This is a collection of Open Access Books written by faculty, staff, and students at the University of Northern Iowa.
This collection is a subset of the larger Open Educational Resources collection.
To view the OER Textbooks created by UNI faculty and staff, go to the Open Textbooks @ UNI collection.
Critical Writing About Literature
Erika L. Bass
This free custom textbook includes openly-licensed and public domain works for the University of Northern Iowa course ENGLISH 2120: Critical Writing about Literature. It introduces readers to the knowledge and skills necessary to critically read, interpret, and analyze literature. The editor--Dr. Erika L. Bass--chose these readings to orient readers to important concepts and literature genres, as well as develop writing skills. While these chapters were chosen from other OER textbooks, I took care in selecting the chapters that are relevant to course objectives and will help students transfer skills from one class to the next, regardless of major. -- Provided by the publisher
Grant Writing: The Essentials
Jayme Renfro
Welcome to the exciting and impactful world of grant writing! Whether you are a student embarking on a career in nonprofit management, a budding researcher eager to secure funding for your projects, or a professional looking to hone your grant writing skills, this textbook is designed to guide you through every step of the grant writing process. Grant writing is not just about securing funds; it's about crafting a story, building relationships, and making a tangible impact on communities and fields of study. This book aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and insights needed to excel in this rewarding field.
The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies
Amy Erdman Farrell and Susan E. Hill
The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies is a key reference work in contemporary scholarship situated at the intersection between Gender and Fat Studies, charting the connections and tensions between these two fields.
Comprising over 20 chapters from a range of diverse and international contributors, the Reader is structured around the following key themes: theorizing gender and fat; narrating gender and fat; historicizing gender and fat; institutions and public policy; health and medicine; popular culture and media; and resistance. It is an intersectional collection, highlighting the ways that "gender" and "fat" always exist in connection with multiple other structures, forms of oppression, and identities, including race, ethnicity, sexualities, age, nationalities, disabilities, religion, and class. -- Provided by the publisher
The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies is essential reading for scholars and advanced students in Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, Sociology, Body Studies, Cultural Studies, Psychology, and Health.
A Brief History of Kappa Delta Pi, Psi Chapter
Stephen J. Fortgang and Becky W. Hawbaker
The Psi Chapter at the Iowa State Teachers College (ISTC) was the twenty-third KDP chapter, installed on August 7th, 1923. Mabel I. Payne, the Secretary/Treasurer of the National KDP organization was in attendance as the installation officer. Eight other chapters were installed that year, and by its 25th anniversary in 1936, KDP had grown to 106 chapters nationally. Early members of the Psi Chapter included the State Teacher’s College President Homer Seerley as an honorary member and Dr. E. O. Finkbender of the Department of Education, who became the chapter counselor.
Methods of Teaching Early Literacy
Nandita Gurjar, Sohyun Meacham, and Constance Beecher
Theories, teaching strategies, and instructional materials pertinent to teaching reading and writing in grades PK-3, with an emphasis on integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as integration across content areas while addressing diversity and inclusion. -- Provided by the publisher
Cornerstone: 2023-2024 [2nd edition]
Nikki Harken, Deb Young, Sadé Barfield, and Scott Bredman
The Cornerstone textbook is a free, custom textbook for you, published by Rod Library. It is a compilation of materials from more than six free, openly-licensed textbooks. Your Cornerstone instructors carefully selected the best of the best for your course! -- Provided by the publisher
Aural Training and Sight Singing Supplement for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource [2023]
Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley
This supplement was designed to help students build a strong foundation in aural training and sight singing by progressing through the core rhythmic and melodic patterns that are found in music. Through the progression of content, students will build skills in pattern recognition and an understanding of how music functions. Rhythms for each section include single and two-part examples as well as pitched examples for use in aural training. Melodies for each section include single line melodies, canons, duets, and chorales. Melodies were designed to be easily accessible for students with basic keyboard skills, and were written without articulation and dynamic markings to allow students and instructors the flexibility to personalize them. -- Provided by the publisher
Graduate Research Project Guide: Secondary Data Analysis
Sei-Young Lee and Siyon Rhee
This Open Educational Resource (OER) book presents a step-by-step guide to help graduate students complete a Master’s thesis or a graduate research project paper for those who conduct research using a secondary dataset. Almost all graduate programs require a Master’s thesis/graduate research project as a graduate requirement. However, it is not easy for students to complete a thesis/research project since it requires a mastery of knowledge and skills through the integration of research methodology and statistics. Both research methodology and statistics are not easy subjects for students as well as researchers. Nonetheless, books or other published materials that combine both research methodology and statistics are rare mainly due to the magnitude of information and the difficulty of both subjects. As instructors who have supervised graduate students’ research projects for over 20 years, we understood the struggles and challenges students often face in the process of completing their theses/projects. -- Provided by the publisher
Communication for College, Career, and Civic Life
Ryan McGeough, C. Kyle Rudick, Danielle Dick McGeough, and Kathryn B. Golsan
To address the challenges facing us as a society and a species, students must develop a robust set of skills, ethics, and dispositions that help them work with others to promote justice, peace, and equity. This OER, in promoting a robust set of communication skills, will serve as a foundational preparation for students who want to be successful in their education, careers, and civic lives.
