, Leo Tiokhin, Daniel Lakens, Elena Giulia Clemente, Thomas Pfeiffer, Anna Dreber, Magnus Johannesson, Cory J. Clark, and Eric Luis Uhlmann

Negative Judgments About Beautiful Women’s Sex Lives And Self-Esteem, Robert T. Hitlan, Reza Shabahang, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Mara S. Aruguete, Wendy Wolfe, and Mark Rivardo


Professor And Peer Perceptions Of Requests For Academic Accommodations In College: An Examination Of Adhd And Specific Learning Disorder, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Helena F. Alacha, Brendan M. Weed, Chloe J. Reeble, and Anna M. Garner


Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in Psychological Research: Exploring Data Trends & Researcher Opinions, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Jennifer Tabler, Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan, Anne E. Stevens, Judah W. Serrano, Christopher R. Shelton, and Cynthia M. Hartung


An Agent-Based Model of Agricultural Land Use in Support of Local Food Systems, Poojan Sanjay Patel, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas G. Schwab, and Michael C. Dorneich


Social Support In College Students With Adhd Symptoms: Quantity Beats Quality In Moderating Impairment, Chloe J. Reeble, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Tamara Abu-Ramadan, Elizabeth A. Bodalski, and Will H. Canu


Transitioning To College With Adhd: A Qualitative Examination Of Parental Support And The Renegotiation Of The Parent-Child Relationship, Anne E. Stevens, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Judah W. Serrano, and Cynthia M. Hartung

Submissions from 2022


Cultural Inertia: Framework Of Change And Intergroup Relations, Angel Armenta, Miriam J. Alvarez, Rafael Aguilera, Robert Hitlan, Christopher Federico, and Michael A. Zárate


Occupational Characteristics Of Psychology Baccalaureate Graduates, Adam Butler and Michael Gasser


“I’ll Be There With You”: Social Influence And Cultural Emergence At The Capitol On January 6, Helen C. Harton, Matthew Gunderson, and Martin J. Bourgeois


Predictors Of Transgender Prejudice: A Meta-Analysis, Hailey A. Hatch, Ruth H. Warner, Kristin A. Broussard, and Helen C. Harton


Ten Simple Rules To Ruin A Collaborative Environment, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Robyn L. Allscheid, Albert Boaitey, Todd Bauman, Edward S. Buckler, Jennifer L. Clarke, Christopher Cullis, Jack Dekkers, Cassandra J. Dorius, Shawn F. Dorius, David Ertl, Matthew Homann, Guiping Hu, Mary Losch, Eric Lyons, Brenda Murdoch, Zahra Katy Navabi, Somashekhar Punnuri, Fahad Rafiq, James M. Reecy, Patrick S. Schnable, Nicole M. Scott, Moira Sheehan, Xavier Sirault, Margaret Staton, Christopher K. Tuggle, Alison Van Eenennaam, and Rachael Voas


Sex Differences In Adhd Symptoms, Problematic Gaming, And Impairment In College Students, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Helena F. Alacha, John M. Vasko, Judah W. Serrano, Alison Looby, Kate Flory, and Cynthia M. Hartung


The Effect Of Risk On Intertemporal Choice And Preference Reversal, Ping Xu, Jiuqing Cheng, and Hui Sang

Submissions from 2021


Negative Halo Effects In Parent Ratings Of Adhd, Odd, And Cd, Helena F. Alacha and Elizabeth K. Lefler


College Readiness: Differences Between First-Year Undergraduates With And Without Adhd, Will Canu, Anne E. Stevens, Loren Ranson, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Patrick LaCount, Judah W. Serrano, Erik Willcutt, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Overestimating Covid-19 Mortality: Differential Findings Based On Support For Trump Versus Biden, M. Catherine Desoto


Social Desirability And The Celebrity Attitude Scale, Robert T. Hitlan, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Adam Volungis, Anupama Joshi, C. Brendan Clark, and Marta Pena


Emotional Experiences In The Workplace: Biological Sex, Supervisor Nonverbal Behaviors, And Subordinate Susceptibility To Emotional Contagion, Moyi Jia and Jiuqing Cheng


Promoting Mental Health On Social Media: A Content Analysis Of Organizational Tweets, Ran Ju, Moyi Jia, and Jiuqing Cheng


Unique Considerations In The Assessment Of Adhd In College Students, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Kate Flory, Will H. Canu, Erik G. Willcutt, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Work–Family Crossover: A Meta-Analytic Review., Andrew Li, Russell Cropanzano, Adam Butler, Ping Shao, and Mina Westman


Relations Among Protective Behavioral Strategies, Biological Sex, And Adhd Symptoms On Alcohol Use And Related Problems: Who Benefits Most, And From What Type Of Strategy?, Alison Looby, Mark A. Prince, John M. Vasko, Lauren Zimmerman, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Kate Flory, Will Canu, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Local Decision-Makers’ Perspectives On Roadside Revegetation And Management In Iowa, USA, Kristine Nemec, Andrew Stephenson, Eva Aizpurua Gonzalez, and Mary Losch