Bilingual Baby: Confessions of a Latina Woman
Karina Ortiz
Traveler --- 1
Papi --- 2
La madre mía --- 3
Paterson --- 4
But We Were Happy --- 5
Lake Days --- 6
Pine Island Weekends --- 7
Corn State --- 8
Mac and Cheese --- 9
More Than Disease --- 10
Stepmom --- 12
Deep Dive --- 13
Tus lunares --- 15
Radiant --- 16
Ode to the Wasp --- 17
Rainstorm --- 18
Cycles --- 19
Maldición generacional --- 20
Bebé bilingüe --- 21 -
Public Administration: The Essentials
Jayme L. Renfro
Public Administration: The Essentials provides students with the conceptual foundation they need for an introduction to the field of public administration. This OER textbook covers the most critical issues in the field through the use of classic texts and theory as well as through modern examples. -- Provided by the publisher
Elements of Creative Writing
Grant Tracey, Rachel Morgan, and Jeremy Schraffenberger
This free and open access textbook introduces new writers to some basic elements of the craft of creative writing. The authors—Rachel Morgan, Jeremy Schraffenberger, and Grant Tracey—are editors of the North American Review, the oldest and one of the most well-regarded literary magazines in the United States. We’ve selected nearly all of our readings and examples from writing that has appeared in our pages over the years. Because we had a hand in publishing these pieces originally, our perspective as editors permeates this book. As such, we hope that even seasoned writers might gain insight into the aesthetics of our magazine as we analyze and discuss some reasons we think this work is so remarkable—and therefore teachable. -- Provided by the publisher
Foraging Dubuque: A Guide to Foraging in Dubuque County
Hailey Wedewer
This book come into fruition only a few weeks into my 11 month Green Iowa AmeriCorps service term with Dubuque County Conservation. All Green Iowa AmeriCorps's members are required to complete a Personal Development Project over the course of their service term. This project must relate to either the mission of GIA or of the host site. Dubuque County Conservation's vision is "to engage the community's stewardship and enjoyment of its natural resources."
When brainstorming possible project ideas, I knew I wanted to choose something I knew little about, but wanted to learn more about. I had been wanting to get into foraging, and I decided this was the perfect opportunity. I have spent my 11 months at Dubuque County learning about foraging.
This book is intended to get you started on your foraging journey, but by no means should be your only resource. I cannot cover every edible species in depth, but have chosen a small selection to go into detail about. All my sources and some recommended ones are in the back of this book. Consult them if curious about any other species in this book. I hope this book gets you some basic information that gets you excited to dive into the world of foraging. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: DO NOT eat anything you are not 100% sure of what it is. This book is intended to be a guide to start your foraging journey, but should not be your only resource. Proper identification is your responsibility. Use multiple resources to confirm what you are harvesting is safe to eat. Every body is different, some plants can cause reactions even when perfectly safe to consume. Consult a doctor before consuming, especially if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, are taking prescription drugs, have an existing medical condition or allergy.
Semillas [Seeds]: Elementary Spanish I
Giovanni Zimotti, Rachel Klevar, Eden Jones, and Gabriela Olivares-Chat
Semillas: Elementary Spanish I is a comprehensive introductory Spanish open-access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice. To ensure that our textbook is diverse and inclusive we have built a team of writers who cross gender, age, and nationality. We have consulted with people whose voices represent diverse demographic segments of the Spanish-speaking world to include a plurality of pronunciations and appearances. This textbook underwent a rigorous review process that included professionals from more than ten higher education organizations in the United States.
Cornerstone: 2022-2023 [1st edition]
Nikki Harken and Deb Young
The Cornerstone textbook is a free, custom textbook for you, published by Rod Library. It is a compilation of materials from more than six free, openly-licensed textbooks. Your Cornerstone instructors carefully selected the best of the best for your course! -- Provided by the publisher
Aural Training and Sight Singing Supplement for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource [2022]
Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley
This supplement was designed to help students build a strong foundation in aural training and sight singing by progressing through the core rhythmic and melodic patterns that are found in music. Through the progression of content, students will build skills in pattern recognition and an understanding of how music functions. Rhythms for each section include single and two-part examples as well as pitched examples for use in aural training. Melodies for each section include single line melodies, canons, duets, and chorales. Melodies were designed to be easily accessible for students with basic keyboard skills, and were written without articulation and dynamic markings to allow students and instructors the flexibility to personalize them. -- Provided by the publisher
Comprehensive Musicianship, A Practical Resource
Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley
This OER presents an integrated suite of learning resources developed for the core music theory and musicianship curriculum at the University of Northern Iowa School of Music. It provides a more comprehensive symbiosis of musicianship and music theory learning than can be found in existing textbooks, including engaging and progressive video demonstrations and interactive listening and vocal exercises that integrate musical knowledge with foundational musical skills. This OER affords the flexibility to shape core musicianship and music theory learning to meet the needs of changing School of Music demographics well into the future, a resource for innovative and inviting music programs accessible to all. -- Provided by the publisher
Workbook for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource
Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Schwabe, and Daniel Swilley
This workbook is a supplement to Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource. Each workbook chapter corresponds to the equivalent chapter in the textbook, and is designed to facilitate the exploration and mastery of the concepts presented through a variety of exercises. Exercises contained in the workbook consist of musical analysis and writing drills, presented both in isolated examples and in context in musical literature, as well as the application of music theory concepts through composition exercises. These exercises can be used as class examples as well as homework assignments. -- Provided by the publisher
All About the Prairie: Coloring Book of Plants, Animals, and Insects Native to Iowa Prairies
Brianna Hull
A coloring book with drawings of plants, animals, and insects that are native to Iowa. Includes the common and Latin names of the species as well as the Meskwaki names for some. -- Provided by the publisher
Social Nonsense: Creative Diversions for Two or More Players - Anytime, Anywhere
Doug Shaw
This amusing book by Dr. Doug Shaw (American) is the finest in our collection. It consists of a collection of whimsical pastimes that encourage the creation of stories and art. -- provided by the publisher.
Fall 2018, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Spring 2018, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Summer 2018, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
S.T.O.R.I.E. Time, Spring Semester 2018
University of Northern Iowa. Human Relations: Awareness and Applications (Spring 2018)
Seniors Teach Others Real Intergenerational Experiences (S.T.O.R.I.E.)
Teacher Education Majors at the University of Northern Iowa are matched with senior adults residing at Western Home Communities. During their ten one-hour meetings, the students and residents are guided in their discussions by the book Gratitude: Affirming One Another through Stories (2013) written by UNI Emeritus Faculty, Dr. Len Froyen. Through conversations and stories, the seniors of both generations are enhancing their understanding, compassion and acceptance of each other. S.T.O.R.I.E. Time gives the seniors a chance to choose a story together that will be written for the book.
Fall 2017, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Spring 2017, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Summer 2017, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Beauty Outside Our Doors: Conservation Stories of Black Hawk County
University of Northern Iowa. Environmental Literature (Spring 2017).
Beauty Outside Our Doors collects stories, poems, essays, and interviews with people of Black Hawk County, Iowa, giving voice to their relationship to the land, in their own words. From beekeeping to family farms to kayaking down the Cedar River and nature therapy, this work serves as a witness to the beauty to be found here—and the challenges we still face as citizens and lovers of the natural world.
Published as a collaboration between the Soil and Water Conservation District and students in the Spring 2017 Environmental Literature class at the University of Northern Iowa, this unique anthology invites you to open its pages to experience and honor the people and the land of Black Hawk County.
S.T.O.R.I.E. Time, Fall Semester 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Human Relations: Awareness and Applications (Fall 2017)
Seniors Teach Others Real Intergenerational Experiences (S.T.O.R.I.E.)
Teacher Education Majors at the University of Northern Iowa are matched with senior adults residing at Western Home Communities. During their ten one-hour meetings, the students and residents are guided in their discussions by the book Gratitude: Affirming One Another through Stories (2013) written by UNI Emeritus Faculty, Dr. Len Froyen. Through conversations and stories, the seniors of both generations are enhancing their understanding, compassion and acceptance of each other. S.T.O.R.I.E. Time gives the seniors a chance to choose a story together that will be written for the book.
S.T.O.R.I.E. Time, Spring Semester 2017
University of Northern Iowa. Human Relations: Awareness and Applications (Spring 2017)
Seniors Teach Others Real Intergenerational Experiences (S.T.O.R.I.E.)
Teacher Education Majors at the University of Northern Iowa are matched with senior adults residing at Western Home Communities. During their ten one-hour meetings, the students and residents are guided in their discussions by the book Gratitude: Affirming One Another through Stories (2013) written by UNI Emeritus Faculty, Dr. Len Froyen. Through conversations and stories, the seniors of both generations are enhancing their understanding, compassion and acceptance of each other. S.T.O.R.I.E. Time gives the seniors a chance to choose a story together that will be written for the book.
Running Past the Trees: Facing Childhood and Adolescence in Iowa's Cedar Valley
University of Northern Iowa. Two-Dimensional Concepts (Spring 2017).
This anthology is the result of a service-learning project supported by The Facing Project. Students enrolled in Two-Dimensional Concepts, a foundations art course at the University of Northern Iowa, and K-12 authors at the Waterloo Writing Project collaborated over the course of a semester through shared stories, conversations, and illustrations. The authors provided stories of their experiences and memories growing up in the Cedar Valley and were partnered with first year UNI art students who took inspiration from the authors' writings to create accompanying illustrations.
Compliance Calendar/Logbook for Bulk Gasoline Plants: Less than 19,999 Gallons/Day Throughput
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
EPA has new requirements for Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Gasoline Plants and Pipeline Facilities under 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart BBBBBB (NESHAP 6B) to reduce air pollution. This calendar has been developed to assist Bulk Gasoline Plants in complying with NESHAP 6B. Additional Iowa specific NESHAP 6B rules are discussed later.
Compliance Calendar/Logbook for Bulk Gasoline Plants: Less that 19,999 Gallons/Day Throughput
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
EPA has requirements for Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Gasoline Plants and Pipeline Facilities under 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart BBBBBB (NESHAP 6B) to reduce air pollution. This calendar has been developed to assist Bulk Gasoline Plants in complying with NESHAP 6B. Additional Iowa specific NESHAP 6B rules are discussed later.
Environmental Recordkeeping Calendar for Drycleaning Facilities
Iowa Waste Reduction Center and Iowa. Department of Natural Resources
The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program (IAEAP) at the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC), supported by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), is pleased to present the 2016-2017 Environmental Recordkeeping Calendar for Dry Cleaning Facilities. The use of hazardous chemicals in the dry cleaning process, including perchloroethylene (commonly known as perc), can pose safety and environmental concerns if not managed appropriately. In an effort to minimize these concerns state and federal regulations are in place that may apply to your facility. These regulations have been developed to ensure your business operations will not unexpectedly harm the environment or individuals. The use of this calendar will assist you in implementing and tracking your business's efforts to comply with hazardous waste regulations and the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for dry cleaners (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart M). NESHAP records must be kept at your facility for 5 years and the hazardous waste records for 3 years. The calendar will allow you to: • Record results of required leak checks and equipment monitoring; • Maintain records for refrigerated condensers and adsorbers; • Track perc purchases and annual usage; • Document monthly hazardous waste generation; and • Organize and document compliance in the event of a DNR or EPA inspection. While this calendar is not inclusive of all environmental regulations that may apply to your facility, it will serve as a good starting point for tracking important information related to environmental compliance.
Fall 2016, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Spring 2016, Anthology, UNI Literacy Clinic
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Summer 2016, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
The Make Cook Do Book
University of Northern Iowa. Department of Languages and Literatures., Jennifer Cooley, and Caitlin Agrosinger
During the spring and fall semesters of 2016, UNI students collaborated with adult Learners in English classes at the YWCA in Waterloo, Iowa as language partners. The stories below are just a sample of all the different backgrounds and talents that the adult English Learners brought to the collaboration. At the end of the fall 2016 semester, the YWCA students were invited to write about their past, present and/or future and, if they wanted to, about their family as well. (The document that prompted them to share their ideas is on the first page!) UNI students offered assistance, as needed, to help the YWCA students craft their stories. Students were also invited to share fabric from their home countries. These fragments of cloth inspired the patterns on the book cover and throughout its pages. We present this text as a means to join together words and images that linked students from around the world as partners in Learning.
S.T.O.R.I.E. Time, Fall Semester 2016
University of Northern Iowa. Human Relations: Awareness and Applications (Fall 2016).
Seniors Teach Others Real Intergenerational Experiences (S.T.O.R.I.E.)