The Influence Of Gain-Loss Framing And Its Interaction With Political Ideology On Social Distancing And Mask Wearing Compliance During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Jordan Steffen and Jiuqing Cheng


Iowa Urban Fews: Integrating Social And Biophysical Models For Exploration Of Urban Food, Energy, And Water Systems, Jan Thompson, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Wei Chen, Michael Dorneich, Philip Gassman, Caroline Krejci, Matthew Liebman, Ajay Nair, Ulrike Passe, Nicholas Schwab, Kurt Rosentrater, Tiffanie Stone, Yiming Wang, and Yuyu Zhou


Individual Differences In Social Distancing And Mask-Wearing In The Pandemic Of Covid-19: The Role Of Need For Cognition, Self-Control And Risk Attitude, Ping Xu and Jiuqing Cheng

Submissions from 2020


The Effectiveness Of Two Potential Mass Media Interventions On Stigma: Video-Recorded Social Contact And Audio/Visual Simulations, Seth Brown


Psychometric Properties Of The Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale: Evidence For Utility In Research, Assessment, And Treatment Of Adhd In Emerging Adults, Will Canu, Cynthia M. Hartung, Anne E. Stevens, and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Regional Differences In Use Of Immune-Modulating Catechins Should Be Investigated Regarding Covid-19, M. Catherine DeSoto

Social Exclusion And Health: The Buffering Effects Of Perceived Social Support, Robert T. Hitlan


Sex and Gender in Psychopathology, Elizabeth K. Lefler and Cynthia M. Hartung


Changes In College Student Endorsement Of Adhd Symptoms Across DSM Edition, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Anne E. Stevens, Anna M. Garner, Judah W. Serrano, Will H. Canu, and Cynthia M. Hartung


Decision Experience In Hyperchoice: The Role Of Numeracy And Age Differences, Natasha Peterson and Jiuqing Cheng


Perceptions Of The Police: The Role Of Need For Cognition And Numeracy, Carolyn Pham and Jiuqing Cheng


Effects Of Perceived Risk And Patient Anxiety On Intention To Use Community Healthcare Services In A Big Modern City, Hui Sang and Jiuqing Cheng


Traumatic Experiences And Mental Health Risk For Refugees, Victoria A. Schlaudt, Rahel Bosson, Monnica D. Williams, Benjamin German, Lisa M. Hooper, Virginia Frazier, Ruth Carrico, and Julio Ramirez

Submissions from 2019


The Relationship Between An Alternative Form Of Cognitive Reflection Test And Intertemporal Choice, Jiuqing Cheng and Cassidy Janssen


The Relationship Between an Alternative Form of Cognitive Reflection Test and Intertemporal Choice, Jiuqing Cheng and Cassidy Janssen


An Exploratory Study About Koreans’ Attitudes Towards Counselling Services, Seong In Choi and Nahree Doh


Multicultural Counseling In South Korea: Exploration And Development Of Culture-Specific Competence Indicators, Seong In Choi and Soohyun La


Sex And Gender In Psychopathology: DSM-5 And Beyond, Cynthia M. Hartung and Elizabeth K. Lefler


DSM-5 And Other Symptom Thresholds For Adhd: Which Is The Best Predictor Of Impairment In College Students?, Cynthia M. Hartung, Elizabeth K. Lefler, Will H. Canu, Anne E. Stevens, Maryanne Jaconis, Patrick A. LaCount, Christopher R. Shelton, Daniel R. Leopold, and Erik G. Willcutt


Maternal Parenting Style And Internalizing And Adhd Symptoms In College Students, Anne Stevens, Will H. Canu, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Cynthia M. Hartung


The Effect Of Anger On Variety Seeking For Consumers Of Differing Socio-Economic Backgrounds, Jinling Zhao, Carla Childers, Hui Sang, Jiuqing Cheng, and Ronaldo Vigo

Submissions from 2018


The Mediating Role Of Self-Criticism In The Relationship Between Parental Expressed Emotion And NSSI, Brooke A. Ammerman and Seth Brown


The Interactive Role Of Eating Regulation And Stress In The Prediction Of Weight-Related Outcomes Among College Students, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla, Amanda W. Arnold, Karla P. Teel, Pamela V. Ulrich, and Sareen S. Gropper


Tattoo Or Taboo? Tattoo Stigma And Negative Attitudes Toward Tattooed Individuals, Kristin A. Broussard and Helen C. Harton


Unpacking Decision Difficulty: Testing Action Dynamics In Intertemporal, Gamble, And Consumer Choices, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo


Discounting Or Intra-Attribute Comparison: A Review Of Choice Mechanism In Intertemporal Choice, Jiuqing Cheng, Shennan Liang, and Cassidy Janssen