Teacher Education Majors at the University of Northern Iowa are matched with senior adults residing at Western Home Communities. During their ten one-hour meetings, the students and residents are guided in their discussions by the book Gratitude: Affirming One Another through Stories (2013) written by UNI Emeritus Faculty, Dr. Len Froyen. Through conversations and stories, the seniors of both generations are enhancing their understanding, compassion and acceptance of each other. S.T.O.R.I.E. Time gives the seniors a chance to choose a story together that will be written for the book.
Reflections of Learning & Leading
University of Northern Iowa. Human Relations: Awareness and Applications (Spring 2016).
Conversations and stories collected by the Spring 2016 Human Relations class taught by Kathy Oakland at the University of Northern Iowa.
Conversations & Stories: Acceptance, hardship, friendship, work, hospitality, serendipity, passion, misfortune, kindness, weather, waiting, imagination, forgiveness and gratitude.
Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Manual
Josh Brandt, Kirk Henderson, Jim Uthe, and Maria Urice
The objective of this publication is to provide basic technical support for new and existing Iowa county roadside programs. The manual is also intended to provide guidance to policymakers and engineers interested in adopting or expanding integrated vegetation management in county right-of-way.
Invention through Form and Function Analogy
Audrey C. Rule
Invention through Form and Function Analogy is an invention book for teachers and other leaders working with youth who are involving students in the invention process. The book consists of an introduction and set of nine learning cycle formatted lessons for teaching the principles of invention through the science and engineering design principles of form and function. An appendix contains sets of color, illustrated cards to be printed onto cardstock paper and used for sorting and sequencing activities during the lessons. This set of lessons has been field-tested with elementary and middle school students by teachers and was improved through the peer review process. The introduction section of the book addresses metaphors, analogies, and the use of form and function analogies in problem-solving and innovations. Human need related to invention and cultural universals are also discussed. Lessons address the following topics: 1) Identifying forms and functions of objects; 2) Forms and functions of the human hand; 3) Forms and functions of the body extended with tools; 4) Extending the body to serve basic human needs; 5) Tools related to forms and functions of the mouth; 6) Historical perspective of inventions; 7) Animal form and function analogies; 8) Inventors inspired by form and function; and 9) Combining SCAMPER with form and function to spur invention. Many charts are included to give teachers ideas for supporting student discussions. Teachers who field-tested the book with elementary and middle school students were uniformly positive about the lessons [25 tables, 20 figures, 7 card sets in the Appendix, 35 references.
Fall 2015, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Spring 2015, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Summer 2015, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Fall 2014, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Spring 2014, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Summer 2014, UNI Literacy Clinic Anthology
University of Northern Iowa
The anthology contains the writings of children participating in the UNI Reading Clinic tutored by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
Drycleaner Compliance Manual
Iowa Waste Reduction Center. and Iowa. Department of Natural Resources.
The Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) at the University of Northern Iowa has provided environmental services including business assistance, industry training, as well as research and development for nearly 25 years. Since inception, the center has conducted over 3,600 on-site reviews in all 99 Iowa counties and as a result has become a national leader in small business environmental assistance. The IWRC works with dry cleaning facilities providing environmental on-site assistance offering recommendations for air, hazardous waste, wastewater, and solid waste compliance issues. The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program (IAEAP) at the IWRC, supported by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is pleased to present the Dry Cleaner Compliance Manual. The purpose of this manual is to help Iowa dry cleaning facilities using perchloroethylene, petroleum solvents, or alternative solvents understand and comply with state and federal regulations. The manual is to be used in conjunction with the Environmental Recordkeeping Calendar for Dry Cleaning Facilities. Electronic copies of the Compliance Manual and the Recordkeeping Calendar can be found on the IAEAP website at The use of hazardous chemicals in the dry cleaning process, including perchloroethylene (commonly known as perc), petroleum solvents, and even alternative solvent-based cleaners can pose safety and environmental concerns if not managed appropriately. In an effort to minimize these concerns state and federal regulations are in place that may apply to your facility. These regulations have been developed to ensure your business operations will not unexpectedly harm the environment or individuals. This manual is organized into three sections; one for each of the most commonly used types of dry cleaning chemicals. Section 1 : Perchloroethylene-Based Dry Cleaning Systems Section 2: Petroleum Solvent-Based Dry Cleaning Systems Section 3: Alternative Solvent-Based Dry Cleaning Systems Each section will cover the applicable requirements to comply with regulations for air quality, hazardous waste, and wastewater for the specific type of cleaner being used.
CRISTAL (Chemistry Resources and Instructional Strategies for Teaching All Learners for MS & HS Chemistry)
Jody Stone
The CRISTAL program was developed for the purpose of (1) increasing the number of quality laboratory experiences carried out in high school chemistry classes (2) providing learning activities designed to stimulate the development of reasoning/problem-solving skills and (3) providing chemistry teachers with ideas and strategies for creating a more student-centered classroom. The intended audience is all students enrolled in high school chemistry, especially those students needing additional motivation for learning chemistry.
The CRISTAL materials include a teacher's resource manual containing over 100 activities. These laboratories are arranged in a learning cycle format involving exploratory and application activities. One or more learning cycles are included on each major concept typically covered in high school chemistry. The learning cycle activities include high interest activities involving everyday experiences and/or interesting problems which students are challenged to solve. The guide supports the teacher in developing a chemistry curriculum which is compatible with any chemistry text. The teacher identifies the concepts to be taught, then uses the guide to select appropriate learning cycle activities to use to help teach those concepts. The guide contains student activity sheets which may be reproduced, as well as teacher notes with suggested teaching strategies on how to implement each CRISTAL activity, sample data, and answers to student questions.
GEOMES (Geoscience Educational Opportunities for Motivating Every Student)
Jody Stone
The intent of the GEOMES materials is to provide earth science teachers with resources and strategies that will generate interest and enthusiasm among students and teachers for the study of earth science. So there you have it—Geoscience Educational Opportunities for Motivating Every Student (GEOMES). The study of earth science should provide individuals with understandings that prepare them to make more intelligent decisions on processing issues. It should provide students with insights that make the interpretation of events in their environment more meaningful.
The format of the teaching strategies employed in the GEOMES program is designed to attract the student's interest in a phenomena, have the student learn a basic relationship and then apply these relationships in new situations. This strategy is a model used to help develop reasoning skills in our students. Concrete learners need introductory experiences such that they experience mental encounters that challenge them to do their own reasoning to find patterns. Teacher lectures and discussions without appropriate student involvement often stimulate only memorization. The activities in this guide provide thought-provoking activities organized around the topics typically covered in high school earth science. However, the teacher should feel free to add other learning experiences or alter these to fit the interests and needs of the local students. However, we strongly recommend adhering to the learning cycle format of exploratory activities, concept development and application experiences.
Selections from the UNI Permanent Art Collection
Charles M. Adelman
The University of Northern Iowa (UNI), specifically the Department of Art and its Gallery of Art in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, has been the home of a substantial collection of pieces of art for many years. Better known as the Permanent Collection, the Gallery of Art is the repository of paintings, etchings, drawings, lithographs and other artistic modi. The Collection holds objects donated by alumni, benefactors and faculty from the famous masterpiece to the not so well known. Still, all the pieces in the Collection, from Rembrandt to Rauschenber and from Dali to Grosz, are precious in their own right and of interest to the art historians and connoisseurs of art.
This collection may not be well known to outsiders. For many years, Darrell Taylor, Director of the UNI Art Gallery, and I have discussed ways to showcase the holdings. The occasional show in the UNI Gallery of Art and the display in some other venues considerably limit the exposure that the permanent collection should receive. Yet, the permanent collection remains a hidden treasure for the most part.
With this catalog we are taking the first step towards documenting and providing access to the UNI Permanent Collection for internal and external audiences. We are indebted to Professor Charles M. Adelman, art historian in the UNI Department of Art, for initiating and realizing the project. Professor Adelman's guidance and supervision of a number of students produced a catalog of selected pieces. It also achieved several essential objectives, for example,
-- It gave students an opportunity to research write and organize information on the artists and their works, in other words, it became a learning instrument;
-- Even though its scope was limited, it archived for the first time a number of objects in our Permanent Collection in the form of a catalog;
Understanding the intrinsic value of the project, the College of Humanities and Fine Arts and the Department of Art supported the project from its inception. I congratulate Professor Adelman and the students who were instrumental in creating this collection for their achievement. It will make the UNI Permanent Collection even more permanent.
R. K. Bubser, Dean, College of Humanities and Fine Arts, 13 July 2009
PROBE (Problem-based Learning Activities for K-12 Science)
Jody Stone
This book, PROBE: Problem-Based Learning Activities for K-12 Science, is a K-12 curriculum supplement developed by the Jody Stone at the Malcom Price Laboratory School to teach problem-based science learning.
PROBE covers the following areas: Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Health Science, Inquiry, Life Science, Literacy, Math, Physical Science, and Physics. The materials were developed for different grades ranging from PreK to 12th grade.
Sustainable Printing Workbook, Iowa
Graphic Arts Training & Consulting Group and Iowa Waste Reduction Center
This manual contains information on the main environmental rules that apply to a printing business. Depending on your own situation, there may be other rules, not included in here that you need to consider; also, environmental rules are changing constantly. Therefore, this is intended solely as guidance, and does not replace the actual regulations that apply to a facility at any given time. This (document or tool) cannot be used to bind the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and is not a substitute for reading applicable statutes and regulations.
Tallgrass Prairie Center's Native Seed Production Manual
Gregory A. Houseal
The intent of this manual is to provide basic information for native seed production of nearly 50 species of the tallgrass prairie flora of the upper Mid-west. The information presented is compiled from published accounts coupled with native seed production experience at the Tallgrass Prairie Center at the University of Northern Iowa. Critical to this effort were publications from the USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Program, published research articles and technical notes, and Internet resources. Botanical nomenclature follows USDA PLANTS Database (
Golf Course Pollution Prevention Guide
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pollution prevention can be defined as: “The use of materials, processes, or practices that reduces or eliminates the creation of pollutants or wastes at the source.” Pollution prevention represents a shift away from the old school of thought, “pollution control,” in which waste was not dealt with until after it was generated. Through pollution prevention, we look at the processes that generate the waste to see if we can avoid creating a waste in the first place, or at least reduce the hazardous nature of the waste. When this is not possible, the next best solution to prevent wastes from having a negative impact on the environment is through careful management and recycling. This manual will help golf course maintenance staff identify areas where pollution prevention techniques can be applied in a practical manner. Each section presents a waste type common to golf courses accompanied by pollution prevention recommendations. Although the focus of this manual is on pollution prevention, regulatory information is given as necessary where it impacts pollution prevention practices and to illustrate how pollution prevention can help reduce regulatory requirements.
Cutting Fluid Management: Small Machining Operations
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
This manual has been organized into seven sections. Section 1 introduces the reader to fluid management and potential rewards of a fluid management program. Section 2 provides a brief review of cutting fluid systems, functions of cutting fluids and characteristics a fluid should have in order to perform safely and effectively. Section 3 presents information on cutting fluid selection and types of cutting fluids available. It covers the four types of metalworking fluids used today, their advantages and disadvantages, and factors to consider in selecting a fluid. Section 4 is the main focus of this manual. It discusses the four integral components of fluid management–administration, monitoring, maintenance, and recycling. It provides information on practices that can be readily adopted to prevent the onset of fluid degradation, maintain fluid quality, extend fluid service life and reduce waste. Section 5 presents information on waste management and disposal. It provides an overview of environmental regulations that pertain to spent cutting fluid and reviews possible disposal alternatives for waste cutting fluid. Section 6 looks at alternatives to cutting fluids. Advantages and disadvantages of dry machining and other existing technology is examined, and information is presented on a number of emerging technologies that can extend cutting fluid life or even eliminate traditional cutting fluids altogether. Section 7 provides detailed information on the subject of worker health and safety, and provides sources for additional information on this subject. Appendix A contains several case studies. These studies demonstrate how the many pieces of a cutting fluid management system can be fit together to provide an effective, economical and efficient operation.