Relative Size Processing Performance In 8th Grade: Testing The Role Of Gender, Region And Teachers' Academic Rating, Jiuqing Cheng and Yao Tang


Gender Comparisons Of Young Adults’ Eating Behavior Regulation: Re-Examination Of The Regulation Of Eating Behavior Scale (REBS), Tessa Hamilton, Jessica Hoffman, Dilbur Arsiwalla, Robert Volpe, Ellyn Schmidt, and Sareen Gropper


Transdisciplinary Graduate Training In Predictive Plant Phenomics, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Theodore J. Heindel, Patrick S. Schnable, Stephanie J. Strong, Jill Wittrock, Mary E. Losch, and Julie A. Dickerson


Transdisciplinary Graduate Training in Predictive Plant Phenomics, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Theodore J. Heindel, Patrick S. Schnable, Stephanie J. Strong, Jill Wittrock, Mary E. Losch, and Julie A. Dickerson

Submissions from 2017


Associations Between Romantic Relationship Attachment And Health Among Young Adults: The Mediating Role Of Sleep And Emotion Regulation, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla

The Role Of Alcohol Consumption And Romantic Attachment Insecurity As Risk Factors For Disrupted Sleep And Emotion Regulation Among Underage And Young Adult Drinkers, Dilbur D. Arsiwalla


The Effects Of Direct-To-Consumer-Advertising On Mental Illness Beliefs And Stigma, Seth A. Brown


Action Dynamics in Intertemporal Choice Reveal Different Facets of Decision Process, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo


Workplace Emotion and Communication: Supervisor Nonverbal Immediacy, Employee’s Emotional Experience, and Their Communication Motives, Jiuqing Cheng, Moyi Jia, and Claudia L. Hale

Training Students With T-Shaped Interdisciplinary Studies In Predictive Plant Phenomics, Julie A. Dickerson, Theodore J. Heindel, Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill, Patrick S. Schnable, Jill Wittrock, and Mary E. Losch

Introduction, Jayne Gackenbach


Faculty and student perceptions of cheating, Anita M. Gordon, Helen C. Harton, and Emma Welch


Balancing Research, Teaching, Clinical Work, and Family: Nine Suggestions for Young Professionals, Elizabeth K. Lefler


Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, Rachel E. Meisinger and Elizabeth K. Lefler


2X1. UNI Teacher Preparation: Iowa Principals’ Perceptions, Victoria Robinson and Mary Losch


Adhd Symptomology And Social Functioning In College Students, Gina M. Sacchetti and Elizabeth K. Lefler


Is High Folic Acid Intake A Risk Factor For Autism?—A Review, Darrell Wiens and M. Catherine Desoto

Submissions from 2016


Attribute-Wise vs. Alternative-Wise Mechanism in Intertemporal Choice: Testing the Proportional Difference, Trade-off, and Hyperbolic Models, Jiuqing Cheng and Claudia González-Vallejo


Interpretive Reliability Of Six Computer-Based Test Interpretation Programs For The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2, Mark A. Deskovitz, Nathan C. Weed, Joseph K. McLaughlan, and John E. Williams


Speculations On Vitamin K, Vkorc1 Genotype And Autism, M. C. DeSoto


Suppression Of Women's Cortisol Variance: Depression Doesn't Mediate The Sex Difference, M. Catherine DeSoto


Perceptions and predictors of questionable research practices in the biological sciences, Anita M. Gordon and Helen C. Harton


Perceptions and predictors of questionable research practices in the social sciences, Anita M. Gordon and Helen C. Harton


Perceptions of questionable research practices in social work and other disciplines, Anita M. Gordon, Cindy Juby, and Helen C. Harton


Linguistic Ostracism Causes Prejudice: Support For A Serial Mediation Effect, Robert Thomas Hitlan, Michael A. Zárate, Kristine M. Kelly, and M. Catherine DeSoto


Sex Differences In Claimed And Behavioral Self-Handicapping And Adhd Symptomatology In Emerging Adults, Maryanne Jaconis, Stephen J. Boyd, Cynthia M. Hartung, Sean M. McCrea, Elizabeth K. Lefler, and Will H. Canu


Disruptive Behaviors And Aggression, E. K. Lefler and C. M. Hartung


Clustering Of Worry Appraisals Among College Students, Nicholas G. Schwab, Jerry C. Cullum, and Helen C. Harton


Adhd Stigma Among College Students, Amanda Chi Thompson and Elizabeth K. Lefler

Submissions from 2015


“Baby? Baby Not?”: Exploring Women’s Narratives About Ambivalence Towards An Unintended Pregnancy, Natoshia M. Askelson, Mary E. Losch, Lindsey J. Thomas, and Julie C. Reynolds


Stigma Towards Marijuana Users And Heroin Users, Seth A. Brown