BIOMES (Biology Instructional Opportunities for Motivating Every Student)
Jody Stone
The intent of the BIOMES materials is to provide biology teachers with resources and strategies that will generate interest and enthusiasm among students and teachers for the study of biology. So there you have it—Biology Instructional Opportunities for Motivating Every Student (BIOMES). The study of biology should provide individuals with understandings that prepare them to make more intelligent decisions on processing issues. It should provide students with insights that make the interpretation of events in their environment more meaningful.
The format of the teaching strategies employed in the BIOMES program is designed to attract the student's interest in a phenomena, have the student learn a basic relationship and then apply these relationships in new situations. This strategy is a model used to help develop reasoning skills in our students. Concrete learners need introductory experiences such that they experience mental encounters that challenge them to do their own reasoning to find patterns. Teacher lectures and discussions without appropriate student involvement often stimulate only memorization. The activities in this guide provide thought-provoking activities organized around the topics typically covered in high school biology. However, the teacher should feel free to add other learning experiences or alter these to fit the interests and needs of the local students. However, we strongly recommend adhering to the learning cycle format of exploratory activities, concept development and application experiences.
Technical Assistance Providers' Guide to Extending Your Reach Through Local Economic Development
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
The Guide to Extending Your Reach through Local Economic Developers was prepared as a step-by-step work plan for technical assistance providers to extend their targeted promotional efforts through local economic developers. Building on existing relationships that the economic developers have with area businesses, the Guide provides advice, support material, and insight into the process of partnering with a local, trusted entity to build a strong foundation in the community with regard to utilizing the provider’s technical assistance program to fill the environmental niche in the business community.
Material Weights and Conversions
Iowa Waste Reduction Center and Iowa Waste Exchange
The reference information below is designed as a guide for the listing of materials on the Iowa Waste Exchange database. All materials need to be listed in pounds. This information is intended for estimation purposes when the material’s weight is unavailable.
Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers
Daniel J. Power
For MIS specialists and nonspecialists alike, teacher and consultant Dan Power provides a readable, comprehensive, understandable guide to the concepts and applications of decision support systems. Not only does his book help enhance your DSS design and development capabilities, it also shows how DSS can buttress organization goals and the impact DSS have throughout organizations and at all levels of management. Power defines DSS broadly: interactive computer-based systems and subsystems that help people use computer communications, data, documents, knowledge, and models to solve problems and make decisions. He focuses his book on practical applications, but also includes important and relevant empirical research and underlying theory. His book thus provides enough concrete detail to help grasp the essentials of DSS, but it also gives advanced tips and suggestions to DSS specialists too. For people trained in fields outside the information sciences, Power's book is especially valuable. It gives them the knowledge they need to work with their MIS colleagues and to truly appreciate the management value of information technology overall.
Power makes clear that decision support systems differ and that managers must specify what they want, based on their needs and the purposes to which the systems will be put. They should know how to build DSS and understand the basics of networking, security, and web-based DSS. Thus, of special interest is the structure that Power uses to organize his book. In Chapter 1 he presents an expanded framework for categorizing DSS. Chapters 2-5 provide a general managerial and technical perspective on building DSS. In Chapters 7 through 11 he lays out the details and gives examples of the general types of DSS. The last chapter, Evaluating Decision Support System Projects, reviews and discusses the tools and issues associated with assessing proposals for DSS projects. The book also includes a glossary and DSS audit questions, giving it special, ongoing value to all readers. -- Provided by publisher
Enhancing the Livability of Iowa Communities: The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism
Christopher R. Edginton
Promoting greater community livability through recreation, natural resource development and tourism presents an exciting opportunity for all Iowans. Essential to community livability is the effective development of management of social, cultural, historic, environmental and economic resources. The creation of vibrant, dynamic and meaningful opportunities for community involvement is essential to insure greater livability, well being and a higher quality of life for Iowans. The Governor's Summit on "Promoting the Livability of Iowa's Communities: The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource and Tourism" was organized to provide an opportunity for legislative policy makers, professional managers and citizens to play a role in the shape and nature of the enhancement of the livability of Iowa's communities.
This document contains the proceedings of the Governor's Summit. Organized in chapter format, the contents include presentations by Governor Tom Vilsack, State of Iowa; Nancy Landess, Administrator, Iowa Division of Tourism; Dr. Christopher R. Edginton, Director, School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services, University of Northern Iowa; Dr. Dan Dustin, Professor, Florida International University; Gerald F. Schnepf, Past Director, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation; Brent Siegrist, Speaker of the House, State of Iowa. The Governor's Summit discussion sessions focused on validating the components of the livability mix in Iowa and identifying mechanisms to improve social policy. The small group discussions were facilitated under the direction of Ladene H. Bowen, Institute for Decision Making, University of Northern Iowa.
Adding a Filter to Your Parts Washer
Jeff England
Filtering parts washing solvent is a good way to increase the life of cleaning solvent, and improve the cleaning performance of a parts washer. There are several options when considering filtration. If a business is adding or replacing units, the reasonable thing to do is to simply purchase a parts washer with a filtering unit built in. However, if the cost of new units is a concern, or if the old units are in working order, it might be more desirable to add a filtration unit to the current system.
Handbook of Environmental Regulations for Agribusiness
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
This Handbook is intended to provide the information needed for agribusiness facilities to comply with state and federal environmental regulations. Staff at the Iowa Waste Reduction Center wrote the Handbook. Technical input and review was provided by Dan Eddinger, Nebraska Department of Enviromental Quality; Mark Lohafer and John Whipple, Iowa Department of Land and Agricultural Stewardship; staff at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) Region 7; staff at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR); and Chris Murray, Agribusiness Association of Iowa.
Auto Body Surface Coating: A Practical Guide to Reducing Air Emissions
University of Northern Iowa. Small Business Pollution Prevention Center.
Working Together : A Conference on Doctoral Studies in the College of Education at the University of Northern Iowa, April 11-12, 1997
Joane W. McKay
This document is one outcome of the Invitational Working Conference, April 11-12, 1997, on Doctoral Studies in the College of Education at the University of Northern Iowa. Sponsored by the College Committee on Doctoral Studies and the Institute for Educational Leadership at the University of Northern Iowa, the conference gave UNI faculty in the College of Education, practitioners in the local schools, and candidates in the doctoral program the opportunity to discuss five main issues:
■ Distinctive Qualities of the Ed.D. Program
■ The Student's Role in Shaping Doctoral Study
■ Doctoral Research/Scholarship
■ Doctoral Program Delivery: Organization and Staffing
■ Socialization in the Doctoral Program
Pollution Prevention Manual for Lithographic Printers
Sue Behrns, Kathleen Gordon, Lisa Hurban, and Cathy Zeman
Selected Papers of the Academy of Youth Leaders
Susan R. Edginton, Christopher Edginton, and Wendy L. Walser
The provision of high quality, high impact services is the quest of all youth service organizations. Selected Papers of the Academy for Youth Leaders presents a series of presentations from the U.S. Army Youth Services 25th anniversary celebration conference--A Silver Salute: A Journey into Excellence--held at the University of Northern Iowa.
There are a number of national trends impacting youth today that reinforce the need for strong, well-managed youth services in our communities. For example, it has been reported that over 40% of a youth's day is discretionary or leisure time and much of this time is spent without adult supervision. The way in which young people meet their basic needs and develop as individuals will be impacted by individuals, organizations and agencies that influence their lives. This document combines essential information from leaders in the fields of leisure and youth development. The articles presented in Selected Papers of the Academy for Youth Leaders focus on the key elements required for professional excellence in serving youth.
The University of Northern Iowa's Academy for Youth Leaders' curriculum was designed to emphasize three (3) major areas that promote and enhance professional excellence--knowledge of youth development principles, management and leadership skills, and an awareness of the philosophy and values that guide our profession. Emphasis was placed on current topics such as conflict resolution for youth, multicultural programming, youth development, innovative leisure program designs and Total Quality Program Planning (TQP).
The Dynamic Interaction of Higher Education, Teacher Education, and School Reform : A TECSCU Dialogue
David Else
In partnership with the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU), this unique IEL working conference format was utilized at the 1994 Fall TECSCU Conference in Denver, Colorado. Conference participants self-selected one of four issue areas for indepth dialogue: (a) Changing the Architecture of the University to Support Teacher Education; (b) Expanding Technology to Change the Face of Teacher Education: What are the Possibilities?; (c) Defining and Disseminating Alternative Delivery Systems for Teacher Education: The University Response; and (d) Defining the Role of Teacher Education In Changing Schools. Prior to the conference, participants were invited to write a position paper relative to the issue area selected. To ensure active participation and lively dialogue, two dialogue groups were provided for each issue area. The goals for each dialogue group were to: (a) identify, define, and prioritize critical issues within the broader issue area; (b) explore options for resolution of the critical issues; and (c) reach consensus on recommendations for advancing interaction of higher education, teacher education, and school reform.
Time allowed for consensus only within each dialogue group. Consensus reports reflect the collective wisdom of the participants in each group and may not necessarily reflect the views of TECSCU institutions, or TECSCU itself. This compilation of position papers and issue area dialogue groups' consensus reports represents the individual and collaborative intelligence of educational leaders in TECSCU institutions relative to the dynamic interaction of higher education, teacher education, and school reform. It is the intent of TECSCU that this unique knowledge base, informed by professional practice, will offer innovative ideas and new insights to serve as a foundation for decisionmaking.
Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan for Metal Manufacturers
Iowa Small Business Development Centers and Iowa Waste Reduction Center
The Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan for Metal Manufacturers was prepared as part of the Iowa Pollution Prevention Initiative (IPPI) pilot project. IPPI demonstrated the team approach to small business pollution prevention technical assistance through integration of existing Iowa Small Business Development Center and Iowa Waste Reduction Center services. This cooperative effort was designed to help small businesses learn about and implement pollution prevention through recognition of pollution prevention options, comparison of costs and benefits, and evaluation of financing options. The Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan (PPIP) for Metal Manufacturers provides: • An overview of pollution prevention options, • A review of the costs and benefits associated with these options, and • Steps for pollution prevention implementation and financing Use of the PPIP will help a small business select pollution prevention practices that have a high probability of being successful from quality/production, environmental and economic standpoints. While this particular PPIP addresses the metal manufacturing industry, other PPIP’s are available for printing and vehicle maintenance facilities.
Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan for Printing Industries
Iowa Small Business Development Centers and Iowa Waste Reduction Center
The Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan for Printers was prepared as part of the Iowa Pollution Prevention Initiative (IPPI) pilot project. IPPI demonstrated the team approach to small business pollution prevention technical assistance through integration of existing Iowa Small Business Development Center and Iowa Waste Reduction Center services. This cooperative effort was designed to help small businesses learn about and implement pollution prevention through recognition of pollution prevention options, comparison of costs and benefits, and evaluation of financing options. The Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan (PPIP) for Printers provides: • An overview of pollution prevention options, • A review of the costs and benefits associated with these options, and • Steps for pollution prevention implementation and financing Use of the PPIP will help a small business select pollution prevention practices that have a high probability of being successful from quality/production, environmental and economic standpoints. While this particular PPIP addresses the printing industry, other PPIP’s are available for metal manufacturing and vehicle maintenance facilities. Many pollution prevention options recommended for lithographic printing can be adapted to all types of printing shops and printing methods.
Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan for Vehicle Maintenance
Iowa Small Business Development Centers and Iowa Waste Reduction Center
The Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan for Vehicle Maintenance was prepared as part of the Iowa Pollution Prevention Initiative (IPPI) pilot project. IPPI demonstrated the team approach to small business pollution prevention technical assistance through integration of existing Iowa Small Business Development Center and Iowa Waste Reduction Center services. This cooperative effort was designed to help small businesses learn about and implement pollution prevention through recognition of pollution prevention options, comparison of costs and benefits, and evaluation of financing options. The Pollution Prevention Implementation Plan (PPIP) for Vehicle Maintenance provides: • An overview of pollution prevention options, • A review of the costs and benefits associated with these options, and • Steps for pollution prevention implementation and financing Use of the PPIP will help a small business select pollution prevention practices that have a high probability of being successful from quality/production, environmental and economic standpoints. While this particular PPIP addresses the vehicle maintenance facilities, other PPIP’s are available for printing and metal manufacturing industry.
Proceedings of the 1993 International Symposium on Language Teaching Methodology, Beijing-Hohhot
Fritz König, Stephen J. Gaies, Gao Yuan, Li Baokun, and Tang Dexin
On October 4-13 an international symposium on language teaching methodology was held in Beijing-Hohhot, People's Republic of China. The symposium was jointly sponsored by the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), USA, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), PRC, Inner Mongolia Engineering College (IMEC), PRC, and Richmond College (RC) of the United Kingdom. 38 non-Chinese from 8 countries of the world and over 40 Chinese scholars from all parts of the country made the symposium a truly international gathering of linguists and language teachers; the presentations and discussions were full of insight and variety. It was decided then to compile a volume of proceedings of the Symposium, and the work was entrusted to UNI and BUAA.
A Century of Leadership [Volume 2]: Iowa State Normal School 1876-1909, Iowa State Teachers College 1909-1961, State College of Iowa 1961-1967, University of Northern Iowa 1967-
William C. Lang and Daryl Pendergraft
Table of Contents:
Foreword --- vii
Preface --- viii
Acknowledgments --- xi
Chapter VIII: The Latham Presidency: Achieving Full Collegiate Status In Years of Economic Constriction --- 1
Chapter IX: The Price Administration, 1940-1950 --- 101
Chapter X: The Maucker Years--1950-1970, Part 1 --- 173
Chapter XI: The Maucker Years, 1950-1970, Part 2 --- 249
Chapter XII: The Maucker Years, 1950-1970, Part 3 --- 325
Chapter XIII: Completing a Century of Service --- 379
Appendix --- 487
Notes --- 489
Index --- 521 -
Vehicle Maintenance Pollution Prevention
University of Northern Iowa. Small Business Pollution Prevention Center.
Pollution prevention can be defined as: "The use of materials, processes, or practices that reduces or eliminates the creation of pollutants or wastes at the source.” (EPA) Pollution prevention represents a shift away from the old school of thought, “pollution control,” in which waste was not dealt with until after it was generated. Through pollution prevention, we look at the processes that generate the waste to see if we can avoid creating a waste in the first place, or at least reduce the hazardous nature of the waste. When this is not possible, the next best solution to prevent wastes from having a negative impact on the environment is through careful management and recycling. If you are a vehicle maintenance and repair shop owner or service manager, this manual is for you. It will help you identify areas in your facility where pollution prevention techniques can be applied in a practical manner. Each section presents a waste stream common to vehicle maintenance accompanied by pollution prevention recommendations. Appendices to this manual contain lists of equipment vendors and service providers, regulatory summaries, and other information necessary to implement recommendations. Although the focus of this manual is on pollution prevention, regulatory information is given as necessary where it impacts pollution prevention practices and to illustrate how pollution prevention can help reduce regulatory requirements. A shop with good pollution prevention practices will be well on its way to regulatory compliance.
A Century of Leadership [Volume 1]: Iowa State Normal School 1876-1909, Iowa State Teachers College 1909-1961, State College of Iowa 1961-1967, University of Northern Iowa 1967-
William C. Lang
Table of Contents:
Foreword --- vii
Preface --- viii
Acknowledgments --- xi
Chapter I: The Birth of a State "School For . . . Training of Teachers of Common Schools." --- 1
Chapter II: The Iowa State Normal School, 1876-1886; Infancy and Economic Malnutrition --- 27
Chapter III: The Iowa State Normal School, 1886-1902; Adolescence and Acceptance --- 90
Chapter IV: From Normal School to Teachers College (1903-1909) --- 218
Chapter V: Through Troubled Times (1909-1920) --- 268
Chapter VI: The College Completes a Half-Century of Service; President Seerley Retires (1920-1928) --- 369
Chapter VII: Campus Life During Times of Transition (1903-1928) --- 436
Appendixes --- 487
Notes --- 494
Index --- 547 -
Industrial Education in Scandinavia
Ronald Bro
The Problem An investigation of curricular programs in industrial education in the public school and teacher education institutions of the Scandinavian countries. The emphasis was on contemporary curricula, program purposes, characteristics, and facilities.
Purpose of the Study Early forms of industrial education in the Scandinavian countries were influential in the origin and development of industrial education in the United States. Available literature contained little information about current systems of industrial education in Scandinavia. The purpose of this study, therefore was to go to the Scandinavian countries to (1) investigate the industrial education programs on various educational levels, (2) ascertain the nature (purposes, characteristics, and methodologies) of contemporary programs and (3) to identify current trends.
Significance of the Study Departments of Industrial teacher education in the United States usually offer at least one course involving the history of industrial education. This researcher is responsible for teaching such a course. The European antecedents are essential components of the history. Professional literature in this field, however reveals little about their growth and development in the last century. Industrial technology and the standards of living in Northern European countries have risen to high levels in recent years. In view of these advances it would seem timely that an investigation of their industrial education systems be conducted. The findings of this study should be of value to industrial teacher educators and could have significant implications for future program development.
An Experiment in 33:10 General Drawing: An Attempt to Find Ways to Make More Efficient Use of the Instructor and to Improve the Course of Instruction
Lawrence S. Wright
In the spring and early summer of 1957, with the encouragement of Dr. H. O. Reed, Chairman, Department of Industrial Arts, and Dr. T. A. Lamke, Coordinator of Research, a proposal for experimentation with the general drawing course was developed and submitted to the committee on Research at Iowa State Teachers College. In the main, the proposals was approved.
Work began in August of 1957. During that time a "Plan for Conducting an Experiment in 33:10, General Drawing" was developed. -- Provided by the publisher
During the Fall and Spring Semesters 1957-58 the experiment was carried out.
This, then, is a report of that experiment.